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Jul 17th, 2017
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  1. (11:12:53pm) <rusheu4690> Jebaited
  2. (11:12:56pm) <07zarxal> intel put it away
  3. (11:13:02pm) <07zarxal> no one wnats to see your pens
  4. (11:13:05pm) <khereshai> h1 stream today? :OOOO
  5. (11:13:08pm) <khereshai> Heyyyooo
  6. (11:13:08pm) <07zarxal> penis*
  7. (11:13:11pm) <rusheu4690> Pencil
  8. (11:13:13pm) <rusheu4690> Kappa
  9. (11:13:15pm) <07zarxal> Kappa
  10. (11:13:23pm) <11somoonm> hi zarx
  11. (11:13:26pm) <intelletechno> I spent money on t
  12. (11:13:27pm) <rusheu4690> Peee naaaaa s
  13. (11:13:27pm) <intelletechno> it
  14. (11:13:37pm) <khereshai> hey jack
  15. (11:13:42pm) <khereshai> h1 stream today?
  16. (11:13:46pm) <mrhobojob> hi zarxel
  17. (11:13:50pm) <07zarxal> yeee boy
  18. (11:13:54pm) <khereshai> NOICE
  19. (11:13:57pm) <khereshai> Love those streams
  20. (11:13:59pm) <rusheu4690> :P
  21. (11:14:01pm) <khereshai> cause u get so mad :D
  22. (11:14:06pm) <07zarxal> :(
  23. (11:14:09pm) <khereshai> sori <3
  24. (11:14:15pm) <07zarxal> I'm actually
  25. (11:14:19pm) <07zarxal> feeling alright today
  26. (11:14:19pm) <mrhobojob> !followtime
  27. (11:14:24pm) <rusheu4690> Here goes 4Head
  28. (11:14:28pm) <07zarxal> hey hobojobjob
  29. (11:14:33pm) <khereshai> btw why would big lose against c9 big uses that glitch in their advantage
  30. (11:14:35pm) <khereshai> they're noobs
  31. (11:14:50pm) <07zarxal> yeah I don't think BIG should be abusing it
  32. (11:14:51pm) <07zarxal> but
  33. (11:14:55pm) <khereshai> yeah me neither
  34. (11:14:57pm) <07zarxal> if they don't get told it
  35. (11:15:00pm) <07zarxal> then meh
  36. (11:15:02pm) <khereshai> did you see m0e's video? Legend Kappa
  37. (11:15:02pm) <07zarxal> what can you do
  38. (11:15:09pm) <07zarxal> I hate m0e
  39. (11:15:13pm) <khereshai> mee 2
  40. (11:15:16pm) <07zarxal> he's a big sweaty ballbag.
  41. (11:15:23pm) <khereshai> ahhaa nailed it
  42. (11:15:29pm) <rusheu4690> KappaHD
  43. (11:15:35pm) <khereshai> KappaHD?
  44. (11:15:37pm) <khereshai> woah
  45. (11:15:40pm) <07zarxal> look at you and your prime emotes
  46. (11:15:43pm) <07zarxal> fancy boi
  47. (11:15:54pm) <rusheu4690> LUL
  48. (11:15:55pm) <ja7ja> Is stream streaming?
  49. (11:16:01pm) <07zarxal> stream is streaming
  50. (11:16:05pm) <07nlshe> COME ON BARBIE LETS GO PARTY
  51. (11:16:15pm) <khereshai> ^^ +1
  52. (11:16:16pm) <07zarxal> ohwoahohwoah
  53. (11:16:23pm) <07zarxal> did I do it right
  54. (11:16:33pm) <khereshai> is sreaming streams allowed when streaming streams?
  55. (11:16:44pm) <07zarxal> ye
  56. (11:16:48pm) <rusheu4690> Jebaited
  57. (11:16:50pm) <khereshai> okay then we gucci
  58. (11:16:58pm) <07zarxal> just gotta get the streaming streamed stream's permission
  59. (11:17:20pm) <khereshai> oh yeah
  60. (11:17:24pm) <khereshai> thats the streaming streams rules
  61. (11:17:24pm) <rusheu4690> NA CS EleGiggle
  62. (11:17:31pm) <rusheu4690> MiniK MiniK
  63. (11:17:32pm) <khereshai> NA H1 Krey
  64. (11:17:33pm) <khereshai> Gasm
  65. (11:17:35pm) <khereshai> fuck
  66. (11:17:43pm) <07zarxal> how do you manage to fuck up
  67. (11:17:44pm) <07zarxal> that badly
  68. (11:17:45pm) <07zarxal> haha
  69. (11:17:48pm) <khereshai> i dont know
  70. (11:17:51pm) <khereshai> sorry :(
  71. (11:17:56pm) <khereshai> xD
  72. (11:18:30pm) <rusheu4690> BigBrother Ladies and Gentlemen, take a seat BigBrother
  73. (11:18:39pm) <intelletechno> no
  74. (11:18:41pm) <intelletechno> I'll stand up
  75. (11:18:46pm) <11somoonm> hello again
  76. (11:18:47pm) <khereshai> best h1z1 moments i've seen today
  77. (11:18:55pm) <khereshai> this h1 stream Kreygasm
  78. (11:19:05pm) <ja7ja> Kappa This Kappa Used Kappa To Kappa Be Kappa A Kappa CSGO Kappa Stream
  79. (11:19:05pm) <rusheu4690> Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
  80. (11:19:11pm) <ja7ja> Hey Jack
  81. (11:19:29pm) <intelletechno> Kappa This Kappa Used Kappa To Kappa Be Kappa A Kappa LoL Kappa Stream
  82. (11:19:40pm) <07nlshe> 🤔
  83. (11:19:42pm) <yesyoujustdied> how are you all doing ?
  84. (11:19:50pm) <intelletechno> VoHiYo JD
  85. (11:19:58pm) <rusheu4690> LOL ruins peoples lives, 1/10 dont trust it
  86. (11:20:06pm) <intelletechno> Kappa This Kappa Used Kappa To Kappa Be Kappa A Kappa Xcom Kappa Stream
  87. (11:20:10pm) <05nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  88. (11:20:13pm) <intelletechno> An *
  89. (11:20:17pm) <khereshai> Kappa I Kappa Used Kappa To Kappa Be Kappa a Kappa Regular Kappa
  90. (11:20:27pm) <ja7ja> I still have that xcom character ready to go
  91. (11:20:42pm) <rusheu4690> LUL
  92. (11:21:06pm) <ja7ja> XCOM BlessRNG
  93. (11:21:08pm) <05nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  94. (11:21:15pm) <xcryssii> heelloooooo krystalLove krystalLove
  95. (11:21:17pm) <yesyoujustdied> i loved xcom it was amazing it was so fun with the characters we all had and stuff
  96. (11:21:17pm) <intelletechno> it was just unoptimised
  97. (11:21:19pm) <intelletechno> VoHiYo brother
  98. (11:21:23pm) <imjustkiko> hi kevin
  99. (11:21:26pm) <intelletechno> whoa
  100. (11:21:30pm) <intelletechno> kiko changed colour
  101. (11:21:31pm) <11somoonm> yea maybe you should play xcom or another game beside h1
  102. (11:21:33pm) <imjustkiko> yes
  103. (11:21:37pm) <khereshai> oh hi kiko
  104. (11:21:40pm) <rusheu4690> 4Head
  105. (11:21:42pm) <ja7ja> Take that U out of that word intel
  106. (11:21:42pm) <xcryssii> brother and keviin mayoToaster
  107. (11:21:52pm) <intelletechno> noptimised?
  108. (11:21:55pm) <imjustkiko> this one doesnt make me feel more color blind than I actually am
  109. (11:21:59pm) <intelletechno> oh yeee
  110. (11:22:06pm) <ja7ja> color
  111. (11:22:07pm) <intelletechno> I forgot you went to Cologne xCrYsSii
  112. (11:22:13pm) <intelletechno> how was it?
  113. (11:22:16pm) <yesyoujustdied> wow my paypal is empty :(
  114. (11:22:17pm) <xcryssii> its jacks fault
  115. (11:22:17pm) <intelletechno> no I won't JA7ja
  116. (11:22:22pm) <intelletechno> you can't stop me
  117. (11:22:43pm) <intelletechno> I want my character with the sexy bandana
  118. (11:22:48pm) <ja7ja> Blacklisted colour from my chat
  119. (11:22:49pm) <yesyoujustdied> !howlong
  120. (11:22:54pm) <intelletechno> colour
  121. (11:22:58pm) <imjustkiko> the carpets in the whole flat are wet and it's triggering me
  122. (11:22:59pm) <ja7ja> We need harry back
  123. (11:23:01pm) <intelletechno> colour colour colour colour colour colour
  124. (11:23:01pm) <ja7ja> Kappa
  125. (11:23:05pm) <07nlshe> all dying
  126. (11:23:07pm) <07nlshe> classic
  127. (11:23:12pm) <intelletechno> ye that's normal
  128. (11:23:59pm) <intelletechno> so your house is flooding kiko
  129. (11:23:59pm) <imjustkiko> we were cleaning the carpets
  130. (11:24:02pm) <intelletechno> and you're gonna do nothing about it
  131. (11:24:05pm) <imjustkiko> well my parents were
  132. (11:24:07pm) <khereshai> what did he do
  133. (11:24:10pm) <imjustkiko> i was watching youtube
  134. (11:24:13pm) <khereshai> i never got an answer
  135. (11:24:30pm) <ja7ja> Starting off strong
  136. (11:24:41pm) <07nlshe> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  137. (11:24:43pm) <intelletechno> hi ZARXAL
  138. (11:24:46pm) <intelletechno> that it loud
  139. (11:24:51pm) <intelletechno> can you turn it a bit lower please?
  140. (11:25:01pm) <rusheu4690> MingLee
  141. (11:25:01pm) <imjustkiko> LOUDER
  142. (11:25:08pm) <intelletechno> ok
  143. (11:25:08pm) <07nlshe> the stream isnt loud
  144. (11:25:10pm) <intelletechno> muted stream
  145. (11:25:12pm) <07nlshe> just the notification
  146. (11:25:13pm) <07nlshe> LUL
  147. (11:25:18pm) <intelletechno> I'll just sound what you're saying out
  148. (11:25:44pm) <ja7ja> What hoodie is that?
  149. (11:25:45pm) <07nlshe> ez win
  150. (11:25:51pm) <intelletechno> kiko's dog done a massive piss on the carpet
  151. (11:25:53pm) <intelletechno> he bought it JA7ja
  152. (11:25:58pm) <intelletechno> ye ikr he's insane
  153. (11:26:23pm) <rusheu4690> Dr Pepper 4Head 4Head 4Head
  154. (11:26:26pm) <intelletechno> ED SHEERAANN
  155. (11:26:28pm) <intelletechno> OMMGGGGG
  156. (11:26:31pm) <intelletechno> oh awwwww
  157. (11:26:44pm) <07nlshe> hes a soldier
  158. (11:26:49pm) <07nlshe> we're all soldiers now
  159. (11:26:49pm) <rusheu4690> Good idea
  160. (11:26:56pm) <imjustkiko> spotify started to put random songs into my queue instead of playing the songs i have in the playlist
  161. (11:26:57pm) <intelletechno> nice cat
  162. (11:27:08pm) <khereshai> saw it on snapchat
  163. (11:27:08pm) <ja7ja> Blurry Jack is Blurry
  164. (11:27:25pm) <07nlshe> sure im interested
  165. (11:27:26pm) <intelletechno> ye I'll take it thanks
  166. (11:27:26pm) <ja7ja> NA shipping?
