

Nov 18th, 2012
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  1. Lucas- *kisses Flint's palm* ... Highmoon says: Flint:...*softens*
  2. Duster:...So no sign oft he owner of those boots.
  3. Kuma: Not yet, doesn't look like...
  4. Duster:...Should we look?
  5. Kuma: Bet we could get some answers out of whoever we find...
  6. Duster: Lets get to it then. They can't be far without boots.
  7. Flint:...Answers would be nice.
  8. Lucas- *wriggles a little. Flint still has his face in his hands*
  9. Flint: *pinches his nose and lets him go*
  10. Kuma: *starts off down the halls, looking for any sign of life*
  11. *there's someone out in the courtyard, if she checks there*
  12. Kuma: ...! Found someone... *peers over at them, trying to get a make of who it is*
  13. *The person is a woman, farily tall and heavy-built, with brown hair and round glasses. She's wearing a black coat and dress pants, and sandles. She's sitting on a rock and just sort of watching a patch of wildflowers near the fence. A single sunflower is head-and-shoulders over the rest of teh patch*
  14. Kuma: ...*steps out in the courtyard, approaching the woman* Hey! You!
  15. *She turns, looking startled, and gets up*
  16. Kuma: Now, c'mon, tell me what you're doing here.
  17. "You first. How did you find this place?"
  18. Kuma: Like it's hard. It's right fucking here. You the owner of a pair of muddy boots?
  19. "What's it to you?"
  20. Kuma: We were just pokin' around a room in the lab. You know, one with a big ol' journal in it. KNow anything about that?
  21. *she frowns and steps back a bit*
  22. Duster: *leans on a door, watching*
  23. Flint: *standing in door, arms folded*
  24. Kuma: I'll take that as a yes. *still approaching the woman* Why do you have that book? *she's starting to shake*
  25. "I..." *she looks around... no way out. damn* "It is... or.. was, I suppose... my journal..."
  26. Kuma: ...*runs at the woman now, grabbing her by the collar* You sick fucking bitch. You wrote that, didn't you?
  27. Flint: *growls* So you did that to my boys
  28. *She yelps, trying to pull away* "Ah...!! Let me go...!"
  29. Kuma: No. Shut the fuck up. *shake* How could you even do that?! What made you think that doing that... doing that to kids...!! What the FUCK is wrong with you?!
  30. "It was my job.....! I didn't have a choice...!"
  31. Flint: What kind of job kidnaps someone's /SONS/
  32. Kuma: *points at Lucas* Look at him. Fucking look at him, and tell me you were fucking justified in doing ANY of that. Look him in the goddamned eyes and tell him that you were just doing your job. I fucking dare you.
  33. Lucas- *he's hiding behind his father* nnn...
  34. *She swallows hard, still (weakly) trying to get away* "I...I didn't take them... they were brought to us... they...they would have died..."
  35. Kuma: You didn't have to torture them... *starting to cry now* You just stood there and watched... Don't fucking play this concern bullshit.
  36. Flint: *reaches down and pets Lucas' hair*...Three years. For /three/ years I thought my boys were gone. And you had them. You...all of you...
  37. *Squirm* "You should have seen the condition they were in... the little one was hanging by a thread, he was lucky whatever attacked him didn't rupture his organs or he would have died before we found him... We replaced his arm.."
  38. Lucas- *whimpers*
  39. Kuma: why the hell didn't you just fix them then?! Just fix them, and not turn them into little monsters?!
  40. "Those were our orders..."
  41. Flint: *looks at the building* you make Chimeras. That "thing" that could have got them? The thing I put down with a dagger made from its fang? It was a Chimera. *glares* Don't you /dare/ make this look like a happy accident on your and the Pigmasks part. You /made/ that thing. Who else could.
  42. Duster:...*looks at nails* Have to wonder how they responded so fast...must have watched your boys fighting and thought "hey lets watch them instead of being adults and saving them". But what do I know...wasn't there.
  43. "Ah..." *she looks scared, and some other enotions that are hard to read. She looks down.* "Look... I'm not as important as you think I am. I don't have any say over the projects..."
  44. Kuma: Fuck all that hierechy crap, okay? You're still a human being, aren't you?
  45. Flint: Who said you were important.
  46. Duster:...As we can tell Flint is pissed.
  47. "Ah... I did all I could to help them... I got them good food and safe quarters... toys and games... th...they were happy..."
  48. Kuma: They weren't happy until you forced them to be happy... *crying openly*
  49. Flint: Did they ever tell you they were happy.
  50. "They... they...seemed happy..." *still not looking up* "It was all i could do..."
  51. Flint: No one shackled you. You could have let them go. Open a door and walk away. What bonded you.
  52. Duster:...*pushes off the door*
  53. Kuma: He's right... Anything... anything would have been bettert than what you did...
  54. "I tried to help them... was my job..." *whimper*
  55. Kuma: Whatever. So fucking sick of trying to explain this to you.
  56. "Look, I wanted to save them... I did... but I was under king P's orders..."
  57. Kuma: King P can go fuck himnself.
  58. Flint: When the hell did he become a King. I've never heard of any other king than the one that used to live in the castle. But yes, as the gir said, We're tired trying to explian this to you. You don't have a single, independent thought in your head.
  59. Duster:....Like a sheep.
  60. Flint: No, sheep are smarter than this. They at least know to roll when on fire.
  61. *She flinches* "..."
  62. Flint: You could have done more. You just chose to hide behind some fake King and blame them for you not acting. You are at fault and you can't change that.
