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Aug 15th, 2016
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  1. [Header]
  2. Language = "Polski"
  3. Author = "KoBeWi"
  5. [Title]
  6. ControllerRecommended = "KONTROLER JEST REKOMENDOWANY"
  7. BasedOnAGameBy = "Oparte na grze stworzonej przez"
  8. PressStart = "Wciśnij Start"
  9. Options = "Opcje"
  10. Gallery = "Galeria"
  11. Credits = "Zasługi"
  12. Exit = "Wyjście"
  13. Tip1 = "| - Wybierz"
  14. Tip2 = "| - Wróć"
  15. GameSlot_NewGame = "Nowa Gra"
  16. GameSlot_Easy = "Łatwy"
  17. GameSlot_Normal = "Normalny"
  18. GameSlot_Hard = "Trudny"
  19. GameSlot_Continue = "Kontynuuj Grę"
  20. GameSlot_Copy = "Skopiuj Dane"
  21. GameSlot_Erase = "Usuń Dane"
  22. GameSlot_EraseConfirm = "Usunąć Dane Gry?"
  23. GameSlot_OverwriteConfirm = "Nadpisać Dane Gry?"
  25. [GameOver]
  26. GameOver = "Koniec Gry"
  27. Continue = "Kontynuuj"
  28. Exit = "Wyjdź"
  30. [GlobalOptions]
  31. Yes = "Tak"
  32. No = "Nie"
  33. Enabled = "Włączone"
  34. Disabled = "Wyłączone"
  35. Exit = "Gotowe"
  36. Exit_Tip = "Zapisz aktualne opcje i Wyjdź"
  37. ExitMain_Tip = "Zapizs i wróć do Głównych Opcji"
  38. Defaults = "Domyślne"
  39. Defaults_Tip = "Zresetuj do ustawień Domyślnych"
  41. [OptionsMain]
  42. Title = "Opcje"
  43. Display = "Opcje Wyświetlania"
  44. Display_Tip = "Zmień opcje Wyświetlania"
  45. Sound = "Opcje Dźwięku"
  46. Sound_Tip = "Dostosuj głośność Dźwięku i Muzyki"
  47. Control = "Opcje Sterowania"
  48. Control_Tip = "Style sterowania, ustawienia klawiatury i dżojpada"
  50. [OptionsDisplay]
  51. Title_Display = "Opcje Wyświetlania"
  52. Fullscreen = "Pełny Ekran"
  53. Fullscreen_Tip = "Przełącz między Trybem Pełnoekranowym i Oknowym"
  54. DisplayScale = "Skala Obrazu"
  55. DisplayScale_Tip = "Ustawia rozmiar Okna Gry, zachowując proporcje boków"
  56. DisplayScale_Stretch = "Rozciągnij"
  57. WindowSize = "Rozmiar Okna"
  58. WindowSize_Tip = "Ustawia rozmiar Okna Gry, zachowując proporcje boków"
  59. VSync = "VSync"
  60. VSync_Tip = "Pionowa Synchronizacja, eliminuje szarpanie. (Może być wolne)"
  61. Title_HUD = "Opcje HUD"
  62. HUDDisplay = "Wyświetlacz HUD"
  63. HUDDisplay_Tip = "Pokaż Wyświetlacz HUD podczas gry"
  64. HUDMap = "Mapa HUD"
  65. HUDMap_Tip = "Pokaż mapę na Wyświetlaczu HUD"
  66. MetroidCounter = "Licznik Metroidów"
  67. MetroidCounter_Tip = "Zmienia typ Licznika Metroidów na Wyświetaczu HUD"
  68. MetroidCounter_Disabled_Tip = "Nie pokazuj Licznika Metroidów"
  69. MetroidCounter_Local = "Lokalny"
  70. MetroidCounter_Local_Tip = "Pokaż pozostałe Metroidy w aktualnym obszarze"
  71. MetroidCounter_Global = "Globalny"
  72. MetroidCounter_Global_Tip = "Pokaż pozostałe Metroidy na całej planecie"
  73. Title_Notifications = "Powiadomienia"
  74. Hints = "Wskazówki w Grze"
  75. Hints_Tip = "Pokaż początkujące wskazówki podczas gry"
  76. ScanNotifications = "Powiadomienia Skanu"
  77. ScanNotifications_Tip = "Pokaż wiadomość na ekranie podczas Zdarzeń Skanowania"
  78. MedalNotifications = "Powiadomienia Medali"
  79. MedalNotifications_Tip = "Pokaż wiadomość na ekranie kiedy Medale są odblokowane"
  80. Language = "Język"
  81. Language_Tip = "Wybierz język tekstu w grze"
  83. [OptionsSound]
  84. Title_Sound = "Opcje Dźwięku"
  85. SoundVolume = "Głośność Efektów Dźwiękowych"
  86. SoundVolume_Tip = "Główna Głośność dla Efektów Dźwiękowych"
  87. MusicVolume = "Głośność Muzyki"
  88. MusicVolume_Tip = "Główna Głośność dla Muzyki w Tle"
  90. [OptionsControl]
  91. Title_Control = "Opcje Sterowania"
  92. AimingStyle = "Styl Celowania"
