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Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. grep -ih '$url' /usr/src/freepbx/superfecta/sources/source-*
  2. $url = "" . $run_param['API_Key'] . "&did=$thenumber";
  3. $sname = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  4. $url = "".$run_param['Account_User']."&k=".$run_param['Account_Key']."&n=".$thenumber;
  5. $this->DebugPrint("URL: $url",3);
  6. $sname = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  7. $url = "".$run_param['username']."&password=".$run_param['password']."&number=" . $thenumber;
  8. $sresult = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  9. $url = "".$run_param['username']."&password=".$run_param['password']."&number=1" . $thenumber;
  10. $sresult = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  11. $url = "$thenumber&st=reverse"; //working May 20, 2015
  12. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $regexp, $match, NULL, TRUE)) {
  13. $url = ''. $thenumber . '/';
  14. $url = "" . $thenumber . "/" .$run_param['Auth_Token'];
  15. $url = ''. $thenumber . '/';
  16. $sname = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  17. $url = "{$thenumber}/?apikey={$run_param['API_Key']}&client=FreePBX";
  18. $aname = json_decode($this->get_url_contents($url));
  19. $url="https://$integration_site/$integration_apiver/services/system_io/integration_io.asmx/ProcessClientAction?actionString=".urlencode($integration_xml);
  20. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  21. $url="https://$integration_site/$integration_apiver/services/system_io/integration_io.asmx/ProcessClientAction?actionString=".urlencode($integration_xml);
  22. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  23. $url="https://$integration_site/$integration_apiver/services/system_io/integration_io.asmx/ProcessClientAction?actionString=".urlencode($integration_xml);
  24. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  25. $url = "". $thenumber;
  26. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $regexp, $match, NULL, TRUE)) {
  27. $url = "{$thenumber}";
  28. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $pattern, $match)) {
  29. $url = "" . $thenumber . "/lastname/";
  30. $this->DebugPrint("URL: " . $url);
  31. $result = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  32. $url = '[KEY]/asterisklookup/[NUMBER]';
  33. $url = str_replace('[KEY]', $run_param['Security_key'], $url);
  34. $url = str_replace('[NUMBER]', $thenumber, $url);
  35. // $url = urlencode($url);
  36. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  37. $url = "" . $thenumber . "%22&key=" . $run_param['API_KEY'];
  38. $xml = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  39. // $url = "" . $thenumber . "/"; // valid as of 2014-06-27 for residential
  40. // $url = "$thenumber/"; // 2014-07-02 mostly okay for both residential and business but gives occasional false name
  41. $url = "";
  42. $url = "";
  43. $url = "";
  44. $url = "";
  45. $url = "";
  46. $url = "";
  47. $url = "";
  48. $url = "";
  49. $url = "";
  50. if ($url != "") {
  51. $url = $url . "&qPhone=" . $loc_number . "&qSelLang3=&SubmitREV=Zoek&inphCoordType=EPSG";
  52. $sresult = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  53. $url = "". $thenumber;
  54. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $regexp, $match, NULL, TRUE)) {
  55. $url = "https://".$run_param['username'].":".$run_param['password']."$thenumber";
  56. $sresult = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  57. $url = "" . $thenumber . "?format=pbx";
  58. $url = "" . $thenumber . "?format=pbx&ref=possa&account_sid=".$run_param['Account_SID']."&auth_token=".$run_param['Auth_Token'];
  59. $sname = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  60. $url = "".$thenumber; //updated 2014-08-05
  61. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $pattern, $match)) {
  62. $url = "$thenumber";
  63. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  64. $url = "$thenumber";
  65. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  66. $url = "{$run_param['API_Key']}&q=$thenumber".$spam;
  67. // $this->DebugPrint($url); // for debug
  68. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  69. $url = "$thenumber-phone-number";
  70. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  71. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $pattern, $match)) {
  72. $url = "$$this->thenumber&key=" . (isset($run_param['Premium_Key']) ? $run_param['Premium_Key'] : '') . "&terms=1";
  73. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  74. $url = "";
  75. if ($this->SearchURL($url, $pattern, $match, $PostData)) {
  76. $url="$thenumber";
  77. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  78. $url="$thenumber";
  79. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  80. $url="$thenumber";
  81. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  82. $url="$thenumber/1/";
  83. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  84. $url="$thenumber/1/";
  85. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  86. $url="".$run_param['API_Profile']."&key=".$run_param['API_Key']."&version=1.1.3&country=se&search_word=$thenumber";
