
Cave Story 3D inventory glitch theory

Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. >> Technical explanation of the inventory glitch in Cave Story 3D, with some examples <<
  3. Most of this is based on descriptions of the glitch that I read online, as well as
  4. studying the source code of CSE2 (a Cave Story freeware decompilation -- though, note that
  5. freeware Cave Story doesn't have this glitch). As such, there's a chance that this might
  6. not be 100% accurate (and I'm definitely oversimplifying some of the explanations), but
  7. it's hopefully at least pretty close to what's going on.
  9. Also, shoutouts to Amber for answering all of my questions and helping me confirm that
  10. all/most of this is actually accurate, without me having to get the game myself >:)
  12. (Already intimately familiar with Cave Story modding? Feel free to skip to the
  13. "THE INVENTORY GLITCH" section starting on line 205.)
  15. === THE BASICS ===
  17. Stage data in vanilla Cave Story is divided into several files:
  19. Map data (irrelevant for our purposes):
  20. bk[bg].pbm -- Basically a renamed .bmp image used as the background
  21. Prt[tileset].pbm -- Contains the visual appearance of each of the map tiles
  22. [tileset].pxa -- Tile attributes (solid block, water block, etc.)
  23. [map name].pxm -- Tilemap (the actual layout of the stage)
  25. NPC data (i.e. anything that's not a map tile):
  26. Npc[name].pbm -- NPC spritesheet
  27. [map name].pxe -- NPC info (location, properties, etc.)
  28. [map name].tsc -- TSC (Text SCript), specifying the events associated with each NPC
  30. Cave Story 3D has all of these same files (except, the ".tsc" files were renamed to ".sjs"
  31. files for whatever reason). Additionally, CS3D also has some other ".n3ddta" and ".n3dhdr"
  32. files that I assume contain the 3D models for everything.
  33. (Fun fact: From what I've been told, it's possible to take the data files from the CS3D
  34. ROM (aside from the .n3d* ones) and stick them directly into the original freeware engine
  35. (well, after renaming "sjs" back to "tsc", I assume).
  36. Apparently, it actually (mostly) works and plays like what Cave Story 3D would've been
  37. like if it wasn't 3D and used the original assets instead of 3D models.)
  40. In particular, the thing to take away here is that the *properties* of each NPC in a
  41. given stage are stored separately from the actual *behavior* of that NPC. The former are
  42. loaded with the stage's .pxe file, while the latter is loaded with the stage's .sjs file.
  43. (Some things, like enemy AI, are also hardcoded into the game engine itself.)
  45. As an example, consider the life capsule in First Cave (which is just called "Cave" in
  46. the data files).
  47. Cave.pxe would contain the following info about that life capsule:
  48. -- It is located at (6, 24)
  49. -- It is of type 32 (Life Capsule)
  50. -- The flag number associated with it is 304
  51. -- The event number associated with it is 400
  52. -- It has the following additional properties:
  53. * Player can press down to interact with it (doing so runs event 400 in the TSC)
  54. * Disappears once its flag number is set (usually happens via TSC)
  56. Cave.sjs contains the following TSC:
  57. #0400
  58. <PRI<SOU0022<DNP0400<CMU0016
  59. <MSG<GIT1006
  60. Obtained a Life Capsule.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<ML+0003
  61. Max life increased by 3.<NOD<END
  62. In English:
  63. #0400 -- This is event number 400
  64. <PRI (PRevent Interaction) -- Freeze the game and lock player controls
  65. <SOU0022 (SOUnd) -- Play sound #22 (some kind of click sound)
  66. <DNP0400 (Delete NPc) -- Delete the life capsule (also sets its flag number, 304)
  67. <CMU0016 (Change MUsic) -- Change the music to #16 (life capsule jingle)
  68. <MSG (MeSsaGe) -- Open a message box
  69. <GIT1006 (Graphic ITem) -- Display icon #1006 (life capsule) above the message box
  70. Obtained a Life Capsule. -- Text to be displayed
  71. <WAI0160 (WAIt) -- Wait for 160 frames
  72. <NOD -- Wait for player to press jump or shoot
  73. <RMU (Restore MUsic) -- Resume the last song that was played
  74. <ML+0003 (Max Life +) -- Increase the player's max HP by 3
  75. Max life increased by 3. -- More text to be displayed
  76. <NOD -- Wait for jump/shoot to be pressed
  77. <END -- End of event (restore normal game operation)
  80. === TSC LOADING ===
  82. The game contains a buffer in its memory containing a copy of the TSC that it's currently
  83. working with. Each time a new stage is loaded, the game first copies the contents of
  84. "Head" into that buffer, then it loads the specific TSC file for that stage after that.