  93. AimingStyle_Tip = "Przestawia pomiędzy stylem celowania z Zero Mission i Super Metroida"
  94. AimingStyle_1Button = "1 Przycisk"
  95. AimingStyle_1Button_Tip = "Wciśnij [Góra] lub [Dół] podczas celowania, by wybrać kierunek"
  96. AimingStyle_2Buttons = "2 Przyciski"
  97. AimingStyle_2Buttons_Tip = "Celuj ukośnie używając 2-óch różnych przycisków"
  98. MissileStyle = "Styl Wybierania Rakiet"
  99. MissileStyle_Tip = "Przestawia pomiędzy stylem wybierania broni z Zero Mission i Super Metroida"
  100. MissileStyle_Toggle = "Przełącz"
  101. MissileStyle_Toggle_Tip = "Rakiety zostają aktywne, wciśnij ponownie, by wyłączyć"
  102. MissileStyle_Hold = "Przytrzymaj"
  103. MissileStyle_Hold_Tip = "Rakiety są aktywne, gdy przycisk jest trzymany"
  104. ClassicMorphball = "Klasyczna Kulka"
  105. ClassicMorphball_Tip = "Klasyczna aktywacja / deaktywacja Zmiany w Kulkę"
  106. ClassicMorphball_Enabled_Tip = "Zmień się klasyczną komendą i przyciskiem [Zmiana w Kulkę]"
  107. ClassicMorphball_Disabled_Tip = "Wciśnij [Zmiana w Kulkę] by Aktwywować / Deaktywować tryb Kulki"
  108. SpiderballActivation = "Aktywacja Pajęczej Kulki"
  109. SpiderballActivation_Tip = "Klasyczna lub nowa aktywacja / deaktywacja Pajęczej Kulki"
  110. SpiderballActivation_Toggle = "Przełącz"
  111. SpiderballActivation_Toggle_Tip = "Wciśnij [Celowanie] by uaktywnić/ wyłączyć"
  112. SpiderballActivation_Classic = "Classic"
  113. SpiderballActivation_Classic_Tip = "[Dół] w kulce, by włączyć, [Jump] by wyłączyć"
  114. SpiderballActivation_Hold = "Przytrzymaj"
  115. SpiderballActivation_Hold_Tip = "Trzymaj [Celowanie], by włączyć"
  116. AutoClimb = "Auto-Wspinaczka"
  117. AutoClimb_Tip = "Wspinaj się na małe półki [Przód+Skok]"
  118. AutoMorph = "Auto-Zamiana w Kulkę"
  119. AutoMorph_Tip = "Auto-Zmiana [Przytrzymaj dół biegnąc na tunel]"
  120. KeyboardSettings = "Ustawienia Klawiatury"
  121. KeyboardSettings_Tip = "Zmień konfigurację Klawiatury"
  122. JoypadSettings = "Ustawienia Dżojpada"
  123. JoypadSettings_Tip = "Konfiguruj mapowanie przycisków Dżojpada"
  124. NoJoypad = "Nie Wykryto Dżojpada"
  126. [OptionsControlCommands]
  127. Up = "Góra"
  128. Down = "Dół"
  129. Left = "Lewo"
  130. Right = "Prawo"
  131. Jump = "Skok"
  132. Fire = "Strzał"
  133. DiagonalAim = "Ukośne Celowanie"
  134. AimUp = "Celuj w Górę"
  135. AimDown = "Celuj w Dół"
  136. AimLock = "Blokada Celowania"
  137. Morph = "Zmiana w Kulkę"
  138. ArmWeapon = "Uzbrój Broń"
  139. WeaponSelect = "Wybierz Broń"
  140. WeaponCancel = "Anuluj Broń"
  141. Start = "Start"
  142. MenuAccept = "Menu - Wybór"
  143. MenuBack = "Menu - Powrót"
  145. [OptionsControlKeyboard]
  146. Title_Keyboard = "Konfiguracja Klawiatury"
  147. Up_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Góry"
  148. Down_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Dołu"
  149. Left_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Lewo"
  150. Right_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Prawo"
  151. Jump_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Skoku"
  152. Fire_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Strzału"
  153. DiagonalAim_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Celowania Ukośnego"
  154. AimUp_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Celowania w Górę"
  155. AimDown_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Celowania w Dół"
  156. AimLock_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Blokady Celowania"
  157. Morph_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Zmiany w Kulkę"
  158. ArmWeapon_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Akwyacji Rakiet"
