
Kelsey Foot n Ass

Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Kelsey made her way in from the locker room, walking into the cheer gym so she could get warmed up and stretched out. // Cadence was in the locker room getting changed for practice, in front of her locker, pulling her hair up on her head.
  2. Tsaaq: "I'll see you out there Kels." Hayley called out before bending over and sliding on her shorts, in the final throws of her before cheer practice routine of showering and changing into clothes and such. Once her shorts were snug around her hips she went to tie her sneakers on tightly and glanced at herself in the mirror for a moment."See you out there Cay." She said with a wave as she passed her locker.
  3. Covet: Kelsey had heard Hayley before she'd walked out and made her way into the gym. She walked over to the mats and sat down, putting her legs into a V as she leaned forward than to either side. // Cadence poked her head around her locker door as Hayley walked by, "I'll be there soon!" She said as she finished with her hair and pulled her shirt and pants off to change into her sports bra and shorts quickly.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Steph made her way out of the administrative offices after checking on what jobs were available around campus, having already changed for cheer before she'd left the studio with the band. Jogging down the hallway, she turned into the gym, seeing the girls already on the mats getting stretched out. "Heyy." She dropped her bag down on the floor, taking her phone over to the mats with her and setting it down before taking a seat so she could stretch her legs. "No Coach yet?"-
  5. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head and jogged out into the cheer gym. She did a front handspring and landed on her ass, laughing as she got prepared to stretch. "Soooooo." She dragged out. "What's the juicy gossip? Have I told you about Dori yet?" Hayley asked. She smiled and looked over to Steph. "Nope." She answered.
  6. Covet: Kelsey laughed with her, not as concerned that she'd hurt herself when she started laughing, "Oh, there's gossip? What's the news with her?" Kelsey asked as she sat up to twist her back around. "Hey Steph, not yet. But I'm sure she'll be here too. I don't know about the guys either. // Cadence finished what she was doing and made her way into the gym seeing Hayley, Steph and Kelsey already there. Glancing at the clock she threw her arms up, "Woo, made it on time this week. No Dori? Are we really going to get that lucky tonight?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She cracked up, leaning forward and walking her hands out across the mat, stretching her back. "I don't know if I really want to know anything about Dori. The fact that she openly decided to date Thaddeus even after being told the shit he's done?" She asked, shaking her head. "Not the kind of person I want to associate with. I'm just thankful she wasn't in MY stunting group." She spoke before shooting a look over to Cadence.-
  8. Tsaaq: "That's how I felt." She agreed with Steph. "Right? She falls more than humpty dumpty." She shook her head. "Well she basically thinks therapy would get her grandma deported or something. And she broke up with Thad or whatever and she's trying to be my friend or something." She rolled her eyes. "She didn't know the school had a therapist for free." Hayley leaned forward and stretched her arms. "Where are they anyways?"
  9. Covet: Kelsey gave a soft frown, "And I thought I was terrible at cheerleading." She stated as she listened to the gossip, " Well it's good she's not with Thad anymore, and looking for friends, I suppose. How can you not know that? That's one of the first things I was told when I enrolled. How can her grandmother be deported, when the therapy is for her?" // Cadence listened to them and rolled her eyes. " I don't even want to talk about that bullshit. But Coach grounded her, so I kind of don't have to worry about her anymore. // Coach Nevaro made her way into the gym, with Jose, and Mark and the other guys. "Sorry for being late, I was talking with the guys over in the weight gym and we lost track of time. I see were one girl down? Anyone seen or heard from Dori?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Steph pushed up to her feet and grabbed her phone from the mat, walking it over to her bag when Coach came in. "Amen to that." She smirked, reaching her hands up to tighten her ponytail on her head. "Haven't seen her. What's on the agenda for the day?" // David walked in with the other guys behind Coach, his hands slipped into the pockets of his gym shorts casually as he waited for further instructions.-
  11. Tsaaq: Her eyes widened a bit. "Exactly..." She trailed off. Hayley stood to her feet and waved to Coach Nevaro. "I haven't seen her either." She answered timidly, hushing on the gossiping for not BUT LATER, WHOA LATER. // Steve strut into the gym like he was hot shit with his buff ass, waving at the girls. "Evening team mates." He said.
