

Jan 28th, 2020
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  2. Latest Update - the 28th of January 2020, Vape V3.28
  4. ## MODULES ##
  5. All: 55
  6. Blatant: 21
  7. Render: 13
  8. Utility: 11
  9. Combat: 8
  10. World: 5
  11. Other: 5
  12. Settings: 2
  14. ## NOTE ##
  15. Visit for more information.
  16. Updated by Magnuswlange, errors may occur.
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  32. #
  34. Modules categorized as blatant are more likely to be detectable by server's AntiCheats, and are therefore more likely to result in a ban for the user. Use them with caution. Some are better at bypassing than others are, it all depends on the server and the module being used.
  36. 1 / 21 ## ANTIBOT ##
  37. Tries to identify AntiCheat NPCs spawned by certain servers and prevent the client's modules from targeting them. The "Remove Bots" option, when enabled, also removes the NPCs from your view (prevents the bots from rendering).
  40. Mode [Hypixel, Mineplex] - defines which server's NPCs the module should be looking
  41. Remove Bots - defines whether or not the module should de-render the NPCs
  43. 2 / 21 ## ANITFALL ##
  44. Tries to prevent you from falling into the void by detecting fall distances, then imitating a rubber band / lag spike (teleporting you back to your original, safe position). Useful in SkyWars or other gamemodes where you can fall into the void.
  47. Fall Dist [0.1 - 5.0m] - defines the distance you must fall vertically before the module automatically activates
  48. Speed Check - defines whether or not the module will toggle off other speed-related modules before activating
  50. 3 / 21 ## BEANERNET ##
  51. Emulates a laggy connection by adding a static 'delay buffer' where packets are sent before being passed to the server
  54. Delay [1.0 - 1000.0] - defines the static delay in milliseconds added to each packet
  56. 4 ## BLINK ##
  57. Chokes packets sent to the server while enabled (you can interact with stuff client side, but no packets are sent to the server until the module is disabled, after which all the packets will be sent at once).
  60. Breadcrumbs - leaves breadcrumbs (a trail) of your path during blink.
  61. Spawn Fake - spawns a NPC/clone of your player at your server sided location (where you were when you activated blink).
  63. 5 / 21 ## CRITICALS ##
  64. Forces each attack packet you send to be a critical hit.
  67. Mode [Packet, Ground, Hypixel] - defines the method in which criticals will use to send your critical attack packets to the server. "Packet" may not bypass AntiCheats reliably. "Ground" & "Hypixel" modes only work with Switch KillAura. "Hypixel" is a specific version of "Ground" built to bypass Watchdog.
  69. 6 / 21 ## FASTCONSUME ##
  70. Shortens the delay in ticks from the start of your consumption of an item to the end of the consumption and the addition of affects to your player (makes you eat food & drink potions faster).
  73. Ticks [1.0 - 20.0] - defines how long you will consume the item before sending an item consumed packet to the server (the smaller the number, the faster the item is consumed).
  74. Fast Bow - defines whether or not the module will also affect the rate to which a bow can be pulled back.
  76. 7 / 21 ## HITBOXES ##
  77. Expands enemy HitBoxes to make them easier to hit.
  80. Expand amount [0.0 - 1.0] - defines how far each HitBox should be expanded. 0.0 = default, 1.0 = double the normal width.
  82. 8 / 21 ## INVWALK ##
  83. Allows you to move (WASD) and look around (arrow keys) while in your inventory. Does not bypass all AntiCheats
  84. OPTIONS Sneak - defines whether or not the module will also try to listen for if you want to be sneaking or not.
  86. 9 / 21 ## KEEPSPRINT ##
  87. Removes the 'sprint break' issued upon sending an attack packet to an entity. Similar to Ethylene, allows you to '1.7' indefinitely.
  89. 10 / 21 ## KILLAURA ##
  90. Attacks targets around you automatically.
  93. Attacks per Second [1.0 - 20.0] - the range the module will use to calculate how many times it can try to attack per second (similar to clicks per second, but instead of swing packets, attack packets).
  94. Switch Delay [50.0 - 1000.0] - the delay the module will wait before 'switching' targets to a new entity. Prevents sending multiple attack packets to different entities at the same time (only allows you to attack one target at a time).
  95. Swing Range [0.0 - 6.0] - the range in which KillAura will start SWINGING against enemy targets (not actually attacking them, just swinging -- if this is higher than your attack range it will look more 'legit').
  96. Attack Range [0.0 - 6.0] - the range in which KillAura will start ATTACKING enemy targets (actually trying to send hurt packets to them).
  97. Max Angle [1.0 - 360.0] - the field of view KillAura will look in to find targets. It is measured in degrees of a circle, with the middle of the circle being your player, and the angle defines the portion of the circle to look in. For example, 90 = 1/4 of 360, so it will look for targets within 90 degrees left/right (so +/- 45deg) of your reticle. 180 deg = everything in front of you, 360 deg = everything around you.
  98. Max Targets [1.0 - 6.0] - defines the maximum amount of entities KillAura can target while active (only relevant for Mode: Vanilla, as Switch can only target one entity at a time).
  99. Blatant Mode [Switch, Normal] - defines the style in which KillAura will target and attack entities. Switch mode is meant to bypass AntiCheats, and can only target one entity at a time. Normal mode does not bypass many AntiCheats, and targets as many entities as you allow it (using the Max Targets setting) at a time.
  100. Aim Mode [Silent, Anti-Cheat, Lock View, None] - defines the manipulation (or the lack thereof) KillAura applies to your view-angle packets sent to the server. Silent mode will not change what you see client side, but it will augment the values sent to the server. Anti-Cheat mode is similar to Silent mode, but it also attempts to bypass AntiCheats more effectively (losing attack efficiency in the process). Lock View mode will manipulate your client side view angles and lock them against what is sent to the server, meaning it will spin your head around and change what you see. None mode will not change your view angles at all. For reference, some AntiCheats watch players view angle packets and compare them to their swing and attack packets, and if there is significant variance found that can be indicative of a cheater. So, for bypassing AntiCheats, it is important for the view angle packets to match the attack packets.
  101. AutoBlock - when checked, KillAura will also attempt to block your sword for you while attacking. Pretty blatant.
  102. Attack Invisibles - defines whether or not KillAura will target invisible entities.
  103. Attack Through Walls - defines whether or not KillAura will care if an entity is not physically reachable server side before trying to attack them.
  104. Require Mouse Down - when checked, KillAura will only function (try to attack / swing) while LMB is held down.
  105. GUI Check - when checked, KillAura will not attack while it is locked in a GUI (i.e. in your inventory).
  106. Show Target - when checked, KillAura will paint the entity(s) it is targeting red, so you can see what you are attacking more obviously.
  107. Legit Aura - when checked, will use a more 'legit' version of KillAura even while Blatant is enabled (bypasses better, but is less efficient at attacking targets).
  108. No Swing - when checked, will not send swing packets to the server. Bypasses some super shitty AntiCheats.
  109. Limit to Items - when enabled, will only allow KillAura to function while holding (a) whitelisted item(s).
  111. 11 / 21 ## LONGJUMP ##
  112. Increases the horizontal distance traveled during jumps. Similar to other clients' 'BHOP' modules.
  114. OPTIONS
  115. Boost [3.0 - 5.0] - the multiplier applied to your horizontal speed while in midair
  116. Toggle - toggles the module off after touching the ground when enabled, is meant to prevent you from going on BHOP rampages.
  118. 12 / 21 ## NOFALL ##
  119. Tries to prevent you from taking fall damage. Does not bypass all AntiCheats reliably.
  121. OPTIONS
  122. Mode [Normal, Hypixel] - Normal mode is standard NoFall. It does not bypass Hypixel nor many other servers. Hypixel mode bypasses Watchdog and some other AntiCheats.
