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Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. Speedrunning Hall of Shame V0.8
  3. Akikan
  4. Spliced a Super Mario 64 16 Stars run that has been considered the World Record. He got the run off-stream despite usually streaming attempts, deleted his video from Nicovideo and asked others not to share it. For these reasons he was already considered a cheater in the Japanese community, but Western sites continued to list his time as the World Record. Audio analysis brought definite evidence of splicing.
  6. Cody Miller
  7. Spliced Halo 2 speedruns.
  9. GoronGuy
  10. Faked a Majora's Mask run that would have been the second best time by just making up splits and starting a stream near the end of the game, was promptly called out as a cheater and wrote a sob story pastebin about how he did it because of his depression.
  12. Lunartike
  13. Spliced a Super Meat Boy run.
  15. mike89
  16. Passed off Sonic times of his 9 year old brother as his own.
  18. ramel1234567
  19. Known splicer in the Super Mario Sunshine community. People would often joke about him splicing, but when he got his claimed 1:31:06 World Record, cosmo, jiano, sicko, and frosticles showed up in the irc and asked him to reset his console during the credits as proof he was playing. He was unable to do so.
  21. Raelcun
  22. Used a Turbo controller when running The Legend of Dragoon and denied it when he was asked if he did use one. Stated that he would provide a video proving the accusation wrong but has yet to follow up that statement
  23. Raelcun denying the usage of a turbo controller:
  25. Video proving the usage of a Turbo controller:
  27. rwhitegoose
  28. Submitted faked Goldeneye IL videos to He revealed his cheating and said it was to expose the low standard of verification.
  30. Samuraiman
  31. Cheated in an Ocarina of Time race according to Cosmo.
  33. Slynki
  34. A Halo speedrunner who made several notable single-segment speedruns of several Halo games over the years, all of which have been spliced. He has been under heavy suspicion for years, but denied ever having cheated. He confessed after audio analysis brough definite evidence of splicing.
  36. TSA
  37. Submitted several spliced Zelda runs to SDA and got them past verification. Splices in his Ocarina of Time runs have been noted due to skips in the music and splices in his Zelda 1 run have been noted due to impossible item drops. Other runs by him may be real, but to be safe all his runs have been removed from SDA. He denies having ever cheated and stopped speedrunning.
  39. werster
  40. Submitted fake Sonic IL times to The Sonic Center at the age of 9 and got banned for 6 months as punishment.
  42. WhiteAris
  43. Spliced a Super Mario 64 16 Stars run that has been considered the World Record. He got the run off-stream despite usually streaming attempts, deleted his video from Nicovideo and asked others not to share it. For these reasons he was already considered a cheater in the Japanese community, but Western sites continued to list his time as the World Record. Audio analysis brought definite evidence of splicing. He denies having ever cheated and sees himself as the victim of a bullying campaign instead.
  45. Zukoza
  46. Spliced a Super Meat Boy World Record run. He went on to delete all his videos and not to have them shared and "be forgotten". His second best time and former World Record was found to be spliced and he admitted to cheating, but maintains that his other runs including the claimed current World Record run are legitimate.
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