

May 27th, 2015
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  1. 4chan
  3. >>137696 (OP)
  4. Like you, I do not produce much precum and wanted to see if I could change that. I only get a few drops of pre right before climax
  5. After some research I found a supplement called Pygeum which is supposedly able to increase the volume of your pre-cum. Check out the fourth post down in this forum:
  7. After reading this I figured I'd go ahead and give it a try for science. I bought a bottle of 100mg Pygeum and a bottle of 500mg Lecthin and took 3 pills of each every day for about a month.
  8. I noticed that after about a week, my precum had increased significantly. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I could bathe in it, but it would run all the way down the head a few times (I would wipe it up after a while) before I finished.
  9. Along with the increased amount of pre, I noticed that my climaxes were more intense and lasted longer. (I believe that this was due to the Lecthin).
  10. One thing I noticed though was that my cum had become more watery than before. I didn't really mind it too much, but I figured it would be worth mentioning. Another thing I should probably bring up is that the Lecthin pills I took were pretty sizable, if you have a hard time with large pills, I would not suggest them. The pygeum pills have a very earthy and bitter taste to them; it took me a while to get used to them.
  11. If you want to try it out, I would suggest going with the Swanson brand of supplements because I hear that not all of them work that well and it was the brand that I had used. I would not recommend the Pygeum bark as it is not as effective as the extract.
  12. ----------
  13. Super Spunk Smoothie
  14. 1 cup pineapple, fresh or canned
  15. 1 banana, frozen
  16. 1 cup apple juice
  17. 1/2 tsp ginger
  18. 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  19. 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  20. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  21. 2 TBS honey
  22. Optional ingredients:
  23. 1 raw egg white, 2 TBS wheat germ, 2 TBS flax seed, 1 shot wheatgrass juice
  24. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Drink immediately. Repeat daily for best
  25. Never tried this recipe but its worth a shot.
  27. -----------------------
  29. 1.Lifting does help you live longer however lifting to excess wears down your body in very real ways. Not to mention the heart enlargement.
  31. If you want to know what is optimal then look to post 40's lifters and their diet and exercise regimines. They all lived till their late 80's and lalane almost hit 100.
  32. The general guide line is usually three times a week and no maxing. But strength endurance seems to be the best bet with only occasional strength training.
  35. 2.Cardio is good but excess cardio shortens your life by a surprising amount. Like daily marathons and the like.
  37. 20min-45 minutes seems to be the sweet spot.
  39. 3.The body needs needs a certain amount of fat to produce some hormones. And fat on men produces some estrogen which helps protect the heart. 12-15% seems to be the optimal range. But beyond that is getting into diabetes and negative health territory.
  42. 4.The modern western diet is worst, followed by a carnivore diet, followed by a pure vegetarian diet.
  43. The healthiest diet with all of the vital nutrients tends to be one filled with fresh or healthy vegetables, some fruit, some nuts, and a medium amount of meat and fats.
  45. A 70% veg, 15%fruit and other 15%meat diet tends to be the best. But I could be wrong. Look it up.
  47. 5.Sit less
  48. Stay hydrated
  49. Get a good nights sleep
  50. Get plenty of sunshine
  51. Shower every other day.
  52. Stretching
  53. Meditation
  54. Pick up a hobby
  55. Keep mentally active by learning new things, writing with your non dominant hand, writing things down instead of using a computer
  57. ------------------------------------------------------
  59. bars are good for drunk chick along with parties
  61. with the magic of technology you got CL, tinder, OKC, POF, and other shit
  63. I bang moms making poor choices in life, pic related
  64. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  66. et your protein.
  68. part of the amino acids you get is arginine, which helps with muscle pump...and erections.
  70. eat your meat, son
  71. -
  72. Im 27
  73. On my first cycle of test cyp 500mg /week split in 2 250mg doses
  75. I feel like im 17 again as far as libido
  76. Aching Boners all day every day
  77. Want to fuck multiple times a day
  78. Etc etc
  80. just do a simple test only cycle
  81. Have your Ai on hand, some nolva or clomid for pct and youll be fine.
  83. You dont need all that other herbal shit just to get your libido up.
  84. -
  85. Test and tren homie. You'll have to masturbate 3 times a day on top of having regular sex just to maintain your sanity.
  86. -
  87. my catch all cures:
  88. >lift fuarking heavy
  89. >eat like a man, clean, healthy fats, meat, good carbs
  90. >watch your fucking micronutrients too(if you must, juice and smoothie your veggies and fruit)
  91. >get adequate sleep
  92. >moderate drinking and don't smoke
  93. >if all else fails, from age 25 on, get Test checked and hop on TRT
  95. ---------------------------------------------------
  98. Because you're low test as fuark.
  100. L-arginine, zinc, horny goat weed, yohimbine, pygeum.
  102. I can cum like six times a day before I start shooting dry. I will literally go at my gf until she is too raw to continue, jack it again on her, and then go fucking squat.
  104. If one = done, you need to up your fucking levels.
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