

Feb 6th, 2019
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  4. Eric Aboadwe
  5. February 18 ·
  9. As humans, because we are WEAK and LIMITED in everything, it is a fact that that our ways, thoughts, character, decisions and actions are not PERFECT. As a result of this, sometimes WRONG decisions and MISTAKES and other life situations may put a believer into troublesome and difficult times.
  11. Yet even in the midst of such dire circumstances, the Scriptures says that “And we know that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to those who LOVE God, to those who are CALLED according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). So why is it that the Apostle Paul did not say “I know that” but he said “We know that ?” Let us ponder about this to grasp some things before we move forward.
  13. Paul was saying this because the PROOF about how God makes “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of His born again Saints is clearly revealed in His holy “Word.” And the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation was not given to only Apostle Paul or some selected people, but it was given to everyone who has been “CALLED” by God according to “His purpose.” This is why Paul used the phrase “We know” and not “I know.” It is all because God recorded for all of us to see in the Bible the factual evidence of how He makes “All THINGS to work together for the GOOD.”
  15. Let also understand that God did not CALL only the born again Saints, but He actually called every SINFUL human being from the entire continents of the world. However, many people REFUSE His CALL whiles others RESPONDS to His CALL and they get SAVED from their SINS through His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which was fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST (Matthew 3:15). Therefore when Paul says “And we know that,” he is referring to those who RESPONDED to God’s CALL by faith.
  17. So regarding how sometimes WRONG decisions and MISTAKES puts a believer into troublesome and difficult times, it does not mean that every hardship that a believer goes through in life is owing to the WRONG decisions and MISTAKES that he or she has made. We must understand this point very well in order to avoid wrong judgments.
  19. For example, If we look at the life of Job, he went through so many difficulties and troubles to the extent of losing everything that he had. In fact he was even betrayed by his own wife, and he suffered from severe sickness (Job 1:8-22; Job 2:1-13). All these things happend to Job not because of his MISTAKES or WRONG doings. But when you read from Job Chapter 4 onwards, you will see that some of his friends such as Eliphaz thought that Job has committed a GREAT SIN before God, and he was being punished by God for that.
  21. You see, the way we human beings sees and judges things are ALWAYS limited and WRONG. If something happens to a believer, we must not be so quick to draw conclusions and judgment. Job was also “RIGHTEOUS” not by his own works, but by his FAITH in the sacrificial system as revealed in Job 1:5. But he went through all these troubles because it was God Himself who allowed Satan to “TEMPT” him.
  23. However we must know the difference between TEMPTATION and TEST because most of the times these two words are used interchangeably, but they are not the same. For example, Abraham was not “TEMPTED,” but he was “TESTED” by God (Genesis 22:1). Even when we take TEMPTATION alone, it can happen to a believer either by external or internal influence. For example, what happened to Job was by external influence because it was Satan who “TEMPTED” him.
  25. But what happened to David when he IMPREGNATED Bathsheba and killing Uriah is a TEMPTATION which occurred by an internal influence through his SINFUL NATURE inside him. For this reason, the Apostle James said that, “Let no one say when he is TEMPTED, “I am TEMPTED by God”; For God cannot be TEMPTED by evil, nor does He Himself TEMPT anyone. But each one is TEMPTED when he is drawn away by his own DESIRES and enticed” (James 2:13-14).
  27. So from the Scripture passage above, we can see that the TEMPTATION of David is completely different from the TEMPTATION of Job. This is because what occurred in the life of Job was by external influence (Satan), whiles David’s own was by internal influence (the DESIRES in him which enticed him). However, whether the TEMPTATION is by external or internal influence, one thing is that both are manipulated by the Devil. He TEMPTS human beings directly by his own actions, and he also TEMPTS us by the SIN which he gave to us after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
  29. But the GOOD NEWS is that, still God makes “ALL THINGS work together for the GOOD” of the believer who is TEMPTED either by external or by internal influence. The reason for this is because when JESUS was baptized, He took away the SIN of everybody in the Jordan River, and He died on the Cross by saying “It is FINISHED” (John 19:30). This Word “It is FINISHED,” shows the conquest of JESUS over Satan, and it is the main reason why God makes “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of the believer.
  31. When you believe in “It is FINISHED,” you will overcome even your own MISTAKES and WRONG decisions in life. There is nothing sweet than this GOSPEL of the water and the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST. Our Lord JESUS has ensured that “ALL THINGS” will work together for the “GOOD” of those who have FAITH in His “RIGHTEOUSNESS.” But this does not mean you must intentionally become liable for WRONG decisions or MISTAKES.
  33. So today we are looking at how God makes “ALL THINGS to work together for the GOOD” of those who are TEMPTED by external influence (Satan). And the example that we are looking at in this regard is what happened to Job. Therefore irrespective of what happened to Job, the Scripture says, “Now the LORD BLESSED the latter days of Job more than his beginning, for he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. He also had seven SONS and three DAUGHTERS” (Job 42:12-13).
  35. This is how God turned “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of Job. And if God permits, tomorrow we will also look at how God made “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of David who was TEMPTED by the internal influence through his SINFUL NATURE.
  37. Our study continues.............
  43. Eric Aboadwe
  44. February 19 ·
  48. In refreshing our memories of the previous day, the concentration of our study was on the external influence of a “TEMPTAION” which is stimulated by one’s own SINFUL NATURE to do the unexpected which sometimes leads to troubles and difficulties. And we saw how King David was led ASTRY by this evil force which even reveal itself the more through the COMMANDMENTS and the holy “LAW” of God (Romans 7:9).
  50. But in our studies, we saw how JESUS silenced the MOUTH of every human being when He revealed that there is no human being who is BETTER than David in the atrocities that he committed based on His statement in Matthew 5:21-22 and Matthew 5:28. We also learnt that in order for God to turn “ALL THINGS” to work together for our “GOOD,” there are three (3) steps which must be followed, and that is exactly what King David did for the “GOODNESS” of God to make “ALL THING” work for “GOOD” in his life .
  52. The SINS that David committed was so displeased to the LORD to the extent that God’s “ANGER” rose against him. Therefore God pronounced judgement on him, and He told David that the “sword” will not depart from his house, and He will raise “adversity” against him from his own house, and his WIVES will be disgraced in the sight of his neighbours (2 Samuel 12:10-12).
  54. But after these things, David followed the three (3) steps which I enumerated in the previous day. So when Nathan the Prophet of God approached David and he reprimanded him with God’s judgement, he confessed, “I have SINNED against the LORD.” And Nathan said to David, “The LORD also has PUT AWAY your SIN; you shall not DIE” (2 Samuel 12:13). But I want us to pause here a bit because there are many Christians who after coming across this, use it as their bases of “The Prayers of Repentance” due to their ignorance and misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
  56. However in the Old Testament, they didn’t just confess their SINS with their “lips” whiles their “hearts” were far away from performing the sacrifice for the “atonement” of their SINS. But the clergymen of today and their followers in Christendom only know about the Ten (10) COMMANDMENTS and the “LAW” which David broke, but Satan has “deceived” them from knowing the fact that God also gave them the SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM to solve the problem of breaking any of His COMMANDMENTS.
  58. Therefore when Nathan told David that “The LORD also has PUT AWAY your SIN; you shall not DIE,” it is because God already gave them the METHOD of how He “PUT AWAY” their SIN as He revealed to them in Leviticus chapter 1-4 and Leviticus 16:1-31. What Nathan told David is the spiritual WORK of God in which He revealed to the Israelites that the MESSIAH will come and solve the problem of their SINS with the same method of (1) unblemished animal (2) laying on of hands for the TRANSFER of SIN, and (3) it’s bloodshed.