  159. WeaponSelect_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Wyboru Broni"
  160. WeaponCancel_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Anulowania Broni"
  161. Start_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Startu / Menu"
  162. MenuAccept_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Akcepwoania opcji w menu"
  163. MenuBack_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do powrotu do poprzedniego menu"
  165. [OptionsControlJoypad]
  166. Title_Joypad = "Konfiguracja Dżojpada"
  167. Title_XBox360Joypad = "Konfiguracja Dżojpada XBox 360"
  168. Vibration = "Wibracje"
  169. Vibration_Tip = "Zdarzenia Wibracji Kontrolera"
  170. Deadzone = "Martwa Strefa"
  171. Deadzone_Tip = "Zmień Martwą Strefę Analogu"
  172. AnalogWalking = "Analogowe Chodzenie"
  173. AnalogWalking_Tip = "Umożliwiaj chodzenie za pomocą drążka analogowego"
  174. XAxis = "Oś X"
  175. XAxis_Tip = "Wybierz Oś Poziomą"
  176. YAxis = "Oś Y"
  177. YAxis_Tip = "Wybierz Oś Pionową"
  178. Up_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Góry"
  179. Down_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Dołu"
  180. Left_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Lewo"
  181. Right_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Prawo"
  182. Jump_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Skoku"
  183. Fire_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Strzału"
  184. DiagonalAim_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Celowania Ukośnego"
  185. AimUp_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Celowania w Górę"
  186. AimDown_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Celowania w Dół"
  187. AimLock_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Blokady Celowania"
  188. Morph_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Zmiany w Kulkę"
  189. ArmWeapon_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Akwyacji Rakiet"
  190. WeaponSelect_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Wyboru Broni"
  191. WeaponCancel_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Anulowania Broni"
  192. Start_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Startu / Menu"
  193. MenuAccept_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do Akcepwoania opcji w menu"
  194. MenuBack_Tip = "Zmień Przycisk przypisany do powrotu do poprzedniego menu"
  196. [PauseMenu]
  197. Resume = "Wznów Grę"
  198. Resume_Tip = "Kontunuuj granie w aktualną grę"
  199. Restart = "Restartuj od Poprzedniego Zapisu"
  200. Restart_Tip = "Porzuć aktualną grę i wczytaj ostatnio zapisaną"
  201. Options = "Opcje"
  202. Options_Tip = "Zmień ustawienia gry"
  203. Quit = "Wyjdź z Gry"
  204. Quit_Tip = "Porzuć aktualną grę i wyjdź do głównego menu"
  206. [QuitMenu]
  207. Exit = "Wyjście - Na pewno?"
  208. Reload = "Przeładowanie - Na pewno?"
  209. Warning = "OSTRZEŻENIE: Niezapisany postęp zostanie utracony"
  211. [Subscreen]
  212. Title_Map = "PLANETA SR-388"
  213. Title_Options = "Menu Pauzy"
  214. Menu_Tip = "| -> Menu"
  215. Marker_Tip = "| - Postaw Marker"
  216. MarkerPos_Tip = "| - Ustaw Pozycję Markera"
  217. DeleteMarker_Tip = "| - Usuń Marker"
  218. EditMarker_Tip = "| - Edytuj Marker"
  219. SelectItem_Tip = " - Wybierz przedmiot"
  220. ToggleItem_Tip = "| - Przełącz przedmiot"
  221. Title_Logs = "Dziennik Misji"
  222. SelectCategory_Tip = " - Wybierz Kategorię"
  223. SelectLog_Tip = " - Wybierz Dziennik"
  224. ExpandLog_Tip = "| - Rozwiń Dziennik"
  225. ScrollText_Tip = " - Przewiń Tekst"
  226. Back_Tip = "| - Powrót"
  228. [Equipment]
