Guest User


a guest
Apr 10th, 2019
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
text 41.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. package english;
  3. my $lang =
  4. {
  5. ### Header + Footer
  6. lang_login => "Login",
  7. lang_signup => "Sign Up",
  8. lang_forgot_pass => "Forgot your password?",
  9. lang_page_title => "Easy way to share your files",
  10. lang_welcome => "Welcome,",
  11. lang_upload_files => "Upload Files",
  12. lang_my_files => "My Files",
  13. lang_renew_premium => "Renew premium",
  14. lang_buy_premium => "Upgrade to premium",
  15. lang_logout => "Logout",
  16. lang_adm_file_mgmt => "Files",
  17. lang_adm_user_mgmt => "Users",
  18. lang_adm_server_mgmt => "Servers",
  19. lang_adm_abuse => "Abuses",
  20. lang_adm_news => "News",
  21. lang_adm_settings => "Settings",
  22. lang_home => "Home",
  23. lang_news => "Blog",
  24. lang_catalogue => "Catalogue",
  25. lang_faq => "FAQ",
  26. lang_tos => "Terms of service",
  27. lang_premium => "Premium",
  28. lang_link_checker => "Link Checker",
  29. lang_contact_us => "Contact Us",
  31. ### Upload Form / Upload results
  32. lang_description => "Description",
  33. lang_published => "Published",
  34. lang_public => "Public",
  35. lang_file_upload => "File upload",
  36. lang_url_upload => "Remote URL upload",
  37. lang_rcpt_email => "Recipient's Email",
  38. lang_show_advanced => "Show Advanced Options",
  39. lang_link_pass => "Link Password",
  40. lang_i_agree => "I have read and agree to the",
  41. lang_tos_short => "TOS",
  42. lang_upload_btn => "Upload!",
  43. lang_up_to => "Up to",
  44. lang_files_max => "files max",
  45. lang_files_uploaded => "Files Uploaded",
  46. lang_copy_links_below => "Click the links below to copy links to your clipboard",
  47. lang_file_name => "Filename",
  48. lang_file_size => "Size",
  49. lang_file_descr => "Description",
  50. lang_download_link => "Download Link",
  51. lang_forum_link => "Link for forums",
  52. lang_direct_link => "Direct Link",
  53. lang_delete_link => "Delete Link",
  54. lang_mass_url_upload => "Mass URL upload",
  55. lang_can_enter_up_to => "You can enter up to",
  56. lang_one_per_row => "URLs, one URL per row",
  59. ### Login / Registration / Pass recovery
  60. lang_password => "Password",
  61. lang_user_registration => "User Registration",
  62. lang_user_login => "User Login",
  63. lang_email => "E-mail",
  64. lang_retype_password => "Retype Password",
  65. lang_code_captcha => "Code",
  66. lang_submit => "Submit",
  67. lang_login_too_short => "Login must be at least 4 letters long",
  68. lang_login_too_long => "Login must be less than 32 letters long",
  69. lang_invalid_login => "Invalid Login format",
  70. lang_pass_too_short => "Password should be at least 4 letters long",
  71. lang_pass_too_long => "Password should be less than 32 letters long",
  72. lang_invalid_email => "Valid e-mail required",
  73. lang_pass_dont_match => "Passwords do not match",
  74. lang_plz_fix_errors => "Please fix errors below",
  75. lang_login_exist => "User with this login already exist!",
  76. lang_email_exist => "User with this e-mail already exist!",
  77. lang_login_pass_wrong => "Incorrect Login or Password",
  78. lang_pass_recovery => "Password Recovery",
  79. lang_enter_login_email => "Enter your Login or E-mail",
  80. lang_remind_my_pass => "Remind me my password",
  81. lang_no_login_email => "No user with this login / e-mail",
  82. lang_login_pass_sent => "Your Login & Password sent to your E-mail",
  84. ### My Files ###
  85. lang_search => "Search",
  86. lang_used_disk_space => "Used space",
  87. lang_files => "files",
  88. lang_export_all => "Export all",
  89. lang_export_folder => "Export folder",
