

Feb 21st, 2023
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  1. Odin sought lodging for the night with a giant
  2. called Baugi, Suttung’s brother. Baugi reckoned his economic
  3. affairs were going badly, and said his nine slaves had killed each
  4. other, and declared he did not know where he was going to get
  5. workmen from. Odin told him his name was Bolverk; he offered
  6. to take over the work of nine men for Baugi, and stipulated as his
  7. payment one drink of Suttung’s mead.
  9. [...]
  11. Bolverk went to where Gunnlod was
  12. and lay with her for three nights and then she let him drink three
  13. draughts of the mead. In the first draught he drank everything out
  14. of Odrerir, and in the second out of Bodn, in the third out of Son,
  15. and then he had all the mead. Then he turned himself into the
  16. form of an eagle and flew as hard as he could. And when Suttung
  17. saw the eagle’s flight he got his own eagle shape and flew after
  18. him. And when the Æsir saw Odin flying they put their containers
  19. out in the courtyard, and when Odin came in over Asgard he spat
  20. out the mead into the containers, but it was such a close thing for
  21. him that Suttung might have caught him that he sent some of the
  22. mead out backwards, and this was disregarded. Anyone took it
  23. that wanted it, and it is what we call the rhymester’s share. But
  24. Odin gave Suttung’s mead to the Æsir and to those people who
  25. are skilled at composing poetry. Thus we call poetry Odin’s booty
  26. and find, and his drink and his gift and the Æsir’s drink.’
  29. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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