

Jul 28th, 2011
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  1. <Shikari> so jous-nbook
  2. <Shikari> why aren't you on Red Fraction yet?
  3. <Jous-Nbook> cuz red faction sucks and its a stupid idea to revive the comunity because the main idea was to make new player friendly and the resurection of red fraction is a dumb idea because there is no new player going to join it
  4. <Shikari> so many h9tred in this comment I even shat my pantaloons
  5. <Elda|working> No Hating plz !!
  6. <Jous-Nbook> like its just rebirth thinking he needs to solve the problem which is totaly not needed because reviving red fraction is just a dumb idea which will split comunitys more in the end
  7. <Jous-Nbook> like look at the talking that has actually been going on the forum there is almost nothing in the stepmania/ffr section and why is that
  8. <Jous-Nbook> because red fraction will not survive stepmania
  9. <Jous-Nbook> and I'm not going to suport something I know for sure will fail
  10. <Jous-Nbook> cuz I'm a dick
  11. <Jous-Nbook> like even the IRC is dead of rf
  12. <Shikari> [17:44] Jous-Nbook because red fraction will not survive stepmania
  13. <Jous-Nbook> cuz no one cares
  14. <Shikari> I disagree in this.
  15. <Shikari> Before I explain why, let's take a look at the IRC topic.
  16. <Shikari> G-Dude said something aobut the IRC
  17. <Shikari> It was that creating an IRC channel just for RF would split everything even more
  18. <Shikari> so, let's all use #kbo, since a good part of prolific players/stepauthors are there.
  19. <Shikari> Now, here's why I disagree:
  20. <Jous-Nbook> Shikari ffr is dying no one new joins, other comunity's are dying and if you can make look fun for new people they will join, why would a person join red fraction
  21. <Jous-Nbook> tell me why
  22. <Jous-Nbook> why would a new person join red fraction
  23. <Shikari> Because it's a new community. We tried to make our new "home", but turned out it wasn't a good idea.
  24. <Shikari> 5 members online, one thousand guests
  25. <Jous-Nbook> its not a new community
  26. <Shikari> let me finish.,
  27. <Shikari> hold your horses, my good friend.
  28. <Jous-Nbook> its an revived comunity with only members from ffr
  29. <Jous-Nbook> no one is new
  31. <Shikari> now, proceeding
  32. <Shikari> it is a new communtyi in my opinion. Only people from FFR noins because "thw word wasn't spread yet", only people around FFR knows about it
  33. <Razor> lol like 1% of the userbase is from FFR
  34. <Elda|working> lol
  35. <Shikari> as I said, it's like known for everybody that is more of a database than a community
  36. <Razor> is ded
  37. <Jous-Nbook> thats because no one helps build up
  38. <Shikari> hence why the quantity of guests online is far, far, FAR superior than the quantity of registered memebrs online
  39. <Razor> because no one cares to. hence why its dead
  40. <Shikari> members*
  41. <Jous-Nbook> even freem thinks reviving red fraction is a stupid idea
  42. <Shikari> I was trying something at, along with Staiain
  43. <Shikari> we tried to gather a few members from other communities there, but it wasn't effective
  44. <Shikari> brb my toe is bleeding
  45. <Jous-Nbook> the community needs to be build up from the ground
  46. <Jous-Nbook> and seeing that everyone is so AGAINST using and instead all hangs around ffr saying people on hate them
  47. <Jous-Nbook> even tough is dead so there is no one to hate them
  48. <Jous-Nbook> so its just bullshit
  49. <Jous-Nbook> so then rebirth comes along think its up to him to solve it and revives red fraction
  50. <Jous-Nbook> which is in my opinion a stupid idea
  51. <Jous-Nbook> it will not help stepmania nor
  52. <Razor> why would RF want to help rofl
  53. <Shikari> wait
  54. <Shikari> [17:53] Jous-Nbook and seeing that everyone is so AGAINST using and instead all hangs around ffr saying people on hate them
  55. <Jous-Nbook> it will just be another comunity like ffr,kbo,ts,pumphaven and a load of other comunities
  56. <Shikari> it's not like people are AGAINST using as a community
  57. <Razor> you act as if we revived RF with the intention to "revive" the SM community or w/e
  58. <Jous-Nbook> thats not what I have seen
  59. <Shikari> I would use it easily, I even tried it
  60. <Jous-Nbook> the main goal of the topic was to revive stepmania
  61. <Mai>
  62. <Elda|working> *clicks*
  63. <Razor> shikari r u admin on SM
  64. <Shikari> super mod
  65. <Jous-Nbook> so Razor your sating red fraction has actually nothing to do with with that topic
  66. <Shikari> me and Staiain
  67. <Jous-Nbook> then why did rebirth post it in that topic
  68. <Shikari> because, when we had our "stepmania revival" utopia, we tried to use as a start
  69. <Razor> we had thoughts of reviving RF way before that topic
  70. <Jous-Nbook> while saying I think I have a solution to this. try
  71. <Elda|working> *clicks*
  72. <Shikari> we even tried to organize packs there
  73. * Yuyuko-sama (Saigyouzi@643d66.1de7af.8b9dcd.f12ecf) has joined #keysmash
  74. <Elda|working> hurro Yuyuko-sama !!