  85. The "Head" script isn't super important for understanding the inventory glitch, but if
  86. you're curious what it is, it contains events that are common to many areas in the game.
  87. For Cave Story 3D, it begins like this:
  88. #0000
  89. <END
  91. #0001
  92. <PRI<MSG
  93. Empty.<NOD<END
  95. #0016
  96. <PRI<MSG
  97. Do you want to save?<YNJ0000<CLR<MSG<TURDo not turn the system off or remove
  98. the Nintendo 3DS Game Card
  99. <WAI0020<FL+0431<SVP<CLR
  100. Game saved.<NOD<END
  102. #0017
  103. <PRI<FLJ0201:0018
  104. <LI+1000<SOU0020<AE+<MSG
  105. Life refilled.<NOD<END
  107. #0018
  108. <PRI
  109. <LI+1000<SOU0020<AE+<MSG
  110. Life and missiles refilled.<NOD<END
  112. #0019
  113. <KEY<MSG
  114. Do you want to rest?<YNJ0000<FAO0004<CMU0000<WAI0020<CLR
  115. .....<NOD<CLO
  116. <WAI0050
  117. <LI+1000<SOU0020<MYD0002<MSG
  118. Life refilled.<NOD<CLO<RMU<FAI0004<END
  120. #0030
  121. <PRI<FLJ0202:0032<FLJ0201:0031<FL+0201<GIT0005<AM+0005:0010
  122. <CMU0010Obtained the Missile Launcher.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<CLR
  123. The Missile Launcher is a powerful
  124. weapon, but it has limited ammo.<NOD
  125. Collect additional ammunition
  126. from fallen enemies.<NOD<END
  127. [...more stuff that I cut out...]
  129. TSC events are always arranged in order by increasing event number in the script files.
  130. After loading the Head script and the stage-specific TSC file into the TSC buffer, the
  131. game writes a "null" character (essentially a blank character) to denote the end of the
  132. script. This character is used in several places in the script engine to tell the game not
  133. to continue reading past that point. (Spoiler alert: With the inventory glitch, you can
  134. sometimes get the game to read past that null character regardless...)
  136. === TSC PARSING ===
  138. TSC parsing is handled in two separate areas of the game logic:
  139. (1) When a request is made to run TSC event number X, the game makes the following
  140. preparations:
  141. (a) The game sets an internal flag to indicate to the rest of the game logic that it
  142. is currently running a TSC event. A few other (mostly uninteresting) internal
  143. game variables relating to TSC execution are reset at this point.
  144. In CS freeware (and a few early Nicalis ports?), the player's i-frames are also
  145. reset here. (This is what allows Chako skip to be possible without needing the
  146. Map System in these versions of Cave Story.)
  147. (b) The game looks for the start of the event in the TSC buffer: Starting from the
  148. beginning of the TSC buffer, the game scans one character at a time, looking for
  149. the "#" symbol. When it encounters a "#" character, it reads the next four
  150. characters as a number and compares that number to X.
  151. * If that number is equal to X, then the game stops scanning and moves the "scan
  152. cursor" (so to speak) to the next line. The event is now ready to be parsed and
  153. executed.
  154. * If that number is bigger than X, then we've passed where the event should have
  155. been in the TSC but didn't find it. In this case, the game stops scanning and
  156. returns an error status (leaving the scan cursor in place).
  157. * Otherwise (if the number is smaller than X), the game continues scanning.
  158. If the game at any point encounters the null character used to mark the end of the
  159. script, the game stops scanning and returns an error status (again, leaving the
  160. scan cursor in place at that null character).
