
Handyman in Equestria CH 9

Jul 29th, 2013
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  1. >The afternoon passed by as expected.
  2. >The work gets done, you make serious headway on the table and chairs.
  3. >Some detailing and it'll be done.
  4. >The ponies who came to get their orders from yesterday expressed some interest in it.
  5. >You'd have relished the compliments any other day than this, however.
  6. >Being caught between two ponies in a romantic dilemma...
  7. >What would Mom say?
  8. >Probably tell you how your cousin was going to med school back on Earth...
  9. >Seriously, fuck Earth.
  10. >You glance at the clock. It was almost 8pm by now.
  11. >You head to the workbench to grab a cigarette.
  12. >The table really did look good. Despite your mood, it looked great.
  13. >Some of the designs needed some polish, but this was going to turn out well.
  14. >This was a good place to stop. You had somewhere you needed to be, anyway.
  15. >You needed a stiff drink and someone you could count on for advice.
  16. >Unfortunately, all you had was Barley at this hour. It'll do.
  17. >Bits, smokes, passport. Checks all around.
  18. >Exiting the shop, you are met with another of Equestria's cooling summer breezes.
  19. >It felt amazing. Even helping wash some of the stress from today's events.
  20. >You make your trek back to the city circle.
  21. >The tavern comes into view soon enough.
  22. >You open the door to the tavern, noticing the usual crowd and your favorite bartender.
  23. >”Hey! Good to see you stud! Come on in!”
  24. >You trundle to the bar and sit in the stool, plopping your cigarettes on the counter.
  25. >”So, how'd the concert go.”
  26. “Cider first, please.”
  27. >Barley's face goes straight.
  28. >”Sure thing, kid.”
  29. >He leaves to get your mug ready as you light another cigarette on the lamp.
  30. >”So how bad did you screw it up?”
  31. “Pretty bad, I think.”
  32. >Barley grows concerned in a hurry, placing a hoof on the counter in front of you.
  33. >”Anon. Tell me you didn't do something stupid with the princess last night.”
  34. “Not with Luna. Lyra.”
  35. >Barley pauses for a second, then throwing the bar rag over his shoulders.
  36. >”Lyra? That mare that used to play here back in the day? The one who played the concert?"
  37. “Yeah. Seems she's got a thing for me.”
  38. >Barley looks at you straight.
  39. >”Alright kid. Give me the whole story.”
  40. >You take a moment to explain the situation. Lyra coming to see you the other night, the date with Luna, Lyra running off, the whole nine yards.
  41. >Barley listens closely the entire time, switching between nodding and wincing when appropriate.
  42. >2 mugs of hard cider and 4 cigarettes later, your yarn is finished.
  43. >Barley takes a deep breathe before a smile comes across his face.
  44. >”I'm proud of you, kid.”
  45. >You snort into your mug.
  46. “Excuse me?”
  47. >”Well, you've been here a while now and I was starting to get worried about you. Always burying yourself in work and all that. That's usually not a good sign, especially for someone who came here out of the flippin' blue.”
  48. >You swirl your mug.
  49. >”I mean, it's just nice to see you have a little heart, too.”
  50. “Thanks, Barley. I'm just not sure what to do at this point.”
  51. >Barley heads down the counter, coming back with 2 fresh mugs.
  52. “Dude, I'm not really trying to get hammered tonight.”
  53. >”This one's for me, kid. Drink up.”
  54. >You smile heartily. This fucking guy...
  55. >”Kid. you know why me and Hops fight so much?”
  56. “Cause you can't remember to leave the seat down?”
  57. >Barley let's out a mighty laugh, raising his mug, inviting you for a toast.
  58. >”Cause she's worth it.”
  59. >You're about to take a swill before you pause.
  60. >”Between her mother, her nagging, asking me to lose weight, and hiding my personal stock of booze, it's all worth it.”
  61. >You proceed with your swill.
  62. >”I aint gonna tell you what to do at this point, kid. Ponies like to pretend they know everything these days.”
  63. >He downs the mug in one go. Color yourself impressed.
  64. >”... All I'll say is, think of the one that you wouldn't mind leaving the seat up for.”
  65. >He gives you a wink.
  66. >Seems you haven't given him enough credit. Fucking guy knows what he's talking about.
  67. >You pause, letting your cigarette reduce itself to ash.
  68. >Between the two...
  69. >The way you saw it, Lyra was fun, but Luna...
  70. >You polish off the mug with a rejuvenated spirit.
  71. “Thanks Barley. You'd be a man among men back on Earth.”
  72. >He responds to your compliment with a wide grin.
  73. >”Anytime, Anon.”
  74. >You figure that by now, you have a better idea of what needs to happen.
  75. >You check the clock. Close to midnight by now. Perfect.
  76. >Reaching into your pocket, you take out a fistful of bits, dropping them onto the counter.
  77. >Barley looks at you shocked.
  78. >Anon... 100 bits is a little much for some cider.
  79. “You got any more of that Chateaus Warmblood?”
  80. >Barley picks up the hint and motions for the bottle, placing it on the counter in front of you with a sly grin.
  81. >”You're 50 bits short.”
  82. “Bill me.”
  83. >You grab the bottle and your smokes.
  84. >”You got it, kid.”