  12. Covet: "Alright, you ladies stretched out and warmed up? I figured we'd leave off where we started last week. Unless you four have any special requests?" She asked the girls, because fuck the guys and what they want. // Kelsey gave a wave to the guys, then looked at Coach, " I don't have her number either so I can't see if we can get a hold of her. I'm happy to do whatever tonight." She said with a smile.// Cadence nodded her head, "Maybe we can actually get something done tonight without having to worry about her fucking shit up." She mumbled then looked at the rest of the team, "We want to do one on ones or do something more team related?" // Jose sighed at Steven's strutr then gave David a wave, as he too waited for instructions along with stoic, serious Mark.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "That sounds good to me. And if no one minds, I'd like to work a little bit more on one mans since we don't really have much experience with them. A lot of our competition has them down, so I think it would be in our best interest to perfect them as much as possible. And they have a higher DOD." She rambled before starting to walk towards Jose since they worked well together last practice. // Hearing the mention of stunting, David nodded his head, starting over toward Cadence in hopes that they could actually get something done today. "One mans sounds good." He spoke, thinking of the irony in the statement because GAYYYYYYY.-
  14. Tsaaq: ((Lmaaaooooo))
  15. Tsaaq: "Yes coach!" She answered. She looked to the other girls then shrugged. "One mans is cool with me." She answered. "I do want to make sure I'm really good at it." Her head nodded, she agreed with all these BITCHES. // Steven nodded, almost moving towards Kelsey. "Of course coach. Sounds like a plan to me." He said, swinging his arms around like a show off.
  16. Covet: Coach Nevaro looked at everyone, "Works for me. Get yourselfs paired up and get on it." She told them as she went to sit down at the desk and send Dori an email about her reasoning for not being here. // Kelsey looked at Steven and got up off the mats to make her way over to him, "So we trying for the full extension this week?" She asked him. // Cadence nodded her head, "Yeah, sweet. We won't have to worry about someone falling at least." She said walking over to him. // Jose looked at Steph, giving a grin, "Nothing that's going to get us yelled at this week though." // Mark looked at Hayley, " How are you? Been working on that extension?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smirked, planting her hands on her hips. "Yeah yeah yeah, don't worry, I won't get you in trouble. I was thinking maybe a full lib and work towards a lib tick?" She asked, raising her brows. (Its an extended liberty where the flyer changes dominate feet without breaking the stunt) // David laughed at Cadence, running his hand over his hair. "What did you have in mind today since we don't have any dead weight bringing us down? Literally."-
  18. Tsaaq: She made her way over to Mark and nodded. "Yeah I've been practing but I dont think I have the perfect needle quite yet." She answeed. "What about... The thing you do. The lifting, you been working on the lifting?" She asked in an attempt to make small talk. // Steven crossed his arms over his chest. "Whatever you're comfortable with. I don't want you to fall or hurt yourself or anything. If you think you're ready I'll help you. No doubt."