  167. (11:27:33pm) <06@intelletechno> omw rn
  168. (11:27:34pm) <06@intelletechno> brb
  169. (11:27:34pm) <yesyoujustdied> what tv did u have ?
  170. (11:29:01pm) <ja7ja> You speaking badly of the BaeK-47?
  171. (11:30:03pm) <rusheu4690> FlipThis
  172. (11:30:14pm) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  173. (11:30:35pm) <yesyoujustdied> ar op
  174. (11:31:09pm) <07nlshe> WOW MOVING
  175. (11:31:17pm) <aagvictorious> that hair though
  176. (11:31:19pm) <07nlshe> heavy
  177. (11:31:20pm) <11somoonm> gratz on your tv zarxal its sick
  178. (11:31:22pm) <ja7ja> What's happening to your room?
  179. (11:32:19pm) <aagvictorious> GoT S7 EP 1 Kreygasm
  180. (11:32:25pm) <07nlshe> ^^^^
  181. (11:32:27pm) <07nlshe> Kreygasm
  182. (11:32:33pm) <aagvictorious> just watched it LUL
  183. (11:32:49pm) <06@intelletechno> same
  184. (11:32:57pm) <ja7ja> EZ for hill guy
  185. (11:33:03pm) <ja7ja> nvm
  186. (11:33:27pm) <aagvictorious> no helmet LUL
  187. (11:33:29pm) <stepniak112> HeyGuys
  188. (11:33:29pm) <05@nightbot> HeyGuys Stepniak112
  189. (11:33:32pm) <rusheu4690> LUL
  190. (11:33:32pm) <ja7ja> Skinned AR :O
  191. (11:33:36pm) <aagvictorious> HeyGuys step
  192. (11:33:37pm) <yesyoujustdied> american god adds i hate them
  193. (11:33:41pm) <06@intelletechno> VoHiYo Stepniak112
  194. (11:33:55pm) <07nlshe> 1h short
  195. (11:33:56pm) <06@intelletechno> ye felt short
  196. (11:33:57pm) <yesyoujustdied> pls no spoilerino
  197. (11:33:59pm) <06@intelletechno> but it's 1 hour
  198. (11:34:05pm) <aagvictorious> @YesYouJustDied dude I just turned adblocker on on twitch because of american gods LUL
  199. (11:34:11pm) <aagvictorious> 53 mins
  200. (11:34:12pm) <07nlshe> ye wasnt much longer
  201. (11:34:19pm) <aagvictorious> the episode was 53 mins
  202. (11:34:36pm) <stepniak112> I stayed up to watch it
  203. (11:34:56pm) <07nlshe> i watched it twice Kappa
  204. (11:34:59pm) <aagvictorious> you didn't reload your second AR
  205. (11:35:03pm) <ja7ja> So, solos today?
  206. (11:35:38pm) <yesyoujustdied> when u talk to live support and they answer pls wait a few moments Kappa feelsbadman
  207. (11:35:40pm) <stepniak112> I almost won a H1 game today
  208. (11:35:48pm) <07nlshe> DU DUUU DU DU DUUUU DUUU
  209. (11:35:49pm) <07nlshe> DU DU DU
  210. (11:35:51pm) <aagvictorious> so second place step?
  211. (11:36:04pm) <06@intelletechno> Darude - Sandstorm
  212. (11:36:07pm) <monobovo01> Eyy
  213. (11:36:12pm) <stepniak112> If I stayed to my strats I could have won ¯\_()_/¯
  214. (11:36:12pm) <monobovo01> Waddup @ZARXAL
  215. (11:36:22pm) <stepniak112> 4th
  216. (11:36:39pm) <07nlshe> advertisements DansGame
  217. (11:36:40pm) <stepniak112> but like the other peeps were 1v1ing
  218. (11:36:43pm) <aagvictorious> it is the exact same length as the other GoT episodes?
  219. (11:36:46pm) <monobovo01> @ZARXAL Is it stream snipe time? xD
  220. (11:36:56pm) <aagvictorious> the average GoT episode is 50-55 mins long
  221. (11:37:16pm) <rusheu4690> $$$$$$
  222. (11:37:38pm) <monobovo01> Those ads get em the Dolla dolla bills tho
  223. (11:37:49pm) <aagvictorious> GoT gotta make them moneys
  224. (11:38:03pm) <06@intelletechno> Masie Williams tho
  225. (11:38:03pm) <stepniak112> they gotta afford them 1.2mil per episode wages
  226. (11:38:06pm) <06@intelletechno> she scary
  227. (11:38:08pm) <06@intelletechno> WHOAOOAOAOAOAOOAOA
  228. (11:38:09pm) <stepniak112> ^
  229. (11:38:11pm) <06@intelletechno> SUBBBSCRIIBEERRR
  230. (11:38:14pm) <monobovo01> Oh you know its stream snipe time
  231. (11:38:16pm) <rusheu4690> PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
  232. (11:38:16pm) <06@intelletechno> isaacyO isaacyO isaacyO isaacyO isaacyO isaacyO
  233. (11:38:16pm) <07nlshe> OOOOO
  234. (11:38:24pm) <yesyoujustdied> it woked guys
  235. (11:38:31pm) <06@intelletechno> yes it did wole
  236. (11:38:32pm) <06@intelletechno> woke
  237. (11:38:56pm) <07nlshe> JD <3
  238. (11:38:59pm) <07nlshe> there
  239. (11:39:01pm) <06@intelletechno> <3 JD
  240. (11:39:04pm) <yesyoujustdied> can´t wait for the emotes :)
  241. (11:39:15pm) <monobovo01> Zarxel could u die real quick so i can stream snipe?
  242. (11:39:18pm) <stepniak112> who do you think is gonna sit on the iron throne at the end?
  243. (11:39:27pm) <07nlshe> me
  244. (11:39:28pm) <monobovo01> like plz homie
  245. (11:39:54pm) <yesyoujustdied> @monobovo01 aahhaha XD
  246. (11:40:02pm) <aagvictorious> why do you let him get the shotgun?
  247. (11:40:08pm) <stepniak112> ^
  248. (11:40:11pm) <monobovo01> @YesYouJustDied You think im joking xD
  249. (11:40:12pm) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  250. (11:40:14pm) <stepniak112> you should have rushed in
  251. (11:40:26pm) <stepniak112> LUL
  252. (11:40:29pm) <06@intelletechno> FeelsBadMan
  253. (11:40:31pm) <monobovo01> You are bad my good sir
  254. (11:40:45pm) <yesyoujustdied> Ill make sure to make it into next game to streamsnipe you steamsniping Kappa
  255. (11:40:55pm) <rusheu4690> I love emotes
  256. (11:40:59pm) <06@intelletechno> have you contacted support yet?
  257. (11:41:07pm) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  258. (11:41:22pm) <monobovo01> Nooo i didnt get in your game
  259. (11:41:27pm) <ragent5> hey
  260. (11:41:29pm) <monobovo01> You got away this time @ZARXAL :p
  261. (11:41:41pm) <monobovo01> Nooo @YesYouJustDied
  262. (11:41:45pm) <monobovo01> Well i mean
  263. (11:41:49pm) <monobovo01> u can try
  264. (11:42:00pm) <07nlshe> 🤔
  265. (11:42:03pm) <rusheu4690> :P :P
  266. (11:42:07pm) <monobovo01> @ZARXAL At does that when you are looking at cetain stuff
  267. (11:42:09pm) <monobovo01> idk why
  268. (11:42:11pm) <07nlshe> hi Ragent5
  269. (11:42:36pm) <ragent5> not too much just been waiting for thses technical problems 4Head
  270. (11:42:58pm) <monobovo01> Bad
  271. (11:43:03pm) <07nlshe> FeelsBadMan
  272. (11:43:08pm) <06@intelletechno> FeelsBadMan
  273. (11:43:10pm) <06@intelletechno> F
  274. (11:43:11pm) <rusheu4690> O_o
  275. (11:43:14pm) <ragent5> HeyGuys NISHE
  276. (11:43:14pm) <07nlshe> F
  277. (11:43:14pm) <05@nightbot> HeyGuys Ragent5
  278. (11:43:22pm) <07nlshe> HeyGuys
  279. (11:43:30pm) <06@intelletechno> VoHiYo Ragent5
  280. (11:43:32pm) <ragent5> what do you think about the jump bug btw?
  281. (11:43:40pm) <aagvictorious> retarded
  282. (11:43:46pm) <ragent5> TableHere Intelletechno
  283. (11:43:47pm) <yesyoujustdied> Why did you acctually stop streaming League of Legends back then i cna´t remeber
  284. (11:44:00pm) <06@intelletechno> isaacyO Ragent5
  285. (11:44:02pm) <ragent5> its so triggering to watch
  286. (11:44:35pm) <ragent5> I've known about it but I never knew the other person couldn't see you
  287. (11:45:12pm) <ragent5> they had a meeting but no one invited BIG -_-
  288. (11:45:14pm) <despence_> Eyyy h1 again yessss
  289. (11:45:27pm) <aagvictorious> Sk going to win against astralis KreyGasm
  290. (11:45:29pm) <aagvictorious> Kreygasm
  291. (11:45:39pm) <06@intelletechno> F for the guy in the police car
  292. (11:45:51pm) <07nlshe> car = bait
  293. (11:45:53pm) <07nlshe> LUL
  294. (11:45:58pm) <11somoonm> nice solos only tonight lets go
  295. (11:46:21pm) <ragent5> I called it on Gambit > G2 KappaHD
  296. (11:46:27pm) <mrtotgames> ello
  297. (11:46:34pm) <rusheu4690> KappaHD
  298. (11:46:40pm) <mrtotgames> just checking in
  299. (11:46:48pm) <mrtotgames> with me fav scotish streamer
  300. (11:46:55pm) <yesyoujustdied> 1 AR DansGame 2 AR DansGame SwiftRage 3 AR Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
  301. (11:47:33pm) <mrtotgames> good
  302. (11:47:47pm) <mrtotgames> been playing with somone on your discord all day pretty 10/10
  303. (11:48:23pm) <mrtotgames> jk
  304. (11:48:29pm) <stepniak112> RUN
  305. (11:48:33pm) <mrtotgames> FUCK THEM IN THE ASS
  306. (11:48:33pm) <stepniak112> use my tactics
  307. (11:48:33pm) <aagvictorious> zarxal you got a souvenir yet?
  308. (11:48:42pm) <aagvictorious> that guy 2tapped someone, he is decent at the game
  309. (11:48:46pm) <aagvictorious> dont fight you can't win
  310. (11:48:57pm) <yesyoujustdied> Souvenir internet connection @aagvictorious Kappa
  311. (11:49:19pm) <aagvictorious> @ZARXAL good, press x
  312. (11:49:42pm) <yesyoujustdied> press X for ultra turbo Kappa
  313. (11:49:51pm) <aagvictorious> press x zarxal
  314. (11:49:53pm) <aagvictorious> X
  315. (11:50:09pm) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  316. (11:50:30pm) <kimdongun69> i also played with someone on disc alld ay
  317. (11:50:36pm) <yesyoujustdied> does the bug still exist that when u press x and u leave the car you will never be able to turn it back off ?