  124. 13 / 21 ## NOROTATE ##
  125. Prevents the server from manipulating your client side view angles (i.e. if you are rubber banded back, and it snaps your aim to a new position -- this is what NoRotate tries to prevent).
  127. OPTIONS
  128. Disable Speed - when NoRotate triggers and prevents a rotation adjustment, it will also disable all Speed modules currently enabled. This is because Speed modules are notorious for causing rubber band adjustments from AntiCheats, and so if you are being lagged back by the server it is typically because the server thinks you are using speed hacks and it is correcting your movement to prevent it. Hence disabling speed modules when adjustments happen resulting in lower ban / detection rates, as most AntiCheats VL (violation levels) are multiplicative, which means the more times you flag the same or similar flags in a row, the more likely you are to be using cheats. Disabling the modules causing those flags as soon as it can hypothetically ensures that you don't get banned.
  130. 14 / 21 ## NOSLOWDOWN ##
  131. Prevents you from being slowed down while consuming or using items (i.e. eating food, drinking potions, blocking a sword, drawing a bow back).
  133. OPTIONS
  134. Limit Items - when checked, will prevent the function from firing (even while enabled) unless holding a whitelisted item.
  136. 15 / 21 ## PHASE ##
  137. Attempts to clip through walls. Does not bypass many AntiCheats. Very blatant and most servers have this patched by now. Use with caution.
  139. 16 / 21 ## PotionSaver ##
  140. Chokes playerUpdate packets while standing still, preventing status effects from decreasing.
  142. 17 / 21 ## SAFEWALK ##
  143. Tries to prevent you from walking off edges to your death by preventing further movement at the edge of a block. Can be used like a faster legit scaffold.
  145. OPTIONS
  146. Direction Check - allows you to walk off blocks if you are facing the direction you are trying to walk off of
  148. 18 / 21 ## SCAFFOLD ##
  149. Helps you build towers / bridges by either placing blocks under your feet for you as you walk (blatant) or sneaking for you when you reach the edge of a block (legit).
  151. OPTIONS
  152. Mode [Blatant, Legit] - Blatant mode will place blocks at your feet as you walk, without changing your view angles or having to hold a block (just needs blocks on your hotbar). Very blatant and obvious when seen in action. Legit mode will not place blocks for you, but rather it will sneak and 'unsneak' as you walk backwards, allowing you to place blocks adjacent each other as you walk backwards at your own pace.
  153. Tower - when enabled, will place blocks under you when it detects an air block under you (so if you jump, it'll try to place a block under you). Only for Blatant mode.
  154. Stop Motion - when enabled, will not allow you to move on the X/Z plane while you are towering upwards. Prevents you from going sicko mode and sprint jumping at your target while blocks get placed at your feet like you're Elsa from Frozen.
  155. Stop Sprinting - when enabled, will prevent your player from sprinting while Scaffolding. This is required to bypass Mineplex's AntiCheat.
  156. Delay [0.0 - 500.0] - defines the delay between blocks being placed when scaffolding in blatant mode.
  157. Block Count - renders a number of usable blocks for scaffolding next to your reticle so you can keep track of how much more you can scaffold before having to get more blocks. Only for blatant mode.
  158. Whitelist Only - Only for Legit Mode. Will make it so Legit Scaffold will only activate while you are holding a whitelisted block.
  160. 19 / 21 ## SPEED ##
  161. Makes you move faster. Zoom zoom, baby. Note that this is one of the most detectable modules in Vape. If you are not using a Speed mode designed to specifically bypass a certain server's AntiCheat, it is likely that you will get banned using this module.
  163. OPTIONS
  164. Mode [Hypixel, Mineplex, Bhop, Y-Port] - Hypixel & Mineplex modes are specifically designed to bypass their respective server's AntiCheat. Bhop mode is like LongJump except designed to be used cyclically (without being disabled). It does not bypass AntiCheats very well. Y-Port mode uses Y axis manipulation to make you move faster. It bypasses some older AntiCheats.
  166. 20 / 21 ## STRAFE ##
  167. Attempts to move you laterally around a target (circle strafing) while they are looking at you and you are looking at them. Imagine the target being the center of a circle. The circle's circumference is defined by the distance (which is used as the radius of the circle), and it is the line your player tries to move along while strafing. The module will only try to move your player while you are located within the target's approximated minimum angle, and the target is within your specified minimum angle (meaning the module does not needlessly strafe when you're already behind the target). Note that this module is not actively maintained anymore, as the discrete mathematics involved in keeping the module working are very hard, and our best developer barely graduated Highschool.
  169. OPTIONS
  170. Distance [0.1 - 6.0] - defines the size of the circle drawn around the enemy, this variable is used as the radius length.
  171. Speed [0.1 - 1.0] - defines the rate to which your player will move along the circumference of the circle while the strafe conditions are met (keep in mind most the time you're going to be holding W while this module is enabled, so having a super high setting here may not be a good idea).
  172. Target minimum angle [1.0 - 360.0] - defines the field of view drawn from the approximate center of the target's vision that your player model must be located inside for the strafe module to activate
  173. Your minimum angle [1.0 - 360.0] - defines the field of view drawn from your reticle that the target must be inside in order for strafe to activate
  175. 21 / 21 ## TIMER ##
  176. Speeds up your game clients internal tick-rate. Makes everything in the game go faster, basically. This is the same as using CheatEngine to make the game go faster. This module is very easily detectable. Most servers can detect this module within seconds of it being enabled. Use with caution.
  178. OPTIONS
  179. Speed [0.1 - 2.0] - 1.0 = normal speed. A higher setting will make the game go faster (for you), and vice versa for a lower setting. Note that this does not affect the server's clock speed, only your client's clock speed.
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  197. Combat modules are modules that change how you interact with other entities in Minecraft, with the goal of making you do more total damage / more efficient in fights. Depending on the settings you use for these modules, they can either be virtually undetectable by most AntiCheats, or they can be instantly bannable. So long as you use reasonably low settings for all of the modules in this category, it is rare that you will be banned on any server while using exclusively these modules.
  199. 1 / 8 ## AIMASSIST ##
  200. Drags your reticle towards a target. Tries to keep your reticle on their hitbox as efficiently as possible.
  202. OPTIONS
  203. Click Aim - while checked, will only manipulate your view angles while LMB is held down. Works well with AutoClicker.
  204. Invisibles - while checked, will consider invisible entities as valid entities to target / drag your aim towards.
  205. Through Blocks - while checked, will consider entities (within range) that are not physically reachable (behind blocks) as valid targets.
  206. Aim while on target - while checked, will continue to adjust your aim values while your reticle is on your target's hitbox. Is meant to increase variability of the module (and decrease detection rates) by making the module less predictable. It will also make your aim more consistent as the module will be active more often and will be adjusting your aim more often.
  207. Strafe increase - while checked, will increase the rate AimAssist will adjust your view angles with to compensate for the faster rate your view trails off of a target. This will keep your aim on your target more consistently while you are strafing in the opposite direction you are turning.
  208. Check block break - while checked, will prevent AimAssist from adjusting your view angles while you are breaking blocks.
  209. Aim vertically - while checked, will make AimAssist adjust your view angles on the Y axis. By default AimAssist should only adjust the X axis (horizontal). This may lead to higher detection rates on certain servers, as it keeps your aim more consistently centered on a singular point on the entity's hitbox, whereas if you are only adjusting your aim horizontally your own mouse movements are what keep the final "resting point" random and unpredictable.
  210. Vertical Speed [1.0 - 10.0] - defines the rate to which your view angles will be manipulated towards a target vertically. Only for Aim Vertically.