  229. PowerSuit_Tip = "Standardowy Opancerzony Strój Samus."
  230. VariaSuit_Tip = "Zapewnia dodatkową ochronę przeciwko wrogom i niebezpiecznym środowiskom."
  231. GravitySuit_Tip = "Chroni od wszyskich niebezpieczeństw środowiskowych, brak tarcia w cieczach."
  232. ChargeBeam_Tip = "Przytrzymaj | by skoncentrować Energię Wiązki, puść by Wystrzelić."
  233. IceBeam_Tip = "Natychmiastowo zamróź wrogów. Dodatkowe obrażenia."
  234. WaveBeam_Tip = "Wiązki przechodzą przez stałe obiekty."
  235. SpazerBeam_Tip = "Zwiększona Szerokość wiązki."
  236. PlasmaBeam_Tip = "Wiązki przebijają się przez wrogów."
  237. MorphBall_Tip = "Pozwala Samus Zmienić się w kulkę i przemierzać wąskie przejścia."
  238. SpiderBall_Tip = "Samus może przyczepić się do ścian i sufitów w Trybie Kulki."
  239. JumpBall_Tip= "Daje Samus zdolność skoku w Trybie Kulki."
  240. Bombs_Tip = "Bomby mogą być rozstawione w Trybie Kulki."
  241. PowerGrip_Tip = "Samus może złapać się półek i wciągnąć na górę."
  242. ScrewAttack_Tip = "Wyzwala śmiertelne ilości energii podczas Skoku Obrotowego."
  243. HiJump_Tip = "Zwiększa maksymalną wysokość skoku."
  244. SpaceJump_Tip = "Pozwala na wykonanie wielu Skoków Obrotowych w powietrzu."
  245. SpeedBooster_Tip = "Biegnij ciągle, by rozbić przeszkody i uszkodzić wrogów."
  247. [LogsCategories]
  248. Intel = "Informacje"
  249. Metroids = "Metroidy"
  250. TheChozo = "Chozo"
  251. Hostiles = "Nieprzyjaciele"
  253. [Logs]
  254. Briefing = "Mission Briefing"
  255. Briefing_Text = "- Primary Objective: #Exterminate all Metroid organisms on Planet SR388. # #- Secondary Objectives: #Locate and bring assistance to the Galactic Federation research and rescue teams."
  256. SR388 = "Planet SR388"
  257. SR388_Text = "Planetary Designation SR388: A remote planet, absent on most galactic charts. #Federation research indicates it is the natural home world of the Metroid species. #Its outer crust is hollowed out with massive cave systems which are home to an ecosystem that is yet to be fully studied. #The first expedition to SR388 revealed the existence of Chozo ruins."
  258. Earthquakes = "Earthquakes"
  259. Earthquakes_Text = "The massive cave system is located between two tectonic plates, largely flooded by an extremely dense and caustic substance similar to magma. #The recent earthquake has altered the cave layout and the hazardous substance has drained to lower levels.# #The cause of the earthquake is unknown. Initial orbital scan of SR388 detected no instability within this region."
  260. Earthquakes_Text2 = "The massive cave system is located between two tectonic plates, largely flooded by an extremely dense and caustic substance similar to magma. #The recent earthquakes altered the cave layout and the hazardous substance has drained to lower levels.# #Earthquakes seem to coincide with the progressive extermination of Metroids on SR388. However, a direct correlation between these events cannot be established."
  261. ResearchTeam = "Research Team"
  262. ResearchTeam_Text = "For years, the Federation declared SR388 unsafe to initiate new expeditions. #However, after recent orbital scans failed to detect any Metroid presence on the planet's surface, the dispatch of a research vessel was finally approved. #The crew's mission was to inspect the region where the species was first encountered and reaffirm that none remained. Their next objectives were to explore the nearby Chozo ruins and study SR388's other wildlife. #Communication with the team was cut off and only a distress signal managed to reach HQ."
  263. ResearchTeam_Text2 = "The scientists constructed a small mobile research site within the cave system. The access tunnel leading to their research vessel has collapsed, and all of their equipment is non-operational. #Vital signs of all exo-suits are flatlined. #There are no survivors in this site."
  264. RescueTeam = "Rescue Team"
  265. RescueTeam_Text = "The Search & Rescue team is an elite combat group consisting of heavily armed soldiers. #Their mission: Locate and extract any surviving personnel from the missing Research team. #The group reported finding a specialized energy sensor at a camp site of the missing team. Its data confirmed the Federation's suspicions: Metroids still thrived within the planet. These findings were sent to HQ to be analyzed, while the group continued their search for survivors. #Contact was soon lost with them as well.# #The data sent to HQ revealed an approximate number of Metroids remaining on SR388 and was ultimately used to develop a scan module for your Power Suit. This allows the detection of nearby energy readings unique to the species."
  266. RescueTeam_Text2 = "The Search & Rescue team was an elite combat group consisting of heavily armed soldiers. #Their mission: Locate and extract any surviving personnel from the missing Research team.# #There are no survivors among the Search & Rescue team."
  267. Metroids = "Metroid Species"
  268. Metroids_Text = "The dominant species of SR388. Metroids hunt for any form of energy found in natural or synthetic organisms, leaving behind deceased husks after feeding. #They are highly resistant to conventional weapons and possess great adaptability in foreign environments: Estimates suggest a small number of Metroids set loose on a populated planet would lead to the extinction of any present lifeforms. #As such, they've drawn much attention from Space Pirates, who have repeatedly tried to use them as biological weapons."
  269. Mutations = "Life Cycle"
  270. Mutations_Text = "Scans on the native Metroids reveal their most common form in prior incidents is merely the species' larval stage. #While there are records of extreme mutations triggered by Space Pirates using abnormal stimuli, the Metroid homeworld of SR388 is seemingly the only environment where the species can naturally transform."
  271. AlphaMetroid = "Alpha Metroid"
  272. AlphaMetroid_Text = "The Alpha Metroid has gained immunity to cold temperatures. #The loss of several nuclei within its green membrane has left it vulnerable to concussive weaponry. A plated exoskeleton partially covers it.# #This organism emerges from the molting of its larval form.#Though aggressive, it is relatively weak at this stage, and its new appendages have yet to grow to their full length and strength."
