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Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. If you wan't the real reasons behind increased male suicide rates then here we go.
  3. Men are often ignored by women when mental health issues are brought up.
  4. Men are more likely to be falsely convicted due to a woman being believed more.
  5. Men lose custody battles even when in the right as the law favors women when it comes to children, men lose their children and thus depression and thus suicide. (this has happened and continues to happen regularly)
  7. Men are constantly shit on for being men, White men are now being constantly attacked online and in real life for having any political view that the left do not agree with, it is now wrong to be born white, racism has done a 360 and instead of solving it people prefer to shit on white men who can't control their gender or race.
  9. " Major depression forms the background of upwards of half of all suicides. Women are twice as likely as men to experience major depression, yet women are one fourth as likely as men to take their own lives. Current and past explanations of this paradox are built on androcentric assumptions that women are deficient in some way. The reverse may be true where suicide is concerned. Men value independence and decisiveness, and they regard acknowledging a need for help as weakness and avoid it. Women value interdependence, and they consult friends and readily accept help. Women consider decisions in a relationship context, taking many things into consideration, and they feel freer to change their minds. It is argued here that women derive strength and protection from suicide by virtue of specific differences from men. Factors that protect women from suicide are opposite to vulnerability factors in men. " - Comprehensive Psychiatry July–August 1998, Pages 165-175
  10. Author George EMurphy
  12. Yea your point isn't completely mute but you decided to ignore the other 50% of the problem for your own political benefit.
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