  90. lang_folders => "Folders",
  91. lang_fname_descr => "Filename / Description",
  92. lang_filesize => "Filesize",
  93. lang_number_downloads => "Number of Downloads",
  94. lang_number_comments => "Number of Comments",
  95. lang_downloads_short => "DL",
  96. lang_comments_short => "Cmt",
  97. lang_uploaded => "Uploaded",
  98. lang_delete_file => "Delete this file?",
  99. lang_delete_folder => "Delete this folder with all files inside?",
  100. lang_enter_new_folder => "Enter new folder name",
  101. lang_move_to_folder => "Move files to folder",
  102. lang_new_folder => "New folder",
  103. lang_delete_selected => "Delete selected",
  104. lang_delete_confirm => "Delete selected files?",
  105. lang_publish => "Publish selected",
  106. lang_unpublish => "Unpublish selected",
  107. lang_paging_total => "total",
  108. lang_no_files_yet => "No files uploaded yet",
  110. ### My Account ###
  111. lang_prem_valid_until => "Premium account expire",
  112. lang_extend_account => "Extend Premium account",
  113. lang_become_premium => "Become a PREMIUM-Member",
  114. lang_you_collected => "You have collected",
  115. lang_premium_points => "premium points",
  116. lang_convert_points => "Convert points",
  117. lang_my_public_link => "My published files link",
  118. lang_my_settigns => "My Account Settings",
  119. lang_put_username_link => "Put my username into download links",
  120. lang_direct_downloads => "Direct downloads",
  121. lang_rapidshare_account => "Rapidshare Account",
  122. lang_using_for_url => "Using for URL upload from",
  123. lang_save_settings => "Save Settings",
  124. lang_change_password => "Change password",
  125. lang_current_password => "Current password",
  126. lang_new_password => "New password",
  127. lang_retype_new_pass => "Retype New password",
  128. lang_change_email => "Change e-mail",
  129. lang_current_email => "Current e-mail",
  130. lang_new_email => "New e-mail",
  131. lang_confirm_password => "Confirm password",
  132. lang_pass_changed_ok => "Password changed successfully.",
  133. lang_email_changed_ok => "E-mail changed successfully.",
  134. lang_sett_changed_ok => "Settings saved successfully.",
  135. lang_convert_points => "Convert premium-points",
  136. lang_convert_points_1 => "Everytime a user downloads a file you have uploaded before, you will get premium-points.",
  137. lang_convert_points_2 => "Here you can convert your collected premium-points to free premium-accounts.",
  138. lang_create_a_new => "Create a new",
  139. lang_day_accounts_for => "days account for",
  140. lang_extend_my_account => "Extend my own account for",
  141. lang_days_for => "days for",
  142. lang_account_generated => "New account generated successfully!",
  143. lang_need_at_least => "You need at least",
  145. ### Download File ###
  146. lang_download_file => "Download File",
  147. lang_you_requested => "You have requested",
  148. lang_premium_download => "Premium Download",
  149. lang_free_download => "Free Download",
  150. lang_generating => "Generating",
  151. lang_sending_file => "Sending File",
  152. lang_report_abuse => "Report abuse",
  153. lang_uploaded_by => "Uploaded by",
  154. lang_uploaded_on => "Uploaded on",
  155. lang_downloaded => "Downloaded",
  156. lang_times => "times",
  157. lang_enter_code => "Enter code below",
  158. lang_wait => "Wait",
  159. lang_seconds => "seconds",
  160. lang_create_link => "Create Download Link",
  161. lang_file_not_found => "File Not Found",
  162. lang_file_not_found_1 => "The file you were looking for could not be found, sorry for any inconvenience",
  163. lang_file_not_found_2 => "Possible causes of this error could be",
  164. lang_file_expired => "The file expired",
