

Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. Options:
  2. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  3. #Log and Permission
  4. perm: LostOfStories.admin
  5. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  6. #Prefix
  7. system: &9≫
  8. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  9. #TAB
  10. tab_top: %nl%&9- &8&lLost&2Of&6Stories &9-%nl%
  11. tab_under: %nl%&6%number of all players%&8/&950%nl%&ePing&9: &a%ping of player%%nl%
  12. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  13. #Death Message
  14. pvpdeathmessage: &8[&4Death&8] &c%victim% &9≪ &6%attacker% &8| &f%name of attacker's tool%
  15. notooldeathmessage: &8[&4Death&8] &c%victim% &9≪ &6%attacker%
  16. pvedeathmessage: &8[&4Death&8] &c%victim% &9≪ &8[&f%attacker's name%&8&l]
  17. nonamepvedeathmessage: &8[&4Death&8] &c%victim% &9≪ &8[&f%attacker%&8]
  18. otherdeathmessage: &8[&4Death&8] &c%victim%
  19. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  20. variables:
  21. {lvl::%player%} = 1
  22. {str::%player%} = 1
  23. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  24. every 2 second:
  25. loop all players:
  26. send action bar "&2[&6Level&9: &a%{lvl::%loop-player%}%&2]" to loop-player
  27. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  28. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&9- &cLost&2Of&6Stories &9-"
  29. set score "&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  30. set score "&e-&c=&bDISCORD&c=&e-" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  31. set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  32. set score "&9" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  33. set score "&8- &2&l&oお知らせ &8-" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  34. set score "&e製作中です(´・ω・`)" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  35. set score "&e何にも無いんです" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  36. set score "&e勘弁してください" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  37. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  38. On any movement:
  39. if {prefix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  40. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  41. set display name of player to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%player%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%"
  42. set the player's tablist name to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%player%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%"
  43. stop
  44. else:
  45. set display name of player to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%player%"
  46. set the player's tablist name to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%player%"
  47. stop
  48. else:
  49. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  50. set display name of player to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%player%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%"
  51. set the player's tablist name to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%player%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%"
  52. stop
  53. else:
  54. set display name of player to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%player%"
  55. set the player's tablist name to "&8[&6LV&9:&2%{lvl::%player%}%&8]&f%player%"
  56. stop
  57. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  58. on level change:
  59. set {_nowlevels} to "%{lvl::%player%}%"
  60. add 1 to {lvl::%player%}
  61. add 1 to {str::%player%}
  62. message "{@system} &a&lレベルアップ"
  63. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  64. Command /sr [<player>]:
  65. permission: {@perm}
  66. trigger:
  67. if arg-1 isn't set:
  68. message "{@system} &6名前&aをいれてください。" to player
  69. stop
  70. else:
  71. message "{@system} &6%arg-1%&aのステータスをリセットしました。" to player
  72. set {lvl::%arg-1%} to 0
  73. set {str::%arg-1%} to 0
  74. command "xp -2147483648L %player%"
  75. stop
  76. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  77. on damage:
  78. if level of player is less than 11:
  79. damage the victim by 0.01
  80. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  81. On death of player:
  82. attacker is a player:
  83. if name of attacker's tool is set:
  84. set the death message to "{@pvpdeathmessage}"
  85. else:
  86. set the death message to "{@notooldeathmessage}"
  87. stop
  88. attacker is an entity:
  89. if attacker's name is set:
  90. set the death message to "{@pvedeathmessage}"
  91. else:
  92. set the death message to "{@nonamepvedeathmessage}"
  93. stop
  94. set the death message to "{@otherdeathmessage}"
  95. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  96. command /c:
  97. permission: {@perm}
  98. trigger:
  99. give command block to player
  100. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=#
  101. command /close:
  102. permission: skript.admin
  103. trigger:
  104. command "/whitelist on"
  105. loop all players:
  106. loop-player is not an op
  107. kick the loop-player due to "this server is not open to pulic"
  108. message "this server is not open to public now"
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