  60. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and all the people of the Old Testament BELIEVED that when the Saviour comes, He will “fulfill” these things as shown to them in the animal sacrifices. That’s why JESUS told the Jews, “Your father Abraham REJOICED to see My DAY, and he saw it and was GLAD” (John 8:56). Here when JESUS says “My DAY” He is referring to the “DAY” that Abraham was waiting for when the MESSIAH will come and solve the problem of the SINS of all humanity who break the COMMANDMENTS of God.
  62. When Nathan told David that the LORD has “PUT AWAY” his SIN and that he shall “not DIE,” David understood it because he knew very well that “the wages of SIN is DEATH” (Romans 6:23), but God allowed him to pass his SIN on the head of the animal when he laid his hands on its head, and killed it by draining its blood so that the animal “DIE” instead of him. This MESSIANIC prophecy was given to David, and when you read his Psalms, you will see that he prophesied so many times about how the MESSAIAH will come and fulfill all “RIGHTEOUSNESS” for us.
  64. God “PUT AWAY” the SIN of David not just because of his confession through “The Prayers of Repentance,” but it is because he BELIEVED in the sacrificial system which JESUS was coming to “fulfill.” And it is this “FAITH” of David coupled with his submission, humility, and waiting on the LORD which made God to turn “ALL THINGS” to work for his “GOOD.”
  66. So though David was overcomed by the internal TEMPTAION which occurs within a person as a result of his inherent SINFUL NATURE, the POWER of the sacrificial “shadow” of JESUS CHRIST (Hebrews 10:1) made him to RISE to the occasion. That’s why the Scripture says that, “For a RIGHTEOUS man may FALL seven (7) times and RISE again” (Proverbs 24:16). This is due to the POWER of God’s eternal salivation which is give to us for free.
  68. Brethren, God can only turn “ALL THINGS to work together” for our “GOOD” if we humble ourselves before Him, and David was such a man. That’s why he said, “If You LORD, should MARK iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3). Here David is saying that if God were to Judge us with His holy “LAW” which was given through Moses, then he (David) will not be the only person who will be condemned for the charges of “murderer” and “adultery,” but every human being will also be condemned with the same charges.
  70. That’s why when Nebuchadnezzar’s son called “Belshazzar” was scrutinized by God’s holy “LAW” of judgment, God sent Daniel to tell him, “TEKEL: You have been WEIGHED in the balances, and found wanting” (Daniel 5:27). So if God were to WEIGH all of us in “the balances” of the “LAW” of Moses, then all of us will also be “found wanting.” But to the contrary, God “WEIGHED” us in the “balances” of the “GRACE” which came through JESUS CHRIST (John 1:17). This accounts for the reason why He turns “ALL things” to work together for our “GOOD.”
  72. David who is the centre of our study, also told God in humility, “Do NOT enter into judgement with Your servant, for in Your SIGHT no one living is RIGHTEOUS” (Psalm 143:2). So let us pay attention here as Christians. This quotation did NOT say that if you have NEVER committed murderer or adultery with your acts, then you are RIGHTEOUS, but it says that “no one living is RIGHTEOUS.”
  74. Prophet Isaiah agreed with David, so he also said, “But we are ALL like an UNCLEAN thing, and all our RIGHTEOUSNESS are like FILTHY RAGS; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away” (Isaiah 64:6).
  76. These are the people that God makes “ALL things” to work together for their “GOOD.” And if you and I will also stand firm by the same principle of FAITH in JESUS CHRIS, then we are “more than CONQUERORS through Him Who LOVED us” (Romans 8:37).
  78. Our study continues..................
  84. Eric Aboadwe
  85. February 20 ·
  89. In refreshing our memories of the previous day, the concentration of our study was on the external influence of a “TEMPTAION” which is stimulated by one’s own SINFUL NATURE to do the unexpected which sometimes leads to troubles and difficulties. And we saw how King David was led ASTRY by this evil force which even reveal itself the more through the COMMANDMENTS and the holy “LAW” of God (Romans 7:9).
  91. But in our studies, we saw how JESUS silenced the MOUTH of every human being when He revealed that there is no human being who is BETTER than David in the atrocities that he committed based on His statement in Matthew 5:21-22 and Matthew 5:28. We also learnt that in order for God to turn “ALL THINGS” to work together for our “GOOD,” there are three (3) steps which must be followed, and that is exactly what King David did for the “GOODNESS” of God to make “ALL THING” work for “GOOD” in his life .
  93. The SINS that David committed was so displeased to the LORD to the extent that God’s “ANGER” rose against him. Therefore God pronounced judgement on him, and He told David that the “sword” will not depart from his house, and He will raise “adversity” against him from his own house, and his WIVES will be disgraced in the sight of his neighbours (2 Samuel 12:10-12).
  95. But after these things, David followed the three (3) steps which I enumerated in the previous day. So when Nathan the Prophet of God approached David and he reprimanded him with God’s judgement, he confessed, “I have SINNED against the LORD.” And Nathan said to David, “The LORD also has PUT AWAY your SIN; you shall not DIE” (2 Samuel 12:13). But I want us to pause here a bit because there are many Christians who after coming across this, use it as their bases of “The Prayers of Repentance” due to their ignorance and misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
  97. However in the Old Testament, they didn’t just confess their SINS with their “lips” whiles their “hearts” were far away from performing the sacrifice for the “atonement” of their SINS. But the clergymen of today and their followers in Christendom only know about the Ten (10) COMMANDMENTS and the “LAW” which David broke, but Satan has “deceived” them from knowing the fact that God also gave them the SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM to solve the problem of breaking any of His COMMANDMENTS.
  99. Therefore when Nathan told David that “The LORD also has PUT AWAY your SIN; you shall not DIE,” it is because God already gave them the METHOD of how He “PUT AWAY” their SIN as He revealed to them in Leviticus chapter 1-4 and Leviticus 16:1-31. What Nathan told David is the spiritual WORK of God in which He revealed to the Israelites that the MESSIAH will come and solve the problem of their SINS with the same method of (1) unblemished animal (2) laying on of hands for the TRANSFER of SIN, and (3) it’s bloodshed.
  101. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and all the people of the Old Testament BELIEVED that when the Saviour comes, He will “fulfill” these things as shown to them in the animal sacrifices. That’s why JESUS told the Jews, “Your father Abraham REJOICED to see My DAY, and he saw it and was GLAD” (John 8:56). Here when JESUS says “My DAY” He is referring to the “DAY” that Abraham was waiting for when the MESSIAH will come and solve the problem of the SINS of all humanity who break the COMMANDMENTS of God.
  103. When Nathan told David that the LORD has “PUT AWAY” his SIN and that he shall “not DIE,” David understood it because he knew very well that “the wages of SIN is DEATH” (Romans 6:23), but God allowed him to pass his SIN on the head of the animal when he laid his hands on its head, and killed it by draining its blood so that the animal “DIE” instead of him. This MESSIANIC prophecy was given to David, and when you read his Psalms, you will see that he prophesied so many times about how the MESSAIAH will come and fulfill all “RIGHTEOUSNESS” for us.
  105. God “PUT AWAY” the SIN of David not just because of his confession through “The Prayers of Repentance,” but it is because he BELIEVED in the sacrificial system which JESUS was coming to “fulfill.” And it is this “FAITH” of David coupled with his submission, humility, and waiting on the LORD which made God to turn “ALL THINGS” to work for his “GOOD.”
  107. So though David was overcomed by the internal TEMPTAION which occurs within a person as a result of his inherent SINFUL NATURE, the POWER of the sacrificial “shadow” of JESUS CHRIST (Hebrews 10:1) made him to RISE to the occasion. That’s why the Scripture says that, “For a RIGHTEOUS man may FALL seven (7) times and RISE again” (Proverbs 24:16). This is due to the POWER of God’s eternal salivation which is give to us for free.
