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a guest
Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. [jc@macbookpro ~/Merb/whitelabel_classifieds]# thor merb:gem:install
  2. Beginning transaction
  3. Installing extlib-0.9.9
  4. Installing abstract-1.0.0
  5. Installing erubis-2.6.2
  6. Installing rake-0.8.3
  7. Installing json_pure-1.1.3
  8. Installing rspec-1.1.11
  9. Installing rack-0.4.0
  10. Installing mime-types-1.15
  11. Installing thor-0.9.9
  12. Installing merb-core-1.0.5
  13. Installing ZenTest-3.11.0
  14. Installing RubyInline-3.8.1
  15. Installing sexp_processor-3.0.0
  16. Installing ParseTree-3.0.2
  17. Installing ruby2ruby-1.2.1
  18. Installing merb-action-args-1.0.5
  19. Installing merb-assets-1.0.5
  20. Installing merb-cache-1.0.5
  21. Installing merb-helpers-1.0.5
  22. Installing mailfactory-1.4.0
  23. Installing merb-mailer-1.0.5
  24. Installing merb-slices-1.0.5
  25. Installing merb-auth-core-1.0.5
  26. Installing merb-auth-more-1.0.5
  27. Installing merb-auth-slice-password-1.0.5
  28. Installing merb-param-protection-1.0.5
  29. Installing merb-exceptions-1.0.5
  30. Installing haml-2.0.4
  31. Installing merb-haml-1.0.5
  32. Installing addressable-2.0.1
  33. Installing data_objects-0.9.9
  34. Installing dm-core-0.9.8
  35. Installing dm-migrations-0.9.8
  36. Installing merb_datamapper-1.0.5
  37. Cannot find dm-core (= 0.9.8, runtime)
  38. Installing dm-aggregates-0.9.8
  39. Cannot find dm-migrations (= 0.9.8, runtime)
  40. Installing dm-timestamps-0.9.8
  41. Installing dm-types-0.9.8
  42. Installing dm-validations-0.9.8
  43. Installing dm-ar-finders-0.9.8
  44. Installing do_mysql-0.9.9
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