
Rickard, the Zaunite Gunslinger

Jan 1st, 2014
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  1. Rickard, the Zaunite Gunslinger
  3. Range: 550
  4. Health: 364 (+82)
  5. Health Regen: 4.5 (+0.7)
  6. Attack Damage: 50 (+3)
  7. Attack Speed: 0.638 (+2.3%)
  8. Mana: 200 (+60)
  9. Mana Regen: 7 (+0.45)
  10. Movespeed: 335
  11. Armor: 13 (+3)
  12. Magic Resistance: 30 (+0)
  14. Hidden Passive: MLG Pro 360 No Scope Expert
  15. Against champions who wield guns (Caitlyn, possibly Corki, Lucian, Jinx, Gangplank, Graves, Jayce, Tristana, Miss Fortune), Rickard gains +1 gold if he spins in place once and kills them with a Trick Shot within 3 seconds of the spin.
  17. Hidden Passive 2: Rocket, Meet Revolver
  18. Rickard takes 1 less damage from the explosion of a Super Mega Death Rocket.
  20. Passive: Quick Aim
  21. When Rickard lands a Trick Shot or a Fire and Brimstone on an enemy champion, the cooldown of all of Rickard's skills are reduced by 1 second and he gains a 20%/40%/60% attack speed buff for 3 seconds. (level 1/7/13)
  23. Q: Trick Shot
  24. Rickard shoots a bullet from his pistol that stops at the first enemy unit contacted, but can be shot at terrain to make it bounce off the terrain based on the angle it hit. Deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+1.4 bonus AD) physical damage and grants Rickard a 15% MS buff for 1.5 seconds. When bounced off terrain, the shot travels another 900 units and deals 25% increased damage.
  25. Cast Time: 0.25s
  26. Projectile Speed: 1500
  27. Range: 900
  28. Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
  29. Mana: 80
  31. W: .38 Caliber Opera
  32. Rickard marks an enemy champion for 8 seconds. While the mark is active, Rickard's autoattacks and abilities reduce the armor of the enemy by 5%, capping at 30/35/40/45/50%. Stacks independently of Black Cleaver.
  33. Cast Time: 0.1s
  34. Range: 675 (equal to 575 autoattack range), mark is global after application
  35. Cooldown: 18 seconds (10s uptime)
  36. Mana: 50
  38. E: Fire and Brimstone
  39. Rickard shoots a bullet in a line that pierces enemy units, dealing 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.4 total AD) and applies a mark for 3 seconds. Firing a Trick Shot at afflicted enemies will trigger the mark and explode in an AoE, dealing bonus 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.6 total AD) physical damage (does 50% damage against minions). Autoattacking a target will deal 35/57.5/80/102.5/125 (+0.3 total AD) bonus physical damage and slows the enemy by 15/20/25/30/35% (does full damage to minions), but will not detonate in an AoE.
  40. Cast Time: 0.25s
  41. Radius of AoE: 160
  42. Range: 900
  43. Cooldown: 10 seconds
  44. Mana: 80
  46. R: Deadeye
  47. Rickard reloads his pistol(s) and gains 30/40/50% bonus armor penetration. For 15 seconds, his Trick Shots will pass through enemy units and bounce an additional 3/4/5 times, increasing damage by 5% per bounce. In addition, Trick Shots will bounce between enemy champions after the first bounce.
  48. When Rickard scores a kill or assist during this buff, the cooldown on Trick Shot resets.
  49. Cast Time: 0s
  50. Cooldown: 150/135/120 seconds
  51. Mana: 100
  53. Lore:
  54. Bullets.
  56. Everywhere I go, nothing but bullets.
  58. I know my trade. I used to be the gunsmith guy---the guy everyone went to when they had a fixing for gunpowder in the air, back in Bilgewater. I dealt in lead and Hextech, and put my own 'unique' spin on old classics. The best thing I ever made was a set of ship-mounted cannons that could fire at any location hundreds of miles away. That was some of my best work...heh, how the time has passed. Time that I will never get back.
  60. You see, a guy earns his rep doing what he loves. Doesn't matter if it's on the up and up, or on the down low, a rep is a rep. Sometimes, when he does his job a bit too well, things get...hairy.
  62. It wasn't but a year before a man in black came to me. The only thing anyone knew was that he came from Zaun and was pretty damn high on the political ladder there. Not that there's much of a ladder, seeing as no one in Zaun's government got to be all high and mighty by dealing on the up and up. He was especially interested in the Hextech stuff I sold, and asked questions. Too many questions. Should've known something was up. But rare is a man is who actually wants to understand the finer details of guncraft. So, I answered. Question after question, I answered.
