
Sonic Speed R - Event recap

Jun 27th, 2016
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  1. I come to the end of this largely thinking "well, thank goodness that's over". It was a massive time commitment on my part, and by the end of it things that were going on were (and still are) affecting me way too much.
  3. I don't really have a lot to say because as I said on the final stream, I feel like I've been talking non-stop about this for four weeks. So I just want to thank the following people in writing:
  4. * AlecK47, ChonKaL, Davideku and mieDax for their efforts in making sure every single race was restreamed (and this was definitely not on the cards at the start, so they provided a great service to the event)
  5. * Hyper, FF and Argick for somehow finding the time to play every single game and hopefully finding something new they enjoyed
  6. * mieDax again! for the awesome artwork and the effort put into production value, because I would never bother to put that kind of effort in myself
  7. * Tenebrae for being far too good at Sonic 1, lol. Congrats on winning the anniversary race!
  9. I must also, however, express my disappointment at some incidents of unsavoury behaviour I was made aware of (including one I was actually there for). For fuck's sake guys, this is a community building event, and you're not helping. And winning certainly does not justify your behaviour.
  11. I'm sorry to end on that, but it feels like everything I've done from a community building perspective (going back nearly ten years now) in the Sonic community has brought nothing but ill feeling :/ and not only has that happened here, but hardly any genuinely new Sonic runners emerged out of the event, which was the general aim. I'd been thinking about running a kind of league in this format once a week (with a revised scoring system) but I feel like I'm wasting my time... which is also why I haven't done the actual scoring system revisions yet. If anyone wants to play around with the data shoot me a message on Discord and I'll give you edit access to the spreadsheet.
  13. Probably time for me to stop trying to organise events.
  14. ~mike89
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