  161. Note that this initial step doesn't actually run anything; it just places the scan
  162. cursor at the start of the event and leaves it like that.
  163. (2) In a separate part of the game code, the game checks every frame to see if the
  164. "currently in a TSC event" flag is set. If it is, then it starts parsing and executing
  165. the data in the TSC buffer, starting from wherever the scan cursor left off from.
  167. An important thing of note here is that even though step (1) can return an error status
  168. (if it couldn't find the requested event number), the game doesn't actually bother to
  169. do anything about it if that happens. (In fact, the error goes completely unnoticed -- the
  170. game doesn't even care to check for it.)
  171. This means that the game also doesn't clear the "currently in a TSC event" flag when that
  172. happens, so step (2) will start reading from wherever the scan cursor happens to be and
  173. execute whatever TSC it finds in the buffer at that point.
  174. Often, this just means that the next-highest event number in the TSC buffer gets executed,
  175. but if the initial scan errored out because it reached the null character at the end of
  176. the script, then the game will start reading past that null character and beyond the end
  177. of the current stage's script, which can lead to some crazy and unpredictable results.
  178. (As we'll see below.)
  180. === THE INVENTORY MENU ===
  182. The inventory has its own script associated with it, called "ArmsItem".
  183. When the inventory is opened, the game does the following:
  185. (1) It stores the name of the currently-loaded script, so that it can be reloaded upon
  186. closing the inventory
  187. (2) It loads the contents of the ArmsItem script into the TSC buffer
  188. (3) It enters a separate game loop that handles everything that happens within the
  189. inventory. Within that game loop, it runs TSC events as follows:
  190. * When you cursor over a weapon, it runs TSC event number (1000 + [weapon ID]).
  191. If there's no weapon to be selected, then it just runs event #1000 ("No weapon").
  192. * When you cursor over an item, it runs TSC event (5000 + [item type ID]).
  193. If there's no item in that spot, then it just runs event #5000...that said, it's not
  194. actually possible to cursor over an empty item, so you never get to see this :P
  195. * When you select an item, then it runs TSC event (6000 + [item type ID]).
  196. (4) Upon closing the inventory, the game reloads the previously-loaded script, according
  197. to the name that it stored in step (1) and the process outlined in the previous
  198. section.
  200. Note that the only thing that gets shuffled around here is the script that's loaded into
  201. the TSC buffer -- other aspects of the current stage you're in (including the .pbm
  202. background and map tiles, the .pxa and .pxm map data, and the .pxe NPC data) are
  203. untouched by opening and closing the inventory.
  207. The inventory glitch works by going into a map (call it Map B), opening the inventory,
  208. then pause-exiting out and loading any save file into a different map (call it Map A).
  209. The result is that Map A will have many NPCs that appear to behave as if you were in
  210. Map B.
  211. What exactly happens is the following:
  212. (1) Upon opening the inventory, the game stores the name of Map B so that it can reload
  213. its TSC upon closing the inventory.
  214. (2) After pause-exiting out and loading a save file in Map A, the game (correctly) loads
  215. Map A and its TSC file according to the process described previously.
  216. However, the game (incorrectly) loads with the inventory still open, meaning that
  217. moving the cursor around in the inventory will run TSC events (as described
  218. previously) but using Map A's TSC rather than ArmsItem's.
  219. (This can lead to some pretty glitchy results, especially considering that the event
  220. numbers being run here are all fairly high-numbered, and most stage TSCs don't use
  221. event numbers that high.)
  222. (3) After closing the inventory, the game loads the "previous" script from before opening
  223. the inventory. Apparently, this also doesn't get reset when exiting out of the game,
  224. so the game is still remembering that you were in Map B before opening the inventory,
  225. hence it loads Map B's script.
  227. The end result is that you are now in Map A, with Map A's map data and NPC (*.pxe) data
  228. loaded, but with Map B's TSC events loaded.
  229. Let's look at a few examples of how this can wreck havoc:
  231. Example #1: Getting the (normally unobtainable) Beast Fang
  233. The Beast Fang is hidden in an unreachable location in Yamashita Farm. We can get it
  234. as follows:
  235. (1) Go to the Egg Observation Room and save.
