
Yuugiri (Number 5) Lines

Feb 15th, 2023
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  1. Yuugiri (No. 5) lines transliterated
  3. ACCEPT: -
  4. AGREE: -
  7. ATTACK: Even if it's a path of carnage, it is a path I chose...!
  8. BLACKACTION: I hope you will enjoy my theatrical performance.
  9. BREAK: How barbaric...!
  10. BUILDOVER: The more I inspect these dolls, the more intrigued I've become...
  11. CHRISTMAS: -
  12. COMBINE: It seems that you can't be satisfied with only one of me...
  13. DEFENSE: None shall pass!
  14. DIALOGUE1: This "terminal" contraption doesn't seem to do what I asked... When I tapped on this glass display, it somehow cracked. Commander. Are you sure this is a useful tool?
  15. DIALOGUE2: The beauty of a doll's contraptions... It swooned my heart. Pardon my sudden changes of topic. But you do have a refined look. Surely you are not a doll as well?
  16. DIALOGUE3: A long time ago, I tried my hands on shooting at the shooting exhibition room. The strength unleashed from it is out of this world. In the end, the only thing I am most fond of is this sword I carried with me. Commander. Would you like to spar with me in your free time?
  17. DIALOGUEWEDDING: Commander. If you have feelings you've locked inside you, I can soothe your feelings tonight...
  18. FEED: Mind. Skill. Body. All attributes are satiated. What do you think, commander? Care to try me?
  19. FEELING: -
  20. FIX: What an isolated, lonely place. Commander. Are you leaving already?
  21. FORMATION: I just need to line up like soldiers would do?
  22. GAIN: I am Yuugiri. Allow me to accompany you starting from today. If you have any dissatisfaction with my service, please guide me on servicing you better.
  23. GOATTACK: March into battle!
  24. HELLO: Commander. You're looking peppy today. Putting that matter aside, I have been waiting too long for you.
  25. LOADING: -
  26. LOWMOOD: -
  27. MEET: Savagery is necessary.
  28. MOOD1: -
  29. MOOD2: -
  30. NEWYEAR: -
  31. OPERATIONBEGIN: I have prepared utilities and food. With this, I shall begin my trip.
  32. OPERATIONOVER: We seemed to have obtained a mountainous amount of procurements. Would you like to hear our tale of journey, commander?
  33. PHRASE: Is that so?
  34. RETREAT: For now we step back, so we can prepare.
  35. SKILL1: A killing strike!
  36. SKILL2: Have at you!
  37. SKILL3: Farewell!
  38. SOULCONTRACT: ** For this world is full of dangers. But because of you. I managed to live through it. I was pondering on how I should help you on your endeavors. Even if the war continues to ravage the lands, I will always ensure the yard is clean and await your return...
  39. TANABATA: -
  40. TIP: -
  41. TITLECALL: Girls' Frontline.
  42. VALENTINE: -
  43. WIN: I have done my deeds.
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