

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. [url=""][b]Money Inc(Kazuya Okada and Terry Funk)[/b][/url] vs [url=""][b]The Hart Foundation (Owen Hart and Mick Foley)[/b][/url] began with Owen and Okada locking up. Okada had the early advantage, and pushed Owen to the ropes. He held him there for as long as the ref allowed, and as soon as the ref got to 5, he released, gave Owen a friendly pat on the chest, and stepped right back. Owen patted Okada right back, and locked back up, pushing Okada to the ropes and using the rebound momentum to hit a northern lights! Owen tried to float over into the armbreaker, but Okada lifted him up and hit the Heavy Rain! Okada dragged Owen into the corner, and began a double team with Funk. Okada and Funk kept Owen in the corner until he was able to dodge a flying back elbow from Funk and make the hot tag to Foley. Foley ran in like a house of fire, rollicking Funk with a series of elbow smashes, followed up with the roaring elbow, and set up for the Double Arm DDT, but Funk reversed and hit Foley with a Piledriver!
  3. 1...2, Foley kicked out, and Funk tagged Okada in. Okada set upon Foley immediately, laying in a series of stomps. After Okada hit the ropes for a knee drop, Foley was able to roll out of the way and get to his feet. Foley and Okada started exchanging strikes, with Okada lighting up Foley's chest with chops and Foley rocking Okada with elbow shots. Foley went for the roaring elbow again, but Okada ducked it and hit a backdrop suplex, before dragging Foley up from the mat and whipping him to the ropes for the Graceful Dropkick. Foley was able to catch himself at the ropes, however, and crashed to the mat. Foley capitalized, building up a head of steam and running through his usual routine until he got Okada hooked in for the Double Arm DDT. However, Okada blocked it, and reversed into this sort of reverse neckbreaker, sort of like Finlay's finish but he does it onto his knee. Anyway, Okada tried to follow this up with the Rainmaker, but as he reeled Foley back in, the champ used the momentum to hit Okada with a spectactular headbutt! Owen was just screaming to be tagged in at this point, and Foley acquiesced. Owen ran in like a house of fire, bowling Okada over with a spinning wheel kick, driving him to the mat with a series of rolling gutwrenches, and following up with a very graceful diving elbow. But Okada got his knees up on the elbow, and went to the turnbuckle for an elbow of his own!
  6. 1...2, Owen kicked out! During this elbow exchange, Funk made his way around to Foley's corner, pulled him off the apron, and began to brawl with him on the outside by the ramp. Funk and Foley whacked each other into the barricade as Austin, who replaced Ted DiBiase on commentary for the match, cackled with glee.
  8. "THAT LITTLE SUMBITCH IS GONNA TIRE HIMSELF OUT BEFORE I EVEN GET IN THE RING! JESUS CHRIST, HE'S TOO GODDAMN PROUD FOR HIS OWN GOOD!" Around the commentary desk, Goldust was staggering around, still unable to see around the bandana, and grasping for a mic.
  10. Okada whipped Owen to the ropes for the Graceful Dropkick, but Owen plancha-ed right over the ropes onto Foley and Funk! Okada landed on his feet, looked at Owen, Funk, and Foley, and hit a stunning springboard senton atomico over the ropes to the outside! Okada rolled through the senton, posed for the crowd, and dragged Owen back into the ring as Foley and Funk recovered on the outside. Okada got Owen in the hammerlock for the Rainmaker, but on the rebound, Owen ducked the lariat and hooked Okada into a straightjacket German suplex!
  12. 1...2...2.9, Okada kicked out and just barely got the tag to Funk, who came in like... like a bloody mess, delivering a delirious series of jabs to Owen. As soon as Funk wound up for a big jab, Goldust grabbed one of the announcers' mics.
  14. "HEY, JR, WHAT'S HAPPENING, I CAN'T-I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!" This startled the shit out of Funk, and Owen was able to set him up for the K-Driller. But before he dropped him down, Foley signaled to him, and Owen waited as the champ tagged in, scaled the turnbuckles, and assisted with a huge spike K-Driller! Foley made the cover on the completely incapacitated Funk.
  16. 1...2...3! Foley and Owen win!
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