  211. Horizontal Speed [0.0 - 10.0] - defines the rate to which your view angles will be manipulated towards a target horizontally.
  212. Max Angle [1.0 - 360.0] - defines the angle in which your target must be located from your reticle in order for the AimAssist function to consider them as a valid target.
  213. Distance [1.0 - 8.0] - defines the maximum distance a target can be from your player model for AimAssist to consider them as a valid target.
  214. Limit to Items - when checked, only lets the module function while a whitelisted item is being held.
  215. Allowed Items - defines the list of items that the module will be active as they are being held. Only for Limit to Items.
  217. 2 / 8 ## AUTOCLICKER ##
  218. Swings for you while your attack button is held down (and other conditions are met).
  220. OPTIONS
  221. Inventory Fill - makes AutoClicker continue to work while you are in an inventory GUI (meant to be used for refilling your hotbar on Pot / SoupPvP servers).
  222. Blockhit - makes AutoClicker work while holding a sword and blocking (times your clicks between releasing and holding the use key).
  223. Break Blocks - disables AutoClicker's function while holding the attack key over a block (allows you to break blocks while the module is activated without having to toggle the key off to break the block).
  224. CPS [1.0 - 20.0] - defines the randomized range in which AutoClicker will find a value to click at (i.e. 12.1 - 17.3 will result in a constant clicks-per-second value somewhere between those two numbers, while AutoClicker is active).
  225. Right Click Mode - lets AutoClicker function for the usage of items (spams right click for you) as well as swinging for you.
  226. Right CPS [1.0 - 20.0] - defines the range in which AutoClicker will find a value to right click at
  227. Right Click Limit to Items - while enabled, allows you to define a list of items that Right Click AutoClicker will see as a valid item to function under while the item is held. Useful for limiting the function to blocks only, so you don't end up spam-eating a steak.
  228. Left Click Limit to Items - see above, but for left click
  230. 3 / 8 ## AUTOHEAL ##
  231. Automatically heals for you when health is under threshold.
  233. OPTIONS
  234. Soup - uses mushrooms stews (soups) to heal.
  235. Potions - uses splash potions of healing to heal.
  236. Heads - uses Golden Heads to heal (mainly applicable for Hypixel).
  237. Replace - replaces/refills either hotbar slots occupied with an empty bowl or empty ones with the specified healing items.
  239. 4 / 8 ## BOWAIMBOT ##
  240. Tries to predict the final position of a target while drawing back a bow (aims ahead of them / leads the target for you). Trigonometry is hard.
  242. OPTIONS
  243. Sort Target [Distance, FOV] - defines how BowAimbot will prioritize it's targets. Distance mode will prioritize the closest target (in blocks away from you, regardless of their position relative to your view angle). FOV will prioritize the target closest to your reticle.
  244. Silent Aim - while checked, will not manipulate your client side view angles (you will not see your reticle moving). This does not always bypass that great.
  245. Check Block Break - while checked, will inhibit the module's function while breaking blocks.
  246. Aim at invisible targets - you can read, can't you?
  247. Horizontal Speed [0.1 - 15.0] - the rate to which view angle adjustments are made on the horizontal plane
  248. Vertical Speed [0.1 - 15.0] - the rate to which view angle adjustments are made on the vertical plane
  249. Distance [1.0 - 128.0] - the range in which entities can be located away from your player model to be considered a valid target
  250. Max Angle [1.0 - 360.0] - the FOV range in which entities can be found in to be considered a valid target
  252. 5 / 8 ## REACH ##
  253. Allows you to hit targets from further away than is possible in Vanilla MC.
  255. OPTIONS
  256. Range [3.0 - 6.0] - defines the randomized range that Range will pull from to set as the next maximum distance a target can be located away from your player model to be considered a valid target (or, in non-virgin language: how much the module extends your reach by).
  257. Misplace - when checked, manipulates all entity positions on the client side to make them appear closer than they really are to you. This makes the module less obvious while being watched (i.e. if you are recording), and it'll look like you're just landing crazy combos on your screen while on the opponent's screen you'll be appropriately further away. This basically compensates (visually) for the extension of reach you are giving yourself, making you look more legit. This setting uses the minimum reach setting as a constant as opposed to the randomized range you get in normal reach.
  258. Disadvantage - (only while Misplace is enabled) while checked, will move misplaced players in the opposite direction (making them look like they are further away from you than they really are). You can use this in conjunction with the Friends Aliases function to frame other players (record a video of them looking like they're 9-blocking you). This setting effectively reverts the function of reach, and will not give you any reach extension.
  259. Vertical Check - prevents reach from being extended when the target is +/- 0.2 blocks away from your position on the Y axis (i.e. if you are on the ground, y80, and your opponent is in midair at y80.19, it will not extend your reach and let you hit that target again). This leads to a more legitimate usage of Reach, it prevents super-obvious and long combos.
  260. Only while sprinting - when checked, prevents the module from extending your reach unless you are sprinting. Makes the module more "legit".
  261. Disable in water - when checked, will prevent the module from extending your reach while you are swimming in water. Makes the module seem more "legit".
  263. 6 / 8 ## SPRINT ##
  264. Makes you sprint, whenever you pass the vanilla MC conditions to be able to sprint (not in mid air, enough hunger, etc). Functions similarly to popular mods like ToggleSneak and BetterSprinting. Does not allow for "omni-sprint" (sprinting in all directions).
  266. 7 / 8 ## VELOCITY ##
  267. Edits the amount of knockback you take when hit.
  269. OPTIONS
  270. Horizontal [0.00 - 100.0] - defines the percentage of original knockback taken in the horizontal direction. For example if in Vanilla MC you were hit while standing still and the enemy was sprinting, you could take, say, 2.693m horizontal knockback (x/z plane). If this was set to 50.0 (50%), that number would be reduced to 1.3465m.
  271. Vertical [0.00 - 100.0] - see above, but for vertical knockback.
  272. Chance [0.00 - 100.0] - the percentage chance of the module editing the knockback taken (100.0 = 100% of all hits you take will have edited KB, 30.0 = 30% of all hits you take will have edited KB).
  273. Only when targeting - adds a condition to Velocity's validity checks that will make it only reduce your KB taken when you are facing your opponent (so if you are hit from behind, you will take normal KB). This makes the module look more legit.
  274. Water check - adds a condition that will inhibit Velocity's functionality while you are swimming in water (you will take normal KB in water with this checked). Makes the module look more legit.
  275. Anti-Combo - disables all velocity modifications until you are considered to be in a combo.
  276. Air Only - option for Anti-Combo to only count hits taken in the air. Useful if being cornered.
  277. Combo Amount - option for Anti-Combo to consider you being in a combo after X amount of hits.
  278. Kite Mode - when enabled, INCREASES knockback taken when hit from behind (when "Kiting" in factions gamemodes, you want to run away from your opponent to get safe, and so if they hit you in the back you will take more knockback and therefore gain ground on your opponent, turning knockback into an advantage for you in that situation).
  279. Kite Horizontal [100.0 - 300.0] - (only while Kite mode is enabled) defines the percentage of original knockback taken in the horizontal direction (100.0 = default KB, 300.0 = 3x default KB).
  280. Kite Vertical [100.0 - 300.0] - (only while Kite mode is enabled) defines the percentage of original knockback taken in the vertical direction (100.0 = default KB, 300.0 = 3x default KB).
  281. Always Kite - (only while Kite mode is enabled) makes you take Kite KB at all times, even when not facing the opponent. Effectively inverts Velocity's functionality by making you take more KB at all times.
  283. 8 / 8 ## WTAP ##
  284. Tries to press, hold, and release the forward key (hence WTap) to keep a consistent distance between you and your opponent. Can interfere with natural movement (make it harder to move).