  236. (2) Go to Yamashita Farm, open the inventory, and exit out.
  237. (3) Reload your save file to go back to the Egg Observation Room. Open the treasure chest
  238. that normally contains the Missile Launcher, to get the Beast Fang instead.
  239. Why does this work? Upon reloading the game, the game loads the data for EggR (which is
  240. the internal name for the Egg Observation Room), including its .pxe NPC data, which
  241. specifies that there is a chest at the upper corner of the room, and that that chest runs
  242. event #300 upon inspecting it.
  243. Normally, with the EggR script loaded, this gives you the missiles:
  244. #0300
  245. <PRI<FLJ0200:0001<FL+0200
  246. <SOU0022<CNP0300:0021:0000
  247. <MSG
  248. Opened the treasure chest.<NOD<CLR<EVE0030
  249. (The <EVE0030 at the end jumps to event #30, which is defined in Head and gives you the
  250. Missile Launcher.)
  252. However, inventory-glitching in this way causes the Plant script (Yamashita Farm's TSC)
  253. to be loaded overwriting EggR's script in the TSC buffer, which means that Plant's
  254. event #300 is run instead of EggR's:
  255. #0300
  256. <PRI
  257. <FL+0410
  258. <DNP0300
  259. <MSG
  260. You don't see anything...<NOD<CLR<CMU0010<GIT1005<IT+0005
  261. How did you get the Beast Fang?
  262. ...<WAI0160<NOD<CLO
  263. <RMU<END
  264. Voila! Now you have the Beast Fang.
  266. Example #2: Accessing Sand Zone early
  268. Save in the Save Point in Mimiga Village, then go to Arthur's House and inventory-exit
  269. out. Reload into the Save Point and inspect the door. You should be taken to Sand Zone
  270. instead of Mimiga Village.
  272. Why does this work? Inventory-glitching in this way causes MiBox (the Save Point) to be
  273. loaded but with the Pens1 script (Arthur's House) in the TSC buffer. The door in the
  274. Save Point is set to run event #100 upon inspecting it. Event #100 in MiBox takes you out
  275. to Mimiga Village:
  276. #0100
  277. <PRI<FAO0004<TRA0011:0094:0024:0034
  278. (Translated: "Freeze the game and lock player input, then fade out the screen in
  279. direction 4 (center), then transport the player to map #11 (Mimiga Village), at
  280. coordinates (24, 34), and run event #94 in the Mimiga Village script when you get there".)
  282. However, with the Pens1 script loaded, this runs Arthur's House's event #100 instead:
  283. #0100
  284. <PRI<FAO0004<TRA0010:0094:0018:0032
  285. This takes you to map #10 (Sand Zone), at coordinates (18, 32), which is 3 blocks to the
  286. left and 1 block above where Curly is when you first meet her.
  288. Note that there's no way to naturally trigger this event without inventory glitching.
  289. My guess is that this is probably a remnant of some kind of debug testing mechanism that
  290. was eventually disabled before the release of the game. (It's present in the Pens1 script
  291. in the original freeware CS, as well, so it's something Pixel put in rather than Nicalis.)
  293. Example #3: No, I don't want to teleport to Egg Corridor
  295. Save in Arthur's House, then inventory-exit out from anywhere. Upon reloading your save,
  296. cursoring over any inventory item will cause a "Teleport to the Egg Corridor?" prompt to
  297. pop up.
  299. Why does this happen? When you load the save back into Arthur's House, the game loads all
  300. of the data for the Pens1 stage, including the Pens1 TSC file. However, the game starts
  301. you in the inventory instead of directly inside Arthur's House.
  302. Recall from the previous section that cursoring over an item in the inventory runs TSC
  303. event number (1000 + [weapon ID]) for weapons, or (5000 + [item ID]) for items. Since the
  304. Pens1 script is loaded instead of ArmsItem, this tries to run that event number in
  305. Arthur's House. However, Arthur's House doesn't have any events in the 1000-50XX range:
  306. [...stuff...]