  63. "B-but... if we didn't step in..." *she trails off*
  64. Flint: If you never stepped in before even that, Chimeras wouldn't be a thing.
  65. "I didn't make that chimaera...." *weakly*
  66. Flint: Does it matter. You made others.
  67. Duster: If you people didn't start to fuck around, people wouldn't have gotten hurt.
  68. Kuma: ...Tell you what. We make a deal, and then you can fucking prance around pretending you're not a total piece of shit: Tell us everything you know about this kid and his brother. Anything else you know, too.
  69. "I... fine." *she pauses for a mement, gathering herself* "...They were brought in by a training flight... The little one had been partially vivsected by some wild animal, a-and his left arm was crushed... The older boy had a broken spine but was otherwise m-mostly intact..." *she looks very upset*
  70. Flint: *petting Lucas' hair*
  71. Kuma: Go on.
  72. "Th...the little one was in ICU for a while... Cl... ah... his brother was an easy fix, some surgery and the Rejuvination capsule took care of his injuries... we put him in a holding cell. We made a new arm for the younger boy, synthisized from his own DNA and Drago DNA... it was attached and he was Rejuvinated as well..."
  73. Flint: *pauses*
  74. Duster:.....Drago. /Seriously/
  75. Kuma: Kep talking.
  76. "Then... I was placed on another project for a while. I came back and... and they'd started the mental testing and... r...reprogramming... They were behaving like wild animals... They had their memories wiped... new behaviours trained... the little one was easier, his new DNA brought new instincts..." *whimper*
  77. Flint: You could have let them go before that. I could have had my boys back...*shaking*
  78. *tiny voice* "King P wanted his perfect matching toys..." *she sounded very angry when she said that*
  79. Kuma: *shakes her* WThese kids are not fucking TOYS!
  80. Flint: My sons. Are not. Bleeding, gotdang toys!
  81. "I Know! I know..."
  82. Flint: Yet you did /nothing/! What kind of example of a adult were you to them! What kind of woman allow this to happen and pretend their hands are tied!
  83. Kuma: What the fuck ever... just keep telling us more. Where the hell is that bastard?
  84. "I... nnhh..." *looks down* "...They tried to escape once, when their PSI manifested. The bigger boy... he amost killed a number of guards before he was tranquilized. The little one disabled the security system. They were caught again and p...punished..."
  85. Kuma: ... I'm not even going to fucking say anything to that. *but she gives her a shake anyway*
  86. Flint: *you can tell he's pissed. We all know this*
  87. Duster:...Continue.
  88. "They were... seperated from eachother as punishment..." *sounds sad*
  89. Duster: You lot are cruel. You know this, right?
  90. "...We started training them again after installing precautions against PSI... Claus asked me to go easy on his brother, and we did... his emotions were left mostly intact, and I told King P that it would be better because he was the support usnit, and he would be better at healing if he still had empathy..."
  91. Kuma: Is it possible to reverse what happened to Claus.
  92. Duster: I suggest you answer her.
  93. "I don't know... I... He had a lot of work done on him... he was... much different after, stern and humourless..."
  94. Flint: there a way to retrain him.
  95. "Maybe.... It would be hard.."
  96. Flint: *frown* Should be simple enough for you. You've done it before.
  97. Kuma: We heard he comes back here sometimes. How often, and why?
  98. *she motions at the little flowerbed, staying quiet*
  99. *looks over, remaining quiet*
  100. Duster:...So why are you here.
  101. "....Sometimes we talk..."
  102. Kuma: What about.
  103. "N...not much in particular... just things... he.. he likes to tell me about little things he's done... just simple things, like cleaning or a thing he's read..."
  104. Kuma: ...So how often are you here then?
  105. "Every few days..."
  106. Duster: Why. The new lab is in the City.
  107. "this place has a lot of memories..."
  108. Flint: My Sons had those too. Then they were taken.
  109. *flinch*
  110. "...King P won't be happy when he finds out you have one of his Commanders..."
  111. Kuma: Again, fuck him. We'll be taking back the other one, too. If he doesn't like it he can kiss my ass. We're coming for him.
  112. Duster:....*glances up*
  113. "The army is strong, and there are only four of you..."
  114. Kuma: You've got no idea what we're capable of. we've got one of their commanders now, and I know very well how deadly PSI is, thank you very much.
  115. Duster: Three of them can use Psi actually. *points to Kuma* Her *motions to Lucas* Him and finally...the really pissed off father there.
  116. *she eyes Flint warily*
  117. Flint: *just shakes his head, not even looking at her anymore*
  118. Duster: Tsk. He's now disappointed in you.
  119. Kuma: Why are you looking at him, anyway?
  120. *looks back at Kuma, nervous* "..."
  121. Kuma: What? Spit it out.
  122. "Nothing..."
  123. Kuma: You're thinking something. Don't hide things from me. *she tries to read her mind*
  124. *She's nervous, worrying about if she'll have to tell /everything/ she knows... some of it is...unpleasent at best and vomit-inducing at worst*
  125. Kuma: Spare us the gory details. Tell us what's important to getting Claus back and taking down this King P fucker.\
  126. "I..." *she swallows hard* "He's been looking for Lucas..."
  127. Flint: So you do know how to say their names. From the jounral it seemed you were incapable of that. *he hisses through gritted teeth*
  128. Kuma: He knows he's missing then. He'll have to come back here eventually. We'll take him back then and you WILL help us.
  129. "Wh... but what can I possibly do to help?"
  130. Duster: He talks with you. That's a start.
  131. Kuma: You helped program him. You can help unprogram him.
  132. "It's not that easy..."
  133. Flint: *muttering to himself now, trying to stay calm*
  134. Kuma: You won't be doing it alone. You know how this shit works better than we do. And he's gonna be a lot harder to reset than Lucas was.
  135. Duster: Resetting Lucas was a real trip *rolls eyes*
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