
Lullaby: Day 2

Apr 13th, 2012
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  1. >You wake up
  2. >you look down, your muscular legs and strong hooves
  3. >A large pony to say the least, Big Macintosh Barely makes it to your eye level
  4. >Does that make you special?
  5. >.....
  6. >Time for bathroom
  8. ~Day 2~
  10. >He's back again
  11. >Applejack invited her 6 best friends over for lunch, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and, ... him
  12. >He Apparently arrived here in Equestria a few months ago Due to what Twilight believes was a focal point sigularity
  13. >Tsch, A focal point sigularity would have caused an emersion of his physical mass within background energies.
  14. >He wouldn't exist anymore
  15. >Yeah, you know that science stuff, probably better than her.
  16. >But you'd never say that, she has friends to back her up, and you have....
  17. >You have yourself. Isn't that enough?
  18. >You look at them, smiling, laughing, talking to him. The human.
  19. >They're happy, they should be. Lucky.
  20. >Applejack looks in your direction, you try to turn away, look busy
  21. >"Well hey ther sugarcube, You feelin alright?"
  22. >her face resembles AB's, concern
  23. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."
  24. >"What's botherin ya?" the other ponies join her in front of you, him too.
  25. "It's ... It's nothing" You stammer
  26. >"Nothin? Er somthin?"
  27. ".... Nothing" You say, your head down.
  28. >"OH! maybe Anon knows what's wrong! They are like the same person! Err pony!" Pinkie springs forth, words flying everywhere
  29. >They are like the same Person. Ironic, him, this, human. Anonymous. Your name, his name
  30. "no..."
  31. >they all perk up at your voice, even him
  33. >You're enraged, only you are you. no one else is you.
  34. >"HEY!" a harsh voice, Rainbow Dash
  35. >She's nose to nose with you, above you, her wings giving her height advantage
  36. >"DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT ANON LIKE THAT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT SAYING ANYTHING! You're just some useless pony jealous of him!"
  37. >"Rainbow! that's enough!" AJ had RD's tail in her mouth pulling her back
  38. >Rainbow Dash had been protective of him ever since they became involved, in love
  39. >Now was no different, she was only fefending him against you, as she should
  40. >"We're, sorry for Rainbow's outbusrt, she just doesn't know what to say," Twilight apologised
  41. >"Or when to not say anything" Twilight shot a glare at RD, who pouted angrily
  42. >"Are you alright?"
  43. >More concern, misplaced. Her words, not reaching you
  44. >You just sat there, silent, head down, holding back tears
  45. >She's right, you're useless, Just another pony, nothing special
  46. >You want to burst into tears, but you can't, you can't be weak
  47. >You don't deserve to cry, you're a worthless pony.
  48. >The day slowly moves by, whereas, you do not, you just sit there
  49. >one by one, they leave, later and later into the evening
  50. >until it's just you and one other
  51. >Only Applejack remains
  52. >......
  53. >"Anon, listen, bout what dash said..." she starts
  54. >You're listening, silently
  55. >"She just, don't know how to say things. So you an Anon have the same name, so what? He's says it's a pretty common name from where he's from."
  56. >Common, yeah. You're common, you're not special
  57. >"Listen, ah gotta go check on the family, Yer welcome tah come with me if ya like"
  58. >You'd like that, alot, to have friends
  59. >She starts to walk, you don't, "Well, I'll be back fer ya, jus hang on"
  60. >As she walks away, she glaces back, you're still there
  61. >She looks again, you're gone
  62. >"Oh Anon," she says to herself, "why can't ya be happy, just once?"
  63. >You slowly make your way home, tears rolling down your face
  64. >In the dead of night, your only solace is the gleam of the moon
  65. >Princess Luna's loving work
  66. >...........
  67. >you keep your pace
  68. >Gotta go to bed and be useless again tomorrow
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