
What if the world forgot how to have sex

Jul 9th, 2020
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  2. 2020: The world is ravaged by the Covid-19 virus for the first time. National governments of several developed countries don’t take the threat seriously and fail to act in a timely fashion to contain the spread. As a result, life saving equipment isn’t manufactured fast enough, and quickly becomes unavailable to underdeveloped countries. The virus rips through the third world at an unprecedented pace, devastating populations. An estimated 2 billion people contract the virus and with a fatality rate of 3% it leaves over 60 million dead before the hot months of summer and an eventual vaccine halt its progress. Those that recover develop permanent lung damage and reduced lung capacity.
  4. 2021: Thought to be a one time pandemic, Covid-19 returns like influenza with a slightly different strain. Last year’s vaccine no longer works, and with a quarter of the world’s population weakened by the virus the previous year, the fatality rate skyrockets to 15%. Governments of the world try their best to mitigate the spread with some even declaring martial law, but still over a quarter of a billion people die.
  6. 2022-2030: Covid-19 becomes a recurring disease, coming back every year with new strains just like the flu. Each time it comes back the symptoms are more severe and it lasts longer. By the end of the decade it is present year round despite efforts to curtail it. Bans on social gatherings turn into laws. Live concerts and conventions are a thing if the past. Universities and schools become ghost towns as education shifts to streamed lectures. Parks and beaches are eerily empty as people become afraid to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. The world’s population is halved in just ten short years.
  8. 2030: In a drastic move, seen as unconstitutional to many, the US President signs a law forbidding any and all interpersonal contact. No longer are handshakes, hugs, or kisses allowed. People can be arrested simply for touching one another. The only exception is sex strictly for reproductive purposes only between married couples to ensure birth rate doesn’t plummet. Riots erupt when the government begins to install cameras in people’s homes to enforce the new law. The riots cause an uncontrollable outbreak that decimates the US populace. Those that survive reluctantly agree that the new laws and surveillance are a necessary evil.
  10. 2032: Advances in reproductive sciences allows for affordable and widely available artificial insemination. Additional laws are passed requiring this method for all future pregnancies. The government actively discourages people from having sex, starting a campaign reminiscent of Fahrenheit 451. Pornography is banned and destroyed. The internet is scoured of all adult websites. Movies, TV shows, video games, and even books that portray sex in any form are destroyed. Talk of sex becomes illegal and could get you arrested. New drugs are developed to severely dampen one’s libido and are secretly introduced into public water supplies.
  12. 2038: The non-contact anti-sex laws and the severely reduced population of the US begin to have a noticeable effect on the spread of the virus. The number of deaths finally starts to decline. However, intimacy is now a thing of the past. Friends and couples have not been able to touch one another for nearly a decade. The rest of the world sees the success of the extreme US policies and implements then in their own countries.
  14. 2050: Covid-19 is finally wiped out, and the WHO officially declares the pandemic over, yet civilization has changed drastically. An entire generation has grown up having absolutely no knowledge of sex, what it’s for, or how it’s done. Only urban legends of some archaic method of conceiving children that is rarely spoken about.
  16. Maxine Lawrence, one of the first of the artificially conceived generation turned 18 earlier this year. She’s never seen pornography, never had sex education, never felt horny or masturbated, and doesn’t understand what a penis or vagina is really for. She hasn’t even been hugged or felt another person’s touch. With the virus now extinct, the government decides to repeal all of the non-contact and anti-sex laws. The libido suppressing drugs are removed from public water supplies to now encourage repopulation of a world that has been reduced to nearly 1% of what it was just 30 years ago. For the first time in her life, Maxine feels horny, but has no clue what to do about it.
  18. * * *
  20. Hello all! Thank you for reading my prompt! I hope you enjoyed my twist on the current pandemic whether you’re quarantined or not. I’ve had this idea floating around in my head about a world where people forgot how to have sex, and this pandemic gave me a means to come up with a backstory for how that happened. I hope it’s not too far fetched, and I hope it wasn’t too boring. Anyways, I want to play out a scenario in this world where two people have sex for the very first time and legitimately have no idea what to do with each other. This is open to males, females, males playing females, and females playing males, although I have a preference for women.
  22. I’ll be playing Maxine, and your character is up for discussion as well as what our scenario would be. Are we two best friends who decide to do a little experimenting? Does Maxine have a boyfriend/girlfriend that she’s never been able to touch until now? I’d prefer to do something where our characters are already comfortable with each other. Let me know who you want your character to be in your message to me.
  24. Despite the quarantine giving many people extra free time, my life is still business as usual, so I can’t just sit and write all day long. I try to write lengthy, detailed responses though, so I typically only do one or two a day unless I’m not very busy. I’m looking for partners who like slow burns and long term arrangements. Sometimes I get really swamped with IRL stuff, and might need a break for a day or two, and if I need longer I’ll try to let you know. Also, I only RP via Reddit PM’s. So for those of you who are interested, please send me an envelope.
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