

Jul 22nd, 2015
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  1. Crock's Zombie RolePlay
  3. So you got caught up in a Zombie Apocalypse huh?
  4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Character Sheet
  6. Name: What you'll introduce yourself as
  8. Age: How old you are 17+ pl0x
  10. Physical Description: Current outfit and what you physically look like
  12. Personal Item: Something of significance to your char that has no useful properties and is just for atheistic appeal
  14. Profession: What you did before shit hit the fan. Will work w/ any points you put into instinct.
  16. Useful Item: Can choose between any type of weapon as long as you have a reasonable explanation for having it, a doctor's bag, or a single other useful survival type item.
  17. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Skills
  19. It hasn't been too long since shit hit the fan so your char might be able to use skills honed in the pre-zombie apocalypse USA to survive now!
  21. You get 7 skill points to put into any of the following skills.
  23. You can increase any of the following skills by making successful roles for them.
  25. 0=Average
  26. 5=Expert
  27. 10=Perfect
  29. Strength: How much you can lift, carry, and push as well as how hard you can hit.
  31. Firearms: How well you can handle a gun without fucking up.
  33. Melee: How well you can handle anything else without fucking up.
  35. Instincts: How much the DM will help you not fuck anything up.
  37. Building: How well you can build shit, analyze shit that was built, and take shit apart.
  39. Scavenging: How well you are at finding useful shit.
  41. Medicine: How well you can save yourself and others without fucking up.
  43. Speed: How well you can run from things.
  45. Stamina: How long you can keep going while hungry, tired, or injured.
  47. Defense: How well you can take damage
  49. Stealth: How well you can move through zombies without alerting them or how well you can move without alerting other survivors
  50. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. Crock's Zombiepalooza
  52. If you guys have lived this far then you'd probably have picked up on a few things about your new apocalyptic world~
  54. No one really knows how this whole zombie apocalypse thing happened, different places around the world reported different things. At first it wasn't that big of a deal, but as those infected began to go through the latter stages of the infection things kinda just fell apart and the modern world went up in flames. Now a days most survivors just remember the early days as one big blur as far as the exact timeline of things are concerned.
  56. The zombies in your new zombie wonderland are found in various stages. The two you'd be most familiar are the ones that shuffle about in daylight and the ones that run at you in the dark.
  58. The world's gone to shit but going around whacking other survivors to get by is still pretty frowned upon by other living people and the undead. From what you've noticed, when someone kills another living person it almost always ends up with the killer having extremely bad luck and attracting a horde of undead within the next 24 hours. Guess even during a zombie apocalypse karma's a bitch?
  60. For whatever reason, food now a days is only found in meal portions and you really only need one meal to get by. Might be something air born that came with the zombies, might be evolution, who knows!
  62. Not sleeping will fuck you up and almost everything you do will be significantly not as good as it would've been if you had a proper night's sleep so you need to knock out every night to stay properly rested.
  64. Darwinism took care of sociopaths early on in the zombie apocalypse it seems, doing horrifying shit or seeing horrifying shit will eventually catch up to you if you get either in great quantities.
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