  75. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Yuyuko-sama
  76. <Jous-Nbook> Shikari think about this
  77. <Jous-Nbook> redfraction revives 90+ people join
  78. <Razor> shikari, with super mod status, you wouldnt have been able to do stuff lol
  79. <Elda|working> lol
  80. <Jous-Nbook> we talk about reviving because its dead
  81. <Jous-Nbook> no fuck gives a fuck
  82. <Shikari> razor, that's why admins were collabing with me and Staiain
  83. <Jous-Nbook> and because of that stepmania will die
  84. <Shikari> jous, hold down
  85. <Razor> you're implying that the 90-100 people who still frequently play SM
  86. <Razor> are the entire SM community rofl
  87. <Jous-Nbook> no
  88. <Shikari> Rebirth posted "try redfraction" on that topic solely because using an already existing community ( wasn't a good idea
  89. <Razor> exactly
  90. <Shikari> so, let's use a fresh community (fuck the name, we are talking about the website itself) and let people join it
  91. <Jous-Nbook> it wont work
  92. <Shikari> you could try, man
  93. <Jous-Nbook> ask the admins of ssc
  94. <Mai> lol
  95. <Elda|working> lol
  96. <Razor> lol
  97. <Elda|working> lol
  98. <Shikari> I was thinking about it
  99. <Mai> lol
  100. <Elda|working> lol
  101. <Razor> wow
  102. <Razor> this conversation is lol
  103. <Elda|working> lol
  104. <Shikari> to acutally have a conversation with freem, even shakesoda
  105. <Shikari> AGAIN
  106. <Jous-Nbook> I had a talk with them and they were also like that reviving red fraction is bullshit
  107. <Jous-Nbook> and I talk with them daily because I'm in their private irc channel
  108. <Jous-Nbook> thats for ssc devolpers
  109. <Razor> well why dont they actually do shit to revive their site
  110. <Razor> instead of saying RF is bullshit
  111. <Jous-Nbook> they tried lol
  112. <Elda|working> lol
  113. <Razor> sounds 2 me like jealousy is arising
  114. <Jous-Nbook> many times
  115. <Shikari> see, Jous?
  116. <Jous-Nbook> but no one gives a flaming fuck about
  117. <Shikari> they tried to revive, yet they fail
  119. <Shikari> because seems like, in players' mind, is only a database
  120. <Jous-Nbook> because no one CARES about
  121. <Shikari> for software downloading
  122. <Elda|working> motherfuckingdownload !!
  123. <Jous-Nbook> osu has an active forum
  124. <Razor> because people look @ as a database
  125. <Razor> not as a community
  126. <Shikari> so what did they do to make people care about
  127. <Jous-Nbook> even frets of fire had an active forum
  128. <Jous-Nbook> before it died because everyone stopped playing
  129. <Jous-Nbook> even other games have active forums before they died
  130. <Shikari> from the beginning, Stepmania had separated communities all over the internet
  131. <Shikari> why? I don't know, but it's true
  132. <Jous-Nbook> no
  133. <Shikari> why not?
  134. <Jous-Nbook> it happend when ffr came
  135. <Jous-Nbook> ffr came it was an open comunity and almost anyone could make a file and put it in this flash game
  136. <Jous-Nbook> + it had multi player and chat and everything so people could play together and talk and have fun
  137. <Jous-Nbook> and the database so everyone move to that
  138. <Jous-Nbook> but what happend now is
  139. <Jous-Nbook> everyone became elite
  140. <Jous-Nbook> and herp derp QUALITY STEPPING
  141. <Shikari> oh, elitism
  142. <Shikari> I was waiting for it
  143. <Shikari> seriously
  144. <Jous-Nbook> so people join and are like I made this file can you try it
  145. <Jous-Nbook> IT SUCKS
  146. <Jous-Nbook> ITS BAD
  147. <Jous-Nbook> U SUCK
  148. <Jous-Nbook> HERP DERP SO BAD
  149. <Jous-Nbook> sm died
  150. <Jous-Nbook> the end
  151. <Jous-Nbook> GAME OVER
  152. <Shikari> you didn't see FFR summer pack thread, did you?
