
DAiE Ch. 7 P. 3 - The Big Day Part 3

Jul 2nd, 2012
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  1. >You are Discord.
  2. >And this is all, all too funny!
  3. >First, you got rid of Celestia.
  4. >And now, you've got her sister pinned!
  5. >"Un-*Choke*-hand us, you murderer!"
  6. "And why should I do that?"
  7. >You chuckle at the very thought, turning to admire your talons as your pawed hand choked the life from the lunar princess.
  8. >"S-so.. *Gasp* we may fight thee in- *Choke* honorable combat!"
  9. "Honorable? Oh Luna, you really don't remember much about me, do you? Being 'honorable' is just another name for being a sucker."
  10. >"I'm inclined to agree."
  11. "Hmm?"
  12. >You look over your shoulder, to see Anonymous and his little pink friend walking towards you.
  13. >"So, Discord - new proposition. You let the Princess go, because if you don't, we're about to engage you in very DIShonorable combat."
  14. >You stifle a giggle. Then you remember who you are and burst out laughing.
  15. "Y-y-haha! You want to fight me? Oh, Doctor, we've already established that I'm faster, stronger and all around better looking than you."
  16. >He starts removing his tie, and then his vest. "Be that as it may, Discord, I've got one thing that I know I can do better than you."
  17. >That's not so funny.
  18. "And what is that?"
  19. >He points up to the sky, and you see two trails of smoke hurtling overhead.
  20. >Wait... are they, coming down?
  22. >Your question is answered by a massive impact, dust and rubble going everywhere.
  23. >The dust cloud, as these things do, immediately blinds you.
  24. >When you clear the dust and rocks from your eyes, you see the Doctor and Pinkie each climbing into...
  25. >...what in Tartarus are...
  26. >...are those robots?
  27. >"It's science, dear Discord."
  28. >Anonymous gives you a disgustingly smug grin as the cockpit closes on him.
  30. >Pinkie yells out, ducking behind the cockpit of her own mech, fittingly pony shaped.
  31. >Fine.
  32. >You let go of Princess Luna, snapping your fingers as a multicolored ribbon wraps her limbs together.
  33. >"Wh-what?! This is not what we-"
  34. "Be quiet, Luna."
  35. >You pull your umbrella from the ether.
  36. "Things are getting interesting."
  38. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  39. >And right now, words are meaningless.
  40. >Right now, you've got to fight.
  41. >Fight to save your new home from a murderer, a liar.
  42. >And to protect your new special somep0ny.
  43. >If she ever forgives you, that is.
  44. >Discord snaps his fingers, binding Luna with his chaos magic.
  45. >You barely have time to internalize the danger that poses.
  46. >Barely.
  47. >But you're already in his face. The hum of your mech's engine and the hisses and whirrs of actuators and pumps around you put you into a sort of trance.
  48. >He's surprised by your speed, your suit's massive metal fist connecting with his face, giving a satisfying 'thunk' as he's throttled back.
  49. >His wiry, snake-like body rolls with the punch, however, and he slithers deftly back to his feet.
  50. >This time, Pinkamina charges at him from his flank, tackling him with the brunt of her momentum before sliding into a low kick with her back hoof, swiping Discord off his feet.
  51. >Unfortunately, he doesn't need his feet. He twists around, barely recovering from the blows before he opens his umbrella, producing a sudden gust of wind that blows you both away from him.
  52. >You slide back, grabbing onto the ground to stabilize yourself. Pinkamina isn't so lucky, her suit goes tumbling away.
  53. >Despite that, you can see the fear in Discord's eyes. The ball is in your court.
  55. >There's a moment of piercing silence before your suit's jets activate, propelling you forward at your opponent with alarming speed.
  56. >His fear turns to wide-eyed surprise, dropping the umbrella and pulling out... a bomb?!
  57. >With a flick of his finger, he lights the fuse, grinning as he throws the thing. Directly at Pinkamina's still downed suit.
  58. >Shit. Shit. Shit.
  59. >You reverse your thrust as hard as you can, turning back towards the equine mecha at full speed.
  60. >You can hear the suit's structure straining under the pressure, but you have to get there in time.
  61. >You're so close!
  62. >But the fuse runs out.
  63. >You close your eyes, bracing yourself for an explosion.
  64. >One that never comes.