  286. OPTIONS
  287. Range [0.0 - 6.0] - the distance the module will try to keep constant between your opponent and your player model.
  288. Delay [0.0 - 1000.0] - the range in which a randomized value will be drawn from and used as a delay in milliseconds.
  290. # ██████╗ ███████╗███╗ ██╗██████╗ ███████╗██████╗
  291. # ██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗ ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗
  292. # ██████╔╝█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║█████╗ ██████╔╝
  293. # ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
  294. # ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██████╔╝███████╗██║ ██║
  295. # ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
  296. # █████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗
  297. # ╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝
  298. # ██╗██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ███████╗███████╗
  299. # ███║╚════██╗ ████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝
  300. # ╚██║ █████╔╝ ██╔████╔██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ███████╗
  301. # ██║██╔═══╝ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
  302. # ██║███████╗ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗███████║
  303. # ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
  304. #
  306. Render modules are modules that draw on your Minecraft application, hopefully providing insight on otherwise unknown information (i.e. Search revealing where desired blocks are located, Nametags making Nametags visible through blocks, etc).
  308. 1 / 13 ## ANTIDEBUFF ##
  309. Tries to disable the visual effects some debuff status effects add to your view.
  311. OPTIONS
  312. Remove Nausea - disables the spinning effect caused by the Nausea status effect.
  313. Remove Blindness - disables the 'view fog' effect caused by the Blindness status effect.
  314. Remove Slowness - disables the FOV tightening effect caused by the Slowness status effect.
  315. Remove Effects - removes the non-visual effects from the Slowness status effect (makes it so you move at normal speed despite having the Slowness effect on your player).
  317. 2 / 13 ## ARROWS ##
  318. Draws arrows on the edges of your screen pointing towards players that are outside your field of view. Meant to try and help prevent you from being "snuck up on".
  320. OPTIONS
  321. Color - defines the color of the arrows painted on your screen
  322. Radius Scale [0.00 - 1.00] - defines the distance away from your reticle where the arrows are drawn. A smaller value will draw arrows closer to the center of your screen, and a larger value will draw the arrows closer to the edge of your screen.
  323. Show Distance - paints a value next to the arrows that corresponds to the distance between yourself and the target of the arrow (i.e. 37m).
  324. Scale Opacity - scales the opacity of the arrows relative to the targets distance to you physically (makes arrows representing players close to you opaque, and the arrows representing far away players transparent / clear).
  326. 3 / 13 ## CHAMS ##
  327. Renders players through walls (makes player models visible despite being hidden behind blocks / walls).
  329. OPTIONS
  330. Hide Bots - tries to avoid applying Chams on AntiCheat bots (if AntiBot doesn't get rid of them altogether).
  331. Colored - when checked, instead of seeing the player's skin through the wall, it will color their entire entity a solid color.
  332. Visible Color - (only while Colored is checked) defines the color of Chams that are currently unobscured by blocks (or
  333. Color Behind Walls - (only while Colored is checked) defines whether or not Chams will color players who are behind blocks differently than how it colors players who are unobscured.
  334. Invisible Color - (only while Colored and Color Behind Walls are checked) defines the color of Chams rendered on players who are currently obscured behind blocks/walls.
  336. 4 / 13 ## ESP ##
  337. Draws an outline, cube, box, or skeleton wireframe on other players.
  339. OPTIONS
  340. Player Color - defines the color of the ESP frame drawn on players.
  341. Mode [Outline, 3D, 2D, Skeleton] - defines the type of ESP frame drawn on other players. Outline will draw a wireframe wrapped tight around their player model. 3D will draw a cube, 2D will draw a square, and Skeleton will draw a freakish armor stand like representation of the model.
  342. Hitbox - (only while using 3D mode) will draw the wireframed cube relative to the entity's hitbox size (works with HitBoxes module expansion).
  343. Show Normal - (only while using 3D mode & Hitbox is checked) will draw the entity's real hitbox size, regardless of expansions from the Hitboxes module.
  344. 2D Options - shows dropdown menu of 2D mode exclusive options
  345. Health Bar - (only while 2D options is checked and 2D mode is active) renders a healthbar next to the ESP wireframe that tries to show the entity's health similar to World of WarCraft health bars.
  346. Name - (only while 2D options is checked and 2D mode is active) renders the player's Nametag next to the ESP wireframe. When this option is disabled, normal nametags are still rendered, this option just makes the nametags position static to the wireframe, so it's less distracting seeing their nametag bounce around in and out of the wireframe.
  347. Invisibles - defines whether or not ESP should draw it's wireframes around invisible entities
  348. Hide Bots - defines whether or not ESP should try to differentiate between AntiCheat bots and real human players, and try to only draw ESPs around the human players.
  350. 5 / 13 ## FULLBRIGHT ##
  351. Makes the world around you as bright as our developers.
  353. OPTIONS
  354. Mode [Gamma, Night Vision] - Gamma Mode simply maximizes the game's Gamma value, making every block and entity the maximum light value. Night Vision applies (client side only, undetectable by server) the Night Vision effect.
  356. 6 / 13 ## ITEMESP ##
  357. Draws "name tags" above dropped items.
  359. OPTIONS
  360. Auto Scale - when checked, automatically scales the size of the itemTags relative to their distance to you, making items that are dropped further away similarly sized to itemTags drawn above items that are dropped close to you. If this is disabled the itemTags will be drawn at a constant size and they will not be resized relative to your distance to them, meaning items dropped far away from you might be hard to see.
  361. Scale [0.1 - 1.5] - defines the maximum size of the itemTags drawn. When AutoScale is enabled, it will try to keep all tags this size at all times. When AutoScale is disabled, the size of the itemTag drawn is relative to your distance from the itemTag, and so the maximum size is representative of the itemTag when it is as close as possible to you without being picked up.
  362. Whitelist Only - when checked, allows you to whitelist certain items that the module will look for and only draw tags for. So you can set up a list of items like "diamonds, diamond blocks", etc, and you won't see itemTags for items like "dirt block".
  364. 7 / 13 ## NAMETAGS ##
  365. Draws custom nametags that can be specified to contain important information about the entity above valid entities.
  367. OPTIONS
  368. Ignore Invisibles - when checked, the module will not draw nametags above invisible entities.
  369. Auto Scale - when checked, the module will attempt to make all nametags the same size, regardless of the physical distance between your player and the entity the nametag is being drawn on. If you get a lot of screen clutter using nametags, turn this off.
  370. Scale [0.1 - 1.5] - defines the maximum size of a drawn nametag.
  371. Hide Bots - when checked, the module will try to differentiate between human players and AntiCheat bots and it will try to only draw nametags above the human players (or other entities you specify).
  372. Render Players - when checked, the module will consider players as being valid targets for nametags to be drawn ontop of
  373. Render Animals - when checked, the module will consider passive animals (i.e. sheep, cows) as being valid targets for nametags to be drawn on top of
  374. Render Mobs - when checked, the module will consider hostile mobs (i.e. skeletons) as being valid targets for nametags to be drawn on top of.
  375. Render Health - when checked, the module will render the value given to the client by the server for the entity's health on the nametag (separate setting for each entity type).
  376. Render Distance - when checked, the module will render the distance between your player model and the entity's player model on the nametag (i.e. 56m).
  377. Render Effects - when checked, the module will attempt to render the effects (and duration / level of the effect) currently active on the entity on the nametag.
  378. Render Equipment - (only for Players) when checked, the module will render the equipment the player has equipped/is holding in their hand next to the nametag.
  379. Strength Indicator - (only for Players) when checked, the module will use your equipment (armor/held item) and effects and the target player's equipment and effects to calculate your potential damage to the other player, relative to the other player's potential damage to you. In short, it tries to give you an idea of how you stack up against the enemy player. A "+" means you likely deal more damage than the other player, a "=" means you and the other player likely deal equal damage, and a "-" means the other player likely deals more damage than you do.
