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- //
- - script all_in_one_shop_main -1,{
- // Shop NPC Name
- function func_ShopTypeName {
- switch (getarg(0, -1)) {
- case IT_HEALING: return "HEALING";
- case IT_USABLE: return "USABLE";
- case IT_ETC: return "ETC";
- case IT_WEAPON: return "WEAPON";
- case IT_ARMOR: return "ARMOR";
- case IT_CARD: return "CARD";
- case IT_PETEGG: return "PETEGG";
- case IT_PETARMOR: return "PETARMOR";
- case IT_AMMO: return "AMMO";
- case IT_CASH: return "CASH";
- default: return "MISC";
- }
- }
- // Shop NPC Sprite ID
- function func_ShopClassID {
- switch (getarg(0, -1)) {
- case IT_HEALING: return 4_F_KAFRA1;
- case IT_USABLE: return 4_F_KAFRA2;
- case IT_ETC: return 4_F_KAFRA3;
- case IT_WEAPON: return 4_F_KAFRA4;
- case IT_ARMOR: return 4_F_KAFRA5;
- case IT_CARD: return 4_F_KAFRA6;
- case IT_PETEGG: return 4_F_KAFRA7;
- case IT_PETARMOR: return 4_F_KAFRA8;
- case IT_AMMO: return 4_F_KAFRA9;
- case IT_DELAYCONSUME: return 4_F_KAFRA2;
- case IT_CASH: return 4_F_KAFRA1;
- default: return rand(4_F_KAFRA1, 4_F_KAFRA9);
- }
- }
- OnInit:
- .is_renewal_db = 1;
- .max_shop_item = 100;
- .blacklist_item$ = "5001,5002,5003";
- sleep 1000; // delays
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_HEALING);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_USABLE);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_ETC);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_WEAPON);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_ARMOR);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_CARD);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_PETEGG);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_PETARMOR);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_AMMO);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_DELAYCONSUME);
- callsub(OnLoad, IT_CASH);
- end;
- OnLoad:
- .@type = getarg(0, -1);
- .@npc = 1;
- .@sql$ = "SELECT `id`, `weight`, `" + (.is_renewal_db ? "atk:matk" : "attack") + "`, `slots`, `weapon_level`, `defence`, `equip_level`, `script`, `equip_script`, `unequip_script` "
- + "FROM `" + (.is_renewal_db ? "item_db_re" : "item_db") + "` "
- + "WHERE `type` = "+.@type;
- if (.blacklist_item$ != "")
- .@sql$ = .@sql$ + " AND `id` NOT IN ("+escape_sql(.blacklist_item$)+")";
- .@sql$ = .@sql$ + " ORDER BY `name_english`";
- .@size = query_sql(.@sql$, .@id, .@weight, .@atk, .@slot, .@weapon_level, .@defence, .@equip_level, .@script$, .@equip_script$, .@unequip_script$);
- if (.@size) {
- .@npc_count = (.@size / .max_shop_item);
- freeloop(1);
- do {
- .@x = 0;
- .@npc_shop_name$ = "Shop#t_"+.@type+"_"+.@npc;
- if (getmapxy(.@map$, .@map_x, .@map_y, 1, .@npc_shop_name$)) {
- debugmes "SQL Mall - NPC not found - " + .@npc_shop_name$;
- }
- else {
- npcshopdelitem .@npc_shop_name$, 909;
- do {
- .@index = (.@npc * .max_shop_item + .@x);
- .@total_cost = 0;
- // cost calculations
- .@total_cost += ((.@weight[.@index] / 10) * 1000);
- .@total_cost += ((.@atk[.@index] / 100) * 5000);
- .@total_cost += (.@slots[.@index] * 3000);
- .@total_cost += (.@weapon_level[.@index] * 2000);
- .@total_cost += ((.@defence[.@index] / 10) * 1000);
- .@total_cost += ((.@equip_level[.@index] / 10) * 10000);
- // effect count.
- .@total_cost += (countstr(.@script$[.@index], "bonus") * 1000);
- .@total_cost += (countstr(.@equip_script$[.@index], "bonus") * 1000);
- .@total_cost += (countstr(.@unequip_script$[.@index], "bonus") * 1000);
- .@total_cost += (countstr(.@unequip_script$[.@index], "heal") * 100);
- .@total_cost += (countstr(.@unequip_script$[.@index], "warp") * 1000);
- if (.@total_cost > 0)
- npcshopadditem .@npc_shop_name$, .@id[.@index], .@total_cost;
- .@x++;
- .@total_item_count++;
- } while (.@x < .max_shop_item && .@index < .@size);
- setnpcdisplay(.@npc_shop_name$, func_ShopTypeName(.@type)+"#t_"+.@type+"_"+.@npc, func_ShopClassID(.@type));
- }
- .@npc++;
- } while (.@npc <= .@npc_count);
- freeloop(0);
- }
- // Remove excessive NPC
- while (!getmapxy(.@map$, .@map_x, .@map_y, 1, "Shop#t_"+.@type+"_"+.@npc) || .@npc <= .@npc_count) {
- disablenpc "Shop#t_"+.@type+"_"+.@npc;
- .@npc++;
- }
- debugmes "SQL Mall - " + func_ShopTypeName(.@type) + " - Loaded " + F_InsertComma(.@total_item_count) + " Item(s)";
- return;
- }
- // Add more if needed (follow the name and numbering)
- prt_fild08,203,72,5 shop Shop#t_0_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,72,5 shop Shop#t_0_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,72,5 shop Shop#t_0_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,72,5 shop Shop#t_0_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_5 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_6 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_7 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_8 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_9 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,221,74,5 shop Shop#t_2_10 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_5 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_6 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_7 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_8 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,76,5 shop Shop#t_3_9 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_10 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_11 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_12 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_13 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_14 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_15 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_16 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_17 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_18 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,221,78,5 shop Shop#t_3_19 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_5 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_6 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_7 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_8 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_9 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,221,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_10 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,223,80,5 shop Shop#t_4_11 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_5 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_6 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_7 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_8 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,82,5 shop Shop#t_5_9 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_10 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_11 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_12 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_13 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_14 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_15 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_16 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_17 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_18 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,221,84,5 shop Shop#t_5_19 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_20 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_21 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_22 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_23 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_24 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_25 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_26 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_27 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_28 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,221,86,5 shop Shop#t_5_29 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,88,5 shop Shop#t_5_30 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,88,5 shop Shop#t_5_31 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,88,5 shop Shop#t_5_32 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,88,5 shop Shop#t_5_33 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_5 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_6 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_7 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_8 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,90,5 shop Shop#t_6_9 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,92,5 shop Shop#t_6_10 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,92,5 shop Shop#t_6_11 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,94,5 shop Shop#t_7_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,96,5 shop Shop#t_8_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,98,5 shop Shop#t_10_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,98,5 shop Shop#t_10_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,100,5 shop Shop#t_11_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,100,5 shop Shop#t_11_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_1 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_2 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,207,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_3 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,209,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_4 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,211,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_5 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,213,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_6 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,215,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_7 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,217,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_8 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,219,102,5 shop Shop#t_18_9 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,203,104,5 shop Shop#t_18_10 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
- prt_fild08,205,104,5 shop Shop#t_18_11 4_F_KAFRA1,909:-1
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