  153. <Jous-Nbook> thats because people are desperatly trying to revive stepmania but they just wont change
  154. <Shikari> Gundam-Dude pretty much accept EVERY file for it
  155. <Jous-Nbook> its still the same shit
  156. <Shikari> and he used to be elitist as shit
  157. <Jous-Nbook> no one wants to use for some stupid reason
  158. <Shikari> you are not seeing this specific reason, Jous
  159. <Jous-Nbook> but they are desprate trying to revive stepmania by accepting everyfile
  160. <Jous-Nbook> so people will be like THIS PACK SUCK
  161. <Shikari> SM always had separated communities, because it has separated "play styles"
  163. <Jous-Nbook> the so called elits will get sick of these packs
  164. <Jous-Nbook> and will retire
  165. <Jous-Nbook> and quit
  166. <Jous-Nbook> and thats whats happening right now
  167. <Shikari> my God, jous, WAIT A SECOND
  168. <Shikari> fuck
  169. <Jous-Nbook> and forking sm again to a new comunity will only make it worse
  170. <Shikari> so what's the solution?
  171. <Shikari> gather everyone in
  172. <Jous-Nbook> but then again if ffr dies can rebuild
  173. <Razor> lol
  174. <Shikari> ok
  175. <Elda|working> lol
  176. <Shikari> this is the solution
  177. <Shikari> let's gather every Stepmania player in
  178. <Jous-Nbook> there are still active piu comunities out there so
  179. <Jous-Nbook> and other comunities
  180. <Jous-Nbook> the funny thingis
  181. <Jous-Nbook> if ffr dies and most people retire
  182. <Razor> shikari, lets not.
  183. <Jous-Nbook> it wont effect me
  184. <Shikari> Razor, wait.
  185. <Jous-Nbook> cuz I make noteskins and there are a load of other comunites out there
  186. <Jous-Nbook> like that korean one
  187. <Shikari> if the solution seems to be rebuilding, ok
  188. <Shikari> let's give it a try
  189. <Shikari> a, let's say, 6 months try
  190. <Shikari> time enough, isn't it?
  191. <Jous-Nbook> and polish, german, brazilian and load of others so
  192. <Razor> lol youre on your own if thats what you want
  193. <Elda|working> lol
  194. <Shikari> BRAZILIAN?!
  195. <Shikari> HAHAHAHAHA
  196. <Razor> ill sit back and watch u all fail
  197. <Jous-Nbook> load of brazilian
  198. <Shikari> There is NO Stepmania community in here
  199. <Shikari> I'm tellin' ya
  200. <Jous-Nbook> u think so
  201. <Shikari> NO stepmania community
  202. <Shikari> I think so.
  203. <Razor> I know so*
  204. <Shikari> Fuck, I tried to find stepmania players online for almost FOUR years, Jous
  205. <Shikari> I found like... 10?
  206. <Jous-Nbook>
  207. <Elda|working> *clicks*
  208. <Jous-Nbook> they use stepmania but play PIU
  209. <Shikari> of course
  210. <Shikari> Brazilians only care about PiU
  211. <Jous-Nbook> most brazilian switched over to PIU because ddr is so dead
  212. <Shikari> 4k? 6k? They don't give a single shit, let alone a fuck.
  213. <Shikari> lol dead
  214. <Jous-Nbook> only the japs still care about ddr
  215. <Elda|working> lol
  216. <Razor> lol
  217. <Elda|working> lol
  218. <Jous-Nbook> cuz it originated from jap
  219. <Shikari> 4k always had activity
  220. <Shikari> especially now, after the ITG boom
  221. <Shikari> Brazilians only care about PiU because they only know it
  222. <Shikari> if they got to know SM, we would have more players
  223. <Jous-Nbook> ever heard of stepmania amx
  224. <Shikari> no
  225. <Shikari> anyway, I'll be back later, got house shit to do
  226. <Shikari> kissus
  227. <Jous-Nbook> its an modivied version of stepmania 3.9 for piu
  228. * Shikari has quit (Quit: cya nigs)
  229. <Jous-Nbook> he left
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