  380. Calculate Effects - (only for Players, while Strength Indicator is checked) when checked, will try to add both player's active effects to the relative damage calculation, which can either make the calculation more or less accurate depending on the server.
  382. 8 / 13 ## PROJECTILES ##
  383. Draws trajectory arcs for projectiles in mid-air, so you can see the path the projectile is following.
  385. OPTIONS
  386. Show Arrows - draws arcs for Arrows when checked
  387. Show Pearls - draws arcs for Enderpearls when checked
  388. Show Potions - draws arcs for thrown potions (i.e. splash instant health) when checked
  389. Show Eggs - draws arcs for thrown eggs when checked
  390. Show Snowballs - draws arc for thrown snowballs when checked
  392. 9 / 13 ## PROPHUNT ##
  393. Renders an outline on props in the Block Hunt minigame on Mineplex. Basically a prop ESP. Only functions on players disguised as blocks. Works by flagging blocks receiving updates as props.
  395. 10 / 13 ## SPAWNERFINDER ##
  396. Draws "blocktags" above Mob Spawners. Carryover feature from Spook that is primarily used in Factions / HCF to find spawners in the wild for grinders.
  398. OPTIONS
  399. Scale [0.1 - 1.5] - defines the size of the blocktags drawn above the mob spawners
  400. Show Distance - when checked, shows the distance in meters your player model is away from the mob spawner.
  401. Spawners - allows you to define a list of whitelisted spawners for the module to function on (so if you are playing HCF and you're only interested in finding Skeleton spawners, you can specify for that).
  403. 11 / 13 ## STORAGEESP ##
  404. Draws wireframe ESPs around specified storage containers / blocks.
  406. OPTIONS
  407. Outline Open - inverts the color drawn on chests that are currently open (made for Hypixel SkyBlock, where chests that are looted stay open by their plugin). Meant to help you prioritize unlooted chests on Hypixel SkyBlock.
  408. Render [Chests, EnderChests, Hoppers, Furnaces, Dispensers, Droppers] - defines whether or not the module should render the ESP on the specified block(s). You can specify a custom color for each block as well.
  410. 12 / 13 ## TRACERS ##
  411. Draws lines to specified entities, optionally using different or variable colors to denote different things about the entity's relationship or interactions with your player.
  413. OPTIONS
  414. Invisibles - when checked, will draw tracers to invisible entities.
  415. Color by distance - when checked, will disable the option to edit colors and will instead display each tracer line's color as a gradient between red (closest), orange (medium distance) and red (far away), relative to the entity's distance to your player.
  416. Highlight if focusing - when checked, it will watch entities FOVs, and if they are facing you their tracer line will be bold instead of thin. Meant to try and help you know who is looking at you without having to turn around to see which way they are facing. Helpful for knowing when you'll need to defend yourself.
  417. Render [Players, Animals, Mobs] - allows you to choose which entities the module will consider as being valid for drawing lines to (multiple choice).
  418. Distance Check [0.0 - 256.0] - (only for Players, Animals, or Mobs - specific for each entity type) allows you to specify a range in which the entity must be located within, relative to blocks away from your current location in order for a tracer line to be drawn to them
  419. Color - (only for Players, Animals, or Mobs - specific for each entity type) allows you to choose the color of the tracer line drawn to the entity, if Color by distance is not enabled.
  421. 13 / 13 ## TRAJECTORIES ##
  422. Draws a trajectory arc when holding a projectile in your hand, which is always the exact path the projectile will travel when released. The "X" at the end of the arc displays distinctly when intersecting with an entity. Works for all projectiles and bows. The trajectory drawn for the bow updates with how much you have pulled the bow back.
  424. OPTIONS
  425. Trajectory Color - allows you to set the color of the line drawn from your player model through the air up until just before the end point
  426. Target Color - allows you to set the color of the target at the end of the trajectory line (the "X" marks the spot)
  427. Ghost Bow Charge - when checked, if holding a bow and the bow is not pulled back, a "hypothetical" trajectory will be drawn showing the arc of a maximum full-pull bow charge. Helps you "range find" and see if you are within the distance of your target should that be something you need to know.
  429. # ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗
  430. # ██║ ██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══██╗
  431. # ██║ █╗ ██║██║ ██║██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║
  432. # ██║███╗██║██║ ██║██╔══██╗██║ ██║ ██║
  433. # ╚███╔███╔╝╚██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██████╔╝
  434. # ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝
  435. # █████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗
  436. # ╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝
  437. # ███████╗ ███╗ ███╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ███████╗███████╗
  438. # ██╔════╝ ████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝
  439. # ███████╗ ██╔████╔██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ███████╗
  440. # ╚════██║ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
  441. # ███████║ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗███████║
  442. # ╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
  443. #
  445. Modules in this category are meant to change how you interact with the world around you.
  447. 1 / 5 ## AUTOTOOL ##
  448. Use the tool for the job. Switches to the most efficient tool from your inventory/hotbar when starting to break a block.
  450. 2 / 5 ## CHESTSTEAL ##
  451. Loot chests like it's your job, BorderLands style. When you open a chest with ChestSteal enabled, it will try to empty the chest and yoink the loot.
  453. OPTIONS
  454. Check in Menu - when enabled, the module will try to detect when it is in a server Inventory GUI menu as opposed to an actual chest (i.e. using a "compass menu" on Spigot servers to join instanced servers vs. actually in a chest), and try to only work when it is in an actual chest. Does not work 100% of the time.
  455. Keep Open - when enabled, the module will keep the chest GUI open after it is done yoinking all the loot.
  456. Shuffle - when enabled, the module will take the items in a random pattern, as opposed to scanning from the top left to bottom right of the chest's slots and taking everything in it's path, incrementally.
  457. Click Delay [{0.0} - {300.0}] - defines a range in which a randomized value will be pulled from and used for the delay between taking each item from the chest.
  458. Blacklisted Items - allows you to define a list of blacklisted items that will not be taken from chests when the module is active. Helpful for filtering trash items on the fly.
  459. Best Only - only steals items better than the ones currently in your inventory.
  461. 3 / 5 ## FASTPLACE ##
  462. Changes the delay Minecraft places on your player's rate of placing blocks (or using instantly-consumable items) while holding right click (this delay is not used when you spam right click, only when you hold right click down).
  464. OPTIONS
  465. Held Item [All, Blocks, Projectiles] - allows you to choose which items the module will change the minimum usage delay for. Blocks will change the delay only for blocks, Projectiles will change the delay only for instant-use projectiles (eggs and snowballs), and All will change the delay for both blocks and projectiles.
  466. Delay [0.0 - 4.0] - defines the edited delay value. 4.0 = default MC value, 0.0 = no delay.
  468. 4 / 5 ## FREECAM ##
  469. Allows you to explore the world around you without moving server-side (basically lets you noclip and see the world as if you're in spectator mode) without restrictions to movement.
  471. OPTIONS
  472. Speed [1.0 - 5.0] - defines the linear speed to which your noclip'ing player model will move at while in Freecam
  473. Spawn Fake - when checked, will spawn a placeholder NPC on your player model so you can see where you are relative to your original position when in freecam.
  475. 5 / 5 ## MLG ##
  476. Tries to place a water bucket at your feet at the exact perfect time when falling and you have a water bucket on your hotbar, in order to mitigate fall damage.
