
GODZILLA default goal set

Dec 16th, 2015
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  1. ///========================================
  2. /// instructions to use the default goals
  3. ///========================================
  5. # lines starting with "#" are disabled commands
  6. # lines starting with "//" are comments & notes
  7. # go to "global settings" to set warnings, preferences, map/log colors, and other stuff
  8. # guide:Global_Settings
  10. //========================================
  11. // basic city goals
  12. //========================================
  14. #schedulepolicy 06:00 12:00
  15. // have my bot stop performing at certain hours of the day
  16. // guide:SchedulePolicy
  18. config comfort:1
  19. comfortpolicy 15 21 popraise
  20. // automatically comfort if loyalty is low
  21. // do population raising if/as needed every 15-21 minutes
  22. // guide:Comfort
  23. // guide:ComfortPolicy
  25. distancepolicy 10 10 10 15 15
  26. // max distance _farm _build _npc5 _search medal _valley _map size
  27. // guide:DistancePolicy
  29. #rallypolicy n:10:1 n:8 m:1
  30. //# of each mission to send from the rally.
  31. // this allows 1 level 10 npc run, 8 total npc runs (of any level, including 10), and 1 medal farming run simultaneously
  32. // guide:RallyPolicy
  34. #excludelist 111,222 123,456 654,321 222,111
  35. // do not farm, acquire, attack, abandon, npc, or touch this coordinate for anything
  36. // guide:ExcludeList
  39. ///=======================================
  40. /// hero management
  41. ///=======================================
  43. #traininghero your_best_atk_hero_name 300 1200 1
  44. // hero to train troops in multiple cities
  45. // {hero name} {min stay time} {max stay time} {# of npc hits before leaving city}
  46. // guide:TrainingHero
  48. config hero:10
  49. // 1 - rewards and levels only
  50. // 10 - keep 1 poli, rest attack, reward & level
  51. // 20 - keep 2 poli, rest attack, reward & level
  52. // 11 - keep 1 poli, 1 intel, rest attack, reward & level
  53. // 21 - keep 2 poli, 1 intel, rest attack, reward & level
  54. // guide:Hero
  56. config trainpol:0
  57. // allowed to send pol heroes npc farming
  58. // guide:TrainPol
  60. config trainint:1
  61. // allowed to send intl heroes npc farming
  62. // guide:TrainInt
  64. keepcapturedheroes any:base>=70
  65. keepcapturedheroes any:level>=100
  66. // keep captured hero if lvl 100+ OR keep if base 70+
  67. // if not one of the above - auto release for FH space if needed
  68. // guide:KeepCapturedHeroes
  70. keepheroes any:level>=50
  71. keepheroes any:base>=69
  72. // keep hero if lvl 50+ OR if base 69+
  73. // if not one of the above - auto fire for space if/as needed
  74. // guide:KeepHeroes
  76. config keepatthome:1
  77. // 0 - off, 1 - keeps the 2nd best attack hero at home to defend
  78. // guide:KeepAttHome
  80. #nolevelheroes hero,names,or,string
  81. // heroes not to auto up level
  82. // guide:NoLevelHeroes
  84. #config fasthero:70
  85. // hire heroes with 70+ base. fire heroes not protected by KeepHeroes to make room
  86. // requires config hero:10 or higher
  87. // guide:FastHero
  89. ///=======================================
  90. // npc building & farming goals
  91. ///=======================================
  93. config npc:1
  94. // farm lvl 1+ npcs, and higher if configured below
  95. // guide:Npc
  97. #farmingpolicy 10 mindistance:1 maxdistance:5 cycle:1
  98. // farm lvl 10's for 1-5 miles every 1 hour
  99. // note requires npclimits 10 below
  100. // guide:FarmingPolicy
  102. npctroops 5 b:550
  103. #npctroop 10 a:90000,wo:2000,warr:2000,s:4000
  104. // farm lvl 5s with 550 ballista. transports will be automatically added
  105. // farm lvl 10s with 90k archers, 2k worker/warriors, 4k scouts. transports will be automatically added
  106. // guide:NpcTroops
  108. npcheroes 5 any,!trainingheroname
  109. #npcheroes 10 trainingheroname
  110. // use any hero except the traininghero to farm 5s, use the traininghero only to farm 10s, customize with hero strings
  111. // guide:NpcHeroes
  112. // guide:CategoryGoals#Hero_Strings_in_Goals
  114. #npclimits 10 a:281k
  115. // wait till i have at least 281k archers in city before sending npc10 farm run
  116. // required before npcfarming will start on lvl 10 npcs
