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- Page 1
- Yuuhi-kun.
- Let’s do something more fun than reading!
- I’ll give you something better than a bookmark. // I've got something better for you to stick that bookmark into
- Well, hold on a minute.
- Yuuhi, let’s go play baseball!
- Ah, sure.
- Good grief.
- Bam.
- Page 2
- I can't even read a book quietly like this... // I won't be able to read my books in peace at this rate, NYORU
- (Japanese AUTTOUUU just means "something's that's not allowed". adapted from baseball and tennis calls, like a strike-out.
- both work here imo it's your choice)
- At last my wishes have started showing up in my dreams...
- Page 3
- Connect#2
- Cheerful and fun-filled school life! //
- (ばっこりキャッキャウフフ means something like: "It's totally woooooo!, ehehe~"
- this is a discussion you'll want to have with your group because future titles can possibly be long like this, and you'll
- have to decide whether to make them simpler in the future or not)
- It's totally woooooo!, ehehe~
- Cheerful and fun-filled school life!
- Since there are two chapters included, please start reading from the color page of the first chapter!
- Page 4
- Hello everyone! I’m Yuuhi Takamiya, also known as "Bocchi the Book".
- Today I’ll be showing you my morning routine.
- On my days off, I wake up without setting an alarm.
- Because I don't have any plans after all.
- What a refreshing morning.
- And then, I always check if I have any notifications.
- Even though I don’t have any friends to contact me in the first place.
- Then I'm escaping reality through reading.
- Page 5
- I gobble down the food prepared by my sister, who doesn’t care about days off. //
- My sister cooks for me every day, even if it's on weekends. I'm dead inside when I shovel it down.
- I’m off to work! Make sure to eat properly! Take a bath!
- The fact that she assumes I have no plans makes it even more annoying.
- Some more reading after the meal.
- Never forget to brush my teeth. // I brush my teeth. I never forget to do that.
- (I believe this is sarcasm which is why it feels so out of place in the flow of the story)
- And then some more reading.
- This is how my lonely weekend starts.
- And ends.
- Whew...
- Page 6
- That was refreshing!
- I took a long bath! // Almost fell asleep in there!
- (this one's a stylish liberal translation, feel free to use or not)
- Page 7
- Realize // *Droop/dabble/plap/plop*
- (essentially, i believe this is just a sound effect for the toothpaste getting on his shirt because his mouth is wide open since he's seeing nano naked)
- (the little handwritten "プリン" just means "boing" or "flop" of her boobs)
- Oh...
- Uh, um...
- Page 8
- Yuuhi-san, you're so naughty! // Yuuhi-san you perv!
- Why are you here!?
- Oh, and Nano-chan too.
- Geez, come on!
- Yuuhi, honestly...
- Curry is so tasty!
- Isn’t this the same thing that happened yesterday!?
- That’s exactly why I’m bringing it up!
- Page 9
- Why am I here?
- That’s obvious, isn’t it?
- It’s because I’m your friend,
- and I’m worried about you.
- Page 10
- You just can’t go home because you'll get scolded by your boss, right?
- Gah!
- Wh-what are you talking about, that's not it!
- Isn’t this situation actually a bit troublesome? // and besides, this sitch. Isn't it kinda bad?
- She totally said gah.
- Well, it doesn’t seem to be causing any troubles for now...
- Except for the way I look.
- I'm worried about whether I’ll be able to handle things if something happens...
- Exactly!!
- Wow, I never knew people’s eyes could sparkle like that.
- Page 11
- Just by keeping me around, your safety is guaranteed!
- And on top of that! // and also!
- (an alternative if the bubble is too small)
- I’ll support your comfortable loner life too! // I’ll [even] support your comfortable loner life too!
- (the まで here is even, can choose to omit it)
- I don’t want a loner life!
- Come on, I’m just kidding, it’s just a joke... // I'm kidding. It’s just a joke, a jo-oh-oh-ohhh-ke♡
- (stylized to match the japanese)
- I know all about it already, I totally get it! // I get'cha. I understand. I comprehend the dilemma you find yourself in.
- (the japanese here is the sentence repeated 2x, increasingly formal each time)
- This girl’s seriously a pain...
- What you really want is something that gives you a fun, cheerful school life, right? //
- (I see, it's the weird title repeated in the dialogue.
- you're going to have to finalize and decide what you want the title to be to use it here and in the chapter title)
- Page 12
- There's no way something that convenient exists...
- Don't be surprised, it actually exists!
- Really?
- Popular fragrance. //
- (haha, i see. it's "mote" and "fragrance". how about "le populare", like a bastardized french perfume name?)
- Just spray this on, and you’ll turn into a popular guy.☆
- Oh no, it’s something really suspicious...! //
- (when he says それっぽい (it's like one of those things),
- i think he means like "holy shit it's like one of those magical devices you see in jav porn films.
- maybe "Looks like something right out of a p*rn movie!")
- With this, Yuuhi, you’ll be super popular with everyone!
- Super popular!? Really!?
- Absolutely, without a doubt!
- Without a doubt!?
- If I had to compare, it's like Shohei Ohtani-level of popular. // If I had to compare, it's like Joe-hei Ohtani-level of popular.
- (note the visual cue of her hair covering up his eyes, and the katakana is 'jyo' instead of 'sho')
- Ohtani from space has arrived!
- Page 13
- Alright, let’s try it out right away.
- Ouch!
- Witness the effect with your own eyes.
- Argh! My eyes!
- I-I can’t see like this!
- Warning: Do not use on eyes.
- ...San?
- Hmm?
- Ohtani... San?
- You're wrong!? // uhh, no?!
- (alternative)
- Page 14
- I’ve been a fan since the Angels days!
- You’re such a casual fan!
- Oh, now that I look closer, it’s just Yuuhi.
- Let’s just kiss for now.
- Why!!?
- Don’t you want to know
- what kiwi-flavored lips taste like?
- (i see, kiuissu is just a shortening of "kiwi-kiss")
- It’s curry-flavored, you know! You just ate a bunch of it earlier!
- No matter how you look at it, this effect is just superficial!
- Or maybe... this girl is just a hassle when she falls for someone.
- Anyway, if I don’t stop this girl's rampage, my first k...
- Wait, I know!
- Nyorupuppu, help stop Nano...
- Page 15
- Nyoru (I like you)
- You too!?
- Gah!
- I can’t move...!
- Here I come!
- Hiiiiiiyahhhh!
- Page 16
- Hehe, Yuuhi~ I caught you.
- Oh no...
- (the huge sound effect is just "smoooooooch")
- Page 17
- My first time...
- I gave it away....
- Page 18
- There's still more to come!
- N-no, stop!
- Smooch
- Smooch
- Kiss
- Slurp
- Slurp
- For crying out loud!
- The newbie messed up again, and the old hag totally lost it!
- Haaaah!
- Page 19
- The mood got bad.
- The effect of the Popular Fragrance wore off.
- Today was a disaster...
- It’s was their first time, cut them some slack!
- When you mess up, it's a shared responsibility, right?
- I think it’s important to treat each other with respect!
- Page 20
- ...Yeah.
- I’ll do my best starting tomorrow.
- Huh?
- Isn’t anyone going to eat?
- Oh, sorry, I just don’t have an appetite today...
- Growl.
- Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub.
- I’ll eat later.
- Nyoru.
- Good luck, Yuuhi! High school life is just getting started!
- // typesetting notes:
- nano's upbeat font: clementine
- nano's dead-inside font: ask for mercy
- yuuhi's font when he's shouting/playing the straightman role: cc shout out
- nyoru's font: KFhimajiKIDS
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