  65. >Instead, as you open your eyes again, you see Pinkamina peering out at the thing from her cockpit window.
  66. >A small flag, with "Boom." written on it, pops out of the top of the 'bomb'.
  67. >Seriously?
  68. >You see Pinkamina stifling giggle. Which distracts you long enough for Discord to plow into your suit, sending you tumbling with him.
  69. >Before you can register what's happening, he's on top of you, a mad, hateful, almost Chesire in width smile splitting his face.
  70. >Laughing, he produces a small black hole and slaps it onto the metal surface of your armor, like it was a sticker.
  71. >Then he... reaches in through it?!
  72. >Your HUD flashes alerts, beeps and error messages as he rummages around in the workings.
  73. >Fuck! You react out of desperation, swinging your metal fist towards him.
  74. >It doesn't connect.
  76. >Error 606 - Invalid Operation.
  77. >Error 606 - Invalid Operation.
  78. >Pinkamina comes to your rescue, an armored hoof slamming into his ribs, sending him tumbling off your suit.
  79. >You nod your thanks to her, attempting to push yourself off the ground.
  80. >All you manage to do is flail your arms around above you.
  81. >You try to roll. Instead, you just sort of wriggle.
  82. >Damn! He reversed the controls!
  83. >No problem, you got this, you've played enough video games while waiting for a code to compile or a clone to gestate.
  84. >You shakily get yourself off the ground. Your movements are clumsy, but at least you know what the fuck is going on.
  85. >Get your bearings. Where's Pinkamina, where's Discord?
  86. >Turning, you see the two fighting, trading blows with each other.
  87. >You silently wish circumstances were better so you could appreciate just how awesome Pinkamina fighting in a robot suit is.
  88. >Snap out of it! Get your head in the game.
  89. >Right.
  90. >Your jets roar back into action, rocketing your suit towards Discord.
  91. >But as you pass where he should be, nothing happens.
  92. >You look around, trying to find your opponent.
  93. >He's gone!
  94. >Error 606 - Invalid Operation.
  95. >What?!
  96. >You look down at Discord, who's curled himself around your suit somehow.
  97. >"Well there's your problem." He says in an awful accent.
  98. >Your controls lock up completely, and Discord laughs, crawling up to look into the cockpit as your suit flies away from the battle.
  99. >You surprise him by punching straight through the view-port.
  101. >"AGH!" He clutches his snout, glaring at you from behind his mismatched hands.
  102. >"Listen, Doc', I'm sorta busy getting rid of that annoying pink pony back there. Could you hold this for me?"
  103. >He pulls out another "bomb", and shoves it into the cockpit, you reflexively catch the thing as he laughs, flying off towards Pinkamina.
  104. >You roll your eyes, dropping the bomb as you get out of your seat. Does he really think you'll fall for that twice?
  105. >You don't even have time to get your head out of the new hole in the reinforced glass before-
  107. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  108. >And right now, words are meaningless.
  109. >Even if they mattered, you wouldn't have any.
  110. >You feel something terrible catch in your throat.
  111. >As you watch Anon's suit explode in a horrible, screaming fireball.
  113. >Good riddance, he was using yo-
  114. >"Shut."
  115. >"Up."
  116. >You try to be a sweet pony.
  117. >You really do.
  118. >You just want everyp0ny to smile, and be happy.
  119. >So when you're upset, you lock it up.
  120. >You can't make people smile when you're upset.
  121. >But every so often.
  122. >Something happens that you can't lock up.
  123. >And when your lock breaks?
  124. >Ev
  125. >er
  126. >y
  127. >thing
  128. >comes
  129. >spil
  130. >ling
  131. >out.
  132. >You become somep0ny else, sort of.
  133. >The sound caught in your throat turns from a horrified squeak, into an anguished sob, into a roar of pure rage.
  134. >You burst out of the cockpit of your suit, tumbling into a roll as you hit the ground.
  135. >Back on your hooves, Pinkie.
  136. >You look up at him.
  137. >The one who murdered the man you loved.
  138. >Anonymous was never your-
  139. >You shake the thought from your head.
  140. >Even if it was true, it doesn't matter now.
  141. >All that matters is revenge.
  142. >Discord just smiles at you, waiting on you to make the first move.
  143. >What he doesn't suspect is when you tap on his shoulder.
