
Monk One-Shot pitch

Dec 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other.
  3. -Mat'hue, 6th head of the 24 chambers
  5. The monastery of the Golden Sun left behind it a legacy of admiration by many who walked the solitary life of the monk. The head of this order led a life of peace and tranquility, and his order protected an heirloom of the utmost importance; a text that was believed to hold the power to plunge the world into darkness. For years, his order kept it safe. However, a schism formed at the time of his passing.
  7. The son of the elder monk and his top trainee came to odds over how to best lead the order of the Golden Sun, and so the monastery split. The history of one of the grandest of all monk traditions came to an end, and with it, the text that was said to hold the world's fate fell into the shadows.
  9. Now, several monk schools have come together to send some of their brightest and most effective students in search of the lost item. They have gathered together with only one purpose: retrieve it, and stop it from bringing despair to the world of the living.
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Starting level: 11th
  15. Class: Monk
  17. One-shot adventure (Probably more than one session, but contained to a single adventure)
  19. Character description: Your character should be champion of their monastery (you can all be from the same one, all different, or mix and match, idc). You should be considered VERY VERY powerful by world standards.
  21. Class roles:
  23. 1) The Muscle: You may add your STR mod to your AC
  24. Tatoo: Charging Bull: Once per short rest, you may use your action and movement action to move up to your max movement x2. If you stop adjacent to a creature this way, you make an unarmed attack against it. On hit, you automatically crit, knock the creature prone, and inflict "Broken Back." Creatures with broken back are unable to use their movement to pick themselves up again. If this attack misses, you act as if it hits and roll damage as normal, knocking them prone.
  26. 2) The Spirit Guide: You may add your INT to your initiative roll
  27. Tatoo: Third-Eye Crane: Your third eye fully awakens. Once per short rest, you gain true-sight up to your standard vision range for 10 minutes. In addition, you can cast the following spell once during that 10 minutes:
  28. Flay
  29. Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  30. Range: Self (60 ft cone)
  31. Duration: 1 round
  32. Cost: 1 ki point per d6
  33. As a bonus action, you blast pure psionic energy from your third-eye, frying the brains of all creatures in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make an INT saving throw. On a failed save, it takes psychic damage of a d6 per ki point spent, or half as much on a failed save.
  35. 3) The Sage: You may add your WIS modifier to any skill checks that involve adding your CHA to them, and your CHA to any skill checks that involve adding your WIS to them.
  36. Tatoo: Wise Monkey: You may spend 2 ki point during a regular flurry of blows. If you do, add your WIS and CHA mod to the damage of the very last punch, which auto crits. You may move as if effected by a "Spider Climb" spell at all times.
  38. 4) The Dragon-Blooded: You can concentrate on two-spells at the same time. If you take damage while concentrating on two spells, you must choose one to auto-fail concentration on, while rolling your normal concentration check for the other.
  39. Tatoo: Dragon Egg: You have the spell casting levels of a level 5 sorcerer, and access to the same spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is WIS
  41. 5) The Avatar: Attacks against you have disadvantage as long as you are adjacent to another allies square.
  42. Tatoo: World Tree: By spending ki points, you may cast Mass Healing Word as an action, with the number of d4s healed equal to the number of ki points used. In addition, you may cast Revivify once per month as a ritual.
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