  165. lang_deleted_by_owner => "The file was deleted by its owner",
  166. lang_deleted_by_admin => "The file was deleted by administration because it didn't comply with our Terms of Use",
  167. lang_avoid_tickets => "Avoid the need for download tickets by using a",
  168. lang_premium_account => "PREMIUM account",
  169. lang_instant_access => "Instant access!",
  170. lang_price => "Price",
  171. lang_valid_for => "Valid for",
  172. lang_days => "days",
  173. lang_file_comments => "File Comments",
  174. lang_leave_reply => "Leave a Reply",
  175. lang_name => "Name",
  176. lang_website => "Website",
  177. lang_required => "required",
  178. lang_wont_be_published => "will not be published",
  179. lang_name_required => "Name is required field",
  180. lang_short_comment => "Too short comment text",
  181. lang_link_generated => "File Download Link Generated",
  182. lang_will_be_available => "This direct link will be available for your IP next",
  183. lang_hours => "hours",
  184. lang_del_file => "Delete File",
  185. lang_do_you_want_delete => "Do you want to delete file",
  186. lang_cancel => "Cancel",
  187. lang_file_deleted => "File deleted successfully",
  188. lang_files_of => "Files of",
  189. lang_latest_files => "Latest uploaded files",
  190. lang_days_ago => "days ago",
  191. lang_today => "Today",
  192. lang_check => "Check",
  193. lang_urls_for_avail => "URLs for availability",
  194. lang_one_url_per_line => "Enter one URL per line",
  195. lang_check_urls => "Check URLs",
  196. lang_contact_1 => "To contact us simply fill the form below. Please take a minute reading both our",
  197. lang_terms_of_service => "Terms of Service",
  198. lang_and_our => "and our",
  199. lang_contact_2 => "before sending any messages regarding our services",
  200. lang_message => "Message",
  201. lang_send_message => "Send Message",
  202. lang_message_too_short => "Message is too short",
  204. ### Admin area ###
  205. lang_traffic => "Traffic",
  206. lang_total => "Total",
  207. lang_files_per_page => "Files per page",
  208. lang_size_more_than => "Size more than",
  209. lang_less_than => "less than",
  210. lang_down_more_than => "Downloads more than",
  211. lang_show_files => "Show Files",
  212. lang_all => "All",
  213. lang_comments => "comments",
  214. lang_add_new_users => "Add new users",
  215. lang_send_mass_email => "Send mass e-mail to users",
  216. lang_premium_only => "Premium only",
  217. lang_username => "Username",
  218. lang_files_hdr => "Files",
  219. lang_disk_used => "Disk Used",
  220. lang_last_visit => "Last Visit",
  221. lang_created => "Created",
  222. lang_never => "Never",
  223. lang_extend_premiums => "Extend all Premium Users subscribtion for",
  224. lang_server_name => "Name",
  225. lang_status => "Status",
  226. lang_users => "Users",
  227. lang_of => "of",
  228. lang_import_files => "import files",
  229. lang_add_new_server => "Add new server",
  230. lang_special_functions => "Special Functions",
  231. lang_update_srv_stats => "Update servers files / disk used",
  232. lang_max_disk_usage => "Max disk usage",
  233. lang_server_for => "Server only for",
  234. lang_file_server_tests => "File Server tests",
  235. lang_file_server => "File Server",
  236. lang_edit => "Edit",
  237. lang_add => "Add",
  238. lang_reports_history => "Reports History",
  239. lang_reported_by => "Reported by",
  240. lang_reason => "Reason",
  241. lang_downloads => "Downloads",
  242. lang_rep_file_deleted => "file deleted",
  243. decline_report => "Decline Report",
  244. lang_add_news => "Add News",
  245. lang_title => "Title",
  246. lang_delete_news => "Delete news?",
  247. lang_news => "News",
  249. # Admin comments
