
The Misunderstanding (WiP)

Aug 2nd, 2012
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  1. >be AnonTeacher
  2. >be staying late at school marking exams again
  3. >suddenly, a chill runs down your spine
  4. >you look up from your work and stare around the classroom
  5. >there's nothing there
  6. >still, you can't shake this strange feeling of déja vu...
  7. >for some reason, you get the distinct impression that any second, Rainbow Dash will walk in wearing a-
  9. >areyouawizard.jpg
  10. >you answer the door
  11. >lo and behold, it's Rainbow Dash
  12. >she's even wearing the goddamn sexy schoolgirl outfit you somehow knew she would
  13. >if that part of the vision is true, than that must mean...
  14. >...
  15. >...oh no...
  16. >"Um, Mr. Anon?" asks RD, who is blushing and clearly embarassed
  17. "...Yes, Ms. Dash?"
  18. >"...Um... could I come in for a sec? There's... something I need to talk to you about..."
  19. >you flinch
  20. >This is going exactly where I was afraid it was going, isn't it?
  21. "...whatever it is, you can tell me out here, can't you?"
  22. >Dash looks around the hall before looking down at the floor, as if ashamed
  23. >"Well... its just... I'd like to talk about this somewhere more... private, y'know? I don't feel comfortable talking about it out here..."
  24. >your heartbeat is now rapidly escalating
  25. >Oh dear god WHY did she have to look so damn cute when she's nervous?!?
  26. >you bite on your lower lip
  27. >Dash doesn't seem to notice
  28. "...well, I suppose that would be alright... come in, Ms. Dash."
  29. >you open the door to your classroom invitingly
  30. >she hesitates for a second before entering the room
  31. >you lock the door behind you when you follow after... you have a bad feeling about what is about to happen, and you wouldn't want anybody walking in on you two and getting the wrong idea
  32. >you turn to face her
  33. "...Alright, Rainbow Dash, what was it you needed to talk to me about?"
  34. >she shifts awkwardly in place
  35. >"...W-Well, sir... I-I know its, well... not exactly like me to ask you something like this... but... under the circumstances..."
  36. >you are now packing so much heat you feel like you are going to catch on fire
  37. >"...I was hoping... you could... y'know... if you wanted to, like..."
  38. >oh god she's so fucking adorable
  39. >you can't stand it anymore
  40. >you want her
  41. >right here
  42. >right now
  43. >fuck your job
  44. >fuck morals
  45. >fuck ethics
  46. >fuck the police
  47. >life's not worth living if you don't get to fuck this angel right now
  48. "Shhhhh..." you tell Dash, barely able to stop yourself from pouncing on her
  49. >"...huh?" asks Rainbow Dash, totally taken aback from your willingness
  50. "I understand what you want... what you NEED..."
  51. >"Y-you do?! Really?!?"
  52. "Yessssssss..."
  53. >you stroke her lovely multicolored mane, which feels like satin against your fingers
  54. >you feel her shudder slightly at your touch
  55. >god, that's hot...
  56. >"W-well, if you know already, then I shouldn't need to ask you to-"
  57. "No, Ms. Dash... you don't need to ask..."
  58. >you continue to stroke her mane, but she doesn't seem to be put any more at ease by your behaviour
  59. >in fact, this only seems to make her MORE nervous... but in a different way
  60. >could she be a virgin?
  61. >oh god as if she wasn't fucking adorable enough already...
  62. >"...w-well, that's great then, um... so, then, would you just-"
  63. "With pleasure~"
  64. >without warning, you throw your arms around Rainbow Dash and kiss her passionately
  65. >she's taken completely by surprise and doesn't do anything with the kiss at all, as if she hadn't a clue what to do
  66. >her eyes widen as you start to use your tongue with her
  67. >she tastes just like skittles
  68. >she still doesn't do anything to return the kiss
  69. >poor girl must've never been kissed like this before in her life
  70. >oh, well, she'll have plenty of time to practice before the day is done ~ <3
  73. >two minutes earlier...
  76. >be Rainbow Dash
  77. >you were returning from the bathroom, feeling humilated and embarassed at having to go through this
  78. >you just HAD to challenge Lightning Blitz to a race DESPITE the huge kink in your wing, didn't you?
  79. >you just HAD to take him up on that stupid, stupid bet
  80. >what were you THINKING?!
  81. >you sighed angrily at yourself internally
  82. >now you had to walk around the entire school wearing this silly-looking schoolfilly outfit, because if you're caught in the halls without it on, Blitz and his gang of buddies get to... to...
