
Yandere charlie - the mirror

Feb 2nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Helluva Hotel general #613
  2. ----
  3. If you could summon a demon in your mirror, Would You?
  4. -
  5. >Use forbidden dark magic to call forth a demon
  6. >The instructions tell you that the demon in the mirror can grant you a wish if you can make a sacrifice.
  7. >To your surprise it actually works
  8. >The Mirror goes dark for a moment and then a face appears from the plume of dark mist
  9. >it appears to be a young girl
  10. >it was very surprised to be called out of the blue
  11. >"My name is Charlie Magne, what is your name?"
  12. >The book said never to give your full name, for giving a demon your full name gives them power over you"
  13. "A-Anon" you stutter out nervously
  14. >"Anon? Just Anon? Surely you have a sir name as well"
  15. "I-I wouldn't be able to tell you miss."
  16. >"I see, what is it you wish to ask of me?"
  17. "I want a..ᵍᶦʳˡᶠʳᶦᵉnᵈ" you manage to choke out
  18. >"Huh? I'm sorry say that one more time, clearly this time" she says with a hum
  19. "I want a girlfriend!"
  20. >she laughs at this statement
  21. >"Alright then Anon I will grant your wish... however in order to complete this task I must ask you one thing."
  22. >her face grows more demonic and comes closer to the mirror
  23. >"What is your Full name?"
  24. "Anonymous Incognito"
  25. >Oh shit you forgot the one major rule!
  26. >The Demoness shines a toothy grin full of razor sharp teeth
  27. >"Good... GOOD!"
  28. >Her long claw like hands reach through the mirror and take hold of you
  29. >You are an idiot you knew something like this would happen!
  30. >"You shall be mine Anonymous Incognito for all eternity just as you wished"
  31. >with this you are dragged into the mirror and the smoke dissipates
  32. >Four days later the authorities arrive at your house
  33. >There was no sign of you killing yourself or any paper trails saying you skipped town for any reason.
  34. >You are now marked down on a missing persons list however they will never find you.
  35. >No one will find you EVER!
  36. -
  37. >Charlie has a weird obsession with morals and the human world in general.
  38. >Anon does some stupid magic mumbo jumbo and gets him self captured by Charlie
  39. >She uses him as a human teddy bear and asks him questions about his world.
  40. >Anon asks when he can go home
  41. "But Anon you're already home!"
  42. >The suffering begins
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