  117. // guide:NpcLimits
  119. #npclist 5 xx1,yy1 xx2,yy2 xx3,yy3
  120. // only the npc5 coords you listed will be farmed, any level can be used here instead of 5
  121. // guide:NpcList
  123. #npcbounds 5 200 210 300 310
  124. // only hit npcs between coords 200,300 and 210,310
  125. // npcbounds {level} <xmin> <xmax> <ymin> <ymax>
  126. // guide:NpcBounds
  128. config buildnpc:15
  129. npcbuildpolicy /level:5 /mindistance:4 /maxdistance:15
  130. npcbuildpolicy /level:10 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:5
  131. // build lvl 5 and 10 npcs only, 5's for 4-15 miles and 10's for 1-5 miles
  132. // use config npc:5 for only 5s
  133. // guide:Buildnpc
  134. // guide:NpcBuildPolicy
  136. config acquireflats:2
  137. // grab all nearby flats possible and hold them until they can be npc'd
  138. // guide:AcquireFlats
  140. config abandonflats:1
  141. // abandon all held flats (unless on excludelist) just before maintenance so they can be levelled up
  142. // guide:AbandonFlats
  145. ///=======================================
  146. /// resource management
  147. ///=======================================
  149. config trade:1
  150. tradepolicy /type:gold /min:5d
  151. tradepolicy /type:food /min:3d /max:950b /allowselltomin
  152. tradepolicy /type:wood /min:100k /allowselltomin
  153. tradepolicy /type:stone /min:100k /allowselltomin
  154. tradepolicy /type:iron /min:100k /allowselltomin
  155. // allow trading, keep 5 days of gold, 3+ days food (with max of 950b to avoid reset), 100k+ lumber/iron/stone
  156. // guide:Trade
  157. // guide:TradePolicy
  159. taxpolicy 0 100
  160. // bot can use between 0 and 100% tax rate, as needed
  161. // guide:TaxPolicy
  163. warehousepolicy 60 20 10 10
  164. // %food %lumber %stone %iron
  165. // guide:WarehousePolicy
  168. //========================================
  169. // defense & combat goals
  170. //========================================
  172. config warrules:0
  173. // alert my alliance chat to warn members i'm under attack
  174. // warning, many alliances will not want you to turn this on!
  175. // guide:WarRules
  177. config wartown:0
  178. // wartown:1 stops all automatic troop movements except traininghero, 2 - same but stops traininghero too
  179. // guide:WarTown
  181. #wartownpolicy 06:00 12:00
  182. // used with config wartown:1 or wartown:2 to to put the bot in wartown mode at certain hours
  183. // guide:WarTownPolicy
  185. config attackgap:6
  186. // how many seconds between different attacks before they're evaded seperately by config hiding
  187. // guide:AttackGap
  189. config gate:0.2
  190. gatepolicy 2 0 2 0 0
  191. // 0.2 min=12s open/close gate time
  192. // gatepolicy (peace) (atk) (sb) (both) (maint)
  193. // for each number above, choose either:0= bot decides, 1= open, 2= closed
  194. // guide:Gate
  195. // guide:GatePolicy
  197. defensepolicy /junktroop:500 /usewarhorn:1 /usecorselet:1 /usepenicillin:1
  198. // change minimum troops for consideration of a "real attack"
  199. // use coreselet, warhorn, penicillin, truce, speechtext as needed at xx loyalty, 1 = on, 0 = off
  200. // guide:DefensePolicy
  202. config embassy:1
  203. config defensecooldown:30
  204. // 0 - embassy always closed, 1 - always open, 2 - open for attacks & defense cooldown only
  205. // how long to still be in "combat mode" for purposes of config embassy:2 to keep embassy open
  206. // guide:Embassy
  207. // guide:DefenseCoolDown
  209. config hiding:0.5
  210. // how many minutes before an atk lands to send out resources/farm crews and layers for safety
  211. // guide:Hiding
  213. #config nohealing:1
  214. // tell the bot to not heal injured troops in the medic camp
  215. // guide:NoHealing
  218. ///=======================================
  219. /// troop production
  220. ///=======================================
  222. config troopqueuetime:1
  223. // queue 1 hour troop builds
  224. // guide:TroopQueueTime
  226. config troopincrement:1
  227. //queue is ratio based
  228. // guide:TroopIncrement
  230. config troopsusereserved:0
  231. // percentage of resource reserves (1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%, etc.) to be used for troop production
  232. // warning this can send you into refuge if you allow full reserved food to be used carelessly!