  318. (11:50:36pm) <kimdongun69> also sup zarxy
  319. (11:51:13pm) <aagvictorious> those helmets Kreygasm
  320. (11:51:14pm) <07nlshe> his pants are more colorful than yours
  321. (11:51:16pm) <07nlshe> rare
  322. (11:51:38pm) <ragent5> i decided yesterday to play in the h1 season and im at gold 3 lol
  323. (11:51:52pm) <kimdongun69> i got gold 4
  324. (11:51:53pm) <stepniak112> SK won against astralis
  325. (11:51:54pm) <06@intelletechno> oh get ambushed
  326. (11:51:58pm) <06@intelletechno> oh nvm
  327. (11:51:58pm) <ragent5> wtf
  328. (11:51:59pm) <06@intelletechno> FeelsBadMan
  329. (11:52:00pm) <06@intelletechno> F
  330. (11:52:00pm) <aagvictorious> wtf zarxal
  331. (11:52:01pm) <kimdongun69> then deranked with my boi
  332. (11:52:02pm) <07nlshe> F
  333. (11:52:03pm) <aagvictorious> wtf I am watching
  334. (11:52:03pm) <stepniak112> I got plat 3 Kreygasm
  335. (11:52:05pm) <monobovo01> get fucked
  336. (11:52:20pm) <ragent5> how'd he not die though
  337. (11:52:22pm) <kimdongun69> ZARXAL HOWS UR BRACES
  338. (11:53:01pm) <aagvictorious> @ZARXAL wait I run away? LUL
  339. (11:53:08pm) <aagvictorious> I don't run away from fights
  340. (11:53:09pm) <aagvictorious> that is step
  341. (11:53:11pm) <rusheu4690> 4Head
  342. (11:53:13pm) <07nlshe> theres nothing wrong with being a fuckin coward
  343. (11:53:13pm) <kimdongun69> ZARX lemmie q with you, you good with a gold 3?
  344. (11:53:13pm) <aagvictorious> he a pussy not me
  345. (11:53:23pm) <ragent5> Astralis overrated
  346. (11:53:33pm) <kimdongun69> pusssyyyyyyyyy
  347. (11:53:34pm) <ragent5> im joining eu to play with you
  348. (11:53:34pm) <aagvictorious> I don't play solos LUL
  349. (11:53:45pm) <aagvictorious> I am diamond 5 in duos and fives atm though SeemsGood
  350. (11:53:52pm) <aagvictorious> haven't played for 2 weeks now Kreygasm
  351. (11:53:52pm) <stepniak112> fives DansGame
  352. (11:53:56pm) <yesyoujustdied> How to get to diamond tutorial step1: find car Step2: run the the middle of the zone Step3: go down make microwave noodle soup Step4: Be The second last alive
  353. (11:53:58pm) <rusheu4690> LUL
  354. (11:54:02pm) <monobovo01> @ZARXAL 30 ppl left i got 3 kills am i gonna win or lose?
  355. (11:54:08pm) <stepniak112> lose
  356. (11:54:10pm) <aagvictorious> @Stepniak112 ye I have 4 other friends I can play with Kappa
  357. (11:54:25pm) <06@intelletechno> ohh shiii
  358. (11:54:31pm) <06@intelletechno> 4 people in the same building
  359. (11:54:33pm) <06@intelletechno> with guunss
  360. (11:54:34pm) <06@intelletechno> ruuuuunnn
  361. (11:54:38pm) <06@intelletechno> ruuuuuuuunnnn
  362. (11:54:57pm) <kimdongun69> do you play battlegrounds?
  363. (11:54:58pm) <stepniak112> 3 kills means you are too aggressive so you will die @monobovo01
  364. (11:55:03pm) <aagvictorious> well someone is stuck in plat 2 Kappa
  365. (11:55:23pm) <aedge_> Evening ya twats
  366. (11:55:26pm) <kimdongun69> H1 IS BETTER THAN BATTLEGROUNDS
  367. (11:55:32pm) <aagvictorious> fights take skill to win?
  368. (11:55:36pm) <aagvictorious> ima unfollow
  369. (11:55:40pm) <aagvictorious> saying h1 takes less skill
  370. (11:55:49pm) <rusheu4690> LUL
  371. (11:56:00pm) <ragent5> I like h1 mechanics better
  372. (11:56:05pm) <aagvictorious> H1 takes less skill?
  373. (11:56:11pm) <11@somoonm> you suck
  374. (11:56:21pm) <ragent5> I hate battlegrounds
  375. (11:56:21pm) <yesyoujustdied> roblox > H1 and Battlegrounds
  376. (11:56:25pm) <kimdongun69> H1 is more fun
  377. 03(11:56:34pm) * ragent5 ( has joined #zarxal
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  379. 03(11:56:34pm) * despence_ ( has joined #zarxal
  380. 03(11:56:34pm) * aedge_ ( has joined #zarxal
  381. 03(11:56:34pm) * mrtotgames ( has joined #zarxal
  382. 03(11:56:34pm) * monobovo01 ( has joined #zarxal
  383. 03(11:56:34pm) * mnbshocks ( has joined #zarxal
  384. 03(11:56:34pm) * stepniak112 ( has joined #zarxal
  385. 03(11:56:34pm) * @angeiinaa ( has left #zarxal
  386. 03(11:56:34pm) * dkr99sxx ( has left #zarxal
  387. 03(11:56:34pm) * ja7ja ( has left #zarxal
  388. 03(11:56:34pm) * jtv sets mode: -o angeiinaa
  389. (11:56:41pm) <monobovo01> I got nade spammed
  390. (11:56:43pm) <kimdongun69> you suck caus eyou believe that h1 is worse
  391. (11:56:44pm) <aagvictorious> @ZARXAL
  392. (11:56:48pm) <kimdongun69> im unsubbing
  393. (11:56:50pm) <monobovo01> 16th place
  394. (11:57:04pm) <kimdongun69> you just hate h1 cause ur trash
  395. (11:57:06pm) <ragent5> yeah unsubbed
  396. (11:57:07pm) <yesyoujustdied> LMAO
  397. (11:57:17pm) <aagvictorious> @ZARXAL stop your game and watch this:
  398. (11:57:24pm) <monobovo01> @ZARXAL If h1 doesnt take skills how does eryctricpes get 30 kill games?
  399. (11:57:31pm) <monobovo01> and how are people royality in general
  400. (11:57:49pm) <yesyoujustdied> he cheats simple as that XD
  401. (11:57:49pm) <stepniak112> royalty is easy to get
  402. (11:58:05pm) <kimdongun69> hit him up with that gg
  403. (11:58:09pm) <aagvictorious> zarxal
  404. (11:58:13pm) <aagvictorious> watch vid
  405. (11:58:34pm) <khereshai> everyone just shut up cmon, i dont own battlegrounds and only own h1 but i dont say that h1 is better just cause i cant afford pubg, pubg is probably 12 times better than h1 and i dont get why people defend it, the devs of pubg reach out to their community unlike daybreak.
  406. (11:58:44pm) <kimdongun69> DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat THIS CATS COMING TO GET YOU CAUSE YOU BELIEVE THAT H1 IS WORSE
  407. (11:58:44pm) <mrtotgames> you said h1 is worse than battle grounds
  408. (11:58:50pm) <mrtotgames> unfollow :[
  409. (11:58:56pm) <aedge_> @zarxal I somehow managed to rub off 1mm of flesh off my feet at the pool fml
  410. (11:58:57pm) <aagvictorious> khereshai no no no you don't tell me what I can be butthurt about
  411. (11:59:08pm) <khereshai> okay sorry :(
  412. (11:59:09pm) <aedge_> @zarxal no bleeding thankfull
  413. (11:59:22pm) <rusheu4690> MiniK
  414. (11:59:23pm) <stepniak112> ngl If I could run PUBG, I probably would play it instead of H1z1
  415. (11:59:26pm) <khereshai> i protected you @ZARXAL hahahah
  416. (11:59:40pm) <kimdongun69> HIT HIM UP WITH THAT YOUNG GG
  417. (11:59:58pm) <aagvictorious>
  418. (12:00:16am) <mrtotgames> jk jk xD
  419. (12:00:18am) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  420. (12:00:24am) <aedge_> @zarxal srry
  421. (12:00:28am) <kimdongun69> zarxal youre just saying that h1 is worse that batttlegrounds because u cant win
  422. (12:00:33am) <kimdongun69> in h1
  423. (12:00:35am) <aagvictorious> ^
  424. (12:00:37am) <mrtotgames> i just dont have money to buy battle grounds
  425. (12:00:45am) <khereshai> read my message u fuck
  426. (12:00:46am) <khereshai> hahaa
  427. (12:00:53am) <aagvictorious> he can win in pugb but can't win in H1 so H1 must require less skill LUL
  428. (12:01:03am) <aagvictorious> Kappa Kappa Kappa
  429. (12:01:03am) <kimdongun69> little baby
  430. (12:01:04am) <monobovo01> Zarxel
  431. (12:01:07am) <monobovo01> Im in your game hi
  432. (12:01:08am) <monobovo01> Homie
  433. (12:01:15am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  434. (12:01:17am) <monobovo01> Oh the stream sni[e
  435. (12:01:25am) <kimdongun69> zarxal? more like Zar-CantPlayH1
  436. (12:01:37am) <mrtotgames> @ZARXAL SOMEDAY IM GOING TO JOIN G2 SOMEDAY
  437. (12:01:47am) <yesyoujustdied> The thing is some elements of PUBG are better than H1 and vice versa overall it really depends what points of each game u value i mean if PUBG is that much better than H1 why do ppl still play H1. the answer its simple we all have a different taste
  438. (12:02:04am) <monobovo01> When i finnaly get in @ZARXAL 's game
  439. (12:02:09am) <kimdongun69> and everyone tastes that h1 is better
  440. (12:02:34am) <aagvictorious> because you suck at h1
  441. (12:02:41am) <kimdongun69> ^^^^
  442. (12:02:51am) <kimdongun69> h1 takes more skill than csgo
  443. 03(12:02:52am) * willathor ( has joined #zarxal
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  445. (12:02:54am) <aagvictorious> dude zarxal you fucking keep spawning at that spot
  446. (12:02:57am) <aagvictorious> how do you do that
  447. (12:03:06am) <mrtotgames> @ZARXAL i was referencing you to yourself im 2 shit at games to join a team xD
  448. (12:03:17am) <yesyoujustdied> take crossbow MLG footage
  449. (12:03:36am) <aagvictorious> dude
  450. (12:03:38am) <yesyoujustdied> monobovo01 i saw u in the kill feed :O
  451. (12:03:40am) <ragent5> i wish you could silently walk in h1 though
  452. (12:03:44am) <aagvictorious> your second shot was lower
  453. (12:03:46am) <aagvictorious> recoil?
  454. (12:03:49am) <kimdongun69> ^^^^
  455. (12:03:57am) <aagvictorious> + he probably moved
  456. (12:04:03am) <aagvictorious> I didn't really watch LUL
  457. (12:04:06am) <kimdongun69> ZARXY YOU HAVE SOO MUCH TO LEARN
  458. (12:04:09am) <ekliptiic> Daddy Kappa
  459. (12:04:20am) <aagvictorious> zarxal shift right click to drop certain amount
  460. (12:04:25am) <monobovo01> @ZARXAL Im coming for you :p
  461. (12:04:48am) <jasoncarnivore> HEY MAAN
  462. (12:04:50am) <jasoncarnivore> HOW ARE YOU
  463. (12:04:53am) <ragent5> In PUBG I like the map, compass, and the silent walk.