  250. lang_admin_comments => "Comments",
  251. lang_topic => "Topic",
  252. lang_text => "Text",
  253. lang_user => "User",
  255. ### Site Settings ###
  256. lang_license_id => "License ID",
  257. lang_site_name => "Site Name",
  258. lang_file_descr_sett => "File Descriptions",
  259. lang_file_cmt_sett => "Comments",
  260. lang_enabled => "Enabled",
  261. lang_ext_allowed => "Allowed Only extensions",
  262. lang_ext_not_allowed => "Not Allowed extensions",
  263. lang_expire_files => "Expire files",
  264. lang_dont_expire => "Don't expire",
  265. lang_expire_temp_links => "Expire temp links",
  266. lang_down_links_format => "Download links format",
  267. lang_pub_catalogue => "Public Catalogue",
  268. lang_banned_ips => "Banned IPs",
  269. lang_one_ip_per_row => "one IP per row",
  270. lang_use_wildcard => "Use * for wildcard",
  271. lang_banned_filenames => "Banned Filenames",
  272. lang_one_word_per_row => "one word per row",
  273. lang_captcha_mode => "Captcha mode",
  274. lang_captcha_image => "Image (GD required)",
  275. lang_captcha_text => "Text",
  276. lang_items_per_page => "Items per page",
  277. lang_email_from => "Send E-mail FROM",
  278. lang_contact_email => "Site Contact E-mail",
  279. lang_abuse_email => "Site Abuse E-mail",
  280. lang_delimited_by => "delimited by '|'",
  281. lang_days_after_upload => "days after upload",
  282. lang_days_after_downl => "days after last download",
  283. lang_0_to_disable => "0 to disable",
  284. lang_premium_user_files => "premium user's files",
  285. lang_hours_after_create => "hours after creation",
  286. lang_add_to_cron_jobs => "add to cron jobs",
  287. lang_save_settings => "Save Settings",
  288. lang_users_limits => "Users Limits",
  289. lang_anonymous => "Anonymous",
  290. lang_registered => "Registered",
  291. lang_upload_slots => "File upload slots",
  292. lang_on_upload_form => "on upload form",
  293. lang_max_file_size => "Max upload file size",
  294. lang_disk_space_limit => "Storage space",
  295. lang_remote_url_upload => "Remote URL upload",
  296. lang_show_ads => "Show Ads",
  297. lang_code_in_tmpl => "code in templates",
  298. lang_downloads_captcha => "Downloads captcha",
  299. lang_downloads_count => "Downloads countdown",
  300. lang_max_file_downloads => "Max file downloads",
  301. lang_0_unlimited => "0 = unlimited",
  302. lang_max_bandw_per_day => "Max bandwidth per day",
  303. lang_mb_per_ip => "Mbytes per IP",
  304. lang_incremental_limit => "Incremental delay limit",
  305. lang_max_bandw_last => "Bandwidth per",
  306. lang_download_speed => "Download speed",
  307. lang_kb_sec => "Kbytes/sec",
  308. lang_not_used_for_links => "Not used for Direct Links",
  309. lang_gen_direct_links => "Generate direct links",
  310. lang_direct_links_descr => "supports download resume<br>& multiple connections",
  311. lang_payment_settings => "Payment Settings",
  312. lang_product_name => "Product name",
  313. lang_premium_plans => "Premium users plans",
  314. lang_payments_format => "Format: payment_amount=number_of_days, comma delimited",
  315. lang_currency => "Currency",
  316. lang_your => "Your",
  317. lang_optional => "optional",
  318. lang_add_points_per_dl => "Add Points per download",
  319. lang_points_exch_rate => "Points exchange rate",
  320. lang_convert => "Convert",
  321. lang_points_to => "points to",
  323. ### Misc ###
  324. lang_free => "Free",
  325. lang_download_volume => "Download volume",
  326. lang_down_acc_support => "Download-Accelerators support",
  327. lang_instant_downloads => "Instant downloads",
  328. lang_downloads_resume => "Downloads resume",
  329. lang_downloads_delay => "No downloads delay",
  330. lang_advertisements => "No Advertisements",
