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May 29th, 2017
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  1. Sywren: this is golden
  3. Knice: Valid reason
  4. McS: 8utter annihilates @ItzHero_'s rep. Oh wait, he already did it himself.
  5. Sywren: im fucking dead
  7. Knice: Yes
  8. Senju: oh
  9. Sywren: "Banned for false devouches"
  11. Knice: welp
  12. TheHumax_: ^
  13. Knice: /me Hello
  14. Sywren: @Senju, not allowed
  16. 8utter: 'False devouches' my arse.
  17. Senju: /me hello
  18. ItzHero_: because this is ridiculous
  19. Knice: @ItzHero_ atleast you're famous now!
  20. ItzHero_: either way, if they devouch my account any more I will ensure they are banned for false devouches
  21. Senju: Can someone give me some feedback?
  22. 8utter: @Fory, Hello!
  23. TwinzShop: itzhero_ i never stand to someone
  24. Fory: Hey
  25. Knice: LOL u know who I meant @Hero
  26. ItzHero_: if ur not then I still got respect for u
  27. Knice: @RoaringIron remember that clown person on that old forum?
  28. ItzHero_: @TwinzShop if ur going on their side then I have lost all respect for u man
  29. 8utter: @ItzHero_, I'm literally homeless and I'm not as whiny as you, fuck outta here. :joy:
  30. Hero: @Knice, I don't think like that ;} ;}
  31. ItzHero_: exclusive I have a shit enough irl life, I really dont need people like them being this way for me
  32. TwinzShop: @ItzHero_ ur profile getting more devouch
  33. Serendity: smH
  34. Knice: The thought process of hero: "Hey this kid just joined, great opportunity to say DWC and afvertise my own thread"
  35. 8utter: @ItzHero_, You're going to get yourself banned at this point, so I'm just going to sit back in my lawn chair and watch you burn in a glorious ball of flame.
  36. TheHumax_: You take stuff too serious lol
  37. ItzHero_: they have also trashed my old thread so I had to create a new one
  38. Exclusive Alts: Well its your problem your lowing yourself to there level
  39. TheHumax_: Seems like your getting yourself banned xD
  40. Sywren: like ffs calm your man tits
  42. ItzHero_: @Exclusive Alts I will not chill, THEY HAVE FUCKED MY REP UP AND ARE NOW TRYING TO GET ME BANNED
  43. Sywren: Can someone tell him to just earn his rep back, simple as that?
  45. Exclusive Alts: Welcome @Fory
  46. Serendity: Smh
  47. Serendity: @ItzHero_ @Knice I did it
  48. 8utter: Welcome @Fory!
  49. Exclusive Alts: @ItzHero_ Chill its a fourm
  50. ItzHero_: @Exclusive Alts they are now doing everything they can to piss me off, troll me and get me banned
  51. Knice: but ok
  52. 8utter: Oh my lord.
  53. Knice: More like 7
  54. 8utter: The lies.
  55. ItzHero_: @Exclusive Alts they have fucked my reputation up all because of ONE FUCKING MESSAGE
  57. Knice: More like 7
  58. 8utter: The lies.
  59. ItzHero_: @Exclusive Alts they have fucked my reputation up all because of ONE FUCKING MESSAGE
  60. Knice: Thats all I ask
  61. Knice: Serndity just tag him once
  62. ItzHero_: @Exclusive Alts yes I am
  63. Serendity: ok
  64. 8utter: @Exclusive Alts, No, he's 8.
  65. ItzHero_: @Serendity they're literally spamming me with tags
  66. Sywren: @Exclusive Alts, June 20
  68. Knice: Well, who was the dickhead first?
  69. TheHumax_: @ItzHero reported for tagging me
  70. 8utter: @ItzHero_ is going to be banned so fast.
  71. Exclusive Alts: @ItzHero_ Are you 15?
  72. ItzHero_: @Serendity not excessively when I ignored them
  73. Knice: this is great
  74. Knice: omg
  75. TwinzShop: lol
  76. ItzHero_: @Exclusive Alts no I'm not, they're just being rude and disrespectful and being out and out dickheads
  77. TheHumax_: becuase you tagged me twice xD
  78. Serendity: @ItzHero_ the fuck,we can tag you
  79. Exclusive Alts: @Sywren when does it end?
  80. Sywren: wait until @rectof sees thsi!
  82. TheHumax_: I tagged you twice idiot
  83. 8utter: :joy:
  84. Sywren: im fucking done lol
  86. ItzHero_: @8utter @Sywren @TheHumax_ all reported for spamming me with tags
  87. Exclusive Alts: @ItzHero_ Is very toxic :c
  88. restrictor: selling "lori" tid + $1000 in ranks. past owners are reputable.