  307. #0660
  308. <KEY<FLJ1020:0661<MSG<FAC0018
  309. Take Sue with you and
  310. leave this island...<NOD
  311. Please...<NOD<END
  312. #0661
  313. <KEY<MSG<FAC0018
  314. I'm sorry.
  315. We've ruined your island.<NOD<CLR
  316. We humans are evil.<NOD<END
  319. #0700
  320. <KEY<CMU0000<FAO0004<TRA0024:0700:0002:0000
  323. #6001
  324. <PRI<MSG
  325. Teleport to the Egg Corridor?<YNJ0000<CLO
  326. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  327. <WAI0100<FAO0004<FLJ0159:6011<TRA0002:0099:0005:0006
  328. #6002
  329. <PRI<MSG
  330. Teleport to Bushlands?<YNJ0000<CLO
  331. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  332. <WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA0006:0098:0004:0018
  333. [...stuff...]
  334. The result is that when the game scans the TSC buffer looking for the event, it reaches
  335. event #6001 (which is past where the event should be), and stops scanning and returns an
  336. error status. However, as discussed previously, the game doesn't care about that and
  337. starts executing TSC anyways, beginning at the point that the scan cursor left off
  338. (which would be at the "6" in "#6001").
  339. What ends up happening is that the game outputs "6001" as text to an invisible message
  340. box, then opens an actual message box and prompts you to teleport to the Egg Corridor.
  341. Saying yes can cause glitchy things to happen, including softlocking the game
  342. (I'm not sure why this happens, honestly), but it seems that waiting long enough without
  343. closing the inventory causes the teleport to succeed (though once you close the inventory,
  344. it'll load the "previous" stage's TSC, which means Egg Corridor will now behave as if
  345. inventory-glitched).
  347. Example #3a: Teleporting to other places
  348. Recall from the previous example that the teleporter prompts in Arthur's House are
  349. numbered starting from #6001. Specifically, here they all are:
  350. #6001
  351. <PRI<MSG
  352. Teleport to the Egg Corridor?<YNJ0000<CLO
  353. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  354. <WAI0100<FAO0004<FLJ0159:6011<TRA0002:0099:0005:0006
  355. #6002
  356. <PRI<MSG
  357. Teleport to Bushlands?<YNJ0000<CLO
  358. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  359. <WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA0006:0098:0004:0018
  360. #6003
  361. <PRI<MSG
  362. Teleport to Sand Zone?<YNJ0000<CLO
  363. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  364. <WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA0010:0099:0036:0033
  366. #6004
  367. <PRI<MSG
  368. Teleport to the Labyrinth?<YNJ0000<CLO
  369. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  370. <WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA0043:0099:0010:0034
  372. #6005
  373. <PRI<MSG
  374. Teleport to the Plantation?<YNJ0000<CLO
  375. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  376. <WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA0060:0099:0009:0009
  378. #6011
  379. <KEY<TRA0049:0099:0007:0006
  380. Also recall from previously that selecting an item in the inventory runs TSC event
  381. (6000 + [item ID]). Thus, you can teleport anywhere you want granted that you have the
  382. correct item in your inventory:
  383. * For Egg Corridor (#6001), you need item ID 1 (Arthur's Key)
  384. (Note that this takes you to Egg Corridor? instead if it would do so normally, due to
  385. the <FLJ0159:6011 in the event script (If flag 159 is set, jump to event #6011).)
  386. * For Bushlands (#6002), you need item ID 2 (Map System)
  387. * For Sand Zone (#6003), you need item ID 3 (Santa's Key)
  388. * For Labyrinth (#6004), you need item ID 4 (Silver Locket)
  389. * For Plantation (teleporter room) (#6005), you need item ID 5 (Beast Fang)
  390. * For Egg Corridor? (#6011), you need item ID 11 (Gum Base).
  392. Unfortunately, closing the inventory after teleporting causes game to reload the TSC for
  393. the stage you inventory-exited out of, so you likely won't be able to do anything useful.
  395. Example #4: Getting infinite Life Capsules
  397. Save in the Prefab House (before Hell). Enter Hell and inventory-exit out. Reload into the
  398. Prefab House and inspect the bed for a Life Capsule. You can continue inspecting the bed
  399. as many times as you like to keep getting Life Capsules.