  83. >you shudder at the very thought of what would happen
  84. >your body wasn't ready to receive that kind of punishment
  85. >you didn't even LIKE stallions that much, anyways... you actually kinda had more of a thing for other mares than stallions, but you were willing to make an exception if the RIGHT stallion came along
  86. >Blitz and his pals were most definately NOT the right stallions
  87. >your mental self-pitying streak is suddenly interrupted by that kink in your wing, which caused that very fall that cost you the race against Blitz and got you into this mess
  88. >if it was bad to begin with, it was much, MUCH worse now
  89. >sweet Celestia this hurts
  90. >you try to find somepony to help you get the kink out of your wing, but your outfit was not helping your cause
  91. >everytime you approached a unicorn who could doubtlessly help you out magically, you were laughed at and told that there was no way that they were going to "rub your wingboner in front of everyone"
  92. >fucking asshole unicorns
  93. >you were just about to give up when you passed by Mr. Anonymous' class
  94. >the human teacher
  95. >immediately your mind painted a vivid picture of his gentle fingers carefully unbinding the tension in your wing that was causing you so much pain
  96. >Mr. Anon was a kind, understanding man... surely he'd help a mare in need out...
  97. >you almost waltzed right in, but then you remembered how awkward it would be if you just walked in and shouted "MR. ANON! HEY! I NEED YOU TO RUB ME DOWN WITH THOSE SAUSAGE FINGERS OF YOURS!"
  98. >yeah that'd go over well
  99. >no, Rainbow Dash, this time you must be patient and gentle
  100. >even though the thought of being calm and courteous makes you want to retch
  101. >first the dress and now this...
  102. >where did all your swag go, mare?
  103. >are you slowly turning into Rarity or something?
  104. >you almost consider backing out of this, but the pain in your wing is too much to bear
  105. >there are just some dicks in life you just have to shut up and suck
  106. [spoiler]>if only you knew how literal that expression was about to become...[/spoiler]
  107. >you knock on the door
  108. >Mr. Anon answers
  109. >he stares at your dress, clearly shocked by how gay you look right now
  110. >you don't blame him, but you dare not explain why you're dressed like this... wasn't going to heal your wing, and you didn't want to remember the race again
  111. >well... this is awkward
  112. >"Um... Mr. Anon..." you begin...
  115. >back to the present...
  118. >your brain seems to be melting as Mr. Anon continues to wriggle his tongue into your mouth
  119. >what the fuck?!?!?
  121. >instead, you say "MMPFFFPHMFPMPFMPHMPFPHPFPHFFMFNGFPMG" because Mr. Anon is now seemingly trying to get your tongue to wrap around his
  122. >you need an adult
  123. >as if reading your thoughts, suddenly Mr. Anon breaks off the kiss and whispers softly in your ear in a creepy voice that sends shivers down your spine:
  124. "I *AM* AN ADULT!"
  125. >before you can say anything in response, Mr. Anon goes back to sucking on your bright orange tongue as he gently caresses those fingers of his down your sides
  126. >he completely misses your kinked up wing
  127. >for some reason this irks you
  128. >you glare ferociously at Mr. Anon while he continues to first base you
  129. >he stops again and beams at you
  130. "You're so cute when you're playing angry"
  131. >"Now you just wait a sec-"
  132. >again with the interrupting kiss
  133. >geez, what does this guy have against letting ponies finish their sentences?!?
  134. >okay, this was almost kinda funny at first, but now its getting REALLY inappropriate- you can't let him go on like this
  135. >you try to push Mr. Anon off of you
  136. >he uses your own weight against you to flip you over
  137. >you are now laying down on your back with Mr. Anon on top of you
  138. >panic mode initiated
  139. >you try flailing against his weight, but it's no use- he's twice your size and weighs far more than your aerodynamically designed body does
  140. >Mr. Anon seems to misread your attempts at flailing to be throes of ecstacy
  141. >you always suspected he was a bit of a retard when it came to romance...
  142. >after several minutes of unwanted kissing, caressing, and rubbing of bodies, Mr. Anon finally removes his mouth from yours
  143. >"Mr. Anon, I REALLY-"
  144. >he clamps one of his hands over your mouth
  145. "Shhhhhhhh... I know, I know. Don't ruin the whole "innocent schoolgirl" act for me, K? You're REALLY turning me on!"
