
The future

Dec 23rd, 2016
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  1. Dear @ColossalisCrazy, Tommy C, @markiplier , and yes, even @KEEMSTAR , you snuggly, pyramid bearded... nice person.
  3. Hi!
  4. It's me!
  5. Morgan!
  6. Imma let loose now.
  8. First off, hello. I know that compared to you MASSIVE, UNIVERSE SPANNING, EXISTENCE ENVOLOPING SOULS OF UTTER JOY AND HAPPINESS, that I am but a speck of dust, to be blown in the wind, and set on fire. but at the moment, You and I are on the same level. This statement was aimed at the more egotistical of you three. And yes, the video of me OWNING THE SHIT OUT OF KEEMSTAR is still up and running. It's my little trophy of happier times, before and after that conversation.
  10. THAT aside, I was doing some thinking about the Adam Saleh prank situation. I've talked a bit before about when is enough going to be enough for PrankTubers, and I think this is going to be the year where people are going to start standing up to these guys. I really do. I haven't paid much attention to the Baited podcast, to be honest, I've been majorly slacking on the YT front because i'm trying to put more effort into getting my books written and all that, but I'm not without my YT spare time. The very fact that we have HoaxTubers, PrankTubers, DramaTubers, GameTubers, and any number of other categorizations is rapidly becoming a fucking headache, not in the way that means anything bad, though by all accounts, using the word 'Fuck' to describe anything is a pretty sure sign we're getting to the fun bit where I lose my fucking mind and start ranting again.
  11. Good times.
  12. No, what I'm most concerned about now adays isn't the election, the electoral results, or the fact that Putin and Trump are secret lovers, with Trump always being theb itch in the relationship.
  13. My main concern right now, is the effect, and affect that hoax and Pranktubers are having on the more impressionable of their audiences. It's concerning, especially when PrankTubers post videos on how to fake hanging themselves that do have the unintended consequence of a six or eight year olds hanging themselves while their mothers are prepping breakfast. Where is this going? Well, think about it, and for this example, unfortunately, I'm sticking my smartaxe into the rich vein of Keemstarisium.
  14. Psychology, in the case of the younger wanted to, for the purposes of improving upon their own stature among their peers, imitate someone that they admire, this can be a good thing, or it can be a bad thing, and yes, I'm using Markiplier as the example of good example and Keem as the bad, just the way the universe works. Now, Mark is known for doing Charity Live streams in which he gives to a Children's hospital, or dyes his hair, or just goes out and meets up with people, fans, and just does several days worth of videos with his friends. He's a pretty good role model for kids these days, and while there ARE some aspects which might cause parents some concern, it's mainly relegated to his use of swearing. All in all, Mark knows how to tap into the emotional center in a good way.
  16. Daniel, however, while still having his good points, (He's a good parent. If there are more, Colossal might know.) and he also knows how to get his audience riled up over the right reasons for about half the time, the other half, is what concerns me. His most infamous example, the beef with Alex, that I'm sure has had a number of backlashes against him, is a prime example of this, and I'm going to lead off into my main point here, that one moment has inspired the teens to think that kind of thing is appropriate, and while they might use it against him for one reason or another, they do admire him to the point of mimicking his acts.
  18. That being said, there seems to be a growing number of HoaxTubers that are trying to PURPOSEFULLY stir up trouble, why? Because that's what's going to get them views now a days, especially with the advent of... Well, what people on FB get their dicks hard over now a days. What Adam Saleh did, and why he claimed it was over racism, was just an asshole thing to do. He disrupted, what should've normally been a peaceful flight because he was expecting people to react with fear, or racism, or antagonistic interactions. And if he was in California, flying on Delta, or where ever, especially a place that's really tolerant of other languages being spoken openly, then he should've just given up the first time around, or gone to a more racist part of the country that would've given him the footage he needed, maybe not on a plane, but a dive bar or something.
  20. The point being, that because this idiot made national headlines, and not in the flattering way, PrankTubers, who are already in boiling water over the effects their content is having on the younger of their audience, are going to be called out on the shit a helluva lot more than they normally would be. What needs to happen, in order for this to not be a thing anymore, is for their to be a clip, 30 seconds long, at the beginning with these HoaxTubers and PrankTubers explaining that the following video is exactly that, a Hoax or a Prank, and that in no uncertain terms, the content of which should NEVER be replicated, because the acts themselves could lead to injury, dismemberment, legalities filed against them, or even death. This one clip would save thousands of hours spent bitching in the comments section of these kinds of videos, because they said it in the beginning.
  22. I know that there's a certain thrill for these Hoaxers and Prankers of trying to fool their audience, and I'm aware that some are absolute assholesthat really just want that sweet sweet Ad revenue, because why the fuck else would they do it? And then there are the Hoaxers and Prankers out there that do give a fuck about the effects their videos might have on the more impressionable of their audience. There's really a slim divide there.
  23. The question then becomes, "How do I minimize the chances of the younger of the audience trying to replicate this thing that I've done, while at the same time simply going on as I normally would?"
  24. I don't have the answers, and I'm only offering or two options, as I've already done, so I think I've already taken care of it. I think YT Corporate itself might be looking into the matter as well, and it's only a matter of time before they actually start cracking down on these kinds of videos under the pretense of "This video has the possibility of cause a kid to kill themselves over it trying to prove a point." which is an actual thing that might happen with the horrendous hanging incident a few months ago.
  26. I'm not asking for miracles here, we know that the reality of the situation is that kids, tweens, and teens, who know that they'll just heal up pretty quickly, will often try dangerous things to test the limits of what they can pull off, it's just a plain as day fact. Hell, we were all teens once, and we did stupid bullshit back in the day because we watched "Amazing Spider-man" and thought we could strap two cans of whipcream to our wrists and play Spider-man. My friends still tell me about my "Heroism" to this day, as well as the dry cleaning bill the bride and groom had to pay to get all that cream out of her tiara.
  28. What we need to do, especially Daniel, since he's a parent, is figure out ways to better make sure that kids don't try to do something too stupid that will either injure or kill themselves. We need to teach kids that following Adam Saleh's example, or to a more extreme degree, the Colombine Shooters example, is a stupid way to go about things, all it'll lead to is, in the latter example, a lot of death and suicide.
  29. In the former? Being shamed horrifically because you tried to get a rise out of people and ended up getting kicked off the plane for bad behavior.
  31. In all honesty? We live in a terrifying as FUCK world, ain't no lie there. It's in these times that the safety of the younger generation needs to take precedence over the amount of cash a website doles out because you thought screaming on a plane would be "funny".
  33. Thank you for your time.
  34. Morgan James Gavin.
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