  464. (12:04:54am) <stepniak112> PUBG looks better
  465. (12:05:24am) <ekliptiic> I"m about to play some H1 muh dood
  466. (12:05:27am) <mrtotgames> PUBG cost 30$ in which i dont have
  467. (12:05:27am) <stepniak112> PUBG is better at everything than h1z1
  468. (12:05:39am) <aagvictorious> nah
  469. (12:05:41am) <yesyoujustdied> the best KOTH thenmed game is still the arma 3 mod :)
  470. (12:05:42am) <11somoonm> guess am just invisible today
  471. (12:05:43am) <jasoncarnivore> Wassup
  472. (12:05:46am) <aagvictorious> if pugb was first person only it would be Kreygasm
  473. (12:05:48am) <myckaela> Hellloooo
  474. 03(12:05:53am) * ekliptiic ( has joined #zarxal
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  477. (12:06:25am) <willgamed> fnc vp coming up so hypedd
  478. (12:06:33am) <willgamed> nice predictions btw LMAOO
  479. (12:06:37am) <yesyoujustdied> monobovo01 updates ?
  480. 03(12:06:54am) * myckaela ( has joined #zarxal
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  484. (12:07:08am) <monobovo01> Noooooo
  485. (12:07:15am) <monobovo01> I fucked up
  486. (12:07:19am) <aagvictorious> LUL
  487. (12:07:22am) <stepniak112> LUL
  488. (12:07:27am) <monobovo01> I was gonna swap to shotgun
  489. (12:07:28am) <mrtotgames> xD
  490. (12:07:29am) <monobovo01> but too late
  491. (12:07:30am) <monobovo01> :(
  492. (12:07:33am) <07nlshe> noobobovo
  493. (12:07:34am) <mrtotgames> FUCK
  494. (12:07:35am) <06@intelletechno> "you suck"
  495. (12:07:36am) <06@intelletechno> get rekt
  496. (12:07:39am) <monobovo01> Dw
  497. (12:07:40am) <mrtotgames> NOOO MONOMOMO
  498. (12:07:41am) <06@intelletechno> jk <3
  499. (12:07:41am) <willgamed> lmaoo
  500. (12:07:44am) <monobovo01> Ill get him next time
  501. (12:07:55am) <aagvictorious> JACK
  502. (12:07:58am) <aagvictorious> SHIFT RIGHT CLICK
  503. (12:07:58am) <07nlshe> thats what u get for stream sniping
  504. (12:08:03am) <monobovo01> Shhhh
  505. (12:08:05am) <monobovo01> Dw
  506. (12:08:08am) <07nlshe> Kappa
  507. (12:08:11am) <monobovo01> Ill get him next game
  508. (12:08:25am) <mrtotgames> can you join his game off steam?
  509. (12:08:31am) <monobovo01> No
  510. (12:08:31am) <willgamed> No this top 1 player will smash
  512. (12:08:44am) <aagvictorious> DONT DRAG IT ONE BY ONE
  513. 03(12:08:47am) * zombiesworld ( has joined #zarxal
  514. 03(12:08:47am) * willgamed ( has joined #zarxal
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  518. (12:08:51am) <mrtotgames> What region is he in btw
  519. (12:08:55am) <stepniak112> eu
  520. (12:08:57am) <monobovo01> EU
  521. (12:08:58am) <07nlshe> france
  522. (12:08:59am) <willgamed> uk
  523. (12:09:00am) <willgamed> zd
  524. (12:09:02am) <willgamed> xd
  525. (12:09:03am) <khereshai> africa
  526. (12:09:04am) <myckaela> Didn't even say Hi to me. Leaving now ugh... 🙄
  527. (12:09:11am) <mrtotgames> nice
  528. (12:09:13am) <07nlshe> hi myckaela
  529. (12:09:15am) <06@intelletechno> VoHiYo myckaela
  530. (12:09:17am) <06@intelletechno> we <3 you
  531. (12:09:18am) <willgamed> Hi
  532. (12:09:19am) <mrtotgames> ima try to join his next game
  533. (12:09:25am) <06@intelletechno> follow me on twitter
  534. (12:09:32am) <monobovo01> We all should stream snipe him
  535. (12:09:33am) <stepniak112> Jack press shift while driving to turn on turbo @ZARXAL
  536. (12:09:37am) <monobovo01> All the 19 viewers
  537. (12:09:50am) <myckaela> I finally cracked and murdered him
  538. (12:09:51am) <07nlshe> but then i have to play h1z1 WutFace
  539. (12:09:53am) <myckaela> Sorry
  540. 03(12:09:54am) * aedge_ ( has left #zarxal
  541. (12:10:01am) <willgamed> h1z1 no thank you
  542. (12:10:08am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  543. (12:10:15am) <yesyoujustdied> Kappa
  544. (12:10:21am) <myckaela> Hello @nlshe
  545. (12:10:27am) <myckaela> Hello intel :)
  546. (12:10:36am) <willgamed> If c9 won the game vs big it wouldve been so rigged lmao
  547. (12:10:57am) <aagvictorious> it is already rigged
  548. (12:11:03am) <07nlshe> VoHiYo
  549. (12:11:11am) <aagvictorious> all the stream problems Kappa
  550. (12:11:12am) <mrtotgames> @ZARXAL You have the same fucking pc as me other than the motherbord and prob ram how do you run games so smooth
  551. (12:11:17am) <willgamed> xd
  552. (12:11:20am) <kimdongun69> Zarxal im trying to take out my husky so he can go to the bathroom but its too hot rn so when he went out of the door he just layed down, how can i get him to just go out there, bathroom, then he can come home
  553. (12:11:29am) <myckaela> He's hard work
  554. (12:11:38am) <willathor> That is not true
  555. (12:11:43am) <kimdongun69> i know ur a dog whisperer zarx plz help i no want dog to poop in home
  556. (12:11:43am) <myckaela> ITS A GHOST
  557. (12:11:45am) <monobovo01> L
  558. (12:11:49am) <kimdongun69> L
  559. (12:11:51am) <willgamed> atleast no1 will use the bug anymore and vp vs fnc coming up legendary 10 players in that matchup
  560. (12:11:53am) <06@intelletechno> LUL
  561. (12:11:54am) <stepniak112> LUL
  562. (12:11:55am) <myckaela> I knew he would haunt me, ffs
  563. (12:11:59am) <aagvictorious> LUL
  564. 03(12:12:08am) * zombiesworld ( has left #zarxal
  565. (12:12:10am) <willathor> SHIT CAME UP MOTHERFUCKER I SAID SORRY
  566. (12:12:14am) <willathor> LETS FAIL AT DUOS
  567. (12:12:37am) <06@intelletechno> hey @ZARXAL what do you think about facing in the csgo season
  568. (12:12:48am) <willathor> @Intelletechno Cant fucking wait
  569. (12:12:49am) <aagvictorious> LUL
  570. (12:12:54am) <06@intelletechno> oh wait wrong twitch
  571. (12:12:54am) <mrtotgames> @ZARXAL You have the same fucking pc as me other than the motherbord and prob ram how do you run games so smooth
  572. (12:12:59am) <06@intelletechno>
  574. (12:13:05am) <06@intelletechno> yes I believe in you Willathor
  575. (12:13:12am) <myckaela> I don't
  576. (12:13:13am) <kimdongun69> HOW CAN I ENCOURAGE HIM TO GO OUT THERE AND BE BRAVE
  577. (12:13:18am) <willathor> Will you be giving me your energy?
  578. (12:13:26am) <stepniak112> GivePLZ
  579. (12:13:27am) <06@intelletechno> but if you land a bullet on Isaac I shall unfollow you on twitter Kappa
  580. 10(12:13:29am) <willgamed> is somoon here?
  581. (12:13:30am) <myckaela> I believe in Zarxal tho 👍
  582. (12:13:37am) <11@somoonm> ye?
  583. (12:13:39am) <mrtotgames> I think im in your game
  584. (12:13:47am) <07nlshe> ez win for isaac
  585. (12:13:49am) <willgamed> Ended up watching got and it was so weird
  586. (12:13:57am) <06@intelletechno> so weird?
  587. (12:13:58am) <willathor> @NlSHE Get out
  588. (12:14:00am) <myckaela> NO SPOILERS
  589. (12:14:01am) <stepniak112> how is it weird
  590. (12:14:02am) <07nlshe> oh
  591. (12:14:05am) <06@intelletechno> NO SPOILER
  592. (12:14:09am) <willgamed> I dindt finish season 1 yet
  593. (12:14:09am) <06@intelletechno> NO SPOILERS GUYS
  594. (12:14:10am) <11@somoonm> should have waited till you caught up to it
  595. (12:14:13am) <willgamed> and everything was so
  596. (12:14:15am) <06@intelletechno> DO NOT SPOIL IT
  597. (12:14:17am) <willgamed> different
  598. (12:14:19am) <07nlshe> thats what im into Kreygasm
  599. (12:14:21am) <11@somoonm> you ruined future events on yourself
  600. (12:14:32am) <aagvictorious> ^
  601. (12:14:38am) <kimdongun69> HOW CAN I ENCOURAGE my dog to go outside and be brave against the heat so he can go do his buissness
  602. (12:14:39am) <myckaela> that's like reading the last page of a book forst
  603. (12:14:39am) <willgamed> I dindt recognize the characters tbh
  604. (12:14:39am) <stepniak112> you havent even gotten to the fucked up shit
  605. (12:14:51am) <11@somoonm> its fine just keep watching from S1
  606. (12:14:52am) <mrtotgames> FUCk
  607. (12:14:52am) <myckaela> First*
  608. (12:14:56am) <11@somoonm> dont jump again
  609. (12:14:58am) <kimdongun69> you sukked
  610. (12:15:07am) <willgamed> yesyes
  611. (12:15:12am) <11@somoonm> good guy
  612. (12:15:47am) <willathor> That was awkward
  613. (12:15:48am) <kimdongun69> he doesnt want to go outside cause its too hot, hes got a thick coat of fur
  614. (12:15:53am) <willgamed> it got me hyped to stop working lock myself in my basement and watch 6 seasons in 5 days
  615. (12:15:55am) <06@intelletechno> LUL
  616. (12:15:57am) <myckaela> @kimdongun69 soak a towel in cold water and drape it over him, it'll help keep him cool
  617. (12:15:57am) <07nlshe> LUL
  618. 03(12:15:57am) * jonesweey ( has joined #zarxal
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  621. 03(12:15:58am) * monobovo01 ( has left #zarxal
  622. 03(12:15:58am) * yesyoujustdied ( has left #zarxal
  623. (12:15:58am) <stepniak112> THAT KEVIN
  624. (12:15:58am) <06@intelletechno> GET REKT EXO
  625. (12:15:58am) <ragent5> french PogChamp
  626. (12:15:58am) <07nlshe> REKT
  627. (12:16:01am) <06@intelletechno> GET REKT EXO
  628. (12:16:03am) <khereshai> :D
  629. (12:16:04am) <07nlshe> ripperino exo
  630. (12:16:05am) <khereshai> fuck you
  631. (12:16:06am) <willgamed> BAGUETTE
  632. (12:16:06am) <khereshai> >:(
  633. (12:16:09am) <kimdongun69> gotchu
  634. (12:16:09am) <stepniak112> KEVIN GOT FUCKED
  635. (12:16:12am) <06@intelletechno> LUL
  636. (12:16:13am) <06@intelletechno> LUL
  637. (12:16:17am) <kimdongun69> thanks @myckaela
  638. (12:16:18am) <willgamed> BON PUT A MERE BAGUETTE TU ES UN BANAAN
  639. (12:16:22am) <khereshai> unfair i had ak
