
Aeron: The Second Umbral Curse Rune

Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. [16:51:24] To those whom would leave his person, he'd laugh upon-- Those whom doggedly swarmed the battlefield would met with the swooping palms of the Umbral Kaor, abducting his victims within his outreached grasp. The frail bodies of resisting soldiers were crushed betwixt his merciless digits, siphoned of the lifeforce that melded flesh and soul.
  3. It had been roughly a century since an Umbral was released upon Valmasia, and finally, another had arisen...
  4. This time, stronger...
  5. Smarter...
  6. Far more resilient, and all thanks to the works of Humanity itself, he'd play a role in its own extermination.
  8. Bodies were toiled abroad, soaring through the air to lay as fresh cadavers. The juggernaught left victims vulnerable to the many cohorts under his enthralling influence that doused the immediate scape. The perception warping magnitude of the Occult emulated refraction in itself, draining the energy of brazen warriors to leave them fatigued before the first strikes against his toughened hide.
  10. They couldn't puncture it on their own, lacking the magical capabilities to leave him faltered in the slightest. Without a mage to wage battle against his vessel, the lists of bodies would only accumulate.
  11. "With every being I consume, the dream becomes, -that- much closer..." He monologued, with a squadron leader of a military movement, palmed by the monster, held high above his fellow warriors, falling to their knees, courtesy to the fissures that shattered the earth, emanating the vile essence that pried at their being.
  13. "--And in due time... I will furfill that, which the Fallen Angel had instructed of me." The pressure midst his palm intensified to splatter the sanguineous messings within their skull to the earth below.
  14. "--But first..."
  15. He released the body to scan the immediate scape. The bloodlust that pushed him onward, the longing he beared to exact vengaence on Humanity, soul by soul. It couldn't be quenched with one, ten, hundreds...
  16. He needed more...
  17. (Aeron)
  18. [16:58:14] Imminent Death Awaits
  20. Valeria ran out from where she was previously, fighting along side Dent and Adeline - now she's in the middle of nowhere, broken down streets, bodies filled the ground - death still filled the air and the battle raged on, seemingly there was to much going on for Valeria to really understand the truth about what was about to come. Then, Valeria took one last step around the corner of a destroyed building, only to be looking a massive, black Kaor standing there, probably chomping on the dead.
  22. This thing was possibly what was going to be her undoing. She hadn't seen a Kaor this close up before, and she was - well, to put it honestly, she was starting to think that she wanted to run off from the war, there wasn't much left for her as of this moment anyway - they were losing, and this thing was probably going to single handedly dunk Valeria - but then a friend came from out of nowhere!.. Not sure who this white-thing is.. Doesn't really matter at this point.
  24. "..Oh.. This.. Sucks.." She commented before raising the shield that she had picked up from the Stonehog - a shield that was black in color, filled with purple runes.. Depravity seemed to fall off of the dark-shield - Occultic power could be felt coming from its very being. "Well! Lets do this!"
  25. (Valeria Leo Artorius)
  26. [16:59:56] After finishing up the case with Rylus and his wife Ashura, finally does she take the time to head back into the fray. She soon spots Valeria who happend to be getting bombarded by the swarm of undead, and so does she unleash a firey torrent to cast them away and burn them into ash, helping the woman back up to her feet. This woman was the late Cassius' wife, was she not? She owed it to the man to at least help her considering what she was to him. Her broadsword is drawn, and now she huffs.
  28. Then a step resounds throughout the district.
  30. A Kaor, though one unlike any other, approaches. It zaps the life force of her fellow allies and tosses their bodies aside like cannon fodder, and that sickened her down to the very core. It's the same one that accompanied Rylus earlier, and it seems to have refused leaving the battlefield so soon. If it wanted a fight, then certainly it would get it from this Krausite.
  32. "Vile scourge."
  33. (Anamaria D. Claudius)
  34. [17:17:00] Anamaria's tenacity was greeted with a knee to the face that propelled her person into the sandy earth over yonder, carving it as they rolled, burying themselves deeper under their own inertia, courtesy of the Umbral Kaor. Although the damage on the beast had accumulated, it seemed... Reserved. Quiet...
  35. Wordless for the most part, without even proclaimations of joy in their torment.
  37. Valeria was next, with a swat of his tail, toiling her over for a cactus growth nigh, shattering the plant-matter and leaving its splinters embedded across her skin and armor: A minor inconvienence granted the damages he inflicted upon both their bodies.
  38. " ... Is this what I'm challenged with? " He commented, already taking his eyes for the greater quantity of warring fighters, plowing through them with his charge.
  40. " More blind followers of a deity they couldn't even hope to understand themselves, trying so desperately to enforce his Will, even in War... " He swept his hand at the end of his charge to hurdle dozens of armed soldiers for the skies.
