
DashxAnn Dash reveals she likes Anon (NOT MINE)

Feb 7th, 2014
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  1. >"Good Morning Anon."
  2. >As you look down you see Rainbow Dash, her eyes and mane just poking over the table edge
  3. >You can't help but smile slightly
  4. >She's so fucking adorable!
  5. Morning Rainbow, is that coffee?
  6. >She nods, a cute grin appearing on her face
  7. >"You had coffee where you came from?"
  8. >You nod, picking up the coffee and take a quick sip.
  9. "Dashie... That's amazing!"
  10. >Rainbow's cheeks light up red at a mixture of the compliment and the pet name.
  11. >"Glad you like it Anon, but it's nothing special."
  12. Nothing special? This is the best coffee I've ever tasted!
  13. >You're not even kidding, the coffee is creamy and sweet, and it warms you through
  14. >In fact, it's warming you up... Everywhere.
  15. >"Well, I guess it is a bit special."
  16. >Your body is starting to feel very hot, and you tug slightly at your shirt
  17. Rainbow... What's in the coffee?
  18. >Rainbow smiles a little wider, "If I told you that Anon, it wouldn't be a secret."
  20. >Your breathing starts to become heavy, and you can feel blood filling your face
  21. >Rainbow Dash tilts her head slightly, her grin sinking into a warm smile
  22. >"You alright Anon? Looking a little red there big guy."
  23. >Heat is pulsing through your body, and you start writhe and squirm in your clothes
  24. "I'm... Really hot"
  25. >You could swear you heard Rainbow mutter, "Yes you are" but you're too warm to think about that
  26. "Can I take off my shirt?"
  27. >You don't know exactly why you asked that, because it's hot right?
  28. >Regardless, Dash's face lights up, bright red yet again as her grin fills her face
  29. >"YES!"
  30. >You raise your eyebrow as she responds in the way she does
  31. >"I mean... I guess so, if you need to"
  32. >That was weird, but you were getting very warm, and you probably did need to take off your shirt
  33. >You carefully pull the shirt off over your head, before you notice Rainbow staring at you, mouth slightly agape
  34. "Uh... Dashie?"
  35. >Rainbow shakes her head and chuckles slightly
  36. >"Huh? Oh, heh. Feel better?"
  37. >You feel cooler, but something still isn't right.
  39. >Your breathing becomes deep and shaky
  40. >Different part of your body twitch very slightly, and your eyes are now locked on Rainbow
  41. >Dash notices you staring at her and blushes, barely containing herself
  42. >"You sure you're doing ok Anon?"
  43. >She didn't sound all that concerned, but more expectant
  44. "I-"
  45. >You're now certain that Rainbow put something in your coffee... But you don't care
  46. >Your eyes almost zoom in on Dash, darting over her and taking in her gorgeous features
  47. >"Anon?" Rainbow speaks as she steps around the table to be by your side
  48. >She places one of her hooves on your leg, and almost instantly you're filled with a wave of heat and excitement
  49. >"Huh, that must have been some pretty powerful stuff. That, or you have some very powerful feelings!"
  50. >You could do little more than let out a questioning grunt, sweat beading on your forehead
  51. >"Anon, don't get mad but... I might have put something else in your coffee"
  53. >You raise your eyebrow as well as you can, and try to control your breathing
  54. What... Was it?
  55. >She takes her hoof from your leg and rubs the back of her neck with it
  56. >"Well, you see..."
  57. >Dash looks like she's trying to work out what to say
  58. >"I guess there's no point in hiding it now... Anon, since you came to Equestria I've..."
  59. >You start to become irritable, mostly due to being drugged
  60. "You've what?"
  61. >You snap, perhaps more than you would've liked to
  62. >"I've... Liked you."
  63. >Your face turns red again and you tilt it in confusion
  64. "You have...?"
  65. >Dash nods her head and looks at the floor, "I'm sorry"
  66. >You consider a response, but soon Dash pipes up again
  67. >"But now it doesn't really matter, because this changes everything!"
  68. >She seems to smile but you can help but keep feeling confused
  69. >What could she possibly mean by that?
  70. >You attempt to ask, but only get about half way through the sentence before your body forces you to slur
  71. >She grins and rubs her hoof across your leg, making you let out a small gasp
  72. >"Well Anon, I knew I liked you pretty soon after you arrived, but I didn't know if you'd like me..."
  73. >Your eyes look onto her as she speaks, and suddenly you think you understand
  74. >"I thought about asking you but... I was nervous..."
  75. "Dash... Are you saying...?"
  76. >"Yes Anon, the potion I gave you... Reveals someone's feelings for you"
  78. "I... don't understand... are you saying you drugged me to find out if I liked you back?"
  79. >Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck again, her eyes looking up and too the side in thought
  80. >"When you put it that way it makes me sound really bad, but I guess so."
  81. >You continue to do your best to steady your breathing
  82. "So then, what is it you think you've learned?"
  83. >Dash smiles and looks up into your eyes
  84. >"I've learned that if I so much as touch you when you're like this, you get exited."
  85. >She runs her hoof once more up your leg, and then down, enjoying the fresh gasp you make
  86. "This... is hardly fair Dash"
  87. >Rainbow frowns slightly and sighs
  88. >"I know, but what else could I have done to find out how you feel?"
  89. >You quirk a brow and she immediately rolls her eyes
  90. >"Other than confessing, which I totally would have done... eventually."
  91. >You wipe your head with your forearm, and reach for a glass which you then fill with water, and begin to drink from
  92. >The liquid is cool and soothing as it trickles down your throat, but it doesn't seem to stop the potion
  93. >"I know it's pretty evident," Dash pipes up once more, "But I suppose I had best ask you properly."
  94. >You tense up and breath heavy, her hoof still caressing your leg.
  95. >"Anon, do you like me too?"
  96. >Your mind is a mess of thoughts and feelings, but you simply can't articulate them properly
  97. >Without warning, your body seems to move by itself
  98. >Dash's eyes widen in shock as you lean forward and kiss her gently on the lips.
  99. >She stares, before her eyes sink closed and she returns it.
  100. >You break the kiss that seemed to last forever, and in a quiet whisper, you say...
  101. "Yes..."
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