  273. GammaMetroid = "Gamma Metroid"
  274. GammaMetroid_Text = "Metroids at this stage can now transfer negative charges from its nervous system into the horns, releasing electric arcs capable of disrupting weapon fire. #The membrane containing its nucleus remains vulnerable, but the Gamma Metroid's exoskeleton has expanded for additional protection.# #Although its legs have reached their maximum length, they are unsuitable for locomotion. Instead, they can serve to capture prey and drain their energy."
  275. ZetaMetroid = "Zeta Metroid"
  276. ZetaMetroid_Text = "After a substantial transformation of its body, the Metroid's power and defenses greatly improve. Though the Zeta Metroid can no longer fly due to its immense weight, its new legs are strong enough to carry it and perform great bursts of speed. The arms can deliver powerful strikes, and its mouth glands can spray a highly corrosive substance.# #Its two prior forms were akin to a pupal phase. Discarding the Gamma Metroid's exoskeleton marked the beginning of its adulthood."
  277. OmegaMetroid = "Omega Metroid"
  278. OmegaMetroid_Text = "The apex predator of SR388. The Omega Metroid exhibits devastating strength; an impact from its claws can severely cripple or kill large animals, while the most heavily armored prey are flung through the air. #Despite its towering figure, it can leap and use its weight as a weapon. Glands in the mouth ignite its saliva, turning it into an organic flamethrower. Its membrane has greatly thickened; maximum firepower is strongly recommended.# #This is the final stage in a Metroid's lifecycle, and very few manage to reach it. Its size is a result of the prior form's muscles rapidly expanding to massive proportions."
  279. QueenMetroid = "Queen Metroid"
  280. QueenMetroid_Text = "The only Metroid organism naturally capable of producing offspring, the Queen is the heart of the species and mother of every Metroid born on SR388. Her role in the hive has hindered her mobility yet encouraged the development of a long neck and massive head to strike at a distance.# #Her cell structure indicates she is heavily aged, possibly as old as the lab she is settled in. The years have reinforced her torso to impenetrable levels. #The Queen's genetic coding is distinct from the other Metroids, and she may have gone through a unique life cycle to attain her form."
  281. Chozo = "The Lost Race"
  282. Chozo_Text = "The Chozo were an ancient and mysterious avian race. #Incredibly advanced, they colonized many worlds, spreading their message of peace throughout the universe. #There are historical records and legends of the Chozo visiting other races with whom they shared their knowledge and wisdom. #These brief encounters led many primitive cultures to their present-day glory. Some say they helped consolidate the very foundations of the Galactic Federation.# #The fate of this race is unknown. Evidence suggests they slowly vanished from the cosmos over the course of centuries. #All that remains on each planet they inhabited are the ruins of their once glorious civilization."
  283. GoldenTemple = "The Golden Temple"
  284. GoldenTemple_Text = "This temple stands at the base of a hollow mountain. The statues, carved stones and its solid design attest that the structure was built to be a sanctuary, possibly with religious significance. #The temple has withstood the test of time, showing the building knowledge and experience of the Chozo.# #Scans detect the presence of stationary robotic entities, placed at strategic points inside the structure. No control signals are detected, these units are operating autonomously."
  285. BreedingGrounds = "Breeding Grounds"
  286. BreedingGrounds_Text = "This area spans a custom built ecosystem that favors the growth of Metroids. #The terrain itself is dangerous: tendrils growing along the ground release extremely corrosive chemicals. Opportunistic predators and scavengers can recognize this as an ideal feeding ground, taking advantage of injured or dead animals. #The presence of at least one Metroid is expected when venturing in these habitats. # #The tendrils are determined to be of artificial origin. Synthesized through technologically advanced methods, they absorb nutrients from dead matter."
  287. HydroStation = "Hydro Station"
  288. HydroStation_Text = "The massive facility at the center of this reservoir filters and pumps water through enormous pipelines. #These pipes come out of the complex and disappear into the surrounding rocks, presumably to supply other buildings further down the cave system with clean water. #Though abandoned, most of it remains functional.# #Robotic activity is detected inside."
  289. IndustrialComplex = "Industrial Complex"
  290. IndustrialComplex_Text = "This factory assembles worker drones which are tasked with supplying SR388's facilities with replacement parts that keep them running autonomously. #Though time has left its mark, the machines have kept it intact. #Some combat drones are also constructed here. Robotic workers are malfunctioning and show signs of aggression."
  291. MiningFacility = "Mining Facility"
  292. MiningFacility_Text = "Cordite crystals are one of the most durable, naturally forming crystals in the galaxy. #Though they are not as hard as diamonds, this makes them a more malleable resource. #The Chozo found various practical uses for Cordite in constructing machinery or producing works of art. #This mining facility supplies Cordite and various other minerals to the nearby industrial complex."
  293. Tower = "The Tower"
  294. Tower_Text = "This facility is operating on an emergency power supply. #Thermal readings indicate that there is at least one functional device located deep inside the building."
  295. Tower_Text2 = "The immense Tower houses a weapons R&D facility. #The robots patrolling within are combat drones equipped with weapon prototypes and advanced shield plating. #They possess superior A.I and are programmed to fire at any living target, keeping the Tower sterilized of organic matter very efficiently. Proceed with caution."