  19. Covet: Kelsey nodded her head, "The half extension wasn't too bad, We could definitely work on the full. I'm going to have to do it eventually." She told him // Cadence thought for a moment, then decided, "Let's do a shoulder stand to a heel stretch. Then we can go from there." // Jose nodded his head, "Yeah we can do that."// Mark chuckled then flexed his arms, " Just finished actually, But it's not like I've got a lot to lift. You're easily tossed up without having to put too much effort in. I mean that in the best way too. Easier to help keep you balanced. Do you want to try your scorpion?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Perfect. Okay, let's do this." She clapped her hands together before shaking out her arms and legs, moving to step in front of him, facing forward and putting her hands on his wrists. She took a deep breath before calling out her counts. "One, two!" // David shifted behind Cadence, thinking it over. "Shoulder stand, push up to extension heel stretch? I'm good with that." He put his hands firmly on her hips. "Call out your counts when you're ready."-
  21. Tsaaq: She curtsied as she snickered. "Well thank you." She said before nodding. Hayley went to stand in front of him then turned her back to him. "Yep." She replied. "Ready?" She asked. // Steven nodded his head. He went to step behind her. "Okay then, we'll try it then. If you're not comfortable we'll keep on with the half exstention." He said. "Did you want to maybe start out with half then I help you up into a full somehow?" He offered.
  22. Covet: Jose, put his hands on her waist and waited for her call as he helped push her up and put his hand up to catch her foot. Doing his best to keep her steady as he looked up at her, waiting for the next counts. "How's that feel? Need me to change up anything from down here?" // "We going up this way? Alright, I wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with this mount, or going from behind." She told him as she placed her hands on his wrists readying herself to push off, and called out her counts, "One, Two!" She said to him.// Mark nodded his head at Hayley, putting his hands respectfully on her waist, "Ready when you are." // Kelsey looked at Steven, "Do you think we can do that? I wouldn't want to hurt your arm at all. But if you're game so am I" She said then turned around to face away from him, so he could put his hands on her waist.
  23. Alexithymiaa: (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
  24. Covet: [Bad inuendo Cadence]
  25. Alexithymiaa: -She tucked one leg up under her, bringing her arms up into a high V as she kept her body tight, staring straight ahead of her at the wall. "This feels good. Ready? One, two!" She called out, waiting for his pop as she quickly switched feet, pulling her opposite leg up into a lib. // "Hey, I'm always good going from behind." He shot back at her, waiting for her counts before bending his knees and pushing off the ground, tossing her up into the air to catch her feet, keeping her steady at his shoulders. "You good? Ready for the full?"-
  26. Tsaaq: "One, two, three." Hayley bent her knees and kept her arms and legs stiff as Mark lifted her off the ground, she waited a few moments before she lifted her arms into a high V. "So far so good!" She shouted with a grin. // Steven put his hands on her waist. "I don't think you've hurt my arm. I think I'm pretty strong. I can probably bench two of you. Don't worry about my arm." He said slyly.
  27. Covet: Watching Steph above him and hearing her call out, he helped pop her just enough so that she could switch feet and pull up her leg. He held her up with one hand and used his other as a counter balance beneath her. "Looks good, Ready to count down?" // Cadence rolled her eyes and laughed, "TMI Davey..." She said once she was up in the air, her hands at her hips. She counted out for the full and lifted her leg up against herself as she extended her arm up along with it, before extending her other arm out tot he other side. // Mark looked up at her, checking her position, "Looks clean, Ready when you are Hayley. Worry about your stretch, and I'll make sure you don't go anywhere." He told her // Kelsey laughed, "Okay, Ready? One, Two!" She said bending her knees and pushed up off his wrists, expecting herself to land butt first on Steven's hand into the half for the first part. She put her arms up in a high V and waited to make sure he was steady before she counted into the full extension transition.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Steph held her position tightly, calling out. "Simple down. Ready? One two!" She called out, waiting for his pop and pulling her legs together to drop like a needle, catching his wrists on her way down to land on her feet. "That was awesome. But I think we should up the stakes a little here because I will either be the best or die trying. And I promise my goal is to not kick you in the face. Hold on." She raced over to her bag by the wall, grabbing her phone and jogging over to Coach to pass it off to her. "Can you take a video? Thanks." She bolted back over to Jose, a wicked grin on her face. "So... rewind into an extension?" She asked, bouncing on her toes, way too excited to flip into this stunt. // David kept his eyes on Cadence above him, listening for he count and pushing it up into an extension, quickly switching his hand over to hold her dominant foot up. "Lookin' good up there! How are you feeling?"-
  29. Tsaaq: She nodded, putting pressure on his hands for the pop then lifted leg from behind. She grabbed the base of her foot and stretched her leg into the scorpion, this time pulling it all the way straight up. Hayley was gonna speak but fuck she had to focus. // He held onto her tight. "Keep everything stiff, I've got you." He called out. "Ready to go into full?"