  85. >Making for the door, you give Barley a wave.
  86. >Mental note. New stools for Barley for Hearth's Warming Eve.
  87. >You open the door. The cool night breeze seems a little more comfortable than when you started.
  88. >It only serves to feed your drive for what you plan to do.
  89. >First things first. You need that stone.
  90. >You walk back to the shop.
  91. >Not in joy or depression.
  92. >It's pure motivation. There was something that you needed to do tonight and you planned on getting it done.
  93. >You enter the shop and grab the stone from the cabinet, as well as a bag you typically used for groceries.
  94. >Placing the wine in the bag along with two wine glasses, you make for the door.
  95. >Anxiety is washing over you like a torrent. You were excited, but the knowledge that there was no going back still permeated you.
  96. >As you enter the city streets, you ponder the last week.
  97. >It was a serious deviation from the plan...
  98. >You were supposed to just work. Make some friends. See this fucking insane world. Grow old and die.
  99. >Funny how shit can change.
  100. >You walk the streets. That same blue glow begins to emit from the castle walls as you get closer, as if to invite you in.
  101. >There really was no going back.
  102. >Before long, you find yourself in familiar territory. The castle gardens.
  103. >You case the location, finding a bench close by and walking to it.
  104. >You place the bag of goodies behind you, doing your best to keep it from obvious sight.
  105. >Then, taking the stone in hand, you bring it to your mouth.
  106. “Luna. You there?”
  107. >Wait a minute...
  108. >There's the glow.
  109. >”Anonymous? Is that you?”
  110. “No, it's your conscience. You free?”
  111. >Another minute passes before the glow returns.
  112. >”Give me a moment.”
  113. >You pocket the stone and turn your attention to the balcony.
  114. >Luna eventually appears, taking notice of you and making her signature dive.
  115. >She flutters to your side, deft as ever.
  116. >Game time.
  117. >”It's good to see you, Anon. However, I didn't expect to see you so soon.”
  118. “I wanted to talk to you. You have a minute?”
  119. >She looks at you with a puzzled look before taking a seat on the bench next to you.
  120. >”I do. What did you want to discuss?”
  121. >You take a deep breathe before proceeding.
  122. >”It's about Lyra.”
  123. >Luna's expression shows a little more surprise.
  124. >”Oh?”
  125. “Yeah. I found out why she ran off like that.”
  126. >”And?”
  127. “Well... It seems she was upset that I took you on a date to her concert last night.”
  128. >She pulls back, widening her eyes and bringing a hoof to her mouth.
  129. >”Anon... I had no idea!”
  130. >You notice that a look of genuine concern is growing on her face.
  131. “Honestly. Neither did I. Remember that first song?”
  132. >She nods nervously.
  133. “Apparently she wrote it for me...”
  134. >You notice a sad expression from behind her hoof.
  135. >You're heart is racing like a fucking rabbit right now.
  136. >There is a pause. Your quick wit is unusually absent right now.
  137. >You turn your attention to Luna who catches your gaze.
  138. >She turns away, noticeably distraught.
  139. >”I understand, Anonymous. I wish you the best of luck...”
  140. >She jumps from the bench motioning to return to the balcony.
  141. >The fact that you were about to screw this up snaps you to action, reaching for the nearest hoof.
  142. >You snag her rear leg just as she begins liftoff.
  143. “Wait, Luna! I want to leave the seat up for you.”
  144. >...
  145. >God damnit...
  146. >Words. You try to remember your words.
  147. >She falls back to the ground, landing on her hooves.
  148. >She looks back at you with a look somewhere between”What the fuck” and...
  149. >It's actually all “what the fuck” right now.
  150. “I mean I want to leave your seat up!”
  151. >Son of a bitch.
  152. >A second passes by as you try and gain some composure and a little dignity.
  153. “J-just hear me out for a minute.”
  154. >You feel the tension leave Luna's leg, letting go and bringing yourself back to the bench.
  155. >Luna stares at you, her blue eyes glassy from tears yet to be shed.
  156. >You take a second to make sure the next bit doesn't sound so... idiotic.
  157. “What I'm trying to say is I want to keep seeing you.”
  158. >Luna's eyes widen sharply.
  159. “Lyra is a great friend, and she's important to me. She makes me laugh every time I see her.”
  160. >Luna remains stunned.
  161. “But you make me happy.”
  162. >She begins to walk over to you.
  163. “What I'm trying to say is...”
  164. >Out of nowhere, Luna lunges at you, wrapping her fore legs around your neck, pressing her lips firmly against yours.
  165. >The action leaves you stunned.
  166. >It's only from reflexes that you manage to keep yourself on the bench, laying back as she presses into the kiss.
  167. >Eventually, you drape your arms over Luna's back and head, your mind fogged in joyous ecstasy.
  168. >This was a hell of a turn of events.
  169. >You enjoy the feeling for a moment as Luna pulls back, staring at you.
  170. >Her large blue eyes draped in happy anxiety.
  171. >You take the hand from her head and fish around the bench for your bag.
  172. >Picking it up, the rustling of glass catches your ear.
  173. >It seems in all the commotion, you knocked the bag over, causing the glasses to shatter.
  174. >You grab the bottle alone and bring it up for Luna to view.
  175. “We need some glasses.”
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