
chad day3 nov20

Nov 5th, 2020
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  1. 734 kubectl label deployment rolling-nginx state=demo
  2. 735 kubectl get deployments --show-labels
  3. 736 kubectl get deployments --selector app=nginx3
  4. 737 kubectl get all --selector app=nginx3
  5. 738 kubectl delete pod nginx3-7959df46c9-mskz6
  6. 739 kubectl get all --selector app=nginx3
  7. 740 kubectl create deployment nginx4 --image=nginx
  8. 741 kubectl describe deployments.apps nginx
  9. 742 kubectl describe pod nginx4-5cf4f4bcc6-w4gvs
  10. 743 kubectl get all --selector app=nginx4
  11. 744 kubectl scale deployment nginx4 --replicas=3
  12. 745 kubectl get all --selector app=nginx4
  13. 746 kubectl label pod nginx4-5cf4f4bcc6-w4gvs app-
  14. 747 kubectl get pods | grep nginx4
  15. 748 kubectl run --image=nginx nginxpod
  16. 749 kubectl get pods nginxpod --show-label
  17. 750 kubectl get pods nginxpod --show-labels
  18. 751 kubectl get pods --show-labels | grep run
  19. 752 history
  20. 753 kubectl expose deployment nginx4
  21. 754 kubectl expose deployment nginx4 --port=80
  22. 755 kubectl get svc
  23. 756 kubectl describe svc nginx4
  24. 757 kubectl create deployment nginxsvc --image=nginx --replicas=3
  25. 758 kubectl expose deployment nginxsvc --port=80
  26. 759 kubectl describe svc nginxsvc
  27. 760 kubectl get svc nginx -o=yaml
  28. 761 kubectl get svc nginxsvc -o=yaml
  29. 762 kubectl get endpoints
  30. 763 kubectl get svc
  31. 764 minikube ssh
  32. 765 curl
  33. 766 kubectl edit svc nginxsvc
  34. 767 kubectl get svc
  35. 768 curl http://$(minikube ip):32000
  36. 769 vim service.yaml
  37. 770 kubectl expose deployment nginxsvc --port=80 --dry-run=client -o=yaml
  38. 771 history
  39. 772 kubectl get pods
  40. 773 kubectl get pods | grep usy
  41. 774 kubectl get svc
  42. 775 kubectl exec -it busybox2 -- nslookup nginx4
  43. 776 kubectl exec -it busybox2 -- cat /etc/resolv.conf
  44. 777 kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide
  45. 778 minikube addons list
  46. 779 minikube addons enable ingress
  47. 780 minikube addons enable ingress-dns
  48. 781 kubectl get deployment
  49. 782 kubectl get svc nginxsvc
  50. 783 curl http://$(minikube ip):32000
  51. 784 vim nginxsvc-ingress.yaml
  52. 785 kubectl apply -f nginxsvc-ingress.yaml
  53. 786 vim nginxsvc-ingress.yaml
  54. 787 kubectl get ingress
  55. 788 minikube ip
  56. 789 curl
  57. 790 kubectl describe ingress nginxsvc-ingress
  58. 791 kubectl edit svc nginxsvc
  59. 792 kubectl get svc
  60. 793 vim nginxsvc-ingress.yaml
  61. 794 curl
  62. 795 ./countdown 12
  63. 796 vim morevolumes.yaml
  64. 797 kubectl create -f morevolumes.yaml
  65. 798 kubectl get pods morevol2
  66. 799 kubectl describe pods morevol2
  67. 800 kubectl exec -it morevol2 -c centos1 -- touch /centos1/test
  68. 801 kubectl exec -it morevol2 -c centos2 -- ls /centos2
  69. 802 kubectl explain pod.spec.volumes
  70. 803 kubectl explain pod.spec.volumes | less
  71. 804 kubectl explain pod.spec.volumes.emptydir | less
  72. 805 kubectl explain pod.spec.volumes.emptyDir | less
  73. 806 vim morevolumes.yaml
  74. 807 kubectl explain pv.spec
  75. 808 | less
  76. 809 kubectl explain pv.spec | less
  77. 810 ls
  78. 811 vim pv.yaml
  79. 812 kubectl create -f pv.yaml
  80. 813 vim pvc.yaml
  81. 814 kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
  82. 815 kubectl get pv pvc
  83. 816 kubectl get pv
  84. 817 kubectl get pvc
  85. 818 vim pv-pod.yaml
  86. 819 kubectl create -f pv-pod.yaml
  87. 820 kubectl describe pod pv-pod
  88. 821 kubectl describe pvc pv-claim
  89. 822 kubectl describe pv pvc-ed3752e9-66dd-4f8d-8471-3d9d6d53bd7c
  90. 823 kubectl describe pv pv-volume
  91. 824 ./countdown 13
  92. 825 ls
  93. 826 vim nfs-pv.yaml
  94. 827 kubectl create -f nfs-pv.yaml