  640. (12:16:34am) <ragent5> lmao
  641. (12:16:41am) <willgamed> l0l
  642. (12:16:50am) <07nlshe> only Khereshai is trash Kappa
  643. (12:17:03am) <khereshai> fuck you nlshe Kappa
  644. (12:17:04am) <willgamed> tell him you are a top 1 player @zarxal
  645. (12:17:06am) <myckaela> Np
  646. (12:17:06am) <07nlshe> <3
  647. (12:17:53am) <willathor> Yo fuck face
  648. (12:18:03am) <myckaela> Don't be mean to Zarxal
  649. (12:18:20am) <willgamed> fuck Zarxal
  650. 03(12:18:22am) * gantre ( has joined #zarxal
  651. (12:18:28am) <myckaela> Wow
  652. (12:18:42am) <willgamed> washed up top 1 player
  653. (12:18:54am) <myckaela> Savage 😂
  654. (12:19:19am) <07nlshe> <3 zarxal
  655. (12:19:29am) <willgamed> in my butthole
  656. (12:19:35am) <willathor> Chat will be on my side when we duo
  657. (12:19:42am) <myckaela> I won't
  658. (12:19:43am) <willathor> For sheer feeling sorry for me
  659. (12:19:47am) <willathor> -Myk
  660. (12:19:49am) <willathor> cos shes a cunt
  661. (12:19:53am) <07nlshe> wow
  662. (12:20:00am) <myckaela> It's true though
  663. (12:20:03am) <willathor> Yup
  664. (12:20:10am) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  665. (12:20:11am) <willgamed> Im tilted cus I gotta spend 5 more euros on stickers for playoffs cus fucking c9 mouse faze are fucking trolling me
  666. 03(12:20:20am) * mrseboz ( has joined #zarxal
  667. 03(12:20:20am) * monobovo01 ( has joined #zarxal
  668. (12:20:27am) <stepniak112> you would be that peasant that dies in episode 1
  669. (12:20:33am) <khereshai> ^
  670. (12:20:37am) <willathor> Joffery
  671. (12:20:53am) <myckaela> That's harsh
  672. (12:20:54am) <11@somoonm> a dog who gets killed in first episode
  673. (12:20:57am) <willgamed> jon snow dies in season 58
  674. (12:21:06am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  675. (12:21:16am) <myckaela> I think Sansa probably
  676. (12:21:28am) <yekim_hd> hey
  677. (12:21:30am) <willathor> Sansa cos he gets raped all the time
  678. (12:21:33am) <stepniak112> hey mikey
  679. (12:21:38am) <myckaela> O coz she's sassy
  680. (12:21:47am) <willathor> Im going for the rape part
  681. (12:21:51am) <myckaela> Get your mind out the gutter Will
  682. (12:21:56am) <stepniak112> in all honesty you look like Jaime Lannister
  683. (12:21:56am) <willgamed> ud be the one that got shot in his knee and starts screaming skyrim memes
  684. (12:21:57am) <myckaela> Goodness sake
  685. (12:21:58am) <willathor> You put it there
  686. (12:22:01am) <rusheu4690> LUL
  687. (12:22:16am) <myckaela> I did not
  688. (12:23:01am) <aagvictorious> 50 hp
  689. (12:23:03am) <aagvictorious> ffs jack
  690. (12:23:06am) <stepniak112> ^
  691. (12:23:08am) <stepniak112> ^^
  692. (12:23:17am) <willgamed> jack is a top 1 player
  693. (12:23:19am) <willgamed> ITS OK
  694. (12:23:22am) <willgamed> NO WORRIES
  695. (12:23:25am) <rusheu4690> KappaHD
  696. (12:23:35am) <willgamed> lul
  697. 03(12:23:42am) * yekim_hd ( has joined #zarxal
  698. 03(12:23:43am) * rusheu4690 ( has joined #zarxal
  699. 03(12:23:43am) * gunta51 ( has left #zarxal
  700. 03(12:23:43am) * mrseboz ( has left #zarxal
  701. 03(12:23:43am) * nlshe ( has left #zarxal
  702. 03(12:23:43am) * @intelletechno ( has left #zarxal
  703. 03(12:23:43am) * jtv sets mode: -o intelletechno
  704. (12:24:13am) <zeuqly> when is giveaway bro :D
  705. (12:24:23am) <stepniak112> there is none
  706. (12:24:29am) <willgamed> when you lose your virginity
  707. (12:24:31am) <willgamed> so never
  708. (12:24:33am) <willgamed> .....
  709. (12:24:45am) <aagvictorious> you dont have a giveaway in your title
  710. (12:24:51am) <aagvictorious> you had 50 hp when you went into that fight
  711. (12:24:53am) <aagvictorious> you didn't heal
  712. (12:24:55am) <aagvictorious> you noob
  713. (12:24:57am) <aagvictorious> !title
  714. (12:24:57am) <05@nightbot> aagvictorious -> Current Stream Title: Plat 2, Wins: 1. K/M 2.5 - !group !twitter !snapchat !discord !knife
  715. (12:25:14am) <rusheu4690> TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard
  716. (12:25:28am) <willgamed> Plat 2, Wins 1. K/M 2.5 - FOLLOW MY TWITTER FOR A DRAGON LORE GIVEAWAY
  717. (12:25:37am) <khereshai> ^
  718. (12:25:46am) <khereshai> retard it says dlore giveaway @ZARXAL
  719. (12:25:48am) <khereshai> jk <3
  720. (12:25:56am) <aedge_> Back
  721. (12:26:03am) <aedge_> Hello friends
  722. (12:26:04am) <willgamed> Welcome back aedge_
  723. (12:26:07am) <aagvictorious> @aedge_ guess what
  724. (12:26:11am) <aagvictorious> it is monday
  725. (12:26:16am) <aagvictorious> remember what you said? Kappa
  726. (12:26:22am) <stepniak112> @ZARXAL press shift while driving
  727. (12:26:35am) <aedge_> Yep
  728. (12:26:42am) <willgamed> press alt f4 for faster looting @zarxal
  729. (12:26:48am) <aedge_> Still not at my dads tho
  730. 03(12:26:52am) * aedge_ ( has joined #zarxal
  731. 03(12:26:52am) * imtheoooo ( has joined #zarxal
  732. 03(12:26:52am) * faegwent ( has left #zarxal
  733. (12:27:09am) <aedge_> I only have phone at my moms and my bro is being a dick and not letting m use his computer
  734. (12:27:11am) <aagvictorious> you got
  735. (12:27:13am) <aagvictorious> destroyed
  736. (12:27:15am) <monobovo01> L
  737. (12:27:24am) <yekim_hd> press ctrl + x to make no steps
  738. (12:27:37am) <rusheu4690> RlyTho
  739. (12:27:49am) <aagvictorious> you try to fight people because you aint a pussy like step zarxal
  740. (12:27:54am) <yekim_hd> PrimeUWot
  741. (12:27:58am) <11somoonm> nice try
  742. (12:27:59am) <willgamed> haha u was gonna duo with some1
  743. (12:28:02am) <stepniak112> I aint no pussy CoolCat
  744. (12:28:04am) <willgamed> hahahaha
  745. (12:28:26am) <willathor> FUCK YOU YOU CLOWN
  746. (12:28:35am) <willgamed> xd
  747. (12:28:41am) <willathor> I DO NOT ACCEPT
  748. (12:28:52am) <aedge_> That was such a pussy move only a twat with no skill would do that
  749. 03(12:28:57am) * jonesweey ( has left #zarxal
  750. 03(12:28:57am) * gantre ( has left #zarxal
  751. (12:29:01am) <myckaela> Ignore him Jack, he's on his period
  752. (12:29:33am) <stepniak112> my strats got Jack the win :thinking:
  753. (12:29:44am) <aedge_> Seems legit
  754. (12:29:49am) <myckaela> I missed it
  755. (12:30:13am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  756. (12:30:15am) <aedge_> @zarxal a win with 5 kills is still a win
  757. (12:30:23am) <aedge_> And you got 5 kills
  758. (12:30:35am) <stepniak112> a win with 5 kills is royalty tier
  759. (12:30:52am) <stepniak112> minimum expectations for royalty
  760. 03(12:31:06am) * xxoscargrxx08 ( has joined #zarxal
  761. 03(12:31:06am) * faegwent ( has joined #zarxal
  762. 03(12:31:06am) * casualcolt ( has joined #zarxal
  763. 03(12:31:06am) * willgamed ( has left #zarxal
  764. 03(12:31:06am) * yekim_hd ( has left #zarxal
  765. 03(12:31:06am) * monobovo01 ( has left #zarxal
  766. (12:31:36am) <myckaela> So did you ever dye your hair purple?
  767. (12:32:03am) <stepniak112> LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS
  768. (12:32:07am) <aedge_> @zarxal like no one ever was
  769. (12:32:26am) <myckaela> Damn I missed it
  770. (12:32:34am) <11@somoonm> he didnt
  771. (12:32:45am) <myckaela> He's probably lying to me
  772. (12:32:50am) <rusheu4690> SuperVinlin
  773. 03(12:32:57am) * casualcolt ( has left #zarxal
  774. (12:33:24am) <ragent5> Gold 2 TriHard
  775. 03(12:35:06am) * rusheu4690 ( has left #zarxal
  776. 03(12:35:06am) * xxoscargrxx08 ( has left #zarxal
  777. (12:35:40am) <stepniak112> you can
  778. (12:35:45am) <stepniak112> but it takes 30 seconds to do
  779. (12:35:45am) <myckaela> That must be how Will feels
  780. (12:35:48am) <aagvictorious> just me or do you rarely use turbo? (shift)
  781. (12:35:49am) <myckaela> Like all the time
  783. (12:37:11am) <myckaela> Sharings caring
  784. (12:37:32am) <aagvictorious> LUL
  785. (12:37:38am) <stepniak112> his name LUL
  786. (12:37:53am) <khereshai> danish
  787. (12:37:54am) <aagvictorious> too many fabric WutFace
  788. (12:38:03am) <stepniak112> he has a danish hoodie...
  789. 03(12:38:23am) * gunta51 ( has joined #zarxal
  790. 03(12:38:23am) * rusheu4690 ( has joined #zarxal
  791. 03(12:38:23am) * p4fk0 ( has joined #zarxal
  792. 03(12:38:23am) * willathor ( has left #zarxal
  793. 03(12:38:23am) * imtheoooo ( has left #zarxal
  794. (12:38:47am) <stepniak112> isnt Denmark in Africa Kappa
  795. (12:38:52am) <aagvictorious> that has been there since preseason started
  796. (12:39:22am) <aagvictorious> jack this is not pugb nobody camps on bridges
  797. (12:39:54am) <aagvictorious> rude DansGame
  798. (12:40:10am) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  799. (12:40:15am) <stepniak112> cringy and awkward sums up vicky Kappa
  800. (12:40:16am) <myckaela> Was that the sexy wink?
  801. (12:40:24am) <aagvictorious> if it looks save other people also think it is save
  802. (12:40:26am) <aagvictorious> it is a trap
  803. (12:41:06am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  804. (12:41:24am) <myckaela> Oh my...
  805. (12:41:45am) <aagvictorious> someone has sniper
  806. (12:41:59am) <myckaela> Watch out for the tree
  807. (12:42:29am) <stepniak112> kiko is better Kappa
  808. (12:42:35am) <odinsbrojalla> im master and have never goten a sniper
  809. (12:42:39am) <06@imjustkiko> yes
  810. (12:42:44am) <06@imjustkiko> what am i better at?