  64. That was when the trouble started.
  66. This man in black turned out to be a window shopper in the end, and didn't buy a single gun from me. Business wasn't exactly booming, even in Bilgewater where the smell of gunpowder is always high in the air. So, I closed up shop and turned in for the night. The next day, I went to check inventory. But there was something wrong---all my Hextech guns had disappeared overnight. I don't believe in coincidences, and I smelled a rat right then and there. I whipped out my gun, Lawless, my first gun given to me by my father. There's a long history with Lawless, but all you need to know is that it's seen a fair amount of action in piracy, stagecoach robbery, quickdraw duels and clay pigeon shooting. Did I mention it shoots .38 caliber?
  68. ...bullets, bullets, I can hear them...
  70. ...So I whipped out Lawless (bullets, bullets) and combed my place, looking for signs that someone went and thieved my Hextech. However, I found nothing. No incriminating footprints, no fingerprints, no conveniently placed lockpicks, no nothing. That was yet another sign of the trouble to come, but I didn't know it. I was highly disappointed that someone would thieve from me without paying, but crooks don't have a great track record of being polite to each other. So I went out into the streets to set up shop, only to run into dozens of coppers with blue hats and grim faces. Being the gentleman I am, I negotiated a truce with them, but these coppers, man, ain't one of them got a shred of decency.
  72. I was hauled off to court in Zaun. Something about the right to remain silent, and selling off a huge stash of Hextech to a gang of kids that then shot up some bank. Load of bullcrap if you ask me---kids wouldn't know how to handle Hextech, trust me. The trial was a wash, mostly because everyone is so prejudiced against honest, do-gooder types, and they shipped me off to prison. Only, it wasn't no prison. It was a freakshow filled with freaks and their freak kids.
  74. I was in that place for close to a year. They did things to me. Things that no real human being has a right to experience. Things I can't even begin to explain.
  76. They took me out, and placed me in regular prison. Better there than the freakshow...that is, if you can make a name for yourself that doesn't involve being a babbling wreck on your first day. I remember that the inmates had a right fix for me, seeing as I was prey and all. Some days they beat the crap out of me, some days they merely ragged on me. But eventually, I got better. I don't know how long it was, only that suddenly I gathered enough of my wits to gain respect and get people to smuggle in gunsmithing tools, and it wasn't so bad. I crafted weapons, and for a while, it was like the old days. I once made a shotgun with a grenade launcher for this feller who got screwed over by his boy used to be his swindler partner, and he came up with a funny sounding name that somehow made sense applied to the rest of my life...Destiny.
  78. For a while, things were good. But there's a saying that goes around in Bilgewater. 'If everything is running just a little bit too smooth, chances are you'll get screwed.' And boy, did I get screwed. They took me out of the prison and to some place called the League of Legends. Bit of an unoriginal name if I say so myself, but hey, I didn't pick it. Anyway, they told me that if I wanted my old life back, I'd have to go out there and fight, and represent Zaun. And if I didn't, there would be 'consequences' of the sort that involve sleeping and fishes They gave me my favorite gun, Lawless, presumably taken from lockup as a 'favor' to me. As if a copper or magic man would ever want to do a gentleman like me a favor...ah well.
  80. ...I can hear the bullets.
  82. They call my name.
  84. They sing to me.
  86. They put on a right fine show for me. They make the pop of .38s sound like one of them fancy operas. The .38 Caliber Opera, I call them.
  88. Can you hear the song they sing?
  90. Can you?
  92. Changelog
  93. 3/22/14
  94. -Changed Jayne to Rickard.
  95. -Simplified "Rocket, Meet Revolver" so that it just applies the flat 1 damage reduction on Super Mega Death Rocket when Rickard gets hit by it.
  96. -Changed passive to "When Rickard lands a Trick Shot or a Fire and Brimstone on an enemy champion, the cooldown of all of Rickard's skills are reduced by 1 second and he gains a 20%/40%/60% attack speed buff for 4 seconds. (level 1/7/13)".
  97. -Trick Shot base damage increased from 30/60/90/120/150 to 60/100/140/180/220.
  98. -Fire and Brimstone now does 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.4 total AD) damage when applying its initial mark (changed from 0 damage). Additionally, you can now autoattack to consume the mark for halved damage and a slow.
  100. 3/17/14
  101. -Changed Jericho to Jayne.
  102. -Added lore.
  104. 3/3/14
  105. -Added HP/5 and MP/5 values.
  106. -Added a 'possibly maybe' for Corki in Jericho's hidden passive.
  108. 2/22:
  109. -Added 2 hidden passives, increased range of .38 Caliber Opera by 25.
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