  95. 828 vim nfs-pvc.yaml
  96. 829 kubectl create -f nfs-pvc.yaml
  97. 830 vim nfs-pv-pod.yaml
  98. 831 kubectl create -f nfs-pv-pod.yaml
  99. 832 vim variables
  100. 833 kubectl create cm variables --from-env-file=variables
  101. 834 kubectl describe cm variables
  102. 835 vim cm-test-pod.yaml
  103. 836 kubectl create -f cm-test-pod.yaml
  104. 837 kubectl logs po/test
  105. 838 kubectl logs po/test1
  106. 839 kubectl create cm morevars --from-literal=VAR3=bybye --from-literal=VAR4=moon
  107. 840 kubectl get cm/morevars
  108. 841 kubectl get cm/morevars -o yamk
  109. 842 kubectl get cm/morevars -o yaml
  110. 843 kubectl describe cm morevars
  111. 844 cp cm-test-pod.yaml cm-test2-pod.yaml
  112. 845 vim cm-test2-pod.yaml
  113. 846 kubectl create -f cm-test2-pod.yaml
  114. 847 kubectl logs po test2
  115. 848 kubectl logs test2
  116. 849 kubectl get pods | grep test
  117. 850 cat cm-test-pod.yaml
  118. 851 cat cm-test2-pod.yaml
  119. 852 minikube ssh
  120. 853 kubectl get pods | grep test
  121. 854 kubectl delete all --all
  122. 855 vim nginx-custom-config.conf
  123. 856 kubectl create cm nginx-cm --from-file nginx-custom-config.conf
  124. 857 kubectl get cm nginx-cm -o yaml
  125. 858 vim nginx-cm.yml
  126. 859 kubectl get cm nginx-cm -o yaml
  127. 860 kubectl create -f nginx-cm.yml
  128. 861 kubectl get pods
  129. 862 history -w
  130. 863 sudo reboot
  131. 864 source <(kubectl completion bash)
  132. 865 kubectl create secret generic my-secret --my-file=ssh-private-key=/home/student/.ssh/id_rsa --from-literal=passphrase=password
  133. 866 kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file=ssh-private-key=/home/student/.ssh/id_rsa --from-literal=passphrase=password
  134. 867 ssh-keygen
  135. 868 kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file=ssh-private-key=/home/student/.ssh/id_rsa --from-literal=passphrase=password
  136. 869 kubectl describe secrets my-secret
  137. 870 kubectl get secret my-secret -o yaml | less
  138. 871 echo cGFzc3dvcmQ= | base64 -d
  139. 872 vim pod-secret.yaml
  140. 873 kubectl create secret generic secretstuff --from-literal=password=password --from-literal=user=linda
  141. 874 vim pod-secret
  142. 875 vim pod-secret.yaml
  143. 876 kubectl create -f pod-secret.yaml
  144. 877 kubectl get pods
  145. 878 minikube ssh
  146. 879 kubectl create -f pod-secret.yaml
  147. 880 kubectl delete -f pod-secret
  148. 881 kubectl delete -f pod-secret.yaml
  149. 882 kubectl create -f pod-secret.yaml
  150. 883 kubectl get pods
  151. 884 kubectl describe pod secretbox2
  152. 885 kubectl exec -it secretbox2 -- /bin/sh
  153. 886 kubectl create secret generic mysql --from-literal=password=root
  154. 887 kubectl get secrets mysql -o yaml
  155. 888 vim pod-secret-as-var.yaml
  156. 889 minikube ssh
  157. 890 vim pod-secret-as-var.yaml
  158. 891 kubectl create -f pod-secret-as-var.yaml
  159. 892 kubectl get pods
  160. 893 kubectl exec -it mymysql -- /bin/bash
  161. 894 kubectl get pods mymysql -o yaml | grep -i servicea
  162. 895 vim mypod.yaml
  163. 896 kubectl apply -f mypod.yaml
  164. 897 kubectl get pods
  165. 898 kubectl edit nginx-cm
  166. 899 history
  167. 900 kubectl delete -f mypod.yaml
  168. 901 vim mypod.yaml
  169. 902 kubectl apply -f mypod.yaml
  170. 903 kubectl get pods
  171. 904 kubectl get pods busybox -o yaml | less
  172. 905 kubectl exec -it busybox -- sh
  173. 906 cd ..
  174. 907 ls
  175. 908 vim mysa.yaml
  176. 909 kubectl apply -f mysa.yaml
  177. 910 vim list-pods.yaml
  178. 911 kubectl create -f list-pods.yaml
  179. 912 vim list-pods-mysa-binding.yaml
  180. 913 vim mysapod.yaml
  181. 914 kubectl create -f mysapod.yaml
  182. 915 kubectl get pods
  183. 916 kubectl exec -it mysapod -- sh
  184. 917 history
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