  233. // guide:TroopsUseReserved
  235. config troopsusepopmax:1
  236. // percentage of idle population (1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%, etc.) to be used for troop production
  237. // guide:TroopsUsePopMax
  239. config troopidlequeuetime:0
  240. // how long in minutes for best available hero to queue if rax are empty and traininghero not present
  241. // guide:TroopIdleQueueTime
  243. config troopdelbadque:1
  244. // cancel builds que'd with wrong hero to re-queue, 0 = off, 1 = on
  245. // guide:TroopDelBadQue
  247. config reservedbarrack:0
  248. // keep 1 of my highest lvl rax open in case of defense emergency and for instant troop builds
  249. // guide:ReservedBarrack
  251. troop /idlequeuetime:2 /usereserved:1 p:1,sw:1,cav:1
  252. troop /idlequeuetime:2 wo:10,w:10,s:10,p:10,sw:10,a:10,c:10
  253. troop /idlequeuetime:2 wo:500
  254. troop wo:1k,w:5k,s:10k,a:20k,sw:1k,p:1k,c:1k,cata:100,b:550,t:1k
  255. troop wo:5k,w:10k,s:50k,a:100k,sw:5k,p:5k,c:10k,cata:1k,b:5k,t:5k
  256. troop wo:10k,w:100k,s:100k,a:200k,sw:10k,p:10k,c:50k,cata:5k,b:10k,t:10k
  257. troop wo:50k,w:150k,s:150k,a:400k,sw:15k,p:15k,c:75k,cata:10k,b:30k,t:30k,r:10
  258. troop s:500k,a:1m,c:100k,cata:50k,b:50k,t:50k,r:10k,cp:50k
  259. // build these troops, 1st line 1st, 2nd line next, etc.
  260. // guide:Troop
  263. ///=======================================
  264. /// valley and medal hunting goals
  265. ///=======================================
  267. config valleymin:1
  268. // tell the bot it's ok to go as low as level 1 valleys to fill slots for res production
  269. // guide:ValleyMin
  271. config valley:10
  272. // tell the bot it's ok to go as high as level 10 valleys to fill slots for res production
  273. // you don't actually need this goal if you have valleymin set above
  274. // guide:Valley
  276. valleyheroes !trainingheroname,any:attack>60
  277. // it's ok to use any hero with 60+ attack - except the traininghero - to acquire or farm a valley
  278. // guide:ValleyHeroes
  280. valleytroops 1 a:50
  281. valleytroops 2 a:100
  282. valleytroops 3 a:200
  283. valleytroops 4 a:400,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1
  284. valleytroops 5 a:800,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1,c:1
  285. valleytroops 6 a:1600,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1,c:1
  286. valleytroops 7 a:10000,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1,c:1
  287. valleytroops 8 a:15000,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1,c:1
  288. valleytroops 9 a:20000,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1,c:1,b:1
  289. valleytroops 10 a:30000,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:1,c:1,b:1
  290. // valleytroops {valley-level} troop-string
  291. // guide:ValleyTroops
  293. #valleylimit a:100k
  294. // don't attack valleys until we have at least 100k archers in the city
  295. // guide:ValleyLimit
  297. #config hunting:10
  298. // medal hunt on lvl 10 valleys (do not use with safevalleyfarming or config valleyfarming)
  299. // guide:Hunting
  301. #huntingpos xxx,yyy
  302. // used with config hunting only
  303. // only medal hunt at this location (do not use with huntingtype)
  304. // guide:HuntingPos