  144. >He turns around, and you drive the knife into his exposed gut.
  146. >He stumbles back, gasping as his hands wrap around the chef's knife, pierced through his scales and into his stomach.
  147. >Damn, you were sloppy. That wouldn't kill him at all.
  148. >Maybe this one would.
  149. >You jump at him with another knife. You don't know where it comes from, and frankly you don't care.
  150. >All you care about is ending this horrible hodge-podge of a-
  151. >You feel a sharp pain in your abdomen.
  152. >Looking down, you see the tip of Discord's umbrella poking into your own stomach, the momentum of your jump only plunging it further in as he sidesteps your attack.
  153. >You fall to the ground, your body rolling painfully in the dirt, the umbrella slipping out of its place in your body as you tumble.
  154. >You try to lift a hoof.
  155. >It doesn't work.
  156. >No, you think you'll just pass out instead.
  158. >Warning - Critical damage has been sustained.
  159. >All systems in danger of failing.
  160. >Shutting down higher processes.
  161. >All power diverted to emergency repair cycle.
  162. No.
  163. Override emergency repair cycle.
  164. >Warning - All systems in danger of failing. Are you sure you want to override?
  165. Yes.
  167. >You are Discord.
  168. >And right now, this is all too, TOO funny!
  169. >Well, the crippling pain in your gut is less than funny.
  170. >But it will be alright.
  171. >Because you won!
  172. >Elements of Harmony are gone.
  173. >Moonbutt is tied up.
  174. >Pinkie's dying.
  175. >Anonymous is dead.
  176. >Celestia is dead, dead dead!
  177. >And you?
  178. >You're alive!
  179. >You start to laugh, but that hurts!
  180. >So instead, you opt to start shuffling away.
  181. >Every movement is excruciatingly painful.
  182. >Especially breathing, which you happen to be doing a lot of.
  183. >But it's okay. They're all dead!
  184. >You win!
  186. >Oh hell.
  188. >You look over, and see Anonymous, limping out of the still burning chemical fire that was his robot toy thing.
  189. >Or at least, what's left of him.
  190. >You hold back the bile in your throat as you see the charred flesh.
  191. >Metal, bone, sinew and muscle are all visible through the awful bones.
  192. >And somehow, he still moves, even as his skin sloughs off in the unimaginable heat.
  193. >Which would all be really cool, and sort of funny.
  194. >If there wasn't an immobilizingly painful hole in your stomach.
  195. >And he wasn't carrying a very familiar looking device, this time wrought from bits of his destroyed mech, instead of tableware.
  196. >You raise a weak hand.
  197. >Maybe you can still poof away?
  198. >It doesn't come to you.
  199. >This really isn't funny.
  200. >This isn't funny at all.
  201. >The beam of light that he fires overtakes you in an instant.
  202. >It's not so bad, really.
  203. >In fact, you're not even there long enough to feel the pain.
  205. >Warning - Power levels dangerously low.
  206. >If you knew what Discord had been thinking in his last moments, you two would have disagreed quite a bit.
  207. >That was VERY funny.
  208. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  209. >Warning - Power levels dangerously low.
  210. >And right now, you think that was good enough.
  211. >Warning - Respiratory systems failing.
  212. >You stumble forward again, dropping the ad-hoc deathray.
  213. >Warning - Circulatory systems failing.
  214. >As you walk, you wish for a lot of things.
  215. >Warning - Emergency Repair Cycle failing.
  216. >You wish you could have saved Celestia.
  217. >Warning - Emergency Repair Cycle failing.
  218. >You wish you could have told Pinkamina you were sorry.
  219. >Warning - All systems failing.
  220. >You wish you could have told her you loved her.
  221. >Warning - All systems failing.
  222. >You wish a lot of things. You think you hear Rarity and Luna screaming about something in the distance.
  223. >Warning - All systems failing.
  224. >But Pinkamina.
  225. >Warning - All systems failing.
  226. >She was safe now. She was hurt, but they could help her.
  227. >Warning - All systems failing.
  228. >Yeah.
  229. >Warning - All systems failing.
  230. >That was good enough.
  231. >Warning - All systems failing.
  232. >Warning - All systems failing.
  233. >Warning - All systems failing.
  234. >Warning - All-
  235. ...
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