  331. lang_when_files_deleted => "When are your files deleted?",
  332. lang_premium_features => "Premium Features",
  333. lang_file_corrupt => "File corrupt",
  334. lang_virus_malware => "Virus / Malware",
  335. lang_content_copyright => "Content copyright restriction",
  336. lang_information => "Information",
  337. lang_send_file_report => "Send File Report",
  339. ### NEW 1.3 ###
  340. lang_email_confirm => "Confirm e-mail",
  341. lang_points => "Points",
  342. lang_sanitize_filename => "Sanitize filename",
  343. lang_other => "Other",
  344. lang_ban_file => "Ban file signature",
  345. lang_last_downloads => "Latest Downloads",
  346. lang_date => "Date",
  347. lang_referer => "Referer",
  348. lang_banned_mailhosts => "Banned Mail Servers",
  349. lang_one_host_per_row => "One host per row",
  350. lang_mailhost_banned => "This mail server is banned for registration",
  351. lang_more_from_user => "More files from this user",
  352. lang_adm_stats => "Statistics",
  353. lang_my_account => "My Account",
  354. lang_no_captcha => "No downloads captcha",
  355. lang_adm_payments => "Payments",
  356. lang_pending_payment => "Your pending payout",
  357. lang_pending_payments => "Pending profit payments",
  358. lang_published_short => "Pub",
  359. lang_create_new_folder => "Create new folder",
  360. lang_edit_folder => "Edit folder",
  361. lang_add_fname_postfix => "Add postfix to filename",
  362. lang_coupons => "Coupons",
  363. lang_coupon_code => "Coupon code",
  364. lang_images_mod => "Show images instantly",
  365. lang_mp3_mod => "Show mp3 player",
  366. lang_amount => "Amount",
  367. lang_srv_stats => "Server stats",
  368. lang_copy_clipboard => "copy",
  369. lang_copied_clipboard => "copied",
  371. ### NEW 1.5 ###
  372. lang_export_selected => "Export selected",
  373. lang_last_download => "Last download",
  374. lang_max_dl_file_size => "Max download file size",
  375. lang_add_dl_delay => "Next download delay per 100 Mb",
  376. lang_add_points_when => "Add points only when size &gt;",
  377. lang_dir_img_mod => "Images mod",
  378. lang_video_mod => "Video mod",
  379. lang_forum_code => "Code for forums",
  380. lang_free_rs_leech => "Free URL leech",
  381. lang_rapidshare_mod => "Free Leech mod",
  382. lang_rapidshare_logins => "Rapidshare Premium Logins",
  383. lang_my_affiliate_link => "My affiliate link",
  384. lang_run_check_db_file => "Run DB-to-File consistancy check",
  385. lang_run_check_file_db => "Run File-to-DB consistancy check",
  386. lang_pub_link => "public link",
  387. lang_deurl_mod => "deURL mod",
  388. lang_new_user_get => "New user will get",
  389. lang_short_link => "Short Link",
  390. lang_upgrade_account => "Upgrade your account",
  391. lang_to_use => "to use",
  392. lang_register_on_site => "Register on site",
  393. lang_you_can_leech => "You can leech",
  394. lang_rs_files_today => "more files today",
  395. lang_you_used_all => "You have used all",
  396. lang_rs_slots_last24 => "MB leech traffic today",
  398. ### NEW 1.6 ###
  399. lang_previous => "Previous",
  400. lang_next => "Next",
  401. lang_html_code => "HTML code",
  402. lang_torrents => "Torrents",
  403. lang_torrent_mod => "Torrents mod",
  404. lang_form_torrent => "Torrent leech",
  405. lang_download => "Download",
  406. lang_comment_on_this => "Comment on this",
  407. lang_links => "Links",
  408. lang_payment_info => "Payment info",
  410. ### NEW 1.7 ###
  411. lang_traffic_available => "Traffic available today",
  412. lang_add_to_my_account => "Add to my account",
  413. lang_added_to_account => "Added to your account",
  414. lang_delete_reason => "You can enter reason for deletion:",
  415. lang_file_removed_admin => "The file was removed by administrator",
