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Mar 22nd, 2018
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  1. He knew this floor and the hallway was so smokey you could see the light beams he found her room and she was sitting there adn knew it was him so she got up and met him at the door he thougth he could say something cool but it just came out like wanna walk and she said alright and so they started walking she said The problem among many of course with media contemporarily (she said this) is the predisposition towards hatred, of course being an innate human trait its easily exploitable hatred has become through ostensibly unacceptable more institutionalized and widespread than before (she didnt mean this seriously and so much was obvious, merely exacerbating a point) in what is claimed to be the combat of it denying actions or even moreso an ideology on the grounds that it fulfils a certain criteria subjective might i add is more closeminded and dim witted than anything out there. Do you feel smart talking like this he said she smiled of course though it seemed on some ground ironic maybe, deaf people cant add a sarcastic cadence but she can add a sarcastic smirk I don’t talk to her for extended periods
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