  41. " That, is why I was born... Created... " He monologued, "Mordred's descendent, having been awoken to finally open your eyes from the blinding lies, to finally see the Truth that was Azreal's plan." He claimed.
  43. The fallen now littered the proximity of this section of the battleground, and the Kaor used them akin to a foot mat to his passing person-- The crunch of their brittle bones filled the false silence, their lifeforce consumed with the omission of their image underfoot. He was approaching Valeria, stoic without the slightest hint of joy in his voice.
  44. " Don't you wish to become something... More?" He offered, "More than simplistic trash, entitled to an eternal cycle that will evitibly end in your suffering... All orchestrated by Kraus himself, the Betrayer of all Divine... Betrayer to you.... Betrayer, to me..." He hadn't much hope in them understanding what he mean't, what he had been through... What he had seen and heard.
  46. "If only you had seen them... Seen one of them, yourselves... Perhaps then, you'd finally understand. However, you're limited by your defiance to digress from your humanly flaws, aren't you?"
  47. "You would never understand that it was Azreal that loved you, enough to finally rid you of your suffering so that you may live in nirvana for all eternity... All of us."
  49. It was a hopeful dream that could never happen betwixt that Human-Yokai relations...
  50. Not for the centuries' passed...
  51. And not for the centuries to come...
  52. (Aeron)
  53. [17:26:24] Failure
  55. The battle had been lost, Valeria had been slapped with the beasts tail and thrown into a massive cactus, tiny thorns laid across her skin, some even managed to stick into her armor, damaging it somewhat. She laid there for but a moment as the Kaor spoke, making fun at his prey. Valeria was nothing in power compared to this Kaor. The massive beast spoke about blind followers and such - smashing through a small group of the Taldaran Legion.. Killing them.. Truly it was a shame.
  57. There was nothing that she could really do against this creature, it was able to easily take out two powerful mages without hardly even batting an eye. Finally, instead of deciding to play dead, Valeria would push herself up off the ground, pulling the tiny thorns from her body, looking at the Kaor with a smile, her eyes still shooting what seemed to be golden flame. She was indeed a holy mage..
  59. "This thing is strong.. By the gods.." Valeria wasn't really all that religious, but she did indeed know that there was gods out there, somewhere - even angels. Honestly it almost seemed like Valeria was being nice to this thing somehow, flattery? "..Well!.. I'm not done yet... Lets see what's to come.." she commented before calling over what seemed to be some legion members!
  61. "Lets try this again, shall we?"
  62. (Valeria Leo Artorius)
  63. [17:26:24] Wham!
  65. Oh, what an awful sight where this stout follower of Kraus is beaten and battered away by the hands of the Umbral. It's a blow that quite literally nearly ruptures this woman's nose, a light shade of red leaving from where he dealt his strike, and as she dragged across the streets of Danarium, slowly does she take the time to stand back up to her feet. Strikes that had ran her mind helter-skelter, but despite all this, she is able to keep stable enough to the point that she heard the Kaor out for what he had to say. It's only then that this woman's beliefs felt flawed for a slight bit.
  67. The word would tell her to ignore just what this scoundrel had to say, but was it truly just? Faith had been placed into the one who forged the very grounds they treaded, and life was breathed into them all by the one she so wholly worshipped, but did that change the fact that there was still pain, strife, death and all of the hardships life carried with it to follow? No, not at all, for Kraus still refused to aid those that followed him and devoted their lives to carrying out his words.
  69. .. but still, whether or not he was there, he gave them hope, did he not? Hope that it may be different for all of them. She wouldn't have gotten this far had it not been for that very reason.
  71. And that's why, despite that God she so stubbornly followed not being there, or if by the off-chance that this age-old Kaor did carry some truth behind his words, she was still able to raise her sword against him. What he did to the people she cared about, her city. . .
  73. It couldn't be right, and like hell would she allow him to tell him otherwise.
  75. ""Let's."
  76. (Anamaria D. Claudius)
  77. [18:09:04] "Fight all you wish, it means nothing in the end..." A body was swooped for, by one of his outreached palm, digits crushed at it to leave them incapacitated. Alas, the struggle was over... For Valeria at least. She, had been caught within his grasp, glared upon by the monster whom attempted to pierce his glare through her very soul.
  78. " It's just attempting to prolong the inevitible."
  80. He had noted Anamaria approaching from over yonder, flickering his gaze with a flashed grin.
  81. " Fight and struggle all you'd like, it is your strife that has created me." His tail had lashed over, slapping at the Holy pyromancer to launch her off-wards... Only to... Freeze?
  83. No, somehow, she had managed to hold it off; "...Cute."
  84. He pressed onward, only to have his appendage parried, and her person vast approaching.
  86. A stomp to the soil below, instantly hardening the now glassy-sands, and shattering it for a cascading pillar of the most putrid displays of the transmundane. The battlefield soon encompassed a skybound stream of malevolent essence, and midst it, Anamaria was forced to ascend in its vicious grasp.