  306. #huntingtype forest
  307. // used with config hunting only
  308. // only medal hunt at forests (do not use with huntingpos)
  309. // guide:HuntingType
  311. #safevalleyfarm 8,9,10
  312. // prescouts valleys of lvl 8, 9, and 10 for no-loss valley farming
  313. // can not use with config hunting, should not use with config valleyfarming
  314. // guide:SafeValleyFarm
  316. #config valleyfarming:10
  317. #valleyfarming 4 2 4 2 2 4
  318. // farm level 10 valleys for resources and medals
  319. // farm valleys of these types for this many miles: {forest} {desert} {hill} {swamp} {grasslands} {lakes}
  320. // can not use with config hunting, should not use with safevalleyfarming
  321. // guide:ValleyFarming
  324. ///=======================================
  325. /// building goals
  326. ///=======================================
  328. // This builds a wood city, adjust to suit your tastes
  329. build c:2:1
  330. build f:1:1,s:1:1,i:1:1,q:1:1
  331. build inn:1
  332. build r:1,b:1:1
  333. build s:2:1,wh:1
  334. build m:1
  335. build be:1
  336. build q:2:1,i:3:1
  337. build w:1
  338. build t:2
  339. build a:1
  340. build t:3
  341. build e:1
  342. build f:5:1,st:1
  343. build c:1:6
  344. build c:5:6,s:5:40
  345. build a:3,be:3
  346. build fh:3,r:3
  347. build b:4:1
  348. build w:3
  349. build a:4,be:4,fh:4,r:4
  350. build b:5:1
  351. build t:4,w:4
  352. build m:3
  353. build b:9:1
  354. build rs:1
  355. build a:5,be:5,fh:5,r:5
  356. // Careful, this will pull you out of bp.. :)
  357. build t:5,w:5
  358. build a:6,be:6,fh:6,r:6
  359. build b:9:2
  360. build rs:3
  361. build t:6,w:6
  362. build c:6:6,s:6:40
  363. build rs:5
  364. build a:7,be:7,fh:7,r:7
  365. build b:9:3,b:4:14
  366. build t:7,w:7
  367. build c:7:6,s:7:40
  368. build a:8,be:8,fh:8,r:8
  369. build b:6:14
  370. build t:8,w:8
  371. build c:8:6,s:8:40
  372. build a:9,be:9,fh:9,r:9
  373. build b:9:14
  374. build r:10
  375. build t:9,w:9
  376. build c:9:6,s:9:40
  377. build w:10
  378. build ?met:10,w:10?ws:0:0
  379. build e:9,m:9
  380. build fh:10
  381. build t:10
  382. build ?wh:1:1?wh:9:1
  383. build ?ho:7?rs:10
  384. // remove the st:1 and q:1:1 and q:2:1 lines up near the start or these could stick you in a build/demo loop!
  385. build ?mas:10,w:10?q:0:0
  386. build ?ho:10?st:0:0
  388. // build building_name:level:quanity
  389. // guide:Build
  392. ///=======================================
  393. /// research goals
  394. ///=======================================
  396. research ag:2,lu:2,mas:2,mi:2
  397. research ms:4,lu:4
  398. research ar:3,lu:5
  399. research met:5,ar:6,con:5
  400. research mt:3,in:3,ir:3,com:3
  401. research lo:4,ms:5
  402. research ar:7,ho:4,mt:5
  403. research in:4,ir:4,com:4
  404. research lo:5
  405. research ar:8,ho:5,mt:7
  406. research ho:6
  407. research ag:4,mas:4,mi:4
  408. research in:5,ir:5,com:5
  409. research ag:6,lu:6,mas:6,mi:6
  410. research lo:6,ms:6,met:6,con:6
  411. research in:6,ir:6,com:6
  412. research med:5,en:5,mac:5
  413. research mt:9,ms:9,met:9,con:9,en:9,med:9
  414. research ag:9,lu:9,mas:9,mi:9,lo:9
  415. research mt:10,ir:10,com:10,med:10
  416. research lo:10,con:10,en:10
  417. research st:9
  418. research pr:10
  419. // beware!!