  401. Why does this work? Inventory-glitching in this way causes the Prefa2 (Prefab House) stage
  402. to be loaded, but with the Hell1 (Blood Stained Sanctuary - B1) script in the TSC buffer.
  403. The bed in Prefa2 is set to run event #250 when interacted with. However, Hell1 doesn't
  404. have an event #250:
  405. [...stuff...]
  407. #0200
  408. <PRI<MSG<TUR
  409. Welcome to Hell!<NOD<END
  412. #0400
  413. <PRI<SOU0022<DNP0400
  414. <MSG<GIT1006
  415. Obtained a Life Capsule.<NOD<ML+0005
  416. Max life increased by 5.<NOD<END
  418. [...stuff...]
  419. Similar to Example #3, this causes the script engine to start executing TSC starting from
  420. the last position of the scan cursor (in this case, the first "0" in "0400"), which
  421. ends up giving you a Life Capsule.
  422. But Life Capsules normally delete themselves when you collect them. Why are you able to
  423. repeatedly collect this one? (In other words, why does the bed not get deleted in place of
  424. the Life Capsule?)
  425. The answer lies in the TSC itself:
  426. 0400 -- Printed to an invisible message box
  427. <PRI (PRevent Interaction) -- Lock player input and freeze the game
  428. <SOU0022 (SOUnd) -- Play sound #22 (click)
  429. <DNP0400 (Delete NPc) -- Delete the NPC associated with event #400
  430. <MSG (MeSsaGe) -- Open a message box
  431. <GIT1006 (Graphic ITem) -- Display icon #1006 (life capsule) above the message box
  432. Obtained a Life Capsule. -- Text to display
  433. <NOD -- Wait for player to press jump/shoot
  434. <ML+0005 (Max Life +) -- Increase player's max HP by 5
  435. Max life increased by 5. -- More text to display
  436. <NOD -- Wait for player to press jump/shoot
  437. <END -- End of event, resume normal game operation
  438. What happens is that the <DNP0400 tries to delete the NPC tied to event #400, which in
  439. the Hell1 stage is the Life Capsule entity. However, since we're in Prefa2, the game has
  440. the Prefa2 NPC data loaded instead of Hell1! So it tries to delete the NPC associated with
  441. event #400 in Prefa2, which silently fails since no such NPC exists. (Remember, the bed is
  442. tied to event #250, not #400!)
  443. This means that you can keep interacting with the bed and it will keep running event #400
  444. in Hell1 and keep giving you Life Capsules as much as you want.
  446. Example #5: Boundary Break (Obtaining Booster v2.0 early)
  448. Strap yourselves in; this one is a bit crazy.
  450. Save in Arthur's House while Sue et al. are present in the room. Go to Mimiga Village and
  451. inventory-exit out. Upon reloading your save, talk to any of the characters in the room
  452. to obtain the Booster v2.0.
  454. Why does this work? In fact, it almost doesn't. Let's see what's going on inside the
  455. TSC buffer when you load back into Arthur's House:
  456. (1) The game loads the Pens1 (Arthur's House) stage data. The Head and Pens1 scripts are
  457. loaded into the TSC buffer, followed by a null character to denote the end of the
  458. script. Basically, the TSC buffer looks like this:
  459. #0000
  460. <END
  462. #0001
  463. <PRI<MSG
  464. Empty.<NOD<END
  466. #0016
  467. <PRI<MSG
  468. Do you want to save?<YNJ0000<CLR<MSG<TURDo not turn the system off or remove
  469. the Nintendo 3DS Game Card
  470. <WAI0020<FL+0431<SVP<CLR
  471. Game saved.<NOD<END
  473. [...]
  475. #0042
  476. <KEY<CMU0000<WAI0040<PRI<WAI0040<CMU0003
  477. <MSG<HMC
  478. You were never seen again...<NOD<CLR
  479. Want to retry?<YNJ0049<CLO
  480. <FAO0001<WAI0050<FLJ0431:0048<INI<END
  482. #0048
  483. <SMC<LDP<END
  485. #0049
  486. <CLO<FAO0004<ESC
  489. XX: head.tsc  4000 - 4099
  490. 4000:Almond…“ï
  491. [end of Head, start of Pens1]
  492. #0090
  493. <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0000<END
  494. #0091
  495. <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0001<END
  496. #0092
  497. <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0002<END
  498. #0093
  499. <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0003<END
  500. #0094
  501. <MNA<FLJ0341:0095<CMU0002<FAI0004<END
  503. [...]