  296. PowerPlant = "Power Plant"
  297. PowerPlant_Text = "This geothermal plant generates the power to run all the other facilities in the cave complex. #Water from the Hydro Station is injected into the system using insulated pipes. Sophisticated turbines use the heat of the local environment, being extremely efficient with minimal loss of water. #The massive amount of energy produced is stored in isolated arrays of power cells. #One of these has lost some structural integrity, and any significant change in temperature could overload it."
  298. PowerDistribution = "Distribution Center"
  299. PowerDistribution_Text = "This cave has a massive building outfitted with electrical conduits and water pipes. #One of the pipes has collapsed, and water steadily floods the lower sections of the facility. #Data is insufficient to determine the structure's functionality."
  300. PowerDistribution_Text2 = "This facility is a power distribution center. #The wiring linked to this facility provides power to various structures within the region. #All excess energy is stored in portable spherical cells which are distributed throughout the intricate passages of the cave system via vacuum pipes and carrier drones. #These cells are filled to maximum capacity: any exposure to beam weapons will destabilize the energy charge."
  301. OmegaNest = "The Nest"
  302. OmegaNest_Text = "This area is infested with thick, globe-like masses composed mostly of crystallized carbohydrates. #Those that have yet to harden are constantly moved by the air flow created from the slightest motion of nearby creatures. # #Only the most adaptable lifeforms can thrive in this ecosystem."
  303. GeneticLabs = "Genetics Laboratory"
  304. GeneticLabs_Text = "Suspended above an abandoned city are the remains of a laboratory. #Scanners confirm there was extremely sophisticated equipment to be found, along with scientific data of incalculable magnitude. #Only stasis tanks are left. Organic traces within suggest genetic research and DNA manipulation. #Biogenic substances of an unknown age coat the laboratory's walls."
  305. Thoth = "GFS Thoth"
  306. Thoth_Text = "The GFS Thoth is a Griffin-class ship. Once an escort of Olympus-class battleships, it has since been converted into a research vessel. #Its crew has continuously helped the Federation explore planets, ancient civilizations and study species throughout the galaxy. The Thoth carries portable drilling machinery for excavations.# #The ship landed on a small valley. The present dig site connects directly to the underground research lab. An Anhur-class gunship is also nearby, registered to the rescue team."
  307. Thoth_Text2 = "The GFS Thoth is a Griffin-class ship. Once an escort of Olympus-class battleships, it was converted into a research vessel. #Its crew has continuously helped the Federation explore planets, ancient civilizations and study species throughout the galaxy. The Thoth carries portable drilling machinery for excavations.# #The ship landed on a small valley. The present dig site connects directly to the underground research lab. An Anhur-class gunship is also nearby, registered to the rescue team.# #The motion sensor monitor system displays as follows: #LEVEL 1 STORAGE - NO SIGNAL#LEVEL 1 LOBBY - NO SIGNAL#LEVEL 2 COMMS ROOM - NO SIGNAL#LEVEL 2 WEST WING - NO SIGNAL#LEVEL 3 EAST WING - MOVEMENT DETECTED"
  308. NativeSpecies = "Native Species"
  309. NativeSpecies_Text = "Not much is known about SR388's ecosystem. #Prior reports described the fauna as being very hostile; nearly all observed animals have been carnivores, with even the smallest species showing dangerous traits. #The harsh environment and the presence of so many predators may have forced an evolutionary arms race, perpetuating a cycle of violence.#Extreme caution is advised."
  310. AncientGuardian = "Ancient Guardian"
  311. AncientGuardian_Text = "This sentry deploys spiked barriers and corners targets into its firing range. #Its archaic design constraints it to operate at low power, preventing simultaneous use of its shield and mobility systems. Its arsenal consists of energy weapons with unique patterns. # #The robot was calibrated to detect foreign creatures bearing stolen equipment. #Recent earthquakes seem to have damaged the traction of the unit and spiked barriers. Despite these complications, it remains a considerable threat."
  312. Arachnus = "Arachnus"
  313. Arachnus_Text = "A territorial organism. Its armored hide is very resilient and requires at least a high voltage discharge to harm it. Attacking with anything less will only agitate the creature. When enraged, it will roll into a ball and attempt to ram its aggressor. Bombs might be able to propel it in this state. # #Its saliva has flammable properties and its claws can vibrate at high frequencies to launch sonic waves. Scans detect it has acquired a Chozo relic, granting it unnatural vigor."
  314. Torizo = "Torizo"
  315. Torizo_Text = "Analysis of this sentinel shows evidence of unknown organic tissue, most of it concentrated in the torso region. The Torizo's armor plating is light enough to give it great mobility, but also leaves it vulnerable to standard weapons.# #According to Chozo history records, the construction of such advanced types of sentries was performed exclusively by the most gifted. Created with biological matter and mechanical components, this makes it difficult to reliably calculate its combat abilities."