  89. Sywren: @Exclusive Alts, $8 until it ends?
  91. Serendity: Lmfao xd
  92. Knice: @RoaringIron JOIN IN
  93. Exclusive Alts: @Sywren how much? my dude
  94. 8utter: :joy: :joy: :joy:
  95. Sywren: im in a pinch for cash so maybe
  97. Sywren: @Exclusive Alts, depends on how much
  99. 8utter: Don't be like @ItzHero_.
  100. 8utter: @ItzHero_ spams chat and is toxic.
  101. 8utter: This is @ItzHero_.
  102. Exclusive Alts: @Sywren Would you be willing to rent out your Sticky thread?
  103. Sywren: @Exclusive Alts, hi
  105. Knice: "Dont be a ItzHero"
  106. 8utter: @ItzHero_, It's not against the rules, kiddo.
  107. Sywren: @Knice meme
  109. TheHumax_: xD
  110. Exclusive Alts: @8utter Hes having fun bless him
  111. TheHumax_: Its not much of a lose Sywren
  112. Knice: He ignored like everyone
  113. Exclusive Alts: @Sywren Yo
  114. ItzHero_: butter reported for tag spam
  116. ItzHero_: butter reported for tag spam
  117. Knice: this is hilariousthis is golden
  118. Sywren: LO
  120. Sywren: WTF
  122. 8utter: @ItzHero_, I find it hard to believe that you're 15.
  123. Sywren: HE IGNORED ME
  125. Sywren: LOL
  127. ItzHero_: humax ignored
  128. TwinzShop: Guys buy a Don't Starve Together you will get a free one for ur friend or someone
  129. Knice: @ItzHero_ Why the name ItzHero?
  130. ItzHero_: sywren ignored
  131. TheHumax_: @ItzHero_ salty much :O
  132. 8utter: @ItzHero_, It's awful.
  133. 8utter: @ItzHero_, Did you draw your profile picture?
  134. ItzHero_: @8utter stop tag spamming me
  135. restrictor: sup
  136. Sywren: @ItzHero_, LOL
  138. Knice: I said that
  139. ItzHero_: @Sywren fuck you
  140. 8utter: @ItzHero_, I wonder if you'll be banned.
  141. Knice: ???
  142. 8utter: @ItzHero_, Do you like cheesecake?
  143. 8utter: @ItzHero_, What's your name in real life?
  144. ItzHero_: alright TheHumax calm down dickhead
  145. Sywren: Knice @ Knice: I want to convince a lot of people to tag Hero but that'll probably get me some warning points
  147. TwinzShop: i mean @Knice
  148. Knice: Whatd u do?
  149. Knice: ?
  150. 8utter: @ItzHero_, I like fluffy kittens.
  151. TwinzShop: @knife i know this guy because i'm he's supplier and i help him to sell i never stand to someone
  152. ItzHero_: yes @Sywren?
  153. TheHumax_: @ItzHero_ stop whispering to me
  154. 8utter: Probably more.
  155. Sywren: @Knice you're welcome
  157. 8utter: Spam, Toxicity
  158. Sywren: @ItzHero_, \
  160. 8utter: I can just see the warning points now.
  161. Knice: I want to convince a lot of people to tag Hero but that'll probably get me some warning points
  162. 8utter: Yeah
  163. Knice: That first one thoe
  164. 8utter: Those are the ones he's the most salty in. ;}
  165. 8utter:
  166. 8utter:
  167. 8utter: @Knice,
  168. ItzHero_: ey thehumax
  169. TheHumax_: Hey ;)
  170. Knice: "do you think we can raise just $5.50?" even he doesn't believe in his own shop
  171. Knice: just the juicy ones
  172. Knice: yes please
  174. Knice: "do you think we can raise just $5.50?" even he doesn't believe in his own shop
  175. Knice: just the juicy ones
  176. Knice: yes please
  177. ItzHero_: Cheap spotify/wwe/nfa/mc accounts here: Do you think we can raise just $5.50? :)
  178. 8utter: @Knice, I'll show you the funniest screenshots.
  179. Serendity: The hell is going on lmfao
  180. ItzHero_: nice @Green
  181. Serendity: Cool
  182. Green: Just finished my maths exam LOL
  183. Knice: Just curious
  184. Knice: @TwinzShop why do you follow this person?
  185. TwinzShop: here we go again
  186. Knice: Well ur not muted, so ofc hes not on
  187. Knice: which I can't be bothered with
  188. ItzHero_: shadow isnt even on
  189. Knice: except the screenshots
  190. Knice: read all of the evidence
  191. 8utter: ;}
  192. Knice: Ye I saw that post
  193. cmd: lol
  194. cmd: Shadow: This is illogical nuisance
  195. 8utter: There are screenshots in my comment.