  109. Brethren, God can only turn “ALL THINGS to work together” for our “GOOD” if we humble ourselves before Him, and David was such a man. That’s why he said, “If You LORD, should MARK iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3). Here David is saying that if God were to Judge us with His holy “LAW” which was given through Moses, then he (David) will not be the only person who will be condemned for the charges of “murderer” and “adultery,” but every human being will also be condemned with the same charges.
  111. That’s why when Nebuchadnezzar’s son called “Belshazzar” was scrutinized by God’s holy “LAW” of judgment, God sent Daniel to tell him, “TEKEL: You have been WEIGHED in the balances, and found wanting” (Daniel 5:27). So if God were to WEIGH all of us in “the balances” of the “LAW” of Moses, then all of us will also be “found wanting.” But to the contrary, God “WEIGHED” us in the “balances” of the “GRACE” which came through JESUS CHRIST (John 1:17). This accounts for the reason why He turns “ALL things” to work together for our “GOOD.”
  113. David who is the centre of our study, also told God in humility, “Do NOT enter into judgement with Your servant, for in Your SIGHT no one living is RIGHTEOUS” (Psalm 143:2). So let us pay attention here as Christians. This quotation did NOT say that if you have NEVER committed murderer or adultery with your acts, then you are RIGHTEOUS, but it says that “no one living is RIGHTEOUS.”
  115. Prophet Isaiah agreed with David, so he also said, “But we are ALL like an UNCLEAN thing, and all our RIGHTEOUSNESS are like FILTHY RAGS; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away” (Isaiah 64:6).
  117. These are the people that God makes “ALL things” to work together for their “GOOD.” And if you and I will also stand firm by the same principle of FAITH in JESUS CHRIS, then we are “more than CONQUERORS through Him Who LOVED us” (Romans 8:37).
  119. Our study continues..................
  125. In continuation of our studies, after God spoke to David through Prophet Nathan that his SIN has been “PUT AWAY,” there were some challenges ahead of David which he must go through. Now after David committed “adultery” with Bathsheba and she became PREGNANT, she gave birth, but God told David, “...the CHILD also who is born to you shall surely DIE” (2 Samuel 12:14).
  126. Due to this, the biblical account in 2 Samuel tells us that God “struck the CHILD” that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and this made the CHILD very sick (2 Samuel 12:15). This became a PROBLEM for David, so he pleaded with the LORD in fasting and prayer for the CHILD’S survival. But we are told that, “...on the seventh day it came to pass that the CHILD died” (2 Samuel 12:18). This reminds us of God’s Word in Deuteronomy when He said, “... I KILL and I make ALIVE; I wound and I heal” (Deuteronomy 33:39).
  127. But something strange and unusual happened after the “CHILD” died. The strange thing is that whiles the “CHILD” was alive, David will not eat, but when the BABY died, the Scripture says that he “went into the House of the LORD and WORSHIPPED. Then he went to his own house; and when he requested, they set food before him, and he ate” (2 Samuel 12:20). Because of this, the servants of David were so surprised about this turn of events.
  128. However, the reason why David strengthened himself is because he was applying what the Apostle Paul tells us in the New Testament when he said, “In EVERYTHING give THANKS; for this is the WILL of God in CHRIST JESUS for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). So David was applying this principle of FAITH. He knew very well that God makes “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose.
  129. That’s why after the BABY died, he went into the TEMPLE of God and “WORSHIPPED” God by giving Him “THANKS.” Brothers and Sisters, no matter the “TEMPTATION” of a believer, whether it is internal or external, God will still make “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of those who admit their WEAKNESSES, and who believe in His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST, and who give Him “THANKS.”
  130. God’s “Word” is TRUE because He is not a “son of man” that He should “lie,” nor a son of man that He should “repent.” When He says something, He DOES it accordingly, and when He speaks, He makes it “GOOD” as recorded in Numbers 23:19. And because these things are TRUE and the Scriptures actually PROVES it, I now want us to turn our attention to how God begun to make “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of David.
  131. It all started when the Bible recorded that, “Then David COMFORTED Bathsheba his wife, and went in to her, and lay with her. So she bore a SON, and he called his name SOLOMON. Now the LORD LOVED him” (2 Samuel 2:24). If it says here that David COMFORTED Bathsheba, then it gives us “A tip of the iceberg” that God begun His work of turning “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of David irrespective of his PAST.
  132. But on a SERIOUS note, there is something that we must ponder about. When David IMPREGNATED Bathsheba for the first (1st) time, God “KILLED” the baby with sickness, but when he IMPREGNATED Bathsheba for the second (2nd) time, our Scripture reading says that, “Now the LORD LOVED him.” This word “Now” in the passage means that God was overturning things at the present to work together for the “GOOD” of David due to his humility, his trust in God, and his FAITH in the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of the Messiah.
  133. However, the questions is: “Why did God KILL the first CHILD, whiles He made the second CHILD to live?” In other words, why is it that God did not “LOVE” the first (1st) CHILD, but for the second (2nd) CHILD whom David named “SOLOMON,” the Scripture says that, “the LORD LOVED him.” My Brothers and Sisters, can human discretion or understanding explain this? Can human beings judge wisely and objectively in this matter which looks complicated to our limited human brains?
  134. Is there anybody who finds some fault with God for killing the first CHILD and sparing the second CHILD? As humans, we must know our limitations and understand the declaration of the Almighty God when He said, “For My THOUGHTS are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My WAYS,” says the LORD. For as the heavens HIGHER than the earth, so are My WAYS higher than your ways, and My THOUGHTS higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
  135. This shows that how God does His “THINGS” are beyond our human capabilities, prudence and understanding. He is the One who is able to turn “ALL THINGS” even if it BAD for “GOOD,” and this is clearly revealed in the events surrounding David after he succumbed (yielded) to internal “TEMPTATION” and being carried away by the sinful nature within him which we all inherited from our common ancestor Adam.
  136. God is super-power. Therefore when He positioned “The TREE of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL” in the Garden of Aden (Genesis 2:17), He allowed Adam and Eve to it the fruit in order to reveal the POWER of His REDEMPTION plan for Adam and Eve in JESUS CHRIST who came with His redemption TOOLS of the water, blood, and the Spirit (1 John 5:6). This is also an example of how God turns “ALL THINGS” for “GOOD.”
  137. But I wonder why many people especially Christians behave as if they can do something DIFFERENT from their common ancestor Adam and Eve. If a human GIANT such as Adam could not OVERCOME Satan, can you who is his progeny be ABLE to overcome the Devil? Do we have qualities better than Adam? Do you think that when David was standing before the GIANT Goliath, he could overcome him with experience or good character? The Scripture tells us that the secret of David’s VICTORY was hidden in the name “JESUS”
  138. So the “Word” of God has already told us how we can overcome Satan in every “TEMPTATION” that may come our way, whether it is internal or external. And it is only possible by “FAITH” as confirmed by the Apostle John (1 John 5:5). King David had such a “FAITH” in the sacrificial system of propitiation, and this what made him VICTORIOUS and for God to turn “ALL THINGS” to work together for his “GOOD.”
  139. Our study continues...............
  147. Eric Aboadwe
  148. February 22 ·
  152. In Part 4 of our studies, we saw how the PREGNANCY of Bathsheba (the woman who became David’s wife through as a result of adultery) became a problem for King David. This made the King to live in sorrow and affliction, all because God told him the “CHILD” was going to “DIE.” So he attempted to solve the problem with fasting and prayers from day one until the “seventh day” when the CHILD actually “DIED” according to command from Above.
  154. Yet still, David did not complain against God for not answering his fasting and prayer vigil. But he strengthened himself, went into the “HOUSE” of God, “WORSHIPPED” Him, and gave “THANKS” by applying 1 Thessalonians 5:18. This was because he knew that God makes “ALL THINGS” to work together for “GOOD.” And because of the authenticity of this promise, we saw how God actually turned the second (2nd) PREGNANCY of Bathsheba for “GOOD” when she gave birth to “Solomon,” and the Scripture says God “LOVED him.”
