
Theory of Ascension Brief Intro

Nov 5th, 2011
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  1. I am mostly curious for the response of how you would feel if this theory would to be truth, I don't really care to argue about valid points or why it can't be proven. Although, I gladly appreciate any sort of opinions and replies! =)
  4. Theory of Ascension
  6. The main concept I want to get across with this theory is that death would be considered unnatural or not usual for human beings.
  8. Basically, earth would only be a sustainable lifestyle for a 3-dimensional physical body so that we may understand physical sensations, later ascending or traveling to different planets, galaxies, etc. Born into this 3d world with the purpose of gathering understanding of objects, emotions and appearances for later use when we ascend.
  10. Our minds would be capable of allowing inter-galatic travel by the energy field outside of our body spinning in unison with the chakra system (energy field) inside our physical body. Breathing would contain prana (life energy) entering from our outside energy field (mer-ka-bah) flowing into our inner body system.
  12. This would be considered usual behavior and knowledge for all of the human species, but death does not happen because we have the potential to unlock an even further meditative "travel" with our mer-ka-bah spinning. By this I mean 'ascension', something I can best describe as the ability to control lower dimensions as we step up onto higher energy field of consciousness.
  14. Controlling dimensions perhaps isn't the best way to describe for some, but what I am merely referring to is a dream-like state. We would be able to fully create very vivid dreams and experience them just as many of us are able to do with lucid dreams (a fully controllable dream).
  16. The potential to create these dreams would reach much further than we can comprehend in this current state of mind. We would be able to create multiple dreams at once, rewind, fast-forward or even pause any event we wish to experience or create.
  18. --
  20. I plan on expanding this theory into a more concrete explanation which I assume I will post later on, but this is basically the TL;DR version for members on HF so I can hopefully get some feedback. =) Thanks in advance for reading!
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