
Summary SE Folka

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. This SE happens some time after the Veritas got thrown to Lapis from Paladia.
  2. Kihana was the "priestess (miko) of land" of the village called Olde (of Olderion). She is respected and hailed by the village. Yubel was her number one fan and Echol was his childhood friend. In one night of ritual, Echol spotted Folka from afar and was impressed by her beauty. But she disappeared immediately so he was wondering if it was an illusion or a goddess.
  4. Then Echol saw Folka from afar again. He chased after her and only found her wallet instead. Meanwhile, Folka found out that she lost her wallet again and was panicking. Then, Echol found Folka and returned her wallet to her. Then she left politely when he could not even bring himself to ask her name (so she's still "Blue-haired Woman" to this point).
  6. One day in Olde village, water level was rising sharply and people consulted Kihana to solve the problem. Being the priestess of land, Kihana has no powers over water. She accepted the task anyway because she is afraid of being called powerless and got chased out from the village (again, according to her). Then she brought Yubel and Echol to find out the root cause, while clearing monsters because of the water.
  8. Eventually, they reached the Lake of Dour(?), where Leviathan was swimming within. Kihana made up that it was an evil dragon that caused all the trouble and it had to be exterminated. Folka showed up to stop them, explaining that Leviathan was a benevolent esper that was just confused at the moment. Folka suggested that they should worship and respect Leviathan as water god instead. Yubel did not believe because he worshipped Kihana (and Kihana just followed the flow). But Echol insisted on believing in Folka, and to try out her way.
  10. Then they four returned to the village before Echol and Folka departed to talk to Leviathan. On the way, Echol tried to understand Folka more but she refused to answer questions about her but her name (where she answered hesitantly). Then they got awkward for some time before Folka asked Echol about him instead. And she remarked a special feeling when Echol called her name (lovey dovey huh).
  12. After that, they finally reached Leviathan. Folka explained to Leviathan that she was also from Paladia and understood that Leviathan must be confused because it got thrown to Lapis as well. She explained that the people there are not hostile and pleaded Leviathan to become water god, the guardian of people again. Before Leviathan could react, Kihana and Yubel showed up and attacked Leviathan.
  13. Leviathan raged, Kihana and Yubel ran. Echol asked Folka to escape too but Folka stayed to fight with Leviathan to calm it down (Echol stayed with her of course). Then Leviathan finally calmed down after the fight, and thanked Folka for calming it. Leviathan remarked that it could return the exact words back to Folka, that the people in Lapis are innocent and she resisted hating them because she was kind and wanted peace. Folka hesitated. Echol asked her to stay and she agreed. Then, Folka became the priestess (miko) of water of village of Olde. People cheered for her and thanked her for solving the crisis.
  15. A few years later, Echol and Folka married and had a baby daughter. Folka continued to work as water priestess (cleansing water and communicating with Leviathan). However, Kihana sulked that people were crazy over Folka and she lost popularity. When she was remarking that Folka never aged like a demon, Yubel overheard and misunderstood that Folka was a demon.
  16. He began to spread to the villagers and warned them, thinking that although it would pain his friend Echol he was doing him good. Then, villagers questioned Folka and begged her to explain. Folka, being a terrible liar, chose not to answer and leave. Once Echol learnt that she was leaving, he rushed out of the village to chase after her.
  18. Kihana cried while telling Yubel that she did not want to result in Folka leaving and she was just being jealous. Yubel consoled her that her sin was his sin, and offered to chase after Folka to apologize as well.
  20. When Echol finally reached Folka, Folka lied that she was a demon and fought Echol, begging him to leave. Echol said that he could tell when Folka was lying. Folka said that she was not supposed to stay, saying that her purpose was to look for a way for revenge. Although their time together was short, she was really glad she met him and lived together. She gave Echol a water amulet that she prepared for her daughter, saying that it would give her the power to communicate with Leviathan, and bade him farewell. Kihana and Yubel finally caught up but they were too late.
  22. Several generations later, Ruruna (the next water priestess) dropped something and rushed to the lake to find. She remarked whether tendency to drop stuff was a price for the power of water priestess (lol). When she reached the lake, she couldn’t find the thing but Folka. Folka said that she dropped something there too. Ruruna asked what Folka was doing there, Folka said she was there for nostalgia. Then Ruruna’s father caught up and brought the thing Ruruna dropped (the water amulet), telling her to take better care. Folka vanished before Ruruna could introduce her. From Ruruna’s remark that the woman’s hair colour being identical to his and the lake water becoming cleansed again, he guessed that the first generation water priestess was still watching over them.
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