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Aug 17th, 2017
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  1. The shores of furrydom have been suitably pillaged. Their homes (basements) have been reduced to ash, their treasures (mouldy mangas) have been relieved, and their women (despite their pleas) have been left unravaged. However, the time for revelling is not yet upon us, for as you know, not everyone can receive a happy ending, thus the wounds I had suffered from the genocide against all logic known as "Better Days," refused to heal, and now the ravens are plucking the eyeballs from my desiccated corpse.
  3. Things could be worse. After all, certain comics could go unscathed. It has become difficult to prepare for Ragnarok as I write this review from Valhalla via stone and chisel, however, this comic is so brain-fuckingly stupid, it can wake the dead.
  5. I would like you to imagine a non-furry "Better Days." Imagine if it were in color, if the characters were less memorable and talked even more like Naylor, if it were less subtle and even less funny. If every comic Naylor drew while masturbating to Ayn Rand was replaced with a comic about how much Bu$h sux, and if every single female character in Better Days was no longer a slut, but rather a helpless shrew being victimized and tormented by the male oppressor, and their only retribution was quiet, brooding desperation.
  7. If you followed my instructions carefully, then by now, Winston Rowntree, author/artist of Subnormality would kindly request you stop infringing on his intellectual territory, or else the Canadian government will stop sending him welfare checks for drawing a comic twice a month (okay, so that one's in speculation, but connect the dots, people!).
  9. You may think it would be impossible for any other comic to be more irritating than "Better Days." You might believe it is highly unlikely for an ego to surpass Naylor's. You probably have surmised the soapboxing in the previous comic could not get any more blunt, forced, or intrusive, lest it be charged with sexual assault. In fact, that's exactly what this is. Winston Rowntree forcibly put his unwanted opinions into my mind.
  11. Where to begin? Well, as mentioned earlier, Winston Rowntree is Canadian, but if I focused on that, we'd be here for a while. Let's start at the beginning, shall we? The first comic starts off just fine. My expectations are set up thinking this is going to be another humorous webcomic. But just like when you're expecting Santa Claus to fill the tree with all kinds of gifts on Christmas Day, you soon come to realize this is the day your parents treat you like an adult when you discover your father has gotten drunk and jerked off inside your stocking and blamed one of the reindeer. Subnormality fails in ways you didn't think were possible.
  13. What is it that I'm looking at here, Winston? It's not a joke, it's not clever, interesting or informative. Make sure you bear in mind the style of Rowntree's humor. For him, it's all about quantity, not quality. It doesn't matter what's in the "joke." Who cares about content? The set-up is there are a lot of words, and the punchline is one of the characters saying only a few words! Har har!
  15. I suppose I am being unfair. These comics were made years ago, and every artist's work improves over time. So, let's take a look at a more recent one! So, here we have a witch, and she needs to spell out everything she wants to say in the sand for some reason... oh! I get it, this is one of those comic strips where you laugh *at* the author! Rowntree, the only way you could ever make me laugh is if they found your brain tumored your sense of humor to death.
  17. This asshole tries every gimmick conceivable, to the admirable effort of breaking the fourth wall, to the LOL RANDUMB. I know I will never love comedy as much as this man hates it. Thankfully, the humor do not make up the majority of his archives. Unthankfully, what do are his social and political commentary, and boy does Winston shake things up in this department.
  19. His 500-word essays devoted to profound messages about society vary from the obvious to the wildly obvious. Wow, Rowntree! Nazis killed people?! Here, one sees the ultimate problem with all of these comics which provides us a little bit of insight into the author himself: all of the morals and themes are only relevant up until 1941.
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