  156. But Brethren, before we move ahead, there are some things when they pop-up or appear unexpectedly in our studies, we cannot simply overlook them. Those things becomes a Sub-Topic within our Main Topic of study. In other words, they become a Sub-Question within the Main Question. And there is the need to look at those things because of the likelihood that we may not look at it again.
  158. So I am talking about the conflicting events of why God “KILLED” the first (1st) CHILD but “LOVED” the second (2nd) CHILD whose name was “Solomon.” Some people may still have unanswered questions regarding this issue. But these two incidences reminds us of the Scripture passage which says, “Jacob I have LOVED; but Esau I have HATED” (Malachi 1:2-3).
  160. These two incidences which happned far back in Isaac’s time and which also took place in David’s time are very similar in nature. But the only difference is that:
  162. (1) The first and second child of Bathsheba were born at a different time intervals, but the first and second child of Rebecca were born as twins at the same time.
  164. (2) The first child of Bathsheba whom God “HATED” was “KILLED,” but the second child (Solomon) whom God “LOVED” was permitted to live.
  166. (3) God did not “KILL” the first child of Rebecca (Esau) whom God “HATED,” but He allowed both Esau and the second child (Jacob) whom He “LOVED” to grow together until they reached old age.
  168. So the story of David’s first and second born, and the story of Jacob and Esau has become a PUZZLE for many theologians and Christians. Due to this, they came up with a whole lot of groundless doctrines such as Divine Election and Unconditional Election. It has become a PUZZLE to them because until this day, many Christians do not still understand “For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten SON, that whosoever BELIEVES in Him should not PERISH, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
  170. Without understanding John 3:16 through FAITH in God’s “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which was fulfilled by CHRIST’S baptism, His death and resurrection, nobody can solve the PUZZLE of the two incidences. That’s why the Apostle Paul, who believed in God’s “RIGHTEOUSNESS” was able to solve the PUZZLE through the “Holy Spirit” who dwelled in Him and in those of us who have the same FAITH that he had in the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of God (Philippians 3:9).
  172. Therefore Paul explained vividly that, whether God KILLS somebody, HATES somebody or LOVES somebody, they are all based on His perfect “WILL” according to His “purpose.” Therefore nobody should see anything WRONG in these things as the bases of questioning the Divine Creator whose “counsels of old are FAITHFULNESS and TRUTH” (Isaiah 25:1). Paul explained the whole thing in a simple term, that God does these things so that His “purpose according to ELECTION might stand, not of WORKS but of Him who CALLS” (Romans 10:11).
  174. This also generated another Sub-Topic which we may phrase as “THE CALLING OF GOD.” But I will not say anything about this because somewhere last year, I prepared a message in this category, and I posted it on the platform. This message was titled “THE GIFTS & THE CALLING OF GOD ARE IRREVOCABLE (Part 1, 2 & 3).” So those who missed it can request for it and I will send it to them.
  176. Therefore, even though God did not tell us the main reason why the first child which David borne with Bathsheba was “KILLED,” we must understand the whole thing in the light of His perfect “WILL” according to His “purpose” and “CALL.” That’s why God told Jeremiah, “Before I FORMED you in the womb I KNEW you; before you were BORN I sanctified you; I ORDAINED you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).
  178. This shows that God’s divine fore-sight cannot be described in words. He is the One who can even see the future of a developing baby (foetus) in the “womb” within a simple glance in less than a second. He is the One that when we were not yet born, He fore-saw what we will do from Day 1 until we DIE. Yes, He can VIEW what is not yet in existence.
  180. And before you and I were “born,” God new that we will believe in the gospel of His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” at the age of this and at the age of that. So He knew what we are doing today before we were “born.” This is the God that in our Akan language we say, “Ne Ho Y[ Hu Papa” (A God to be feared). This attribute of God is what makes Him the only Omniscient God. He is called JESUS CHRIST, and He has washed away our SINS once and for all with His water and blood.
  182. He allows “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of those who have this “FAITH.” If God permits, tomorrow we will still look at many other of PROBLEMS that came upon David, and how God turned “ALL” of them to work for his “GOOD.”
  184. Our study continues........
  186. We SERVE a Living God.
  193. Eric Aboadwe
  194. February 23 ·
  198. In the previous day, our study was centred on a Sub QUESTION which emerged within our studies concerning why God “LOVED” the second CHILD but “HATED” the first CHILD which is similar to Rebecca’s PREGNANCY of twins by which God declared, “Jacob I have LOVED, but Esau I have HATED.” But tangible reasons and explanations were given to us from the Scripture regarding God’s “CALL” and “ELECTION” which is according to His “purpose” in JESUS CHRIST. So this is how far we have come in our studies.
  200. But concerning how God turned “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of David after Bathsheba’s second PREGNANCY, somebody may asked: “What Do You Mean by God Turned The Second PREGNANCY For GOOD When Solomon Was Born?” So I want us to look at this. But we can’t complete it today. This is because God gave a PROPHECY to David which concerns the birth of “Solomon.” This is very necessary to look at before going into the QUESTION in detail.
  202. The Scriptures therefore tells us that God made a COVENANT with David and He PROPHESIED to him, “When your days are fulfilled and you REST with your fathers, I will set up your SEED after you, who will come from your BODY, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a HOUSE for My NAME, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever” (2 Samuel 7:12-13). This was a prophetic COVENANT.
  204. Brothers and Sisters, I want us to ponder quietly about the “Words” of God spoken above and see for ourselves the foreknowledge of God. When you contemplate about these “Words” attentively, you will see that God was given a PROPHECY to David about how “Solomon” will come from his own “BODY” to build a “HOUSE” for His “NAME.” But strangely enough, David himself did not know what was going to happen, but God gave him the PROPHECY before he committed “adultery” with Bathsheba.
  206. So even though David did not know the PERSON who will come from his own “BODY” as the next King of Israel, God knew very well that the person was “Solomon,” and He also knew the circumstances which will lead to “Solomon’s” birth after David commits “adultery” with Bathsheba. This is what we call “The foreknowledge of God.” It tells us that God already knows everything that will HAPPEN to the believer, whether it is by WEAKNESSES or CIRCUMSTANCE, and yet He is able to turn “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of those who are called according to His “purpose.”
  208. Similarly, when God “became FLESH and dwelt among us” in the Person of CHRIST (John 1:14), He knew what will happen to Apostle Peter in the future by his WEAKNESSES, and He also knew the CIRCUMSTANCES by which Peter will deny Him. So He told Peter, “Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster CROWS, you will DENY Me THREE(3) times” (Matthew 26:34). Here, we can see that just like David, Peter did not also know what will befall him. He didn’t know what he will DO in the future, but the God-Man knew everything and He told Peter about it.
  210. And because God turns all things for our “GOOD,” after Peter’s WEAKNESSES were exposed, he came to understand the GOSPEL of the everlasting atonement of SINS which was fulfilled by the baptism of JESUS CHRIST. That’s why when the LORD was washing Peter’s feet before the feast of Passover, He told him, “What I am DOING you do not understand NOW, but you will know after this” (John 13:7). Therefore after the WEAKNESSES of Peter were exposed, God turned it for “GOOD” when Peter’s “FAITH” even became much STRONGER after he understood the reason for which his Lord and Master washed his feet.
  212. But it wasn’t Peter alone, the Apostle Paul was also a man full of WEAKNESSES, and he COMPLAINED bitterly about this when he said, “Concerning this thing, I pleaded with the LORD THREE (3) times that it may depart from me, but He said to me, “My GRACE is sufficient for you, for My STRENGTH is made PERFECT in WEAKNESSES” (2 Corinthians 12:9). So whiles Peter denied JESUS THRE (3) times, Paul also prayed THEREE (3) times for his weaknesses and problems to depart from him.
