

Feb 25th, 2015
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  1. -[X] 3 Ask her if she's reached a decision about the house/tuition. Tell her to be honest with herself. There is a vacant room at your boarding house that she can rent if she wants to go to Blanche's university, but you need time to deal with a problematic roommate before it's safe to move in.: (Fellgar, Jaerys, Night_stalker)
  2. --[X] 1 Caress her, go back to friendly conversation, maybe watch a movie.: (tenchifew)
  3. [X] 1 Claim your new property -- in the carnal sense.: (macdjord)
  4. -[X] 1 Claim your new property -- in the carnal sense.: (tenchifew)
  5. [X] 6 Go back to friendly conversation, maybe watch a movie, and let her stew a bit.: (Happerry, Doom12394, Megaolix, pepperjack, Robotninja, BFldyq)
  6. -[X] 1 Go through the Ritual of Enslavement with her, taking her virginity in the process (if she's not a virgin, take something else).: (MrGazzer)
  7. [X] 4 Start on her first magic lesson (of sorts): (Fellgar, Jaerys, Night_stalker, MrGazzer)
  8. --[X] 1 Then claim her -- in the carnal sense. It seems to be what she wants.: (MrGazzer)
  9. [X] 2 Use her contract-driven obedience to question her about her motives and desires in detail.: (skaro, CptTagon)
  10. [X] 2 Use the opportunity to firmly establish and reinforce your dominance.: (Cassiemouse, tenchifew)
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