  87. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  88. $this->DebugPrint("URL=".$url."\n");
  89. $url = "$thenumber&numberOfCompanies=1";
  90. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  91. $url = $run_param['URL_address'] . '/cgi-bin/message?message=' . $cliddreambox;
  92. $value = get_url_contents($url);
  93. $url = str_replace(":cid:",urlencode($thenumber), $run_param['Callback_URL']);
  94. $url = str_replace(":cnam:",urlencode($first_caller_id), $url);
  95. $url = str_replace(":did:",urlencode($the_did_formated), $url);
  96. $this->DebugPrint("Growl URL: $url");
  97. // only set callbacktarget if $url is populated, otherwise clicking on growl notice causes 'unknown url' error
  98. if ($url) {
  99. $growl_options['CallbackTarget'] = $url;
  100. $url = 'http://';
  101. $url .= $host . ':' . $run_param['Port'] . "/control/message?nmsg=";
  102. $url .= $host . ':' . $run_param['Port'] . "/control/message?popup=";
  103. $this->DebugPrint('URL: ' . $url . '</code>',DEBUG_ALL);
  104. $url .= urlencode($my_msg);
  105. $this->DebugPrint('<code>URL: ' . $url . '</code>',DEBUG_ALL);
  106. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  107. July 11, 2014 Added urlencodes to $url, added support for muliple api keys
  108. $url = "". $api ."&application=Superfecta&event=Incoming%20Call&description=Call%20from%20".urlencode($first_caller_id)."%20at%20".urlencode($thenumber);
  109. // $this->DebugPrint("Sent to NotifyMyAndroid $url");
  110. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  111. $url = '';
  112. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  113. $url = '';
  114. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  115. $url = $run_param['URL_address'] . '/status.txt?p0=display&p1=' . $clid2 . '&p2=' . $clid1 . '&p3=' . $run_param['Display_Time'] . '&player=' . $run_param['Player_Name'];
  116. $this->DebugPrint("Send to Squeezebox: " . $url);
  117. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  118. $url = $run_param['URL_address'];
  119. $url = str_replace('[NAME]', urlencode($first_caller_id), $url);
  120. $url = str_replace('[NUMBER]', urlencode($thenumber), $url);
  121. $url = str_replace('[name]', urlencode($first_caller_id), $url);
  122. $url = str_replace('[number]', urlencode($thenumber), $url);
  123. $this->DebugPrint("Send to URL: {$url}");
  124. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  125. $url='/jsonrpc?request='.urlencode($json);
  126. return $url;
  127. $url = 'http://';
  128. $url .= $run_param['UserName'] . ':' . $run_param['PassWord'] . '@';
  129. $url .= $host . ':' . $run_param['Port'];
  130. $url1 = $url . _myXbmcUrl($my_request);
  131. $url2 = $url . _myXbmcUrl($my_request);
  132. $url3 = $url . _myXbmcUrl($my_request);
  133. $url1 = $url . urlencode('/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SetVolume(' . $run_param['Change_Volume'] . ')');
  134. $url2 = $url . urlencode('/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Pause()');
  135. $url3 = $url . urlencode('/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn&parameter=XBMC.Notification(' . $my_dharma_params . ')');
  136. $this->DebugPrint('<code>Volume URL: ' . $url1 . '</code>',DEBUG_ALL);
  137. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url1);
  138. $this->DebugPrint('<code>Pause URL: ' . $url2 . '</code>',DEBUG_ALL);
  139. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url2);
  140. $this->DebugPrint('<code>Notif URL: ' . $url3 . '</code>',DEBUG_ALL);
  141. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url3);
  142. $url = "".$run_param['API_Key']."&q=$thenumber&stats=1&n=".$run_param['SPAM_Value']."";
  143. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  144. //retreive website contents using get_url_contents($url);
  145. $url = "$npa&nxx=$nxx";
  146. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  147. $url = "$thenumber";
  148. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  149. $url = sprintf("",$run_param['APIKey'],$run_param['Password'],$resp_type,$thenumber);
  150. $ret = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  151. $url = "$thenumber";
  152. $this->DebugPrint($url); // for debug
  153. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  154. $url = "{$thenumber}";
  155. if ($this->SearchURL($url, "=<h2[^>]*>(.*)</h2>=siU", $match)) {
  156. $url = ''.$thenumber;
  157. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  158. $url = ''.$thenumber;
  159. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  160. $url = "" . $run_param['API_Key'] . "&number=1$this->thenumber";
  161. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  162. $url = "" . $run_param['Username'] . "&pass=" . $run_param['Password'] . "&phoneNumber=$thenumber&days=". $run_param['Report_Age'];
  163. $this->DebugPrint("SPAM URL: ".$url,3);
  164. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  165. $url = "" . $run_param['Username'] . "&pass=" . $run_param['Password'] . "&phoneNumber=$thenumber";
  166. $this->DebugPrint("NAME URL: ".$url,3);
  167. $value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
  168. [root@freepbxdev2 ~]#
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