  214. From the passage above, we can see that our Lord JESUS was telling the Apostle Paul, “Don’t complain about these things, they will ALL turned out to WORK for your GOOD.” When Paul understood these Words from the Master of SALVATION, he declared in faith, “Therefore most gladly, I take pleasure in INFIRMITIES, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for CHRIST’S sake. For when I am WEAK, then I am STRONG” (2 Corinthians 12:10). He was saying these things because God actually turns “ALL THINGS” together for our “GOOD.”
  216. But what does Paul mean by “INFIRMITIES” or WEAKNESSES? He explained this in Romans when he said, “For what the LAW could not do in that it was WEAK through the FLESH, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of SINFUL FLESH, on account of SIN; He condemned SIN in the FLESH” (Romans 8:3). This means the human FLESH is WEAK, but JESUS came as the God-Man who is STRONGER to fulfill “all RIGHTEOUSNESS” for us (Matthew 3:15), and also to turn everything for our “GOOD.”
  218. It was this PERFECT understanding which made the Apostle Paul to write to the believers when he said, “REJOICE in the LORD always. Again I will say REJOICE!” (Philippians 4:4). He repeated the same thing in his Epistle to the believers in Thessalonica when he said, “REJOICE always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). ” What can explain this if it is not because of the fact that God makes “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of the believers who have received the BLESSING of the remission of their SINS through CHRIST?
  220. Therefore whether things are going well for the believer or not, God says “REJOICE always,” and whether the situation is favourable or not, He says, “REJOICE always.” That’s why King David also declared, “Be GLAD in the LORD and REJOICE, you RIGHTEOUS; and shout for JOY, all you upright in HEART” (Psalm 32:11). It means that our rejoicing is in the fact that all the 12 kinds of SINS (Mark 7:21-23) has been removed from our “HEART” with the water and the blood of CHRIST.
  222. Therefore our JOY can never be found in our FLESH because it is WEAK. And because the Almighty God knows our WEAKNESSES and what will befall us in the future, He said that through our FAITH in Him, we will be able to say, “Surely in the LORD I have RIGHTEOUSNESS and STRENGTH” (Isaiah 45:24). It says here that we have “RIGHTEOUSNESS” in the LORD, and not in our FLESH, and we have “STRENGTH” in the LORD, not in our FLESH.
  224. Our study today is therefore throwing more light about the fact that God foresaw the WEAKNESSES of David through the PROPHECY which He gave to him, and He knew the circumstances which will lead to the birth of “Solomon” as well. But God turned “ALL THINGS” for his “GOOD.” And we have also seen how the Apostles of the LORD such as Peter and Paul were beset by WEAKNESSES, and how JESUS predicted what was going to befall the Apostle Peter in the days ahead which all turned out for “GOOD”
  226. Our study continues...........
  230. comments on HOW GOD TURNS ALL THINGS FOR GOOD (Part 6)
  232. Mugo Thuku This gospel is real amazing!!the more i thought i know God,i discover that He is a mystery
  233. Eric Aboadwe Amen! Praise be to His holy NAME!
  235. Esther Acquah Thanks for always reminding us. My question is: why did God not choose Esau instead of Jacob?
  236. Eric Aboadwe Because Esau rely on himself, he was self-centred and self-righteous man who believed in himself rather than believing and relying upon God. We must understand that God LOVE Sinners and He SAVES them with His compassion, mercy, love, kingdness, goodness, and faithfulness through the sacrificial WORK of CHRIST. But He cannot LOVE those who are self RIGHTEOUS. Tha'ts why JESUS said that "Those who are WELL have no need of a physician, but those who are SICK. I have NOT come to call the RIGHTEOUS, but SINNERS, to repentance (Luke 5:31-32). So those who think they are WELL and that they are RIGHTEOUS will not be "LOVED" by God because they are arrogant. Such people are like the Pharisees who held stones in their hand to stone the woman of "ADULTERY" because they think they are BETTER than her. But those who are HUMBLE and who admit and confess that "I have also committed ADULTERY and MURDER" in my mind and thoughts are the Jacob type of people who are CHOSEN by God according to His CALL and purpose of making all of us "holy and without blame before Him in LOVE (Ephesians 1:4) through JESUS CHRIST. Therefore even though Jacob committed so many SINS such as lies out of his WEAKNESSES, he is the one that God gave him the BLESSING, but he didn't BLESS the self-righteous Esau. And even though Esau was self-righteous, he couldn't meet JESUS CHRIST, but Jacob who admit his WEAKNESSES met JESUS CHRIST and he wrestle with Him, and He BLESS Jacob so that his name was changed to ISRAEL.
  238. Paul Little GLORY GLORY GLORY....Deep knowledge of God...
  246. Eric Aboadwe
  247. February 24 ·
  251. In Part 6 of our study series, we learnt about the prophetic COVENANT which God made with David and which also reveals His fore-knowledge and fore-sight concerning what was going to HAPPEN to David and the circumstances which will lead to his extramarital affair with Bathsheba through which “Solomon” will be born according to the PROPHECY where God told David that someone from his own “BODY” will replace him and build the “HOUSE” of God for His glorious and holy “NAME.”
  253. Our study was therefore pointing to the fact that God knows everything which will befall the believer including his WEAKNESSES which may sometime leads him to succumb to internal or external “TEMPTATION.” And we saw how JESUS also revealed the WEAKNESSES of Apostle Peter when He predicted that he will “DENY” Him “three times.” And we also saw how the Apostle Paul was saddened by his own WEAKNESSES and problems which he prayed “three times” for the LORD to take away, and how he was Comforted by the “GRACE” of JESUS Who turns “ALL THINGS” to work for “GOOD.”
  255. So we are now going to look into detail the QUESTION: “What Do You Mean by God Turned The Second PREGNANCY of Bathsheba For GOOD When Solomon Was Born?”
  257. First of all, we must understand that the birth of “Solomon” was only PERMISSIBLE by God. The reason why I am saying this is because God could have “KILLED” this second CHILD whom David borne with Bathsheba just like how He executed the first CHILD. But because “Solomon” was destined and foreordained by God to be the next King in Israel after David’s departure as revealed in the prophetic COVENANT, he was PERMITTED by God to live. This was God’s act of turning “ALL THINGS” for “GOOD.”
  259. The books of Kings therefore tells us that Solomon was “ANOINTED” as a King by Zadok the Priest according to the will of God (1 King 1:39), and David was so HAPPY that he declared, “BLESSED be the LORD God of Israel, Who has given one to sit on my THRONE this day, while my eyes see it” (I Kings 1:48). We must not forget that this King was born by a woman who became David’s wife after he killed her husband (Uriah).
  261. Now, who ever thought that this “adulterous” circumstance of David and Bathsheba will in the future lead to the birth of Solomon who will become one of the GREATEST and the finest King ever in Israel? If it is not God who turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of the believer, then what else can explain this? It is only by divine intervention of God through His “MERCY” and the Spirit of “GRACE” who turns “the WILDERNESS to become a FRUITFUL field, and the FRUITFUL field is counted as a FOREST” (Isaiah 32:15).
  263. And Concerning King Solomon, we are told that God appeared to him in a dream by night and He told him, “ASK! What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 3:5). When God spoke this to Solomon, his PRAYER request was so brilliant that I want us to take our time by expound and digest his SUPPLICATION because there is so much for us to learn from it.
  265. So after God told him “ASK! What shall I give you?” he replied, “You have shown great MERCY to Your Servant David my father, because he walked before You in TRUTH, in RIGHTEOSNESS, and in uprighteness of HEART with You; You have continued this great KINDNESS for him, and You have given him a son to sit on his THRONE, as it is this day” (1 Kings 3:6).
