
Boku No Hero Ideki

Dec 5th, 2016
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  1. Basic Roleplaying sheet. For My hero Academia Rp
  3. Name: Ideki Hatsu
  4. Age: 15
  5. Sex: Male
  6. Height: 5"6
  7. Size: Fairly muscular but still on the skinny side.
  8. Fighting style: Mainly goes for kicking attacks
  9. Weapons: Ideki doesn't have any but he can use them if needed.
  10. Quirk: Engine and Metal Coating.
  11. Quirk Description: I am equipped with thrusters and aloud to coat my body parts with metal.
  12. Quirk Limits: If I overs engine it will stall, and I am only able to use metals a bit at a time in small portions.
  13. Personality: Ideki in school tries his best and wants to please all. He tends to learn from his mistakes and move on. Ideki is one to hooff, always one to please a crowd most of the time he thins rationally, but in fights he may lose control.
  14. Backstory: I grew up normally with family and friends till I had to go to a new hero school, because they had no powers they could not accompany me on my journey. Now I am in the academy for heroes in the makings.
  15. Strengths:
  16. Weaknesses:
  17. Family: I live with my mother, Mekana, also know as Iron Maiden, and Iida, Enginium. Our household is fairly normal.
  19. Please fill out this sheet best you can and keep it long enough for me to record.
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