
Flutter swarm

Feb 4th, 2013
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  1. ********************************
  2. There was anonymous was no pastebin so, here it goes.
  3. I'm unaware of this is finished or not so if anyone has more it be helpful if I knew it.
  5. *update*
  6. The original author failed to back link all their posts they should be complete now but still no author given
  7. ********************************
  10. >Day believe it or not
  11. >You are out in the Everfree forest at night.
  12. >Why? Because Twilight is a bitch.
  13. >Also, she seems to think you’re most capable of capturing a ‘changling’ as they’re known around these parts.
  14. >This, of course, meant she was too scared to go into the forest at night because of monsters.
  15. >Apparently you had a knack for dealing with them. Probably meant you look scary.
  16. >That bitch. What a bitch.
  17. “Damn she’s a bitch.”
  18. >RIGHT?
  19. >”Who is?”
  20. “Oh nothing.”
  21. >Oh right, she also sent Fluttershy out with you, her excuse being she could help if you encounter any hostile wild life
  22. >Seemingly going against the notion that you could handle yourself.
  23. >Bitch
  24. >There was some kind of new hive in the forest and you were tasked on capturing one of these things so they could interrogate it as to the whereabouts of the nest.
  25. >That was actually a pretty sound plan.
  26. >Twilight was decent enough to give you a radar that could track the movement of changlings, so you wouldn’t have to look too hard.
  27. >She’s still a bitch.
  28. >”This forest is so much scarier at night….”
  29. “Especially considering we’re stalking some sort of hive monster.”
  30. >Good choice of words jagoff.
  31. >She’s petrified now.
  32. “….Sorry….”
  33. >You had no idea how long you had been wandering, but it’s been at least an hour. For all you know you were going in circles.
  34. “How am I supposed to even know what to look for on thi-“
  35. >The tracker shows a yellow blip.
  36. “Oh.”
  37. >It shows that it’s about 100 feet ahead of you. Pretty good range, you had to say.
  38. “Well at least we know it works. Fluttershy, get ready, it’s dead ahead of us.”
  39. >You were going to tell her to be quiet, but that’s like telling water to be wet.
  40. >”Anon, you go ahead and confront it head on, I’ll sneak around the edge of the tree line and flank it.”
  41. >Holy crap that’s a sound strategy. You really may have misjudged this girl.
  42. >”And then you can flank me~”
  43. >Nope, you were dead on. Even still…
  44. “Disregarding that last part, that’s a good idea. Go ahead and stay out of sight.”
  45. >She salutes and hovers off.
  46. >You looked at the tracker.
  47. >90 feet.
  48. >80 feet.
  49. >You had no idea what to expect from this thing.
  50. >60 feet.
  51. >They were no bigger than a normal pony, but jet black with green eyes, so you were told.
  52. >50 feet.
  53. >Well, they can’t be that tough then
  54. >30 feet.
  55. >You’re nearing a clearing. Whatever it was, it was directly on the other side, but you can’t see it.
  56. >20 feet.
  57. >Your heart is pounding now. It has to know you’re here, not like you’re invisible.
  58. >15 feet.
  59. >Shit, you should be able to see it by now. Where the hell was it?
  60. >10 feet.
  61. >Maybe this thing wasn’t working after all.
  62. >A bush directly in front of you rustles.
  63. >You freeze.
  64. >Something comes out
  65. >Fluttershy.
  66. “Fluttershy? I thought you were flanking to the outside?”
  67. >She just stares at you, smiling.
  68. >That’s not her smile.
  69. >”ANON WATCH OUT!”
  70. >Right on cue, Fluttershy tackles Fluttershy.
  71. “The hell???”
  72. >”Anon get back! It’s a changling!”
  73. >”No Anon, THAT’S the changling!”
  74. >You’re so lost now. They mixed up positions. You don’t know who’s who.
  75. “Oh God not this cliché…..”
  76. >”Anon quick! Get it before it gets away!”
  77. >”ME?! Anon THAT’S the changling!! Look at how ugly it is!!”
  79. >They growl at each other.
  80. >This is just……adorable. Whatever this thing was, there was no way it could be scary in Fluttershy’s form.
  81. >But, you had a job to do. So you use a cliché to solve a clichéd problem.
  82. “I’ve got an idea. Only the real Fluttershy can finish his statement. ‘When I grow up I want to be a…’?”
  83. >”Veterinarian?”
  84. >”TREE!”
  85. >That was easy. You punt the ‘veternarian’ right into a tree.
  86. >It crumples to the ground, revealing its true form.
  87. >As you go to tie up the beast, you’re smothered in a hug by Fluttershy.
  88. >”Oh Anon that was amazing! You really do know me so well!”
  89. >She muzzles your neck hard.
  90. >It’s too damn cute.
  91. “Easy Fluttershy. Of course I’d never leave you but you’re getting ahead of yourself. We still have a job here.”
  92. >She blushes and lets go.
  93. >You turn to wrap up the changling.
  94. >It’s gone.
  95. “…..Fuck…..”
  96. >You go to check the radar. Nothing.
  97. >How could it have moved so quick?
  98. “You know, this thing would be nicer if I could actually hear a blip or something.”
  99. >”Why don’t you turn the volume up?”
  100. “There’s a volume?”
  101. >”Ya, it’s on the side.”
  102. >Sure enough, there’s a volume dial.
  103. >Way to include that in the manual, bitch.
  104. >You turn the dial up.
  105. *tick*
  106. *tick*
  107. *tick*
  108. *tick*
  109. *tick*
  110. >That…..really rustles your jimmies…..
  111. “Of all the sensors she had to pick…why this one?...”