  267. Now let us explore Solomon’s PRAYER utterances above. First of all he acknowledged God’s “great MERCY” shown to his father David. Is this true or not? Even if we don’t know anything at all about this, we should read the Book of Psalms and we will testified for ourselves the COUNTLESS number of times when David sang about God’s “MERCIES.”
  269. He said, “OH give thanks to the LORD, for He is GOOD! For His MERCY endures forever. Oh give thanks to the God of gods! For His MERCY endures forever. Oh give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His MERCY endures forever. To Him who alone does great wonders, for His MERCY endures forever. To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, for His MERCY endures forever. To Him who laid out the earth above the waters, for His MERCY endures forever. To Him who made great lights, for His MERCY endures forever....(Psalm 136:1-26).
  271. We can therefore see that Solomon knew what he was talking about because there were times when his father sang with the “harp” and “flute” in his presence. In Solomon’s PRAYER, he also said, “because he walked before You in TRUTH, in RIGHTEOSNESS, and in uprighteness of HEART with You.” Brothers and Sisters, can we say that David was “RIGHTEOUS” in the FLESH? Can David who took somebody’s wife by committing “adultery” with her and “KILLING” her husband be called a “RIGHEOUS” person?
  273. That’s why his own son who was a WISE King said that his father walked before God “in RIGHTEOSNESS and in uprighteness of HEART” and not of the FLESH. JESUS also came into this world for this very purpose. He wants the whole of mankind to “walk” with Him just like how “Enoch walked with God” (Genesis 5:22) in “RIGHTEOSNESS and “uprighteness of HEART” just like David did.
  275. This is the reason why He was baptized by John the Baptist in the form of the laying on of hands (Matthew 3:13-17) and dying on the Cross. By doing so, JESUS fulfilled “all RIGHTEOUSNESS” which qualifies us to walk “in RIGHTEOUSNESS and in uprighteness of HEART” with Him. That’s why He said that, “BLESSED are the pure in HEART, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).
  277. So if you are a Christian and you are not “pure” in “HEART,” and you think your FLESH can obey the Ten (10) Commandments and the 613 Articles of the Law of Moses, then you cannot “see God” or enter His “Kingdom.” King David, Bathsheba and Solomon knew very well that they couldn’t even obey the Ten (10) Commandments, so the only way they could ESCAPE the wages of SIN which is death (Romans 6:23) was to offer the animal sacrifice by laying their hands on its’ head to pass their SIN and killing it for its blood to be shed.
  279. So we can see from Solomon’s PRAYER that God is interested in those who walk “in RIGHTEOUSNESS and uprighteness of HEART,” and not those who walk in the “uprightness” of the FLESH which are “filthy rags” before God (Isaiah 64:6). This is what the Apostle Paul mean by “to be CARNALLY minded is DEATH, but to be SPIRITUALLY minded is LIFE and PEACE” (Romans 8:7).
  281. And the reason which Paul gave for this is because he said that, “...for the letter (the Law of Moses) KILLS, but the Spirit (the Law of the Spirit of Life in CHRIST JESUS) gives LIFE” (2 Corinthians 3:6).
  283. Brethren, our study on Solomon’s PRAYER continues..............
  284. It is WELL with our “soul” as the hymn says.
  290. Eric Aboadwe
  291. February 26 ·
  295. We THANK God for ushering us into another week by the begging of this new day. In our previous studies we saw how God’s prophetic COVENANT to David was fulfilled and Solomon became the “ANOINTED” King of Israel which were all part of God’s act of turning “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of David considering the circumstances which led to Solomon’s birth through Bathsheba.
  297. Then we saw how God told Solomon, “ASK! What shall I give you?” So Solomon begun his PRAYER request by recognising God’s “great MERCY” and “great KINDNESS” shown to his father David. And Solomon’s PRAYER also became a sub-study on its own because he made some remarks which revealed that his father was not “RIGHTEOUS” by the acts of the FLESH, but he walked with God in “uprightness of the HEART” which is a spiritual FAITH in the shadow of CHRIST through the sacrificial system.
  299. So let us continue from where we left in Solomon’s PRAYER. He said, “Now, O LORD my God, You have made Your servant KING instead of my father David, but I am little CHILD; I do not know how to go out or come in. And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted” (1 Kings 3:7-8).
  301. When we look at Solomon’s PRAYER above, we can see that his supplication before God was full of HUMILITY when he said “I am little CHILD.” No wonder he became one of the “GREATEST” kings in Israel. This is according to the Word of JESUS when He said, “Therefore whoever HUMBLES himself as the little CHILD is the GREATEST in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:4). Our LORD also added, “And whoever EXALTS himself will be HUMBLED, and he who HUMBLES himself will be EXALTED” (Matthew 23:12).
  303. Brothers and Sisters, is the above statement of the LORD true or not? Nobody can prove the “Word” of God wrong. We must know that everything that JESUS is saying from the above passage were all PROVED to be true even in the life of Solomon when he was “EXALTED” for his “HUMBLE” attitude before God and in PRAYER which we will witness in our subsequent studies.
  305. As believers we are being admonished by the “Word” of God that we must not live like those who think they know-it-all and who are self-righteous, but we must recognize our own WEAKNESSES and LIMITATIONS before God who turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for our “GOOD.” When we do this and we believe in the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” fulfilled by the water, blood, and the resurrection of CHRIST, then we shall never be a cast-away before God, but He will even “LOVE” us the more with His unconditional AGAPE “LOVE” which turns everything to work together for our “GOOD.”
  307. Solomon continued his PRAYER request by saying, “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding HEART to judge Your people, that I may DISCERN between GOOD and EVIL. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” (1 Kings 3:9). Please we must pay a close attention in this passage. Here Solomon did not say that God should enable him to overcome “EVIL” with human “GOOD” or self-righteousness.
  309. As humans, we must remember our HISTORY. What I mean by this is that we must remember that when “The tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL” were placed in the Garden of Eden, our ancestor Adam and Eve could not overcome this “tree” by themselves, but rather they were over-powered by Satan after eating it. But if they had eaten “The tree of LIFE” (Genesis 2:9) before approaching the SINFUL “tree,” the situation would have been the opposite. So we who are the descendants of Adam cannot overcome “EVIL” by ourselves.
  311. No matter how “GOOD” and legalistic somebody may be, the only way to overcome Satan is through “The tree of LIFE” which represent JESUS CHRIST. We can never overcome the devil outside CHRIST. That’s why the LORD Himself told us that “No one is GOOD but One, that is, God” (Luke 18:19). Therefore when Solomon says in his PRAYER, “give to Your servant an understanding HEART to judge Your people, that I may DISCERN between GOOD and EVIL,” we must know that he did not say this for legalistic reasons. This is because Solomon himsef could not even obey the “LAW.” In fact he even did “WORST” as we will see later in our our studies ahead.
  313. God is taken us deep into the domain of His “Word” which is a World of the “Spirit.” This World is completely different from the one we live in now. But legalistic people can NEVER enter into this domain of the “Word” except those who are born of the “GRACE and TRUTH” which came through JESUS CHRIST (John 1:17). And we can only enter into this World of “GRACE and TRUTH” all by “FAITH.”
  315. Let us therefore understand that when Solomon says “that I may DISCERN between GOOD and EVIL,” the keyword in this passage is “DISCERN,” and this word means to perceive, recognize or understand something. In fact God gave us His “LAW” to serve this very purpose. The holy “LAW” of God makes us recognize and perceive our SINS so that we can realized our own diseases of SIN and run to our spiritual Doctor – JESUS CHRIST.