  416. lang_reason_of_delete => "Reason for deletion",
  417. lang_url_leech_supported=> "Supported sites",
  418. lang_twitter_account => "Twitter Account",
  419. lang_twitter_info => "Allows you to post link with description to after upload",
  420. lang_my_reports => "Reports",
  421. lang_account_created => "Your account have been created.<br>To activate it follow the activation link sent to your e-mail.",
  422. lang_no_torrent_srv => "No live torrent server available at the moment",
  423. lang_full_torr_slots => "You're using all torrent upload slots",
  424. lang_emded_code => "Embed code",
  427. ### NEW 1.8 ###
  428. lang_upload_flash => "Flash upload",
  429. lang_request_payout => "Request payout",
  430. lang_min_payout => "Minimal payout is",
  431. lang_payout_requested => "Payout requested successfully!<br>Administrator will process your payment shortly.",
  432. lang_my_referrals => "My referrals",
  433. lang_money => "Money",
  434. lang_remote_premiums => "Remote sites premiums",
  435. rar_archive_info => "RAR archive info",
  436. rar_password_protected => "Password protected",
  438. ### New 1.9 ###
  439. lang_my_reseller => "Reseller account",
  440. lang_acc_balance => "Account balance",
  441. lang_apply_prem_key => "Apply Premium Key",
  442. lang_apply => "Apply",
  443. lang_prem_key_ok => "Premium Key used successfully",
  444. lang_security_lock => "Security lock",
  445. lang_enable => "Enable",
  446. lang_disable => "Disable",
  447. lang_lock_link_sent => "Link to disable Security Lock sent to your email",
  448. lang_lock_activated => "Security Lock activated",
  449. lang_lock_disabled => "Security Lock disabled",
  450. lang_added_prem_time => "Added premium time",
  452. lang_copy_files => "Copy files",
  454. ### New 2.5 ###
  455. lang_api_keys => "API keys",
  457. ### Messages ###
  458. lang_access_denied => "Access denied",
  459. lang_account_already_confirmed => "Account already confirmed",
  460. lang_activation_email_resent => "Activation email just resent.<br>To activate it follow the activation link sent to your e-mail.",
  461. lang_auth_failed => "Auth failed",
  462. lang_cant_delete_key => "Can't delete this key",
  463. lang_catalogue_reg_only => "Catalogue allowed for registered users only",
  464. lang_error_occured => "Error occured",
  465. lang_error_when_requesting_api => "Error when requesting API",
  466. lang_filename_have_unallowed_extension => "Filename have unallowed extension",
  467. lang_filename_too_short => "Filename too short",
  468. lang_files_imported => "files were completely imported to system",
  469. lang_folder_name_too_short => "Folder name too short",
  470. lang_internal_error => "Internal error",
  471. lang_invalid_confirm_code => "Invalid confirm code",
  472. lang_invalid_files => "Invalid files",
  473. lang_invalid_folder_id => "Invalid folder id",
  474. lang_invalid_folder_name => "Invalid folder name",
  475. lang_invalid_id => "Invalid ID",
  476. lang_invalid_object_type => "Invalid object type",
  477. lang_invalid_parent_folder => "Invalid parent folder",
  478. lang_invalid_payment_amount => "Invalid payment amount",
  479. lang_invalid_price => "Invalid price",
  480. lang_invalid_unsubscription_link => "Invalid unsubscription link",
  481. lang_invalid_filesize_values => "Invalid file_size values",
  482. lang_login_failed => "Login failed",
  483. lang_message_required => "Message required",
  484. lang_no_appropriate_plugin => "No appropriate plugin",
  485. lang_no_section => "No section",
  486. lang_no_servers_selected => "No servers selected",
  487. lang_no_such_file => "No such file",
  488. lang_no_such_folder => "No such folder",
  489. lang_no_such_news => "No such news",