  811. (12:43:06am) <stepniak112> driving
  812. (12:43:12am) <06@imjustkiko> oh ye
  813. (12:43:14am) <06@imjustkiko> im pro
  814. (12:43:16am) <stepniak112> but it was a Kappa
  815. (12:43:30am) <06@imjustkiko> im still a pro
  816. (12:44:06am) <06@imjustkiko> thats a spawn
  817. (12:44:06am) <06@imjustkiko> ye
  818. (12:44:24am) <06@imjustkiko> theres 3 more car spawn in the camp SE
  819. (12:44:34am) <06@imjustkiko> spawns
  820. (12:44:38am) <06@imjustkiko> idk how to english
  821. (12:45:01am) <myckaela> You English very well
  822. (12:45:09am) <06@imjustkiko> you thank
  823. (12:45:20am) <myckaela> Welcome you
  824. (12:45:38am) <stepniak112> you speak nice london
  825. 03(12:45:46am) * odinsbrojalla ( has joined #zarxal
  826. 03(12:45:47am) * ordinarydan ( has joined #zarxal
  827. 03(12:45:47am) * aedge_ ( has left #zarxal
  828. (12:45:48am) <06@imjustkiko> i go to pasha london school
  829. (12:46:11am) <06@imjustkiko> also i hit my pinkie on the bed and im dying
  830. (12:46:17am) <06@imjustkiko> send help
  831. (12:46:20am) <myckaela> Ouch
  832. (12:47:08am) <stepniak112> i think one of them had sniper
  833. (12:47:19am) <aagvictorious> you should've died there
  834. (12:47:31am) <stepniak112> YOU JUST REKT THAT ROYALTY
  835. (12:47:40am) <aagvictorious> no the royalty fucked himself
  836. (12:47:44am) <stepniak112> shh
  837. (12:47:50am) <khereshai> hey
  838. 03(12:47:51am) * ordinarydan ( has left #zarxal
  839. (12:47:51am) <stepniak112> make him feel good
  840. (12:47:51am) <khereshai> those other guys
  841. (12:47:53am) <khereshai> watch out
  842. (12:48:00am) <khereshai> watch lootbags*
  843. (12:48:09am) <khereshai> hahaha
  844. (12:48:18am) <khereshai> i dont england
  845. (12:48:18am) <06@imjustkiko> hes a 9 kill royalty player haHAA
  846. (12:49:34am) <06@imjustkiko> thats terrible
  847. (12:49:51am) <aagvictorious> as a royalty you should have 15+ kills
  848. (12:49:56am) <khereshai> 10+
  849. (12:49:57am) <khereshai> actually
  850. (12:49:59am) <aagvictorious> if you want to be considered good
  851. (12:50:07am) <06@imjustkiko> maybe high diamond, low master but def not royalty
  852. (12:50:07am) <khereshai> to be considered good yes
  853. (12:50:08am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  854. (12:50:31am) <stepniak112> it doesnt matter how many kills you get
  855. (12:50:34am) <stepniak112> only matters if you win
  856. (12:50:48am) <odinsbrojalla> that is what campers say
  857. (12:50:48am) <aagvictorious> that is a pussy mindset
  858. (12:50:55am) <stepniak112> NotLikeThis
  859. (12:51:03am) <stepniak112> iits called being reasonable
  860. 03(12:51:06am) * willathor ( has joined #zarxal
  861. 03(12:51:06am) * ordinarydan ( has joined #zarxal
  862. 03(12:51:06am) * willgamed ( has joined #zarxal
  863. 03(12:51:06am) * gunta51 ( has left #zarxal
  864. (12:51:18am) <odinsbrojalla> its called camping
  865. (12:51:38am) <06@imjustkiko> tbh you can just get 4 kills top 100, camp top 2 and win the fight, do that 10 times and boom your royalty
  866. (12:52:09am) <aagvictorious> that was clean jack
  867. (12:52:13am) <aagvictorious> ns
  868. (12:52:16am) <11somoonm> what a sick shot
  869. (12:52:18am) <stepniak112> if Jack wins NotLikeThis
  870. (12:52:24am) <ragent5> ScaredyCat
  871. (12:53:06am) <ragent5> wheres your makeshift FailFish
  872. (12:53:10am) <stepniak112> ^^
  873. (12:53:13am) <aagvictorious> ^^^^^^
  874. (12:53:18am) <aagvictorious> @ZARXAL MAKESHIFT
  875. (12:53:33am) <aagvictorious> SeemsGood ragent
  876. (12:53:50am) <ragent5> BloodTrail
  877. 03(12:54:04am) * harry_5678 ( has joined #zarxal
  878. 03(12:54:04am) * willgamed ( has left #zarxal
  879. (12:54:07am) <khereshai> hes 40 hp
  880. (12:54:12am) <khereshai> if he had lammi 60
  881. (12:54:22am) <khereshai> (laminated)
  882. (12:54:26am) <aagvictorious> the other guy should shoot him
  883. (12:54:30am) <aagvictorious> that other guy is a pussy
  884. (12:54:33am) <willgamed> One time top 1 player looking to become a 2 time top 1 player
  885. (12:54:36am) <stepniak112> that other guy is me
  886. (12:54:37am) <aagvictorious> rofl
  887. (12:54:41am) <06@imjustkiko> teamers BabyRage
  888. (12:54:44am) <khereshai> you are in safe
  889. (12:54:45am) <aagvictorious> the other guy is just watching and waiting
  890. (12:54:45am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious u know tyler is streaming?
  891. (12:54:47am) <khereshai> he needs to push you
  892. (12:54:52am) <aagvictorious> @Willgamed really?
  893. (12:54:52am) <khereshai> you are ini the safezone
  894. (12:54:59am) <khereshai> he needs to push you
  895. (12:55:02am) <stepniak112> that SHOT
  896. (12:55:05am) <khereshai> oooo
  897. (12:55:05am) <stepniak112> PogChamp
  898. (12:55:09am) <ragent5> holy
  899. (12:55:10am) <stepniak112> quick scopes in h1z1
  900. (12:55:13am) <khereshai> average Kappa
  901. (12:55:19am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious ye continuing his playtrough of until dawn its lit
  902. (12:55:32am) <aagvictorious> PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
  903. (12:55:39am) <aagvictorious> pogchamp for tyler being online btw
  904. (12:55:42am) <ragent5> PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
  905. (12:55:42am) <stepniak112> wow
  906. (12:55:42am) <aagvictorious> not for you winning
  907. (12:55:44am) <khereshai> PogChamp
  908. (12:55:45am) <stepniak112> PogChamp
  909. (12:55:46am) <khereshai> You called it
  910. (12:55:48am) <khereshai> in the beginning
  911. (12:55:50am) <willathor> YOU SUCK
  912. (12:55:50am) <khereshai> Ahahaha
  913. (12:55:50am) <willgamed> WASHED UP TOP 1 PLAYER BECOMES A 2 TIMES TOP 1 PLAYE
  914. (12:55:54am) <ragent5> noice
  915. (12:55:55am) <stepniak112> PLAY WITH WILL
  916. (12:56:06am) <06@imjustkiko> how do you get these wins
  917. (12:56:11am) <aagvictorious> tyler1 is online Kreygasm
  918. (12:56:17am) <aagvictorious> jack you gotta go to my second screen
  919. (12:56:18am) <aagvictorious> !shrug
  920. (12:56:18am) <05@nightbot> ¯\_()_/¯
  921. 03(12:56:21am) * willgamed ( has joined #zarxal
  922. 03(12:56:21am) * harry_5678 ( has left #zarxal
  923. (12:56:23am) <stepniak112> WILL
  924. (12:56:23am) <06@imjustkiko> i always get trihards in my top10
  925. (12:56:27am) <willgamed> I need another name
  926. (12:56:32am) <06@imjustkiko> na
  927. (12:56:41am) <06@imjustkiko> ur better than me when you get a 17K win
  928. (12:56:42am) <khereshai> not better than me yet Zarxal
  929. (12:56:44am) <khereshai> LUL
  930. (12:56:45am) <willgamed> Washed up 2 times top 1 player > kiko
  931. (12:57:15am) <khereshai> diamond 4
  932. (12:57:22am) <stepniak112> kevin
  933. (12:57:29am) <stepniak112> lets duo against them
  934. (12:57:36am) <willgamed> Call me the handsome Will
  935. (12:57:43am) <06@imjustkiko> last season LUL
  936. (12:57:57am) <myckaela> I mean other Will isn't that bad to look at
  937. (12:57:58am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious hf at tyler
  938. (12:58:09am) <aagvictorious> \'channel only for adult audience'' Kreygasm
  939. (12:58:17am) <aagvictorious> ty willgamed
  940. (12:58:21am) <myckaela> Or maybe I'm just used to it
  941. (12:58:24am) <ragent5> You're a god but I gotta go
  942. (12:58:35am) <aagvictorious> tyler1 > you though
  943. (12:59:17am) <willgamed> Ok uhhhhhhhh
  944. (12:59:25am) <myckaela> I hear everything twice
  945. 03(12:59:27am) * odinsbrojalla ( has left #zarxal
  946. 03(12:59:28am) * willathor ( has left #zarxal
  947. 03(12:59:28am) * stepniak112 ( has left #zarxal
  948. (12:59:30am) <myckaela> This is not okay
  949. (12:59:42am) <willgamed> Big dick?
  950. (01:00:03am) <myckaela> Where?
  951. (01:00:09am) <myckaela> 🙄
  952. (01:00:18am) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  953. (01:00:21am) <misstams1n> let me teach you
  954. (01:00:31am) <willgamed> Asianstewie
  955. (01:00:33am) <willgamed> Lmfao
  956. (01:00:34am) <misstams1n> :D
  957. (01:00:40am) <willgamed> haha xd
  958. (01:00:40am) <misstams1n> <3
  959. (01:01:01am) <misstams1n> I am Plat I FeelsBadMan
  960. (01:01:07am) <misstams1n> I am good, hbu?
  961. (01:01:11am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  962. (01:01:20am) <khereshai> $2
  963. (01:01:22am) <khereshai> jack wtf
  964. 03(01:01:29am) * stepniak112 ( has joined #zarxal
  965. 03(01:01:29am) * sor3n9000 ( has joined #zarxal
  966. 03(01:01:29am) * misstams1n ( has joined #zarxal
  967. 03(01:01:29am) * p4fk0 ( has left #zarxal
  968. 03(01:01:29am) * ragent5 ( has left #zarxal
  969. (01:01:39am) <misstams1n> good, your usual self is amazing
  970. (01:01:47am) <willgamed> Kappa
  971. (01:01:58am) <misstams1n> ceezNK ceezNK
  972. (01:02:18am) <misstams1n> this and that
  973. (01:02:31am) <misstams1n> hahahaha
  974. (01:02:33am) <misstams1n> xD
  975. (01:02:39am) <willgamed> Thanks
  976. (01:02:42am) <myckaela> Is Will 1 not dead yet?
  977. (01:02:58am) <misstams1n> yeah, solos are upsetting
  978. (01:03:07am) <stepniak112> WAIT
  979. (01:03:16am) <myckaela> I can't see the screen from where I'm sitting
  980. (01:03:20am) <willgamed> Why am I will 2
  981. (01:03:25am) <misstams1n> true
  982. (01:03:31am) <kimdongun69> ZARXAL WHY U PLAYING WITH SOMEONE THATS NOT ME
  983. (01:03:32am) <myckaela> Because I live with Will 1
  984. (01:03:41am) <myckaela> So he's Will 1 by default
  985. (01:03:45am) <willgamed> Why cant I be will big dick, or will 0
  986. (01:03:49am) <willgamed> Or will 17
  987. (01:03:50am) <misstams1n> you look really good btw @ZARXAL
  988. (01:04:44am) <myckaela> Did I hear that right?