  30. Covet: Coach Nevaro looked up and took Steph's phone, "Of course." She pointed at them and hit the record button, she could cut it down later. // Jose gave her another pop, and caught her waist as he moved down with her for a simple dismount. "Rewind to an extension, I might need a couple of attempts, so long as you're good with that." He told her as he put his hands out to her waist. // "Feels good, needed to center myself a little better, but I also haven't done much of this in a while. Basket catch?" She asked, then called out the count again, "One, Two" // Mark watched her closely, moving just a little to help her keep her balance, "That looks great, dismount or transition to a shoulder stand then dismount?" // Kelsey felt how tight is grip was, but wasn't too concerned about it, "Yes, Ready, One.. Two!" She called out hoping she could nail this because otherwise, Steven was gonna get a face full of foot then ass.
  31. Tsaaq: ((LMAO WTF))
  32. Covet: [Kelsey's not as experienced at the other girls, of course she won't nail this the first try. XD]
  33. Alexithymiaa: "So long as I don't break my neck to eliminate the possibility of a few attempts, sure." She spoke, taking a few deep breaths. "One, two!" She called out, bending her knees with him and jumping when he lifted her, throwing her weight backwards to flip heels over head around, her feet coming together so she could land in his hands. // "Woah, woah woah!" He called back to her, quickly positioning himself to help pop her so she at least didnt just fall on him. He moved his arms to catch her in a cradle on her way down, depositing her on her feet. "That's supposed to be a two man dismount. You're going to get us in trouble."-
  34. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded as she lowered her leg once more. "Uhhhh, shoulder stand then dismount. I'm not that brave yet!" She called out. // Steven's eyes widened and he sputtered as her foot met his face and he immediately began to go down, then he felt the ass on his face. This is what he always wanted BUT NOT LIKE THIS!
  35. Covet: Coach watched the stunt through the screen and looked over the phone in a scrutenizing way, "That's great, but we still can't use that in competition you two." // "No necks will be broken." He told her then helped pop her up using a little more force to help her get through the flip. Once she was in the air, he steadied himself to catch her as her feet came around, and pushed her up, albeit a little shakey until he had her extended over his head. "Whew... Wasn't sure if that was gonna stick or not." // Cadence laughed as she got to her feet, pushing her hair back out of her face, "I know, but this is just practice and that was way more fun than the simple way of doing it. Besides, coach didn't see, she's recording Steph. // Mark called out to her, "Okay, ready?" He asked her getting ready to switch her over to both hands again so he could pop her and she could needle up and dismount. // Kelsey felt her foot slip off of Steven's hand and gave a bit of a squeal as she felt herself go down, taking him with her, when seh felt herself land on his face, cushioning her fall. She immediately rolled off of him and turned around to look at him, while on her knees, "Oh my goodness, are you okay?!"
  37. Covet: [OH! My bad... I didn't think they were.. because that seems way more dangerous than a fucking basket catch.]
  38. Alexithymiaa: (Technically the force you come down with a basket catch... wouldnt be balanced without someone on either side. Thats why its illegal.)
  39. Covet: [Ah gotcha]
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Bringing her arms up into a high V, she held her body taught, a wide grin spread across her face. "Don't be so negative, we got this!" SHe called down to him, focusing on a spot across the room before calling out for her dismount. "One, two!" // David turned to look over at Coach to see she was distracted before turning his attention back to Cadence. "Fine, it was. But I'm already on her shit list for always being late, don't get me into even more trouble. I don't need help with that.'-
  41. Tsaaq: "You got it!" She called out. She got a little distracted by the sound of Kelsey's squeal. "Yeah I'm ready. Get me down!" She called out as she kept her arms and legs stiff. // Steven just sort of laid on his back and stared up at Kelsey. He looked dumbfounded as he sputtered his lips. "Okay. Let's talk about why that didn't work, and how not to do that again.