  505. #6005
  506. <PRI<MSG
  507. Teleport to the Plantation?<YNJ0000<CLO
  508. <KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP0500:0001:0000
  509. <WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA0060:0099:0009:0009
  511. #6011
  512. <KEY<TRA0049:0099:0007:0006
  515. [end of Pens1]
  516. <null character>
  517. [garbage data after this point]
  518. (2) Upon closing the inventory, the game loads the TSC for the stage that was loaded prior
  519. to opening the inventory -- in this case, Mimiga Village. So, the game loads Head and
  520. Mimi into the TSC buffer, followed by a null character to mark the end of the scripts.
  521. Now, the key point here is that the TSC buffer is NOT cleared before this happens!
  522. The new scripts get loaded on top of whatever is currently in the TSC buffer. Since
  523. the Pens1 script is a bit longer than the Mimi script, what happens is that the Pens1
  524. script doesn't get fully overwritten when Mimi is loaded in:
  525. #0000
  526. <END
  528. [...]
  530. #0049
  531. <CLO<FAO0004<ESC
  534. XX: head.tsc  4000 - 4099
  535. 4000:Almond…“ï
  536. [end of Head, start of Mimi]
  538. #0090
  539. <MNA<FLJ0341:0095<CMU0009<FAI0000<END
  540. #0091
  541. <MNA<FLJ0341:0096<CMU0009<FAI0001<END
  543. [...]
  545. #0610
  546. <FLJ0224:0611
  547. <KEY<MSG<FAC0007
  548. This is what happens to
  549. those who defy the order
  550. of the village.<NOD<END
  551. #0611
  552. <KEY<MSG<FAC0007
  553. They're not coming...<NOD<END
  556. [end of Mimi]
  557. <null character>e island.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
  558. <ANP0650:0003:0002<WAI0022
  559. <ANP0650:0005:0002
  560. <IT+0023<FL+0744<FL+0162<FL+1801<GIT1023
  561. <MSG
  562. Obtained the Booster v2.0.<WAI0030<NOD<CLO<GIT0000
  563. <ANP0650:0000:0002
  564. <MSG<FAC0018
  565. Please honor my final request.<NOD<CLR
  566. If you see Sue one last time,
  567. please take her and...
  568. escape... from the island.<NOD<CLR
  569. She is Dr. Sakamoto's
  570. daughter.<NOD
  571. For the longest time she
  572. resisted coming to this
  573. island.<NOD
  574. But she couldn't be left
  575. behind, all alone...<NOD<CLR
  576. She had no choice but to
  577. follow us to the island.<NOD<CLR
  578. Please.<NOD<CLR
  579. Take her and escape.<NOD<CLO
  580. <FL-0160<FL+0161<FL+0741<PS+0004:6004<END
  582. [...]
  583. Now, in the Pens1 NPC data, the characters are set to run event #621 (Booster),
  584. #622 (Kazuma), #624 (King), and #625 (Sue). Since the Mimi script is what's in the TSC
  585. buffer, and the last event in the Mimi TSC is numbered 611, attempting to trigger any of
  586. these events results in the scan cursor reaching the null character at the end of the
  587. Mimi script. This causes the scan to fail without finding the requested event, but since
  588. the game doesn't care about that, it starts reading TSC from that point onwards
  589. regardless.
  590. This results in "<null character>e island." being printed to an invisible message box, and
  591. then a real message box pops up and informs you that you've obtained the Booster 2.0.
  592. It turns out that if the Mimiga Village script was just a little bit longer
  593. (by 76 characters or more), then you wouldn't be able to get the Booster this way!
  596. These aren't the only ways of abusing the inventory glitch -- in fact, I haven't even
  597. begun to scratch the surface of what's possible with this glitch. So, I'll just leave you
  598. to experiment with it and find out on your own what you can do. :)
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