  317. The “LAW” could not prevent Solomon from committing SINS, but it rather revealed his own WEAKNESSES. That’s why the same Solomon told us that, “For there is not a JUST man on earth who does GOOD and does not SIN” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Due to this, Solomon offered animal sacrifices for his own SINS according to the sacrificial system of instructions which God gave to us in the same “LAW” of Moses (Leviticus chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16).
  319. The fact that a person is able to “DISCERN between GOOD and EVIL” does not mean he has the POWER to overcome SIN or “EVIL.” If we could overcome SIN by being able to discern between “GOOD” and “EVIL,” then we will not need JESUS CHRIST to save us from our “EVIL” nature. So the reason why we must discern “GOOD” and “EVIL” is in order for us to recognize our own WEAKNESSES and believe in the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which JESUS fulfilled for us in His baptism of immersion (Matthew 3:15).
  321. If we were “GOOD” by ourselves, then there is no need for God to turn “ALL THINGS” to work together for our “GOOD.” He is the One who turns everything for our “GOOD” because we can’t do it by ourselves.
  323. Our study contnues on Solomon’s PRAYER............
  329. Our studies in Part 7 & 8 have been centered on the PRAYERS of Solomon, and we have learn a lot from it. His supplication has also enable us to know that God turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of those who walk with “uprightness of HEART” in CHRIST with all “HUMILITY.”
  330. So we are now going to look at God’s response after Solomon’s PRAYER. The Scripture says, “Then the speech PLEASED the LORD, that Solomon had ASKED this thing. Then God said to him: “Because you have ASKED this thing, and have not ASKED long life for yourself, nor have asked for riches for yourself, nor have ASKED the life of your enemies, but have ASKED for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have DONE according to your words; see, I have given you a WISE and UNDERSTANDING heart, so that there has NOT been anyone like you BEFORE you, nor shall any like you rise AFTER you” (1 Kings 3:10-12).
  331. King Solomon’s PRAYER as we saw in the two previous messages, gives a clear indication that he was a “RIGHTEOUS” man by FAITH. So being a spiritually minded person, his PRAYER request before God was not the one which seek after PHYISICAL longevity of the FLESH or for material “riches,” nor for vengeance against his “enemies.” His PRAYERS were not for his own personal interest and gain, but for the interest of his own people (Israel), so that he can serve them in accordance with the WILL God.
  332. Therefore God told him, “I have given you a WISE and UNDERSTANDING heart, so that there has NOT been anyone like you BEFORE you, nor shall any like you rise AFTER you.” These Words which God spoke to Solomon is so unique, and we can see that he was actually “BLESSED.” God told him that from Adam to the last person who will be born, and from the beginning of the world to its end, there shall not “rise” anyone “like” him.
  333. And let us not forget that we are talking about a son of Bathsheba called Solomon, a woman who David committed “adultery” with and killed her husband. Dave IMPREGNATED this same woman again to give birth to a CHILD whom God will RAISE higher than all the people of the earth and “BLESSED” him with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, power and riches more than anybody who ever lived on this planet. If it is not because of God who turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for “GOOD,” then nothing else can explain this.
  334. Does this then mean that somebody out there can also do a similar thing by committing SIN on purpose and doing WRONG things for the WONG reasons so that God will turn “ALL THINGS” for his or her “GOOD?” Is that what our study SUGGEST? That is not the case! But we are talking about circumstances which OCCUR in the life of the believer with NO anticipation due to the WEAKNESSES of the human FLESH (internal TEMPTAION) and by the external forces of SIN which is orchestrated by Satan (external TEMPTAION).
  335. People sometimes get our message WRONG due to lack of understanding and religious piety. But there is no human being who is free from these forces of SIN. However HYPOCRISY has made many people including Christians to behave as if they live in a different planet. Meanwhile there is no human being who can live scot-free from internal TEMPTAION alone. And no human FLESH is “unblemished” in a world whose ruler is Satan. We are living in an era where people even commit SINS whiles watching TELEVISION.
  336. It is all because people do not understand their fundamental character trait and the “GRACE” of our Lord JESUS. Due to this, they misconstrue us by saying the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of God which we are preaching will make people commit more SINS. The Apostles of CHRIST also faced the same criticism. That’s why Paul said, “And why not say, “Let us do EVIL that GOOD may come”? – as we are SLANDEROUSLY reported and some affirm that WE SAY. Their condemnation is just” (Romans 3:8). Paul was therefore saying that the “condemnation” which God will bring upon those who give groundless accusations against the GOSPEL of God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS is “just.”
  337. There is so much to say about this, but in order NOT to lose focus, let us concentrate on our study topic. So in moving forward, God further told Solomon in response to his PRAYER request, “And I have also given you what you have NOT ASKED: both riches and honor, so that there shall NOT be anyone like you among the kings all your days” (1 Kings 3:13).What God is saying to Solomon in this passage reminds us of the Words of JESUS when He said, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His RIHTEOUSNESS, and all these things shall be ADDED to you” (Matthew 6:33).
  338. However God gives “all these things” according to His own WILL and timing. So whether you have “these things” or not, it says in Romans that “ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to those who love God, those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). For instance, Lazarus was not RICH, and he was physically POOR to the extent that JESUS said he was, “full of sores, who was laid at the gate, desiring to be FED with the CRUMBS which fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover the dog’s came and licked his sores” (Luke 16:20-21).
  339. But because God turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of the believer, when both died, Lazarus was in “Abraham’s bosom,” whiles the rich man was in “torments in Hades.” Not only this, but JESUS made Lazarus to experience the POWER of His “RESSURRECTION” when He raised him from the dead (John 11:1-43). So we can see that Lazarus bid farewell to Abraham and departed from his bosom to respond the CALL of the Master of “RESURRECTION and the LIFE” (John 11:25) who was preaching the gospel to the descendants of Abraham whiles walking in the Land of Palestine.
  340. All these things didn’t happen for happening sake, but it is because God turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of true believers.
  341. Our study continues.................
  351. Eric Aboadwe
  352. February 28 ·
  356. Yesterday we saw how God answered (heard) the PRAYER of Solomon and His promise of giving him is wish which is “a WISE and UNDERSTANDING heart,” in addition what he did not even ASKED which are “riches and honor.” God als told Solomon that there will not be “anyone” or any “king” in the annals of the history of mankind who will SURPASS him in these things.
  358. But before we look at the fulfilment of these things, I want us to look at Solomon’s attitude and response towards God after the LORD gave him the promise. It says, “Then Solomon awoke; and indeed it had been a dream. And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the Ark of the COVENANT of the LORD, offered up BURNT offerings, offered PEACE offerings, and made a feast for all his servants” (1 Kings 3:15).
  359. If Solomon did these things as shown above, what does it tell us?
  361. First (1st) of all, it tells us that Solomon realized in himself he is NOTHING and he had NO RIGHTEOUSNESS on his own before God to deserve these things. Therefore our Scripture reading says that he “offered up BURNT offerings” and “PEACE offerings.” These offerings were coded in the “LAW” of Moses in order for humans who commit SINS before God to be reconciled with Him by following God’s procedures accordingly
  363. Therefore as we all know, in both the “BURNT” and “PEACE offerings,” God gave instructions that a SINNER was supposed to bring an unblemished animal, laid his hands on its head for the passing on of SINS, and kill it for its blood to be shed (Leviticus 1:1-5; Leviticus 3:1-2). The Scripture is there revealing to us that King Solomon offered these “offerings” several times by following the procedures.
  365. Unless we read the Bible by being open-minded and depending on the “Spirit of GRACE,” it will never even occur in our minds that Solomon was somebody who also “laid his hands” to pass his SIN on these sacrificial “offerings.” But all the prophets such as Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, Malachi etc, followed the same requirements because all of them committed SINS on daily bases.
  367. But because many people read the Bible according to their own human mindset, they think that all these men of God were special, unique, and different from us. So they assume that God called the Patriarchs such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the prophets by telling them “I have SAVED you,” just like that without paying the wages of their SINS in reality.