  478. # ██╗ ██╗████████╗██╗██╗ ██╗████████╗██╗ ██╗
  479. # ██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝██║██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝╚██╗ ██╔╝
  480. # ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝
  481. # ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚██╔╝
  482. # ╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║ ██║
  483. # ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
  484. # █████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗
  485. # ╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝
  486. # ██╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ███████╗███████╗
  487. # ███║██╔═████╗ ████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝
  488. # ╚██║██║██╔██║ ██╔████╔██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ███████╗
  489. # ██║████╔╝██║ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
  490. # ██║╚██████╔╝ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗███████║
  491. # ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
  492. #
  494. 1 / 11 ## ARMORSWITCH ##
  495. Switches between two sets of armor. On keypress, it will open your inventory, then piece-by-piece replace your current set of armor with the designated set's armor. Meant to be used on HCF servers that use classes that are enabled by wearing different sets of armor (i.e. bard = gold, archer = leather, rogue = chain, and so on).
  497. OPTIONS
  498. Set 1 [Diamond, Gold, Leather, Iron, Chain] - defines the first set to be switched to
  499. Set 2 [Diamond, Gold, Leather, Iron, Chain] - defines the second set to be switched to
  500. Delay [0.0 - 200.0] - defines the delay in milliseconds between equipping each piece of armor
  502. 2 / 11 ## AUTOARMOR ##
  503. Equips the best armor available on keypress.
  505. OPTIONS
  506. Open Inventory - when checked, will open your inventory before equipping each piece of armor.
  507. Inventory Only - when checked, will only function when you are in your inventory to begin with (so to activate AutoArmor while this is enabled, enable the module, then enter your inventory).
  508. Check Durability - when checked, the module will always prefer a higher durability same-material piece of armor over the other one (even if the more broken piece of armor has a higher protection level).
  509. Drop Equipped - when checked, the module will drop all replaced armor instead of putting it back in your inventory.
  510. Combat Check - when checked, the module will not function while you are in combat. This option is meant to prevent the module from trying to equip armor mid-fight, ultimately with the goal of increasing how "legit" the module looks.
  511. Delay [{1.0} - {200.0}] - defines the range in which a random value will be derived from the use as the delay between each piece of armor being equipped.
  513. 3 / 11 ## AUTOPEARL ##
  514. Upon activation, tries to find the most recently thrown enderpearl by an enemy, finds the final destination of their thrown enderpearl, then calculates the most efficient path (yaw/pitch for the enderpearl to be thrown from) to try to have your thrown enderpearl land at the same position, and throws the enderpearl. Can be configured to be activated upon keypress, or to have it search for enderpearls thrown by enemies.
  516. OPTIONS
  517. Mode [On bind, Aggro] - on bind mode will only activate upon keypress. Aggro will try to find the most likely target you are facing, then whenever they throw their enderpearl you will follow it with your own.
  518. Horizontal Speed [0.1 - 15.0] - defines the rate to which the module edits your horizontal view angles
  519. Vertical Speed [0.1 - 15.0] - defines the rate to which the module edits your vertical view angles
  520. Angle Limit [1.0 - 360.0] - defines the angle, derived from your reticle to which valid thrown enderpearls can be found in (i.e. 180 = all enderpearls thrown in front of your character, regardless of field of view are valid).
  521. Vertical Check - when checked, will only throw enderpearls when the end position of the enderpearl is not +/- 10y from your current Y axis position.
  522. Silent Throw - when checked, will throw the enderpearl without selecting it first (meaning you will never switch off your sword while chasing your enemy).
  524. 4 / 11 ## AUTOFISH ##
  525. Automatically catches fish for you, provided you are facing a pool of water and you have a fishing rod(s) in your inventory.
  527. OPTIONS
  528. Recast Ground - when checked, the module will automatically cast it's fishing line again if the bobber catches on ground. If you have this enabled, your fishing rod could break quickly by spamming itself against a block.
  529. Recast Caught - when checked, the module will automatically cast it's fishing line again if the bobber catches an entity (i.e. intersects with a mob, or some other kind of entity that can take damage). This should prevent the module from stalling out should someone just stand in front of you, or the like.
  530. Anti AFK - when checked, randomly strafes left/right and moves your reticle around to prevent automated "anti-afk" plugins on servers from kicking you from the server.
  532. 5 / 11 ## CLUTCH ##
  533. On keypress, tries to save you from falling by placing a block under you. Useful in HCF fall traps or in SkyWars.
  535. 6 / 11 ## INVCLEANER ##
  536. Cleans your inventory of useless items.
  538. OPTIONS
  539. Delay [{1.0} - {200.0}] - defines the range in which a random value will be derived from to be used for the delay in milliseconds between each iteration of dropping an item from your inventory
  540. Open Inventory - when checked, this module will also open your inventory upon activation (makes the module look more "legit").
  541. Best Items - when checked, the module will try to identify the best piece of armor, sword, axe, pickaxe and bow from the items available in your inventory and whitelist those items from being cleaned (dropped).
  542. Remove Negative Potions - when checked, the module will throw away negative potions (i.e. poison splash potions). By default the module keeps all potions.
  543. Remove Food - when checked, the module will throw away all food except for Golden Apples.
  544. Whitelisted Items - defines a specific list of items to never throw away
  545. Blacklisted Items - defines a specific list of items to always throw away
  547. 7 / 11 ## PANIC ##
  548. Disables (or re-enables) all currently enabled (or previously disabled) modules upon keypress. Meant to be used as a way to quickly look legit (i.e. if a staff member teleports to you).
  550. OPTIONS
  551. Re enable - when checked, the module will remember the modules it disabled on last usage, and pressing the button again will automatically re-enable all of the previously disabled modules.
  553. 8 / 11 ## REFILL ##
  554. Refills your hotbar with common healing items (i.e. instant health splash potions, mushroom soup).
  556. OPTIONS
  557. Vertical - when checked, will take items up-down, left-right instead of left-right, up-down.
  558. Scatter - when checked, it will take items in a random order.
  559. Hotbar Clear - when checked, upon module activation, it will try to put healing items on your hotbar by replacing the "junk" items on your hotbar with the healing items. You will not throw out your items but rather simply reverse the positions of each item (i.e. dirt on hotbar, press hotkey, dirt takes the place of the healing potion, healing potion takes the place of dirt)
  560. Delay [{0.0} - {200.0}] - defines the range in which a random value will be derived from to be used as the delay in milliseconds between each inventory interaction
  562. 9 / 11 ## ROD AIMBOT ##
  563. Aims your fishing rod for you.
  565. OPTIONS
  566. Horizontal Speed - the speed that it will use to aim within the horizontal axis (X-axis).
  567. Vertical Speed - the speed that it will use to aim within the vertical axis (Y-axis).
  568. Max Angle - the angle that it will work within.
  569. Distance - the distance that it will work within.
  570. Sort Target - will prioritize and target based upon distance or FoV.
  572. 10 / 11 ## THROWDEBUFF ##
  573. Tries to find valid debuff potions on your hotbar, and throws some (or all) of them upon activation.
  575. OPTIONS
  576. Mode [All, One of each, First] - One of each will throw only one of each potion found on your hotbar (i.e. if you have two slowness, one poison, one weakness, it will throw one slowness, one poison, one weakness). First will only throw the first potion found on your hotbar (left to right). All will throw every single debuff potion found on your hotbar.
  577. Harming - adds potion of instant harming as a valid debuff potion
  578. Weakness - see above, but for potion of weakness
  579. Poison - see above, but for potion of poison
  580. Slowness - see above, but for potion of poison
  581. Delay [{0.0} - {200.0}] - defines the range in which a random value will be derived from, used in the delay between switching to each potion and throwing it.
  582. Scroll - when checked, instead of 'swapping' to the potion the module will throw, it will 'scroll' (iterating through each hotbar slot prior the potion before landing on the potion and throwing it)
  583. Scroll delay [0.0 - 200.0] - defines the delay between each scroll action from item to item.
  585. 11 / 11 ## THROWPOT ##
  586. Tries to find a valid 'healing item' (i.e. mushroom soup, instant healing splash potion) and if health is low enough, use it, or use multiple of them if necessary.
