

Aug 18th, 2011
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  1. [QUOTE=Idnlr]Greater good my tail.
  2. --
  3. Your attitude isn't appreciated. If your topics have "valid points and valid suggestions and valid discussion value", why don't you start acting like it and actually try to contribute to the community? Whining and complaining doesn't help the community at all; it only presents new problems, and doesn't fix the concerns that you are worried about. Not a bit of good is coming from these pointless, inane threads.
  5. I've been trying long enough to get you on the right tracks now, but you clearly haven't gotten the message. The forums aren't your personal complaint bin: nowhere in the forums does it say "Please feel free to post a topic about any complaints you might have about the game". Either keep your comments to yourself, or actually come up with a few possible solutions to the problems you present to us. If you really want to work for the "greater good", you'd be doing that, not posting "Maps on the game suck" topics.[/QUOTE]
  7. Contribute to the community? Is that topic about infinite cheese what you think of as a "contribution to the community"? I'm only re-presenting existing problems, in a hope that my topics will actually do something. A bit of good [I]is[/I] coming. I've gotten some really good suggestions in my maps thread and I plan to email them to the devs (who knows if they read that, but whatever).
  9. If I want to work for the "greater good" and improve the game, what do you propose I do then, besides making topics about problems [I]in[/I] the game. I made these complaints hoping someone would see them and make or propose or implement a solution.
  11. I understand that you think all i'm doing is complaining, but there is a fine line between complaining and discussing the more negative aspects of the game.
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