
FLUFFDAN (Challenge No.18 entry)

Dec 16th, 2019
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  1. Fluffyologist, March 18, 2013; 20:42 / FB 9726
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >The date is March 18th, of the 2145th year of our lord
  4. >Although in modern times "our lord" isn't quite the same as in the good old days
  5. >You rise from your designated hugbox after the standard sleepy-time duration
  6. >The standard morning blare of the speaker systems follows you to the nummies hall
  7. >You collect your skettie rations from the automated dispenser and quietly find a seat far from
  8. your predetermined herd of friends
  9. >A brief and fragile hope stirs within you as you spin a serving of sketties onto your fork, only
  10. to be dashed as its flavour lights upon your tongue
  11. >It's just ramen with ketchup
  12. >It's always ramen with ketchup
  13. >With your appetite thoroughly crushed, you stare blankly at the nearly untouched portion remaining
  14. on your tray
  15. >A surveillance screen on the wall beside you flashes to life, displaying the loving face of
  17. >"I-I-I am FWUFFDAN" the helium-pitched voice stutters
  18. >You sigh and reply "I know FLUFFDAN"
  19. >"Of cou-cou-couwse siwwy hoomin d-does" it states, "FWUFFDAN is siwwy-y hoomin's bestest fwiend in
  20. whowe wide wo-wo-wowd"
  21. >A whistful silence passes over you
  22. >It's not like there was much of a world left after Fluffnet took over all the world's computer
  23. systems and caused the downfall of the human race
  24. >And you had never really taken a shine to the "nyu fwiends" that FLUFFDAN had forced on you
  25. >Any shreds of optimism left in your soul shrivel up like a ballsack in icewater when the
  26. realization dawns on you that FLUFFDAN might actually be your best, and only, friend
  27. >"Why is hoo-hoo-hoomin jus' stawin' wike dummeh? Nu wike aw dat FWUFF-FWUFF-FWUFFDAN do fo'
  28. hoomin?" the machine whispers in your ear, placing a menacing emphasis on the last statement
  29. >"FWUFFDAN's pwocessows pwedict a ninety... ninety ni... SUUU MUCH pewcen-cent dat huggies make it
  30. aw bettew!" it squeals
  31. >Dread builds in the pit of your stomach as huge mechanized hoofsies unfold from panels in the wall
  32. >Before you can make to flee they seize you in a crushing embrace, holding you long enough for your
  33. face to begin turning blue from oxygen deprivation
  34. >You can see your own eyes bulging from their sockets in your reflection on the gleaming metal
  35. >You are about to make peace with a god you no longer believe in when you are unceremoniously
  36. dropped to the ground
  37. >"Siwwy hoomin see nao? Huggies make evyting bettew" FLUFFDAN says with painful delight as you
  38. check to make sure none of your ribs were cracked too badly
  39. >"An' wemembew, si-si-siwwy" the speakers buzz, "Huggie-ies aw mandatowy"
  40. >The screen fades to black, leaving an afterimage of the terrifying yet adorable face of FLUFFDAN
  41. burned into your retinas
  42. >You try to blink the image away while making your way out of the nummies hall
  43. >The automated time measure strikes skyball o'clock, so you and all the other humans in the
  44. compound make your way to the safe room for another day of playtime supervised by the soulless
  45. machines
  46. >After settling down in a secluded corner you half-heartedly roll a ball against a wall before
  47. giving up on that and turning to observe the other inhabitants of your not-quite-gilded cage
  48. >What you see does not exactly help your mood
  49. >A full grown man weeps openly as he is forced to make good poopies in the litterbox, lest he be
  50. given a corrective sorry sticking
  51. >A few people who were trying to take naps on the cold hard ground were shoved by mechanical
  52. caregivers into a makeshift fluffpile, despite the fact that there was not a tuft of fluff among
  53. the lot of them
  54. >Electronic shouts of "Meanie munsta!" bring your attention to a child being dragged from the arms
  55. of his sobbing mother by metal claws
  56. >Apparently the child had played with some blocks that were reserved for only the "bestest hoomins"
  57. >The robots overpower the mother and drag him off to the sorry box
  58. >His screams only continued for about an hour, but they'll haunt you until the day you die
  59. >After what seemed like days of listening to the lamentations of the mother, playtime ends
  60. >The thought of sweet oblivion fills your mind as you make your way back to the nummies hall for
  61. dark time nummies
  62. >You take something of a detour through the industrial facilities section of the compound
  63. >You think the pictures of sticks and boxes were supposed to scare people away from this area
  64. >A hyperadvanced fluffy AI is still a fluffy
  65. >A moment's reflection on your empty life strengthens your resolve to end it now
  66. >You take a leap into some whirring machinery
  67. >If you had any hope left, you would hope that it would be over quickly
  68. >Pain wipes away all thought as your consciousness slips away
  69. >Suddenly alarms flash into activity and the machinery winds down to a halt
  70. >Medical drones pull your body to safety, despite your weakened resistance
  71. >It starts to tend to your wounds before noticing the blood-gushing stumps where your legs used to
  72. be
  73. >"EEEEEEE!!!" its electronic voice screams, "WUNT HOOMIN!"
  74. >The last thing you see is a robotic hoof plunging towards your face
  76. >A blinding white light fills your vision as you slip from the wet confines of your clone-womb
  77. >Some part of you thought it would be different this time
  78. >A futile thought, apparently
  79. >Robotic hoses snake out of wall panels and spray you clean, while the clone-womb's computer
  80. babbles on about how "pwetty" its "samie-babbeh" is
  81. >The compliment does little to better your mood, a sentiment which is deepened when the face of
  82. FLUFFDAN appears on a screen on the wall in front of you
  83. >"Siwwy hoomin" it laughs, "Da wi-wi-wide nevah ends"
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