  588. OPTIONS
  589. Type [Both, Pots, Soup] - Pots will set instant health splash potions as being the only valid healing item. Soup will set mushroom soup as being the only valid healing item. Both will set both pots and soup as being valid.
  590. Mode [Single, Dynamic] - dynamic will try to judge how many healing items you can use (without overhealing) and use that amount of healing items (i.e. if you are at 2 hearts, an instant health II potion can heal a maximum of 4 hearts when landed dead-on, so it will throw two potions. If you are at 3 hearts it will only throw one). Single will only ever use one healing item per keypress.
  591. Delay [{0.0} - {200.0}] - defines the range in which a random value will be derived from to be used as the delay between each iteration of switching items and using items.
  592. Scroll - when checked, the module will scroll to the healing items instead of swapping to them.
  593. Scroll delay [0.0 - 200.0] - (only when Scroll is checked) defines the delay between each iteration of scrolling between items.
  594. Random - defines whether or not the module will randomly select an item off your hotbar to use, instead of using the closest item to the current slot.
  595. Throw Bowls - if using Soup / Both Type, will throw the empty wooden bowls out after using the soup.
  597. # ██████╗ ████████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗
  598. # ██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗
  599. # ██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║█████╗ ██████╔╝
  600. # ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
  601. # ╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║
  602. # ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
  603. # █████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗█████╗
  604. # ╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝╚════╝
  605. # ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ███████╗███████╗
  606. # ╚════██╗ ████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝
  607. # █████╔╝ ██╔████╔██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ███████╗
  608. # ██╔═══╝ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
  609. # ███████╗ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗███████║
  610. # ╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
  611. #
  613. 1 / 2 ## ANTI-AFK ##
  614. Moves your character in a random direction after a certain amount of time, to prevent you from being kicked from server that use Anti-AFK plugins.
  616. OPTIONS
  617. Frequency [1.0 - 200.0] - defines the frequency to which the module will move you around. A lower value will mean your character moves more often, and vice versa.
  619. 2 / 2 ## SELFDESTRUCT ##
  620. Arguably the most famous feature of any of our clients. This module "self destructs" the client, removing it entirely from Minecraft as soon as the button is pressed. It is meant to be used if you are frozen for a screenshare. It removes as many traces of the client from your game as is possible.
  622. OPTIONS
  623. Temp Disable - when checked, will temporarily enable the 'temp disable' function that can be toggled on This function prevents the authentication of your account against Vape's login servers, even if you enter the correct login details. It is meant to be a preventative measure from staff members forcing you to download our files and run them to see if Vape injects into your game (so they can't know for sure whether or not you have Vape).
  625. * SETTINGS CATEGORY * - 2 modules as of writing
  627. 1 / 2 ## GUI ##
  628. This is less of a module and more of a subcategory in and of itself. It holds other options for how the client operates and looks.
  630. OPTIONS
  631. Blur Background - when checked, will try to use GLSL shaders to blur the background of the game window. Can cause some render issues.
  632. Rescale - when CLICKED, will rescale the GUI to your current Minecraft GUI size. This should bring previously off-screen settings back to being visible.
  633. Enable MultiKeybinding - when checked, will let the client accept combination key bindings to activate modules (i.e. ALT+R to enable Freecam). You can set key bindings on modules by holding LSHIFT and clicking the module in the GUI, then pressing the key(s) you want it bound to.
  634. Edit GUI - when checked, will show a "Finish Editing" button in the top right of the screen, and a checkbox next to every module, and module category. Any checked boxes will remain visible after you click finish editing, and any unchecked boxes will remove those modules from the GUI, making them only accessible again by editing the GUI through clicking the Edit GUI bind again (or clicking the "show hidden modules" prompts under module categories).
  635. GUI Bind Indicator - when checked, will show a message on your GUI indicating the name of the key the "open GUI" module is bound to upon injection (i.e. "press RSHIFT to open GUI").
  636. Smooth Font - when checked, will use a smooth unicode font as opposed to the default font provided by the active resource pack.
  637. Reset Profile - when clicked, this button will reset EVERY SINGLE SETTING to the default values we provide upon downloading Vape (literally everything).
  638. Reset GUI - when clicked, this button will reset Vape's GUI to it's default values, reverting any changes you have made to Vape's GUI.
  639. Sort - when clicked, this button will sort Vape's GUI by the amount of modules included in each visible module category, in descending order, next to each other.
  640. Auto-load module states - when checked, this will save the state of each active module upon saving a profile (or uploading said profile). When you re-enable that profile, the modules will automatically be enabled, without you having to press the keybinds again (or click the buttons in the GUI to enable the modules again). Saves some time.
  641. GUI Color - allows you to set the color of all the Vape GUI rendered features. Double click for rainbow!
  642. Players - adds players as a valid entity to Vape's targeting combat hacks (i.e. AimAssist, KillAura, Range, etc).
  643. Mobs - adds mobs as a valid entity to Vape's targeting combat hacks.
  644. Ignore naked - when checked, tries to ignore naked (unarmored) players / player entities and avoids targeting them.
  645. Teams by server - when checked, will try to define teammates from the settings sent by the server to the player. This is the most efficient / common way of finding your teammates. Vape will automatically ignore your teammates from players it should be targeting.
  646. Teams by color - when checked, will try to find players who have the same color nametag as yourself, and ignore them (avoid targeting them with combat hacks).
  647. MiddleClick Friends - when checked, will allow you to middleclick player entities to add that player to your friends list. Shorter than going in your GUI and manually adding the player's name through the Friends module.
  648. Show ToolTips - when checked, will show short descriptions of modules & module options / settings to help guide you in your decisions as to how to configure Vape to your liking.
  649. Blatant Mode - when checked, this will enable "Blatant Mode". Blatant Mode is required in order to use certain modules. It injects a different part of Vape that can be detected more easily in screenshares and by AntiCheats. Blatant mode is automatically disabled each time you start Vape. Once you enable Blatant Mode, it cannot be turned off until you restart Minecraft.
  650. Enable on Load - (only while Blatant Mode is checked) will automatically enable Blatant Mode every time you launch Vape without having to manually turn it on in your GUI (overrides the default setting).
  651. Speed Check - when checked, will automatically disable any active module that interacts with your movement speed / in game movement upon activation of another module that interacts with your movement speed.
  653. 2 / 2 ## SYNC SETTINGS ##
  654. Less of a module, more of a clickable button. When pressed, it will push all of your current settings / mappings to Vape's servers, saving them on our cloud storage systems. If you close Vape without pressing the Sync Settings button, none of your changes will be saved upon your next injection. This is one of the modules that makes Vape so unique from other clients.
  656. * TEXT GUI *
  657. Text GUI, when enabled, simply displays all your currently activated modules.
  659. OPTIONS
  660. Shadow - paint a character shadow on each letter drawn by the TextGUI module. Makes the module names look prettier.
  661. Use Category Color - colors modules from the same category the same color, as opposed to a random color defined for each module.
  662. Watermark - paints the Vape Logo and Vape Client Version above the Text GUI activated modules.
  663. Rescale - rescales the Text GUI relative to your Minecraft GUI.
  664. Show Targets - renders targeted entities in an array in your Text GUI.
  665. Sort [Length, Alphabetical] - defines how Text GUI should sort the modules it holds. Length will sort the modules with the longest names first, and the shortest names last.