  420. // will automatically use mich scripts to upgrade requisite buildings
  421. // only enable lvl10 research in a npc10 if you don't have scripts to spare
  422. // guide:Research
  425. ///=======================================
  426. /// fortification build sequence
  427. ///=======================================
  429. config fortsusereserved:0
  430. // percentage of resource reserves (1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%, etc.) to be used for wall builds
  431. // warning this can send you into refuge if you allow full reserved food to be used carelessly!
  432. // guide:FortsUseReserved
  434. config wallqueuetime:0.5
  435. // queue 30 minute wall builds
  436. // guide:WallQueueTime
  438. fortification trap:1,ab:1
  439. fortification trap:27,ab:9
  440. fortification trap:30,ab:10,at:1
  441. fortification trap:45,ab:15,at:2,r:1
  442. fortification trap:60,ab:20,at:3
  443. fortification trap:120,ab:40,at:5
  444. fortification trap:150,ab:50,at:10,tre:1
  445. fortification trap:300,ab:100,at:50,tre:10
  446. fortification trap:700,ab:300,at:200,tre:30
  447. fortification trap:800,ab:800,at:300,tre:40
  448. fortification trap:1000,ab:1000,at:1000,tre:100
  449. fortification trap:1200,ab:1600,at:8000,tre:300
  450. fortification tre:5000
  451. // guide:Fortification
  454. ///=======================================
  455. /// resource & troop transfers
  456. ///=======================================
  458. #requestroops xx1,yy1 cav 100 500 10
  459. #requestroops xx2,yy2 cata 100 500 10
  460. #requestroops xx3,yy3 pike 100 2000 100
  461. #requestroops xx4,yy4 sword 100 1000 100
  462. // {target coords/cityname} {troop type} {min this city} {min target city} {min send amount} {max send amount}
  463. // can use * to denote 'any amount'
  464. // guide:RequestTroops
  466. #sendtroops xx1,yy1 a 15000 -1 10000
  467. // {target coords/cityname} {troop type} {min this city} {min target city} {min send amount} {max send amount}
  468. // can use * to denote 'any amount'
  469. // guide:SendTroops
  471. #keeptroops xx1,yy1 a:150000,warr:40000 10000
  472. // {target coords/cityname} {troop string to keep here in this city} {minimum qty to send per trip of everything over min}
  473. // guide:KeepTroops
  475. sendresources any food 100k 50k 10k *
  476. sendresources any wood 100k 50k 10k *
  477. sendresources any stone 100k 50k 10k *
  478. sendresources any iron 100k 50k 10k *
  479. sendresources any gold 100k 50k 10k *
  481. sendresources any food 100m 50m 10m *
  482. sendresources any wood 2m 1m 100k *
  483. sendresources any stone 2m 1m 100k *
  484. sendresources any iron 2m 1m 100k *
  485. sendresources any gold 2m 1m 100k *
  486. //{target coords/city name} {resource type} {min this city} {min target city} {min send amount} {max send amount} {troop to send with}
  487. // can use * to denote 'any amount'
  488. // guide:SendResources
  490. #requestresources xx1,yy1 food 100m 400m 50m
  491. #requestresources xx2,yy2 gold 4m 10m 1m
  492. //{target coords/city name} {resource type} {min this city} {min target city} {min send amount} {max send amount} {troop to send with}
  493. // can use * to denote 'any amount'
  494. // guide:RequestResources
  496. #keepresources xx1,yy1 f:1b,w:20m,i:20m,s:1b,g:10m 1m
  497. // {target coords/city name} {resource string to keep here in this city} {minimum qty to send per trip of everything over min}
  498. // guide:KeepResource
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