  42. Covet: Jose laughed, "Not negative, just cautious." When she called for the dismount, he popped her then moved his hands as she came down, with a bounce. "That was fun, as always Steph." he said as he stretched his back out. // Rolling her eyes again, "Well then stop being late then we can do fun stuff." She looked over at Kelsey wondering what the hell happened there. // Mark helped Hayley dismount safely and landed her on her feet. "You're good, don't worry." // Kelsey frowned and looked at him, "I'm sorry.. It didn't work, because I didn't get my foot put in the right place, and slipped off your hand."
  43. Alexithymiaa: "I will accept cautious." She patted Jose on the shoulder and walked over to take her phone back from Coach, playing the video with a smile. "This looks sick. I'll send it to you, if you want it." She spoke, her fingers already sliding over the screen of her phone because she was saving that shit and sending that shit and just being proud of that shit. "I'm going to get some water." She turned and walked away from him, making her way to her bag to grab her bottle and step out of the gym for a moment to cool off. // "I'm busy before practice." He shot back at Cadence even though he was just busy checking out some locker room dick. Turning to look over at Kelsey and Steven, he winced, running his hands together. "Ouch... she seems okay though. I'll be right back.' He spoke as he headed away from Cadence, making his way towards the doors so he could go to the bathroom.-
  44. Tsaaq: She smiled at him and gave him a half hug. "Every practice that I don't fall and die is a success." She said with a nod. "Great job today teammate." She gave him a cheesy thumbs up as she stuck her tongue out. "How was that coach?" She called out. // He finally sat up and put his hand on her shoulder. "And I should be more focused and planted even more firmly into the floor so at the very least next time I can catch you." Steven said. "But that's what learning is about."
  45. Covet: Coach looked over at Hayley, "You're looking good up there, Great improvement from last week, think you can nail the arabesque next week?" She asked her, then looked over at Steven and Kelsey, "You guys however, maybe some extra practice outside of our normal weekly practice. If everyone's ready, you can head out for the night." She told them, going to get her things packed up. // Jose nodded his head, "Yeah, send it over to me. That'd be cool" He said giving her his number before he headed off to the locker room, to get ready to go home. // "Mhhm.. Well. get your timing situated better. Then coach won't be on your ass." Cadence laughed then nodded at Coach before she went to get her things together to leave as well, intending to go home and bust ass on her vows. // Mark gave her a thumbs up back, "Back at you, keep up the great work." he told her then went off to the locker room. // Kelsey nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry, maybe we could meet up for an hour or two at some point to work on this some more. Once you're not sore or anything." She said standing up then offered a hand to help him up.
  46. Tsaaq: "Yeah!" Hayley went to give Mark a high five. "Yeah. We'll try it. No take-backsies." She smiled. "See you guys around." She went over to Kelsey and put her hand on her shoulder. "So i saw you sat on Steven's face." // Steven nodded, and patted her shoulder again. "Of course." He took her hand and stood up. "If you wanna find me you know where..." He trailed off before realizing. "Here. Obviously. I hang out in here a lot. Have a good night."
  47. Covet: "Okay, that works, Goodnight Steven. Sorry about your face again." She said with a sheepish look then turned to Hayley, "Yeah... my foot slipped and we came down like the london bridge. But you looked really good, I saw your scorpion."
  48. Tsaaq: She waved her hand at Kelsey. "Thanks. You'll get it. You almost got it today anyways." She said with an encouraging smile as she grabbed her bag and made her way into the hall and shit, ultimately to the parking lot to go home.
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