  667. # ███████╗███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗
  668. # ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║
  669. # ███████╗█████╗ ███████║██████╔╝██║ ███████║
  670. # ╚════██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██║██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══██║
  671. # ███████║███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╗██║ ██║
  672. # ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
  673. #
  675. Search is Vape's version of x-ray. It will draw wireframes around designated blocks, without making everything else in your game transparent. It allows you to find the blocks you need to find without losing valuable environmental data around you by rendering everything else as being clear. To use Search, simply type the name of the block you are looking for in the <block name> text input box, then click add. You can change the color of the wireframe drawn by fiddling with the color slider. You can remove blocks from the search module by clicking the 'x' button adjacent the block's name in the search module's block list. You can add or remove blocks from the search module's render list by clicking the block in the block list without removing it completely.
  677. OPTIONS
  678. Range [1.0 - 100.0] - defines the maximum distance away a block can be from you for it to have a wireframe drawn around it.
  679. Only Caves - when checked, the search module will only draw wireframes around blocks it finds that have at least one side of the block exposed to an air block (ores in caves typically match this descriptor).
  681. # ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗██╗ ███████╗███████╗
  682. # ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██║██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝
  683. # ██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║█████╗ ██║██║ █████╗ ███████╗
  684. # ██╔═══╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔══╝ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
  685. # ██║ ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗███████╗███████║
  686. # ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
  687. #
  689. Profiles are like save files, containing every single change you have made to Vape to make it uniquely yours. Profiles save everything from the position of where each GUI element is located, to the color of each module, the settings for each module, the keybinds for each module, and even the state of the module (whether it was enabled or disabled at the time of the profile being saved). Profiles can be used to share your settings with others, to find popular settings for the server you are playing on, or to save different settings for different situations. They are a quick, on the fly way to switch up the way you want to use Vape. You can save new profiles to the profiles module by entering a name for the profile in the <name> text field, then clicking the 'Add' button. Remember to click the Sync Settings button in order for your profiles to be saved under your user settings, so you can download them later and continue using them. You can access the Global Profiles function by clicking the globe adjacent the text input field. In the public profiles function, you can find an index of public profiles uploaded by other users, search for profiles by their name or UUID, preview their settings, download and enable the profile, or upload your own private profiles for others to vote on and use. It is a quick and easy way to find settings for the server you are playing on, tried, tested and true as defined by other Vape users. Everything is fully anonymous and no one will ever know who uploaded any given profile, unless you decide to define your own name in the name of the profile uploaded as some of our users have done. You can also shift-right-click a profile in the profiles module to automatically adopt the profile's module-states without adopting the profile's settings.
  691. # ███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ██████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
  692. # ████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██╔════╝
  693. # ██╔████╔██║███████║██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗
  694. # ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║╚════██║
  695. # ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╗██║ ██║╚██████╔╝███████║
  696. # ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
  697. #
  699. Macros are Vape's way of automating common, easy actions, such as switching to and using an item then switching back to the original item, or issuing a command to the server. Item macros can be added to the macros module by typing the item name into the text field, clicking add, defining your random delay(s), then clicking add followed by the key you want the macro bound to. Macros are great for using common items like flint and steel, lava buckets, water buckets, fishing rods, or enderpearls. You can also use Macros to create command macros for commonly used commands such as "/f home". To do so, simply type the command in the place of the item name with a preceding forward slash ('/'), then follow the same steps as you would to add an item macro.
  701. # ███████╗██████╗ ██╗███████╗███╗ ██╗██████╗ ███████╗
  702. # ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║██╔════╝████╗ ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
  703. # █████╗ ██████╔╝██║█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║███████╗
  704. # ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║╚════██║
  705. # ██║ ██║ ██║██║███████╗██║ ╚████║██████╔╝███████║
  706. # ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
  707. #
  709. The friends module in Vape is how you set specific, unique players to not be targeted by Vape's combat and/or render modules. Certain render modules (i.e. Tracers, Nametags) will even render Friends differently from normal targets (green nametags for friends). You can use the friends module to change the color of the nametags displayed for certain players, to disable Vape's ability to target them in combat/render modules, to change the display (and chat) name of the player, or a combination of any or all of the previously listed features. You can use the Friends module in conjunction with Reach/Misplace/Disadvantage to frame players as if they were cheating and get them banned from servers, if you're feeling particularly nefarious. To add a friend, either middleclick them in game with the setting "middleclick friends" enabled, or write their name (and optionally, followed by a space, the Alias you want them to display as when Aliases are used) in the friends module. For example, if I wanted to add the player "Manthe" as a friend, and give him the Alias "Tim", I would enter "Manthe Tim" into the friends module (without quotes), then click the add button.
  711. OPTIONS
  712. Use Color - when checked, friends will be colored differently than normal targets in certain render modules (i.e. nametags).
  713. Use Friends - when checked, Vape will not target your friends in combat/blatant/render modules.
  714. Use Alias - when checked, Vape will use the alias name provided for each Friend as their Nametag when the Nametags module is enabled.
  715. Force Alias - when checked, Vape will replace all occurrences (accounting for the color of the occurrence) of the original name of the Friend with their Alias.
  717. # ███████╗██╗██╗ ████████╗███████╗██████╗
  718. # ██╔════╝██║██║ ╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗
  719. # █████╗ ██║██║ ██║ █████╗ ██████╔╝
  720. # ██╔══╝ ██║██║ ██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
  721. # ██║ ██║███████╗ ██║ ███████╗██║ ██║
  722. # ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
  723. #
  725. Searches for modules matching the search string entered in the text box generated by the module. Helpful for finding obscure / uncommonly used modules you may not know the location of in your GUI without having to go hunting for them.
  727. # ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗ ██████╗
  728. # ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔════╝██║ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔═══██╗
  729. # ██║ ██║██║ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██║
  730. # ██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║
  731. # ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗███████╗ ██║██║ ╚████║██║ ╚██████╔╝
  732. # ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝
  733. #
  735. Searches for players who you are likely to be in a 1v1 with and counts hits landed on them vs. hits landed on you, and pots they've thrown vs. pots you've thrown. Tries to keep track of who's got the edge on the other one in 1v1's. Doesn't always work perfectly due to the assumptions the module has to make, but it does it's best.
  737. # ██████╗ ████████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ████████╗██╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██╗██████╗
  738. # ██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ╚══██╔══╝██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔╝╚════██╗
  739. # ██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║█████╗ ██████╔╝ ██║ ██║██████╔╝███████╗ ██╔╝ █████╔╝
  740. # ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ██║ ██║██╔═══╝ ╚════██║ ╚██╗ ╚═══██╗
  741. # ╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ███████║ ╚██╗██████╔╝
  742. # ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═╝╚═════╝
  743. #
  745. - To make any color setting rainbow, simply double click the color slider. You can also edit specific color settings like hue & saturation by holding shift and clicking the color slider.
  746. - To bind a module to a key, simply hold LSHIFT and click the module in the GUI, then press the key(s) you want to have bound as the toggle button for that module. You can enable the "multi keybinding" option in the Settings module to allow combinations of keypresses such as ALT+R or CTRL+E as valid keybindings.
  747. - To see the active bindings in your Vape profile, hold TAB while in your GUI. The keys bound to each bound module will display next to the module.
  748. - You can bind multiple modules to a single keybinding, so you can enable groups of hacks with a single keypress.
  749. - You can bind profiles to keys as well, so if you have multiple profiles for a certain server you can save them individually, bind them to different keys, and simply press those keys to switch between profiles on the fly. You can even enable saved module states to have each profile automatically enable it's saved module states upon activation to make things even more fluid.
  750. - You can always manually self-destruct Vape by pressing the reserved keybind LCTRL + HOME, even if you are in a portal or if you are forced into an inventory GUI by the server.
  751. - You can clear keybinds by holding LSHIFT and double clicking the bound module in the GUI.
  752. - You can visit the Vape forums to interact with other Vape users and find friends to hack with and good settings to use for the server you are playing on at
  753. - You can contact the Vape team at any time at We have an active customer support team and strive to reply to all emails within 12 hours of receipt.
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