  490. lang_no_such_server => "No such server",
  491. lang_no_transaction => "No such transaction exist",
  492. lang_no_such_user => "No such user",
  493. lang_demo_not_allowed => "Not allowed in Demo mode",
  494. lang_not_allowed => "Not allowed",
  495. lang_not_enough_money => "Not enough money",
  496. lang_not_owner => "not_owner",
  497. lang_number_of_files_required => "Number of files required",
  498. lang_object_not_exist => "Object doesn't exist",
  499. lang_pending_keys => "pending keys",
  500. lang_please_refresh_this_page_in => "Please refresh this page in",
  501. lang_registration_disabled => "Registration disabled",
  502. lang_size => "size",
  503. lang_subject_required => "Subject required",
  504. lang_payment_not_verified => "Your payment have not verified yet.<br>Please refresh this page in 1-3 minutes",
  505. lang_wrong_delete_id => "Wrong Delete ID",
  506. lang_wrong_password => "Wrong password",
  507. lang_you_can_have_max => "You can have max",
  508. lang_folders_max_1024 => "You have can't have more than 1024 folders",
  509. lang_account_created_sucessfully => "Your account created successfully.<br>Please check your e-mail for login details",
  510. lang_not_reseller => "You're not a reseller",
  511. lang_successfully_unsubscribed => "You've successfully unsubscribed from email newsletters",
  513. ### My Files ###
  514. lang_publish_link => "Publish link",
  515. lang_select_folder => "Select folder",
  516. lang_copy_files => "Copy files",
  517. lang_move_files => "Move files",
  518. lang_export => "Export...",
  520. ### Request money ###
  521. lang_payments_history => "Payments history",
  522. lang_paid => "PAID",
  523. land_rejected => "REJECTED",
  525. ### Admin files ###
  526. lang_mass_search => "Mass search",
  527. lang_special => "Special",
  528. lang_reencode => "Re-encode",
  529. lang_regen_thumb => "Regen thumbnail",
  530. lang_transfer_files_to => "Transfer files to",
  532. ### Admin users ###
  533. lang_banned_users_ips => "Banned users / IPs",
  534. lang_delete_pending => "Delete PENDING users created more than",
  535. lang_delete_inactive => "Delete users not logged more than",
  536. lang_delete_selected_users => "Delete selected users",
  537. lang_send_mail_selected => "Send email to selected users",
  539. ### Admin reports ###
  540. lang_ban_selected => "Ban selected",
  541. lang_decline_selected => "Decline selected",
  543. ### Admin torrents ###
  544. lang_torrent_engine => "Torrent engine",
  545. lang_torrents_running => "Torrents running",
  546. lang_progress => "Progress",
  547. lang_working => "Working",
  548. lang_webseed => "Seeding user files",
  549. lang_port => "Port",
  550. lang_server => "Server",
  551. lang_disabled => "Disabled",
  552. lang_torrent => "Torrent",
  553. lang_torrent_download => "Download",
  554. lang_torrent_upload => "Upload",
  556. ### Admin servers ###
  557. lang_servers_management => "Servers management",
  558. lang_transfer_queue => "Transfer queue",
  559. lang_add_cdn => "Add new CDN",
  560. lang_transfer_files => "Transfer Files",
  561. lang_transfer_source => "From",
  562. lang_transfer_dest => "To",
  563. lang_number_files => "Number of files",
  564. lang_file_order => "File Order",
  565. lang_biggest_first => "Biggest first",
  566. lang_smallest_first => "Smallest first",
  567. lang_new_first => "New first",
  568. lang_old_first => "Old first",
  569. lang_file_downloads => "File downloads",
  570. lang_transfer => "Transfer",
  572. ### Admin external ###
  573. lang_stats => "Stats",
  574. lang_api_key => "API Key",
  575. lang_permissions => "Permissions",
  576. lang_upload => "Upload",
  577. lang_reqs_last_month => "reqs / last month",