  146. >under any other circumstances, you'd be flattered
  147. >now, though, this only serves to show you how deep into his fantasy Mr. Anon is
  148. >you, little filly, are what we like to call "fucked"
  149. >you start to tear up as you realize that there's no way you're going to get Mr. Anon to see sense now
  151. >fuck your life
  152. >you can feel him reaching his other hand around your costume, trying to find a weak point in the fabric
  153. >because its just a cheap costume from the drama club that Blitz found in 5 minutes, Mr. Anon has no trouble tearing it right off you with a single hand
  154. >you shiver as the fabric brushes against your exposed coat
  155. >for some reason, that swift act made you feel even more vulnerable than when you realized how screwed you were
  156. >suddenly, the humans' affinity for clothing started to make a lot more sense
  157. >fortunately for you, the panties (which you still have NO IDEA how Blitz managed to get a hold of) you were forced to wear weren't quite so easy to get off, despite Mr. Anon's best efforts
  158. >eventually, Mr. Anon is forced to use two hands to get them off you, freeing your mouth for a moment
  159. >immediately, you start to scream for help
  160. >Mr. Anon has his hand clamped back over your mouth in a split second
  161. >he doesn't look angry- he's actually smiling even wider now
  162. "Nice touch" he whispers in your ear before sitting up again (still on top of you, pinning you down)
  163. "Well, well, well, so you're a NAUGHTY little filly now, aren't you?"
  164. >oh no
  165. "Hmmm... well if you want to use your MOUTH so badly..."
  166. >you see Mr. Anon undoing his own pants with his free hand
  167. >oh sweet merciful Celestia NO
  168. "...I suppose I can give you SOMETHING to keep those pretty lips of yours occupied..."
  170. >"NOWAITPLEASEDON-" you try to say for the brief moment your mouth is free when Mr. Anon lifts his hand off you
  171. >you are quickly cut off by Mr. Anon's throbbing manhood being shoved past your mouth, teeth, and tongue, deep enough until you feel his member rubbing slightly against the back of your throat
  172. >Mr. Anon's legs clamp tightly around your heat while he sits on your face
  173. "Ahhhhhhh... that's a good little pony..."
  174. >"Little pony"?!?!
  175. >great, not only are you getting facefucked by a human, you're getting facefucked by an AUTISTIC human
  176. >your life is officially worth shit now
  177. >you KNEW you should have skipped school today...
  178. >you try not to choke as Mr. Anon bends over your body and continually thrusts himself into your mouth, occasionally going deep enough to penetrate your throat once in a while
  179. >you do your best not to throw up- he'd probalby think it was spit and start using the painful gastric acid as a lubricant, he's so into it...
  180. >this continues for several minutes until at last you feel Mr. Anon's member starting to twitch
  181. >"Oh, no, you are NOT going to blow your load in MY mouth!!!" you vow mentally (since your mouth is quite busy at the moment)
  182. >you try to force him to get out of your head (literally)
  183. >instead, he thrusts all of himself as deep into your throat as possible, wrapping his arms around your head and pushing your head as deep into his crotch as possible
  184. >what a fucking faggot
  185. >you feel him come right down your throat
  186. >you feel like you want to puke, but you hold your stomach back
  187. >as soon as he's milked the very last drop out of himself, Mr. Anon finally withdraws
  188. "Ohhhh... Ms. Dash, I think you just might be my favorite student..."
  189. >you're too lightheaded from the near-asphyxiation he just put you through to respond
  190. >you cough up small globs of his cum
  191. >you can't take it anymore and throw up all over the floor
  192. >Mr. Anon simply sighs sadly and pats you on the back
  193. "There, there, it's allright. That's what they all do after their first try. Don't worry, I'll have the janitor clean it up later..."
  194. >Mr. Anon takes out a tissue from his desk and wipes off the excess fluids off your face
  195. >some very small part of you is touched by this sentiment
  196. >the rest of you just feels violated
  197. >slowly, you walk out of the classroom
  198. "Yes, that's a good idea, why don't you get some fresh air while I clean this mess up? Then perhaps we can get onto some more... *advanced* lessons, if you know what I mean..."
  199. >fat chance of that, Mr. Assholenymous
  200. >you start to head outside, hoping to find a spare raincloud to shower yourself withh
  201. >at least this day can't get any worse...
  202. [spoiler]>Lightning Blitz: Well, well, well, if it isn't Rainbow Crash! Haha, I KNEW you couldn't keep that outfit on for a whole day, and you know what that means...
  203. >Phallus Maximus: I call her butt!
  204. >Wartsworth: Dibs on her mouth!
  205. >Lightning Blitz: Guess that means I get the marehood!
  206. >Aaaaaaaaand fuck your life[/spoiler]
  208. >THE END[spoiler]...?[/spoiler]
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