  989. (01:05:00am) <misstams1n> let me know if I can do anything to help you get back to you ;)
  990. (01:05:14am) <myckaela> Wills dead now
  991. (01:06:12am) <stepniak112> ME AND KEVIN ARE IN YOUR LOBBY
  992. (01:06:32am) <myckaela> You are better than me at this game
  993. 03(01:06:40am) * gurrex ( has joined #zarxal
  994. 03(01:06:40am) * sor3n9000 ( has left #zarxal
  995. (01:07:00am) <myckaela> Welcome :D
  996. (01:08:13am) <myckaela> I got this jack
  997. (01:08:18am) <myckaela> I'll distract him
  998. (01:08:40am) <aagvictorious> game is bugged
  999. (01:08:50am) <kimdongun69> never eat soggy waffles, thats how i learned my compass shit
  1000. (01:08:55am) <aagvictorious> happens sometimes
  1001. (01:08:56am) <aagvictorious> just die
  1002. (01:09:31am) <stepniak112> me and kevin died BibleThump
  1003. (01:09:40am) <myckaela> Rip
  1004. (01:09:41am) <khereshai> we won
  1005. (01:10:07am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  1006. (01:10:11am) <kimdongun69> zarxals still trash even though he detroyed two people with one taps
  1007. (01:10:22am) <myckaela> Mean
  1008. (01:11:24am) <aagvictorious> when that happens to me I just die and restart because I got a shitty start LUL
  1009. (01:11:30am) <kimdongun69> DxCat this cat could still do better
  1010. (01:11:51am) <rusheu4690> Im gonna get off now, cyaa later bajPEACE bajPEACE
  1011. (01:11:52am) <kimdongun69> what type of cat is dx cat?
  1012. 03(01:12:29am) * willgamed ( has left #zarxal
  1013. 03(01:12:29am) * gurrex ( has left #zarxal
  1014. (01:13:12am) <kimdongun69> DxCat this cat is an american bobtail
  1015. (01:14:31am) <stepniak112> VP won 16-11 against Fnatic
  1016. (01:15:49am) <kimdongun69> dx cat is an american bobtail
  1017. (01:15:59am) <myckaela> VP rock that's why
  1018. (01:16:06am) <kimdongun69> DxCat thats dx cat
  1019. (01:16:13am) <kimdongun69> vp the best
  1020. (01:16:39am) <myckaela> Way better than G2...
  1021. 03(01:16:52am) * rusheu4690 ( has left #zarxal
  1022. (01:17:05am) <myckaela> I went there
  1023. (01:18:05am) <myckaela> You don't scare me
  1024. 03(01:18:59am) * zenhilla ( has joined #zarxal
  1025. 03(01:18:59am) * stepniak112 ( has left #zarxal
  1026. 03(01:18:59am) * @imjustkiko ( has left #zarxal
  1027. 03(01:18:59am) * jtv sets mode: -o imjustkiko
  1028. (01:19:35am) <myckaela> 6"5
  1029. (01:19:39am) <myckaela> You a giant
  1030. (01:19:43am) <myckaela> Jesus
  1031. (01:19:58am) <stepniak112> thats a lie
  1032. 03(01:20:05am) * stepniak112 ( has joined #zarxal
  1033. (01:20:09am) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  1034. (01:20:11am) <stepniak112> You are like 6"2
  1035. (01:20:20am) <myckaela> Still a giant
  1036. (01:20:48am) <myckaela> Ask Will
  1037. (01:20:52am) <myckaela> Let's test gim
  1038. (01:21:03am) <myckaela> Him*
  1039. 03(01:21:06am) * ordinarydan ( has left #zarxal
  1040. (01:21:48am) <kimdongun69> @myckaela when i put a wet towel on my dog he freaked out and destroyed the towel
  1041. (01:22:05am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  1042. (01:22:13am) <kimdongun69> you owe me a towel giant lady
  1043. (01:22:15am) <myckaela> Poor towel
  1044. (01:22:21am) <myckaela> I'm not a giant
  1045. (01:22:27am) <myckaela> Will is lying
  1046. (01:22:31am) <kimdongun69> 6"5???
  1047. (01:22:40am) <myckaela> I'm tiny
  1048. (01:22:41am) <kimdongun69> HOW TALL U IS THEN
  1049. (01:23:02am) <myckaela> Tiny
  1050. (01:23:09am) <kimdongun69> also when u sending me my towel
  1051. 03(01:23:16am) * palszabi2011 ( has joined #zarxal
  1052. (01:23:26am) <kimdongun69> aalso alsohow tall is tiny?
  1053. (01:23:30am) <myckaela> It's in the post
  1054. (01:23:38am) <myckaela> 5"2
  1055. (01:23:45am) <kimdongun69> WHOA
  1056. (01:23:53am) <kimdongun69> i know a grill thats 4"11
  1057. (01:23:57am) <kimdongun69> my age
  1058. (01:24:01am) <kimdongun69> thats tiny
  1059. (01:24:07am) <misstams1n> HHAHAHAHA
  1060. (01:24:08am) <myckaela> I'm being generous
  1061. 03(01:24:20am) * itswafflesz ( has joined #zarxal
  1062. (01:24:20am) <kimdongun69> im probs being generous too
  1063. (01:24:27am) <kimdongun69> to that grill
  1064. (01:24:27am) <misstams1n> XD
  1065. (01:24:34am) <11somoonm> arent you about ~180cm??
  1066. (01:24:40am) <myckaela> Everyone I know is taller than me :(
  1067. (01:25:01am) <kimdongun69> its okay ur probs taller than DxCat
  1068. (01:25:17am) <stepniak112> I am 5"1 BibleThump
  1069. 03(01:25:24am) * kijjum ( has joined #zarxal
  1070. (01:25:26am) <stepniak112> Dont make fun if short people
  1071. (01:25:28am) <kimdongun69> im 5'5
  1072. (01:25:30am) <stepniak112> of*
  1073. (01:25:31am) <myckaela> I'm taller than a person!
  1074. (01:25:57am) <kimdongun69> myck you still growing?
  1075. (01:25:58am) <myckaela> He's lying
  1076. (01:26:05am) <myckaela> Know I'm fully grown
  1077. (01:26:09am) <myckaela> No*
  1078. (01:26:11am) <kimdongun69> RIIIIIIIIIIIIP
  1079. (01:26:13am) <stepniak112> I was lying
  1080. (01:26:17am) <stepniak112> I am 6"1
  1081. 03(01:26:24am) * trump69696 ( has joined #zarxal
  1082. 03(01:26:24am) * ordinarydan ( has joined #zarxal
  1083. 03(01:26:24am) * misstams1n ( has left #zarxal
  1084. (01:26:26am) <kimdongun69> MY GOD
  1085. (01:26:33am) <myckaela> Don't play with my emotions like that :(
  1086. (01:26:52am) <kimdongun69> if i crouch down youll be taller than me myckaela
  1087. (01:27:25am) <myckaela> Haha xD
  1088. 03(01:27:26am) * palszabi2011 ( has left #zarxal
  1089. 03(01:27:26am) * kijjum ( has left #zarxal
  1090. (01:28:01am) <myckaela> My baby brother is like a full foot taller than me :(
  1091. (01:28:14am) <khereshai> Jack you're 188 cm
  1092. (01:28:18am) <kimdongun69> its okay
  1093. (01:28:20am) <khereshai> I'm 175 but 13
  1094. (01:28:22am) <khereshai> so...
  1095. 03(01:28:29am) * zenhilla ( has left #zarxal
  1096. 03(01:28:29am) * stepniak112 ( has left #zarxal
  1097. (01:28:49am) <myckaela> You kids gotta stop growing
  1098. (01:28:51am) <kimdongun69> im 166 and 16
  1099. (01:29:01am) <kimdongun69> but maLES grow until theyre like 20
  1100. (01:29:05am) <kimdongun69> supposedly
  1101. (01:29:14am) <myckaela> I feel old
  1102. (01:29:18am) <kimdongun69> thats what my short ass coach says
  1103. (01:29:21am) <myckaela> And short
  1104. 03(01:29:28am) * 1337luqi ( has joined #zarxal
  1105. 03(01:29:28am) * trump69696 ( has left #zarxal
  1106. (01:29:37am) <kimdongun69> myckaela i bet ur like 87
  1107. (01:29:42am) <kimdongun69> years old
  1108. (01:29:48am) <myckaela> Close
  1109. (01:29:53am) <kimdongun69> 78
  1110. (01:30:02am) <kimdongun69> !myzollars
  1111. (01:30:02am) <myckaela> Nailed it
  1112. 06(01:30:02am) * @vivbot Kimdongun69, you have 23 Zollars.
  1113. (01:30:09am) <kimdongun69> !bet 23 black
  1114. 06(01:30:09am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1115. (01:30:12am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  1116. (01:30:17am) <kimdongun69> im a age guessing god
  1117. (01:30:22am) <myckaela> !myzollars
  1118. 06(01:30:22am) * @vivbot Myckaela, you have 175 Zollars.
  1119. (01:30:29am) <myckaela> Boom
  1120. 06(01:30:30am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 25 red. Kimdongun69 -23 on black.
  1121. 03(01:30:37am) * stepniak112 ( has joined #zarxal
  1122. (01:30:38am) <kimdongun69> MOTHERFU
  1123. (01:30:39am) <khereshai> !myzollars
  1124. 06(01:30:39am) * @vivbot Khereshai, you have 156 Zollars.
  1125. (01:30:45am) <khereshai> !bet 25 black
  1126. 06(01:30:46am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1127. (01:30:52am) <kimdongun69> someone donated to a poor boy in need
  1128. (01:30:52am) <myckaela> !bet 25 red
  1129. 06(01:31:06am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 14 red. Myckaela +25 on red. Khereshai -25 on black.
  1130. (01:31:20am) <myckaela> Success
  1131. (01:31:22am) <khereshai> !bet 25 black
  1132. 06(01:31:22am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1133. (01:31:23am) <khereshai> fuck
  1134. (01:31:26am) <khereshai> !bet 25 black
  1135. (01:31:30am) <khereshai> !bet 50 black
  1136. (01:31:36am) <kimdongun69> !givemezollars
  1137. (01:31:36am) <khereshai> this doesnt work
  1138. (01:31:37am) <stepniak112> !bet 100 black
  1139. (01:31:38am) <myckaela> !bet 25 red
  1140. 06(01:31:43am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 32 red. Stepniak112 -100 on black. Myckaela +25 on red. Khereshai -25 on black.
  1141. (01:31:50am) <kimdongun69> rip
  1142. (01:31:53am) <khereshai> !myzollars
  1143. (01:31:54am) <myckaela> I'm good at this
  1144. 06(01:31:54am) * @vivbot Khereshai, you have 106 Zollars.
  1145. (01:31:54am) <stepniak112> !myzollars
  1146. 06(01:31:55am) * @vivbot Stepniak112, you have 322 Zollars.
  1147. (01:32:00am) <khereshai> !bet 106 black
  1148. 06(01:32:01am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1149. (01:32:08am) <stepniak112> !bet 106 black
  1150. 06(01:32:21am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 32 red. Stepniak112 -106 on black. Khereshai -106 on black.
  1151. (01:32:26am) <khereshai> HAHaha
  1152. (01:32:30am) <khereshai> haHAA
  1153. (01:32:35am) <khereshai> !myzollars
  1154. 06(01:32:35am) * @vivbot Khereshai, you have no Zollars.
  1155. (01:32:38am) <stepniak112> !give 50 khereshai
  1156. 06(01:32:38am) * @vivbot No user named 50. !give [user] [amount 1-∞].
  1157. 06(01:32:39am) * @vivbot [amount] must be a whole number. khereshai isn't. !give [user] [amount 1-∞].