  112. >”What’s wrong Anon? Does it show something?”
  113. “…..No……but I have a bad feeling we’ll know wh-“
  114. >It goes off
  116. >Your blood runs cold.
  117. >Your heart rate redlines.
  118. >You don’t even have to look at it. You do though.
  119. >Now you’re shaking uncontrollably.
  120. >”Anon?! What is it?! What’s that noise??”
  121. “Contacts…….a lot of them…..”
  122. “80 feet………60 feet…….40 feet……….”
  123. >”That can’t be right! They’d be right in front of us!”
  125. >She looks up, and flies up over the tree line.
  126. >You look ahead.
  127. >20 feet.
  128. >Suddenly, Fluttershy pops in front of you.
  129. >And another.
  130. >And another…
  131. >There’s a scream overhead.
  133. >You are Applejack.
  134. >You’ve been standing outside the edge of the forest for two hours now.
  135. “What’s takin’ them so long?”
  136. >Anon was a big fella. He could handle himself, you were sure.
  137. >Fluttershy could at least fly away.
  138. >What if they got lost?
  139. >”Should we start looking for them?”
  140. “Nah Rainbow, we’re supposed ta wait out here for em and help em get the changling back to the library.”
  141. >”Ugh. This is sooooo boring.”
  142. >That it was.
  143. >Suddenly, you here a scream.
  144. >No, two screams. Girly at that.
  145. >Then a yellow blur followed by a huge one.
  146. “It’s Anon and Fluttershy!”
  147. >They’re ….in a hurry.
  149. >That can’t be good, he’s never run that fast before, or looked that scared.
  150. >You don’t even look at Rainbow Dash.
  151. “……go…..”
  152. >You take off after them, they’re hoofing it toward town.
  153. >You glance over your shoulder. You wish you hadn’t.
  154. >A swarm of ‘Fluttershys’ and changling appear from the forest like a swarm of parasprites.
  155. >This is the stuff of nightmares.
  156. >You really wish it was, but you knew this was real.
  159. >He didn’t have to tell you twice.
  160. >You never ran so hard before.
  161. >You had to get to the town.
  162. >You are Anon.
  163. >And fuck this shit.
  164. >An entire forest of rape was breathing down all your necks.
  165. >Ohhhhh you were going to kill Twilight for this.
  168. >Kudos to AJ for keeping her hat through all this.
  169. >Your lungs were burning, but nothing like your ass was right now.
  170. >You couldn’t have shit yourself, because if you had a lump of coal up your ass right now you’d crap diamonds.
  171. >That’s funny, you’re funny.
  172. >What isn’t funny is the wall of death closing in on all of you, but town was right ahead.
  173. >As it comes into view, you see Twilight and Rarity prepping their magic.
  174. >And Pinkie Pie. She has on some sort of goggles, and she’d holding a gun.
  175. >A big gun. A BIG fucking gun. With a back pack, and it’s loaded with…..cupcakes?
  176. >There’s two party-cannons on either side of them, hooked up to magical ‘computers’, probably Twilights
  177. >Thank you adrenaline for allowing the time to take this all in as you whiz by the girls.
  178. >You hear Pinkie as you do.
  179. >”PARTY TIME”
  180. >She lets loose with the gun. You turn in awe as cupcakes shoot in all directions, every single one making contact with their targets.
  181. >That’s one hell of a gun.
  182. >Wrappers ejects and fly everywhere in the wind.
  183. >Twilight and Rarity are opening up with their magic. They have them bottle-necked, and the cannons are picking off huge groups at once.
  184. >This would be fucking awesome, if you could breathe.
  185. >The other three are wrapped around your screaming at the sounds. Fluttershy may be humping you, you can’t tell.
  186. >Who cares.
  187. >Finally, after roughly five minutes, ‘firefight’ subsides. There’s nothing but bodies of groaning changlings doused in icing.
  188. >Twilight and Rarity are panting hard.
  189. >Pinkie is……licking her right up and down, moaning loudly.
  190. “Damn girl…”
  191. >After everyone regrouped, Twilight rounded up all the changlings and put them in a giant shield that they could leave.
  192. >She walked up to you.
  193. >”I said I only needed one, Anon.”
  194. >She started to laugh at her poor sarcasm.
  195. >You, Fluttershy, AJ, and Dash stared holes into her.
  196. >”Ehehe…..Erm, right. Well, I guess we don’t need to study them at this point, since that probably took care of the hive.”
  197. “So why’d you prepare with all of this equipment?”
  198. >”Cause I thought you might mess up and do just this sort of thing.”
  199. >You start to chuckle and kneel down to her level, putting a hand on her shoulder and laugh.
  200. >She’s laughing now too.
  201. *CRACK*
  202. >You head butt her unconscious.
  203. “Everyone saw she tripped right?”
  204. >”Yup” echoed from all of them.
  205. >Beautiful.
  206. >Princess Luna and her royal guard soon followed.
  207. >”Greetings Anonymous and fellow elements. We saw your great battle from on high. It was most excellent.”
  208. >Oh ya, don’t bother stepping in at any point.
  209. >”Where is Twilight though?”
  210. >”SLEEPING.” Said the hive mind that is your friends.
  211. >”Ah, we see, well no matter, we shall take things from here.”
  212. >They took the mass of changlings to Canterlot.
  213. >You bid everyone goodnight and head off home. Fluttershy in tow.
  214. >”Anon?”
  215. “Ya?....”
  216. >“….Nevermind.”
  217. “Ya……”
  218. >Screw it.
  219. “Wanna sleep over?”
  220. >”That sounds nice.”
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