  196. 8utter:
  197. 8utter: He was in chat for at least 30 minutes calling people assholes, spamming, and overall being a whiny half-breed.
  198. 8utter: Yet he blames his reputation on us.
  199. Knice: hahahaha
  200. 8utter: @Knice, He destroyed his own reputation and me and a few other people left some -rep on his profile.
  201. Knice: ooo imcoming educational speech from a 12 year old
  202. ItzHero_: cuz thanks to @8utter and his friends my chances of selling anything are fucked
  203. ItzHero_: and i'll tell u why
  204. Knice: and rated some of his posts funny
  205. ItzHero_: some more than other @Exclusive Alts
  206. Knice: I just posted one message on his profile L O L
  207. Exclusive Alts: @Knice we are all dicks
  208. Knice:
  209. ItzHero_ said:
  210. well @Knice and @Glacier are dicks too so im ignoring them too
  211. Exclusive Alts: I Had something else in my mind
  212. 8utter:
  213. 8utter said:
  214. Were you dropped on your head at some point?
  215. That's harassment. ;}
  216. Exclusive Alts: Shhh
  217. Knice: U mean thread?
  218. Knice: Sticky note
  219. Glacier: @8utter, Gamble Grandma
  220. ItzHero_: @8utter ur already reported for it anyway
  221. 8utter: Were you dropped on your head at some point?
  222. Exclusive Alts: @Sywern is it possible i could rent out your Sticky note? Thanks -Fin
  223. 8utter: @ItzHero_, That doesn't count as harassment you whiny half-breed.
  224. Knice: Twin why do you follow this guy
  225. Knice: l o l
  226. TwinzShop: lol
  228. ItzHero_: To all whom I have ignored: stop tagging me in chat messages or I will report you for harassing me after being ignored
  230. Knice: Sticky note
  231. Glacier: @8utter, Gamble Grandma
  232. ItzHero_: @8utter ur already reported for it anyway
  233. 8utter: Were you dropped on your head at some point?
  234. Exclusive Alts: @Sywern is it possible i could rent out your Sticky note? Thanks -Fin
  235. 8utter: @ItzHero_, That doesn't count as harassment you whiny half-breed.
  236. Knice: Twin why do you follow this guy
  237. Knice: l o l
  238. TwinzShop: lol
  239. ItzHero_: To all whom I have ignored: stop tagging me in chat messages or I will report you for harassing me after being ignored
  240. Sywren: I opened one on MCM
  242. 8utter: My friend's grandma gambled away $8,000 at a casino in Saint Louis and lost it all.
  243. Serendity: @Sywren scam report or nah ;}
  244. Knice: I sure do
  245. Knice: @ItzHero_ do you like the alert sound?
  246. 8utter: @Sywren, lol rip
  247. ItzHero_: @8utter stop tagging me
  248. Sywren: while trying to buy bitcoin
  250. Sywren: @8utter, $200 of it was gambled away, $70 was scammed by @leech on mcm
  252. Serendity: LMFAO
  253. Knice: ^^^^
  254. Serendity: Xd
  255. 8utter: @ItzHero_, Really, piss off. You're just making everyone hate you.
  256. Sywren: @Glacier, yes you can did this is the internet
  258. Knice: This is comedy
  259. Glacier: I love this 8 year old!
  260. Exclusive Alts: @Knice arent we all
  261. 8utter: @Sywren, Did you gamble?
  262. Glacier: XD
  263. Exclusive Alts: @Sywren from people chargebacking?
  264. Glacier: Ik
  265. ItzHero_: fucking hell this systems fucked up
  266. Glacier: Lol
  267. Knice: Lol im a dick apparently
  268. 8utter: You can't just ignore everyone you don't like.
  269. cmd: @Exclusive Alts sent
  270. Sywren: i have no idea how im gonna come back from this
  272. ItzHero_: ignore Knice
  273. Sywren: I lost $270 this weekend
  275. Sywren: Fuck my life
  277. ItzHero_: /ignore
  278. 8utter: @ItzHero_, Shove off kid.
  279. Exclusive Alts: Dollars
  280. cmd: @Exclusive Alts sending
  281. JimmyAlts: @Exclusive Alts :/ cant even get that rn
  282. ItzHero_: well @Knice and @Glacier are dicks too so im ignoring them too
  283. 8utter: @Exclusive Alts, I'm pretty sure NFAs aren't supposed to not be banned.
  284. TwinzShop: 48$
  285. Exclusive Alts: @cmd 0.05 to
  286. cmd: @8utter i saw xd
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