  316. Tester = "The Tester"
  317. Tester_Text = "The unit performs 360° live-fire tests of prototype weapons. Scans indicate the exterior armor is resistant to beam weaponry while the interior is further protected by an energy field that repels solid projectiles.# #Auto-repair systems in the cannons can mend all damage within seconds; schematics reveal these systems were applied due to earlier models' cannons being exposed to exceedingly violent tests. Similar to your Power Suit, the unit's modular design allows for the addition and removal of equipment."
  318. TankPrototype = "Tank Prototype"
  319. TankPrototype_Text = "Sensors on its head provide it with accurate aim; however, the alloy protecting it has weakened with time, along with the arm and track sections; Attacking these parts may grant you tactical advantages.# #Hardware scans reveal this tank was to be mass produced. Originally remote controlled, a basic A.I. is now active due to a lack of commands."
  320. Serris = "Serris"
  321. Serris_Text = "An amphibian predator capable of reaching ultra-high speeds, making it the fastest animal on SR388. The layer of skin on its underside serves as a respiratory organ and is sensitive to sudden drops in temperature. Its many eyes and segmented body allow great efficiency in vision and body movement.# #When a Serris moves to a new location, it digs passages to channel the water from its previous home to prevent dehydration. This behavior likely flooded the Distribution Center."
  322. Genesis = "Genesis"
  323. Genesis_Text = "An ambush predator. This blind animal has adapted to hunt in the dark, relying on specialized senses to stalk prey. Its body offers little protection and will attempt to conceal itself in the shadows as a result. Its acidic blood is used as a projectile via autohemorraging.# #The Genesis naturally hunts in groups, making it a highly successful species with little need to evolve; Its DNA suggests it belongs to the oldest living lineage on SR388, granting its name."
  325. [Items]
  326. MissileTank = "Zbiornik Rakiet"
  327. MissileTank_Text = "Pojemnośc rakiet zwiększona o 5"
  328. MissileTank_TextHard = "Pojemnośc rakiet zwiększona o 2"
  329. SuperMissileTank = "Super Rakiety"
  330. SuperMissileTank_Text = "Wciśnij | by wybrać, 5x damage"
  331. PowerBombTank = "Bomby Mocy"
  332. PowerBombTank_Text = "Wciśnij | w Trybie Kulki, by aktywować"
  333. EnergyTank = "Zbiornik Energii"
  334. EnergyTank_Text = "Energia Stroju została zwiększona o 100 jednostek"
  335. Bombs = "Bomby"
  336. Bombs_Text = "Wciśnij | w Trybie Kulki, by rozstawić"
  337. PowerGrip = "Mocny Chwyt"
  338. PowerGrip_Text = "Możesz teraz złapać się półek"
  339. SpiderBall = "Pajęcza Kulka"
  340. SpiderBallPress_Text1 = "Wciśnij | w Trybie Kulki, by wspiąć się na ściany"
  341. SpiderBallPress_Text2 = "Wciśnij | lub | w Trybie Kulki, by wspiąć się na ściany"
  342. SpiderBallHold_Text1 = "Przytrzymaj | w Trybie Kulki, by wspiąć się na ściany"
  343. SpiderBallHold_Text2 = "Przytrzymaj | or | w Trybie Kulki, by wspiąć się na ściany"
  344. JumpBall = "Sprężynowa Kulka"
  345. JumpBall_Text = "Wciśnij | w Trybie Kulki"
  346. HiJump = "Buty Wysokiego Skoku"
  347. HiJump_Text = "Maksymalna wysokość Skoku zwiększona"
  348. VariaSuit = "Strój Varia"
  349. VariaSuit_Text = "Zmniejsza otrzymane Obrażenia o 50%"
  350. SpaceJump = "Kosmiczny Skok"
  351. SpaceJump_Text = "Skacz ciągle w powietrzu"
  352. SpeedBooster = "Wzmacniacz Prędkości"
  353. SpeedBooster_Text = "Biegnij ciągle, by zacząć Wzmacniać Prędkość"
  354. ScrewAttack = "Atak Wkrętowy"
  355. ScrewAttack_Text = "Skacz we wrogów, by wyrządzić masywne obrażenia"
  356. GravitySuit = "Gravity Suit"
  357. GravitySuit_Text = "Tarcie cieczy wyeliminowane - Obrona wzmocniona"
  358. ChargeBeam = "Ładowana Wiązka"