  1158. 03(01:32:41am) * skipzy1026 ( has joined #zarxal
  1159. (01:32:50am) <stepniak112> !give khereshai 50
  1160. 06(01:32:50am) * @vivbot Stepniak112 gave 50 Zollars to Khereshai. [-50 Zollars]
  1161. (01:32:51am) <myckaela> !bet 25 black
  1162. 06(01:32:51am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1163. (01:32:55am) <khereshai> !bet 20 black
  1164. (01:32:59am) <stepniak112> !bet 25 black
  1165. (01:33:03am) <stepniak112> !myzollars
  1166. 06(01:33:03am) * @vivbot Stepniak112, you have 116 Zollars.
  1167. 06(01:33:11am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 21 red. Myckaela -25 on black. Stepniak112 -25 on black. Khereshai -20 on black.
  1168. (01:33:12am) <khereshai> !bet 30 black
  1169. 06(01:33:12am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1170. (01:33:19am) <myckaela> Ffffffffff
  1171. (01:33:27am) <stepniak112> !bet 30 black
  1172. 06(01:33:32am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 13 black. Stepniak112 +30 on black. Khereshai +30 on black.
  1173. (01:33:38am) <myckaela> !bet 25 black
  1174. 06(01:33:38am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1175. 03(01:33:44am) * skipzy1026 ( has left #zarxal
  1176. (01:33:48am) <stepniak112> !bet 100 red
  1177. (01:33:50am) <khereshai> !bet 60 black
  1178. 06(01:33:58am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 25 red. Myckaela -25 on black. Stepniak112 +100 on red. Khereshai -60 on black.
  1179. (01:34:07am) <stepniak112> !myzollars
  1180. 06(01:34:07am) * @vivbot Stepniak112, you have 221 Zollars.
  1181. (01:34:11am) <khereshai> !myzollars
  1182. (01:34:11am) <myckaela> I quit
  1183. 06(01:34:11am) * @vivbot Khereshai, you have no Zollars.
  1184. (01:34:13am) <khereshai> :(
  1185. (01:34:18am) <myckaela> !myzollars
  1186. 06(01:34:18am) * @vivbot Myckaela, you have 176 Zollars.
  1187. (01:34:31am) <myckaela> !bet 170 red
  1188. 06(01:34:32am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1189. (01:34:38am) <myckaela> Go big or go home
  1190. (01:34:38am) <stepniak112> WILL 1V1
  1191. (01:34:40am) <kimdongun69> you still succo zarxo
  1192. (01:34:49am) <khereshai> YES
  1193. (01:34:50am) <khereshai> YES!!!!!
  1194. (01:34:51am) <11somoonm> just talking to myself i guess..
  1195. (01:34:51am) <stepniak112> Will sucks
  1196. 06(01:34:52am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 11 black. Myckaela -170 on red.
  1197. (01:34:55am) <khereshai> IM SO HAPPY
  1198. (01:34:56am) <khereshai> sorry
  1199. (01:34:58am) <khereshai> i had to
  1200. (01:34:59am) <stepniak112> that was the easiest kill
  1201. (01:35:00am) <myckaela> Well fuck
  1202. (01:35:01am) <ekliptiic> My internet is cheeks
  1203. (01:35:07am) <aagvictorious> JACK
  1204. (01:35:08am) <aagvictorious> RECOIL
  1205. (01:35:26am) <myckaela> Wills salty
  1206. 03(01:35:52am) * ekliptiic ( has joined #zarxal
  1207. (01:35:57am) <stepniak112> me and kevin vs you and will
  1208. (01:36:04am) <kimdongun69> tell will ill play withb him
  1209. (01:36:05am) <aagvictorious> tyler doing a toiler break ResidentSleeper
  1210. (01:36:09am) <aagvictorious> toilet*
  1211. (01:36:30am) <myckaela> Will has to come to bed after this next game
  1212. (01:36:36am) <aagvictorious> LUL
  1213. 03(01:36:52am) * ekliptiic ( has left #zarxal
  1214. 03(01:36:53am) * 1337luqi ( has left #zarxal
  1215. (01:37:23am) <myckaela> Or he's grounded
  1216. (01:37:36am) <kimdongun69> !myzollars
  1217. 06(01:37:36am) * @vivbot Kimdongun69, you have 2 Zollars.
  1218. (01:37:42am) <kimdongun69> !bet 2 black
  1219. 06(01:37:42am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1220. 06(01:38:02am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 8 black. Kimdongun69 +2 on black.
  1221. (01:38:12am) <kimdongun69> !bet 4 blakc
  1222. 06(01:38:12am) * @vivbot Kimdongun69, blakc is not a valid bet.
  1223. (01:38:18am) <kimdongun69> !bet 4 black
  1224. 06(01:38:18am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1225. (01:38:32am) <myckaela> It's not his birthday Jack
  1226. (01:38:38am) <myckaela> Or Christmas
  1227. 06(01:38:39am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 21 red. Kimdongun69 -4 on black.
  1228. (01:38:46am) <kimdongun69> GOD
  1229. 03(01:38:56am) * amdusias47 ( has joined #zarxal
  1230. (01:39:03am) <khereshai> :D
  1231. (01:39:05am) <khereshai> sadadsadsa
  1232. (01:39:13am) <willgamed> !title
  1233. (01:39:13am) <kimdongun69> you still suck zarxo
  1234. (01:39:13am) <05@nightbot> Willgamed -> Current Stream Title: Plat 2, Wins: 1. K/M 2.5 - !group !twitter !snapchat !discord !knife
  1235. (01:39:14am) <khereshai> !myzollars
  1236. 06(01:39:14am) * @vivbot Khereshai, you have 1 Zollar.
  1237. (01:39:18am) <willgamed> :thinking:
  1238. (01:39:22am) <khereshai> !bet 1 black
  1239. 06(01:39:22am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1240. 06(01:39:42am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 26 black. Khereshai +1 on black.
  1241. (01:39:53am) <myckaela> Don't hurt yourself @willgamed
  1242. (01:39:55am) <kimdongun69> aight im out see ya zarxal
  1243. (01:40:01am) <kimdongun69> HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys
  1244. (01:40:01am) <05@nightbot> HeyGuys Kimdongun69
  1245. 03(01:40:04am) * jacobnx007 ( has joined #zarxal
  1246. (01:40:09am) <05@nightbot> Join the steamgroup and become part of the Twitch Wolfpack!
  1247. (01:40:10am) <willgamed> I wont
  1248. (01:40:18am) <myckaela> Gdgd
  1249. (01:40:20am) <willgamed> Bye korea leader
  1250. (01:40:36am) <khereshai> NO
  1251. (01:40:39am) <stepniak112> NO
  1252. (01:40:41am) <khereshai> no thats not you for the nigyt
  1253. (01:40:44am) <khereshai> im getting revenge
  1254. (01:40:46am) <khereshai> fuck off
  1255. 03(01:41:00am) * willgamed ( has joined #zarxal
  1256. 03(01:41:00am) * jacobnx007 ( has left #zarxal
  1257. (01:41:06am) <05@nightbot> Remember to follow me on twitter for life-changing information :)
  1258. (01:41:08am) <khereshai> !bet 2 red
  1259. 06(01:41:08am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1260. (01:41:23am) <willgamed> I saw major draws and they are good for my favorites luckily.
  1261. 06(01:41:29am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 25 red. Khereshai +2 on red.
  1262. (01:41:38am) <11@somoonm> you werent nice today
  1263. (01:41:41am) <khereshai> !bet 4 red
  1264. 06(01:41:41am) * @vivbot Roulette will roll a number in 20 seconds.
  1265. (01:41:42am) <stepniak112> Goodnight everyone <3
  1266. (01:41:43am) <willgamed> Bye sexy beast xx xd
  1267. (01:41:43am) <aagvictorious> ima watch tyler full time now
  1268. (01:41:46am) <aagvictorious> goodnight guys
  1269. (01:41:49am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious same
  1270. 03(01:41:55am) * kimdongun69 ( has left #zarxal
  1271. 06(01:42:01am) * @vivbot Roulette rolled 5 red. Khereshai +4 on red.
  1272. (01:42:03am) <myckaela> It's not gonna last that long
  1273. (01:42:08am) <myckaela> Being too generous
  1274. (01:42:10am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious im shitting my pants already
  1275. (01:42:23am) <aagvictorious> @Willgamed you pussy
  1276. (01:42:25am) <aagvictorious> it are deers
  1277. (01:42:33am) <11@somoonm> ignored again
  1278. (01:42:37am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious u know the game or not?
  1279. (01:42:41am) <khereshai> bye motherfucker
  1280. 10(01:42:43am) <willgamed> @somoonm Bye <3
  1281. (01:42:43am) <aagvictorious> I do LUL
  1282. (01:42:45am) <aagvictorious> still
  1283. (01:42:49am) <aagvictorious> not that scary
  1284. (01:42:51am) <myckaela> Nighttttt ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  1285. (01:42:55am) <willgamed> @aagvictorious I forgot all the jumpscares
  1286. (01:43:00am) <aagvictorious> oh
  1287. (01:43:02am) <aagvictorious> you might be fucked then
  1288. (01:43:07am) <11@somoonm> ok mate
  1289. (01:43:10am) <aagvictorious> I know what is going to happen 90% of the time LUL
  1290. (01:43:13am) <willgamed> and why is that towel so goddamn glued to her body
  1291. (01:43:14am) <mrtotgames> ooh
  1292. (01:43:16am) <mrtotgames> im 2 late
  1293. (01:43:16am) <07@zarxal> I wasn't nice today?
  1294. (01:43:19am) <07@zarxal> What does that even mean?
  1295. (01:43:24am) <mrtotgames> well
  1296. (01:43:30am) <07@zarxal> Yeah I'm ending.
  1297. (01:43:34am) <07@zarxal> sorry mrtot
  1298. (01:43:36am) <willgamed> ye I know main storyline that Josh got wrong medicines for depression and shit and
  1299. (01:43:36am) <mrtotgames> hope it was a good stream xD
  1300. (01:43:48am) <willgamed> etc. like the backstory
  1301. (01:43:49am) <07@zarxal> I mean I thought I was doing alright today but whatever.
  1302. (01:43:53am) <willgamed> but just details idk about
  1303. (01:43:56am) <07@zarxal> and also the only 2 messages you said
  1304. (01:43:57am) <aagvictorious> well enjoy the jumpscares then LUL
  1305. 03(01:43:59am) * cofft ( has joined #zarxal
  1306. 03(01:43:59am) * itswafflesz ( has left #zarxal
  1307. (01:44:04am) <07@zarxal> was you weren't nice and ignored again.
  1308. (01:44:04am) <willgamed> hf u2 mate
  1309. (01:44:18am) <aagvictorious> hf hf, gn :)
  1310. (01:44:18am) <mrtotgames> pretty 10/10 music
  1311. (01:44:27am) <07@zarxal> :)
  1312. (01:44:29am) <mrtotgames> Night
  1313. (01:44:33am) <mrtotgames> :D
  1314. (01:44:38am) <willgamed> Goodnight all
  1315. 03(01:45:03am) * mrtotgames ( has joined #zarxal
  1316. 03(01:45:03am) * myckaela ( has left #zarxal
  1317. (01:46:10am) <stepniak112> !esea
  1318. (01:46:10am) <05@nightbot>
  1319. (01:46:35am) <yesyoujustdied> !howlong
  1320. 03(01:47:09am) * cofft ( has left #zarxal
  1321. 03(01:47:09am) * willgamed ( has left #zarxal
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