  88. Her armor was unraveling in the face of the tormentous energies, disassembled as the power shredded it apart, crippling the integrity of flesh, but not immediate whittling away at her form. The restrained illusionist had managed to cast a spell upon the Kaor that ultimately left him to release Valeria, stammering backwards.
  89. The esoteric chasm that parted the cloudy heavens, had collapsed in itself, finally combusting in a spherical explosion, tearing the ground asunder to carve a crater of solid earth.
  91. Within it, the three remained, nothing of their followers and cohorts...
  92. The Kaor stood at the center, some cuts littered across his body, but otherwise, zipping back to a close courtesy of regenerative capabilities amplified by his immense life draining capabilities.
  93. "How much potential I see in you... In you both..." He stated, "As blind as I was, in my youth..." He glanced at the two, seperated to either part of the crater, furthest from one another and encrusted into the rock they were hurdled into.
  95. He turned his eyes towards Anamaria, his back facing Valeria...
  96. Allowing that of the airborne chimera under his enthrallment to descend for her fallen form. The daemonic monstrosities watered at the mouth, their intent clear... And as claws sliced at the earth that kept her restrained...-- Hope fell bleak.
  98. Aeron's shadow swallowed Anamaria completely, his hulking form towering over her fallen own.
  99. "Though, Humans never learn through rhetoric, as proven by your wars, time and time again..." He lowered himself to his knees as though to level himself off with a fallen human, hand configured to prod at the center of one's chest, stripped bear of protective armor.
  100. The tip of his hardened digit gleamed with a lavender gleam, tainted by his morbid arcane.
  102. " You are an Exorcist..." He stated bluntly...
  103. "Which means, this... Will hurt..." He stabbed into her flesh, slowly dragging his digits amidst her pectorials to carve out, illuminated glypths of his practice. A Rune of Enchantment, of the most concentrated of the occult, soon dousing her figure to seemingly drown out her Holy essence with his vile own, enforcing a curse that clouded her vision with darkness.
  105. The sounds of screams, from those having been undone by the Kaor over the course of years sounded throughout her vision, exclusive to her mind. The pain of death played itself over, on eternal replay throughout her incapacitation, should she continue to resist its intoxicating embrace.
  106. "Though, as a magi, I'd expect you to survive..."
  107. The power he poured into this one was overdone as per usual, but it seemed... Due to the lack of abrupt muscular expansion... That she was not one of his many failures! She, may just survive this endeavor yet!
  109. The lessers under his control had taken up Valeria, taking to flight with the woman restrained his their possession. The Kaor himself stood upright, scooping up the fallen pyromancer, expecting her to writhe in the agonizing hex forced upon her body and soul...
  111. "I have plans for you two..."
  112. (Aeron)
  113. [18:28:41] Alas, the Umbral Kaor had arrived to Nostvale's gates. Guards, stood aside, having already grown familiar with the creature. Anamaria was grasped still, but this time, allowed to dangle limp within the grasp of his right hand.
  114. In his left, that of Valeria, carried as lax as the aforementioned...
  115. His cohorts reigned over the skies above, creating a public disturbance with their vast quantity daring to prod nigh the two-hundred mark.
  117. There was a displacement of mana in his wake... No, culminating within his vessel. An unsettling amassment of the occult was building within his vessel, suspending iotas' worth of dust, debris and light instances within the general proximity for the air abroad. The shadows had dared to taunt their former acclaimed limitations, and soon-- With discharge, ring out for the minds of those far and wide.
  119. This, was the beast's attempt to imitate communicative endeavors beyond that of his own class wholly. This, was not an assault on the scene, nor city's people, but a call out to minds far and wide...
  120. A weak, but definite stab at a natural Dark Call.
  121. "... I bring you, two magi of the North, Nostvale... Now, I await your end of the bargain... Where is the King of your people?!"
  123. It'd only take moments before the Undead had taken to the scene, surrounding him. Callously, he handed over the bodies of Valeria and Anamaria alike, where they'd be apprehended by New Alterosi forces, and pulled away for the dungeons. As to their fate, the Umbral hadn't a care in the world, his part in this war was done-- And he awaited reward.
  125. "... Hopefully..." His voice cooed out to tampered mind of the recently marked, "You will return, having considered my words... Hopefully, you can be worthy of being saved... Though, you may never see, I will do so to save you from yourselves."
  126. It was then, that he'd part ways with the two for now.
  128. "Know, that Kraus has wrought your undoing in his plan... Inevitibly, you will come to an end, but under his whilm... You will experience it, through suffering."
  129. He watched as they were carted offward... Still awaiting Ryan Kyro's acknowledgement, whenever it'd come.
  130. (Aeron)
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