  359. ChargeBeam_Text = "Przytrzymaj | by naładować swoją wiązkę"
  360. IceBeam = "Lodowa Wiązka"
  361. IceBeam_Text = "Natychmiastowo zamraża wrogów. Dodatkowe obrażenia"
  362. WaveBeam = "Falowa Wiązka"
  363. WaveBeam_Text = "Wiązki mogą teraz przejść przez stałe obiekty"
  364. SpazerBeam = "Wiązka Spazer"
  365. SpazerBeam_Text = "Wiązki mają teraz szerszy zasięg"
  366. PlasmaBeam = "Plazmowa Wiązka"
  367. PlasmaBeam_Text = "Wiązki mogą przeszyć wrogów"
  369. [InGameHints]
  370. DiagonalAiming = "Ukośne celowanie"
  371. DiagonalAiming_Text = "Przytrzymaj | by wycelować ukośnie w górę"
  372. MorphBall = "Tryb Kulki"
  373. MorphBall_Text = "Wciśnij | w przysiadzie, by Zmienić się w kulkę"
  374. AimingDownwards = "Celowanie w Dół"
  375. AimingDownwards_Text1 = "Wciśnij | trzymając |, by wycelować ukośnie w dół"
  376. AimingDownwards_Text2 = "Przytrzymaj | by wycelować ukośnie w dół"
  377. ShootingMissiles = "Strzelanie Rakietami"
  378. ShootingMissiles_Text1 = "Wciśnij | by wybrać Rakiety"
  379. ShootingMissiles_Text2 = "Przytrzymaj | by aktywować Rakiety"
  380. Autoad = "Autoad"
  381. Autoad_Text = "Przytrzymaj | - Skok / | - Chwyć"
  383. [ScanEvents]
  384. ScanEnvironment = "Skanowanie Środowiska"
  385. ScanBioform = "Skanowanie Bioformy"
  386. ScanMechanism = "Skanowanie Mechanizmu"
  387. NewLog = "Nowy Wpis Dziennika"
  388. NewLog_Text = "Wciśnij | by otworzyć Dziennik"
  389. UpdateLog = "Wpis Dziennika Zaktualizowany"
  390. UpdateLog_Text = "Wciśnij | by otworzyć Dziennik"
  391. Metroids = "Skanowanie Wzorca Energii"
  392. Metroids_Text = "Metroidów wykryto w okolicy"
  394. [SaveLocation]
  395. Save00 = "Obszar Lądowania"
  396. Save01 = "Powierzchniowa Jaskinia"
  397. Save02 = "Powierzchniowa Jaskinia"
  398. Save03 = "Wylęgarnia Złotej Świątyni"
  399. Save04 = "Złota Świątynia"
  400. Save05 = "Złota Świątynia"
  401. Save06 = "Stacja Wodna"
  402. Save07 = "Wylęgarnia Stacji Wodnej"
  403. Save08 = "Stacja Wodna"
  404. Save09 = "Wschodnia Jaskinia"
  405. Save10 = "Wejście Fabryki Robotów"
  406. Save11 = "Składownia Fabryki Robotów"
  407. Save12 = "Ośrodek Górniczy"
  408. Save13 = "Zachodnia Jaskinia"
  409. Save14 = "Wejście Wieży"
  410. Save15 = "Zewnątrz Wieży"
  411. Save16 = "Elektrownia Geotermalna"
  412. Save17 = "Wejście Dystrybucji Energii"
  413. Save18 = "Główny Ośrodek Dystrybucji"
  414. Save19 = "Składownia Ośrodka Dystrybucji"
  415. Save20 = "Głębiny Głównej Jaskini"
  416. Save21 = "Wejście Gniazda Omega"
  417. Save22 = "Gniazdo Omega"
  418. Save23 = "Wyjście Gniazda Omega"
  419. Save24 = "Laboratorium Genetyczne"
  420. Save25 = "SGF Thot"
  422. [ScoreScreen]
  423. ClearTime = "CZAS GRY"
  424. ItemCollection = "ZEBRANE PRZEDMIOTY"
  425. SeeYouNextMission = "DO NASTĘPNEJ MISJI!"
  427. ToBeContinued = "Ciąg dalszy nastąpi..."
  429. [Notifications]
  430. GameSaved = "Gra Zapisana"
  431. EnergyTank = "Zdobyto Zbiornik Energii"
  432. MissileTank = "Zdobyto Zbiornik Rakiet"
  433. SuperMissileTank = "Zdobyto Zbiornik Super Rakiet"
  434. PowerBombTank = "Zdobyto Zbiornik Bomb Mocy"
  435. ScanEnvironment = "Skanowanie Środowiska"
  436. ScanBioform = "Skanowanie Bioformy"
  437. ScanMechanism = "Skanowanie Mechanizmu"
  439. [IntroCutscene]
  440. Scene1 = "Metroidy. #Liczne incydenty w przeszłości#rzuciły światło na wysoce destrukcyjną#moc tych form życia, siejąc#strach na wszystkie znane systemy planetarne."
  441. Scene2 = "W nadzieji na zapewnienie pokoju w galaktyce,#Galaktyczna Federacja nakazuje#eksterminację gatunku Metroidów.#Ja byłam najlepszym kandydatem do tej pracy."
  442. Scene3 = "Kolejny raz znajduję się sama, stojąc#przeciwko grozie Metroidów.#Jakie okropieństwa czekają na mnie w głębiach#ich rodzimego świata?"
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