  369. Secondly, we must know that the fact that Solomon offered these “BURNT” and “PEACE offerings” shows clearly that he had “FAITH” in the Messiah who was coming to fulfill these things. But as to whether Solomon was able to keep this “FAITH” to the end is something that we will look at the next day. They are all LESSONS for us. Sometimes it may appear as if we are switching away from our main TOPIC of study, but we are not. This is because the “FAITH” of these servants of God and their life situations tells us how God turns “ALL THINGS” to work together for our “GOOD” as believers.
  371. At this moment, I want us to look at the fulfilment of God’s promise to Solomon concerning the wisdom, understanding, and the riches which God gave to him. The Scripture says, “All King Solomon’s drinking vessels were made of pure GOLD, and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were pure GOLD (1 Kings 10:21). In addition, the Scripture testifies that, “King Solomon SURPASSED all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. Now ALL the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart” (1 Kings 10:23-24).
  373. According to modern calculations, the worth of “GOLD” alone which King Solomon had was more than $2.1 Trillion (US dollars). Can the current richest man (Jeff Bezos) whose Net Worth is currently $108.9 billion (US dollars) be compared to Solomon’s’ wealth? In fact I thought the riches man was Bill Gates, but I found out that his Net Worth is $91.9 billion (US dollars) which is below Jeff Bezos’ net worth as of January 16.
  375. But these figures are not constant, but they keep on changing.
  376. Now we must understand that before somebody can reach $1 Trillion (US dollars), he must have $999.9 Billion before he can reach a Trillion. Therefore even though the world has not yet come to an end, the fact still remain the same that King Solomon was the “riches man” ever whose worth of “GOLD” alone was more than $2.1 Trillion. So if God told Solomon that He will bless him with “riches” so that there will not be anyone like him, is the Word of God TRUE or not? Is there anybody who can prove God’s “Word” wrong?
  378. Apart from Solomon’s wealth, his wisdom is also attested, and so it is written that “He spoke three thousand (3,000) proverbs and his songs were one thousand and five” (1 Kings 4:32). His books such as Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Solomon authenticates the wisdom and mental prowess which God gave him. And this man was borne by no other but by a woman called Bathsheba who became David’s wife after he committed “adultery” with her and killing her husband (Uriah).
  380. In our own humanistic judgment, we may have THOUGHT and WISHED that such a person will not be born in such a circumstance, but he should have been born by PARENTS who were legally married and who have not committed “adultery.” And one thing we must know is the fact that if Bathsheba and Uriah were living together, they may have given birth to CHILDREN, but there is no possibility that they would have given birth to Solomon.
  382. For example, I am who I am because my parents (father and mother) came together in cohabitation. If my father had married another woman who is different from my current mother, then I wouldn’t have been born, but what will happen is that they will give birth to another CHILD who is different from me. In other words, it means that if my father marries a different woman, he may have a child with her, but that CHILD will be different from me because that CHILD cannot have the same character trait like me. The point that I am trying to establish here is that, you cannot be born just by any parent.
  384. So let us accept who we are and be THANKFUL to God who turns “ALL THINGS” to work for our “GOOD” no matter our situation and circumstances. We must not be like those who think they were born by WRONG parents, or they were born in a WRONG environment, or they didn’t choose the RIGHT aspiration, course, programme, or job in life. But we should be the people of “FAITH” who believe in God who turns “ALL THINGS” for our “GOOD” for the sake of His “RIGHTEOUSNESS.”
  386. Our study continues.................
  392. Eric Aboadwe
  393. March 2 ·
  397. We have so far seen to a greater extent how the birth of Solomon by Bathsheba serves as an example of how God turned “ALL THINGS” to work together for the “GOOD” of King David who fathered Solomon after he suffered a great deal of sorrow and distress when the first CHILD he had with Bathsheba was killed by God Himself.
  399. But God TURNED the birth of the second CHILD (Solomon) as a “BLESSING” for not only King David, but for Bathsheba, Israel and for the whole of mankind to whom has been given the “Word” of God which includes the Books of Solomon (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Songs of Solomon). These Books are called “Wisdom Books” because they were written by the most WISEST and powerful King ever on our planet.
  401. And even though all his Books are full of WISE sayings, the “Songs of Solomon” in particular is a Book which reveals the “mystery” of God’s everlasting “LOVE” for humans who are also just like the “Shulamite” woman who appears in Solomon’s narrative (Songs of Solomon 1:1-17). This “Shulamite” woman was very “dark,” and this speaks about how we have also been darkened by the SINS of the “disobedient” of Adam.
  403. However, God in His unilateral “LOVE” to us through the “obedience” of JESUS CHRIST (Romans 5:19) has turned our “dark” SINFUL bodies as “Sons of LIGHT” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). The Apostle Peter expressed this benevolent act of God perfectly when he said, “...Who called you out of DARKNESS into His marvellous LIGHT” (1 Peter 2:9).
  405. But many pastors, false prophets, and theologians who read the “Word” of God with CANAL minds have misinterpreted the “Songs of Solomon” as a Book of Romantic LOVE (exciting sexual LOVE). And based on this, they have written volumes of books about how Christians couples can make a romantic love in bed. But this Book teaches about the “mystery” of God’s unconditional “LOVE” for SINFUL creatures like us and not sexual love or romance. Time will not permit us to go into this “mystery” hidden in “Songs of Solomon.”
  407. God did indeed turned “ALL THINGS” to work together for “GOOD” to King David, but he was not the only one who benefited from this act of God, but everything also turned out for the “GOOD” for both Solomon and Bathsheba as well. As for Solomon, we have already seen how God turned “ALL THINGS” for his “GOOD” when the LORD blessed him with wisdom, understanding, riches, and honor. But what about Bathsheba his mother?
  409. Concerning Bathsheba, we must understand that God turned “ALL THINGS” for her “GOOD” as well because she became the Queen-Mother in the whole land of Israel. Formerly she was the husband of an ordinary Soldier called Uriah. And even though David IMPREGNATED her and “KILLED” her husband, God made the PAST to be gone, and He begun to do NEW things which turned “ALL THINGS” to work for her “GOOD.” Due to this, she received the honor as the Queen-Mother in the entire Land of Israel when her own son “Solomon” became a very POWERFUL King in wisdom and understanding, and also the richest man on Earth.
  411. There was no way for Bathsheba to have obtained this honor if she had been the wife of Uriah. And this is what we mean by God turns “ALL THINGS” for “GOOD.” But I keep on saying that this does not mean we should follow the footstep of David in the same act of cruelty and expect God to also turn “ALL THINGS” for our “GOOD?” We must understand that we all have different area of WEAKNESSES, but the baptism, the blood and the resurrection of JESUS has solved every problem of our SINS for us.
  413. It is not on purpose (in an intentional manner). Our study focuses on the internal or external “TEMPTATION” of the believer who sometimes yield to the WEAKNESSES of his/her FLESH. But the reason why God TURNS these things for our “GOOD” is because He does not want us to be trapped by the devil for the sake of our WEAKNESSES. And this is all because He is our “STRENGTH.”
  415. But one may also ASK in a sub-question: “After God turned ALL THINGS to work for the GOOD, why did Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines? Was he really WISE?” These are some of the SUB-QUESTIONS which I have been talking about that sometimes they may appear in our studies and we cannot simply overlook them because it will leave some QUESTIONS unanswered.
  417. We will look at this in our next study by the “GRACE” of God, and we will go deeper to unveil some hidden truths about this act of Solomon, and how so many Christians are doing the same thing without knowing it. But they keep on pointing their single fingers on Solomon whiles their remaining four fingers points back towards them in opposite direction against themselves.
  419. We will dive into that QUESTION tomorrow if God permits.
  421. Our study continues..................
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