  578. lang_generate_key => "Generate key",
  579. lang_external_domain => "External domain",
  580. lang_admin_external_description => "Important: this page is used for providing an access to <b>your</b> site for another people.<br>For leeching from another site, ask an owner for API key and paste it in Leech mod settings.",
  582. ### Admin payments ###
  583. lang_mark_paid => "Mark selected as Paid",
  584. lang_mark_rejected => "Mark selected as Rejected",
  585. lang_payout_system => "Payout system",
  586. lang_payment_info => "Payment Info",
  587. lang_mass_payment => "Export selected as PayPal Mass Payment file",
  588. lang_identifier => "Identifier",
  589. lang_delete_payment_confirm => "Do you want to delete the selected payment?",
  591. ### Admin area ###
  592. lang_disable_trash => "0 = disable trash",
  593. lang_keep_forever => "0 = keep forever",
  594. lang_manual_approve => "0 = manual approve",
  595. lang_to_allow_all => "0 to allow all files",
  596. lang_to_disable => "0 to disable",
  597. lang_2x_speed_for_specified => "2X speed for specified hours ",
  598. lang_abuse_management => "Abuse management",
  599. lang_ad_code => "Ad code",
  600. lang_add_money_filesize_more => "Add money only when filesize more",
  601. lang_add_money_per_1000 => "Add money per 1000 downloads",
  602. lang_add_separately => "Add separately",
  603. lang_adfly_uid => " UID",
  604. lang_ads_banned_words => "Ads banned words",
  605. lang_ads_overlay_mod => "Ads overlay mod",
  606. lang_adult_files => "Adult files",
  607. lang_affiliate_receive => "Affiliate receive ",
  608. lang_after_each_download => "after each download, ",
  609. lang_agree_with_tos_by => "Agree with TOS by default",
  610. lang_all_ips => "All IPs",
  611. lang_allow_download_from => "Allow download from",
  612. lang_allow_mode_change_every => "Allow mode change every",
  613. lang_allow_premium_only_files => "Allow Premium Only files",
  614. lang_allow_users_to_see => "Allow users to see the session list in my_account",
  615. lang_allow_user_to_convert => "Allow user to convert",
  616. lang_alternative_predownload_page => "Alternative pre-download page",
  617. lang_android_uploader => "Android uploader",
  618. lang_antidupe_system => "Anti-dupe system",
  619. lang_api_key => "API key",
  620. lang_api_keys => "API Keys",
  621. lang_apply_rule_below_is => "Apply rule below is filesize > X Mb",
  622. lang_archives_info_management => "Archives info / management",
  623. lang_archives_mod => "Archives mod",
  624. lang_audio_bitrate => "Audio bitrate",
  625. lang_authentication_key => "Authentication Key",
  626. lang_autoplay => "Autoplay",
  627. lang_ban_after => "Ban after",
  628. lang_black => "Black",
  629. lang_by_default_gd_is => "by default GD is using for resize",
  630. lang_challenge_key => "Challenge Key",
  631. lang_allow_anonymous_uploads => "Allow anonymous uploads",
  632. lang_allow_premium_accounts => "Allow premium accounts",
  633. lang_allow_user_registration => "Allow user registration",
  634. lang_cleanup_ip2files_records_older => "Cleanup IP2Files records older",
  635. lang_codedays => "CODE=DAYS",
  636. lang_comma_delimited => "comma delimited",
  637. lang_comments_banned_words => "Comments banned words",
  638. lang_comments_moderation => "Comments moderation",
  639. lang_connections_limitation => "Connections limitation",
  640. lang_copy_stream_when_possible => "Copy stream when possible",
  641. lang_count_download_after => "Count download after ",
  642. lang_countries => "Countries",
  643. lang_crf_value_24_is => "CRF value. 24 is recommended. Lower values gives better quality.",
  644. lang_cropped => "Cropped",
  645. lang_days => "days ",
  646. lang_days_after_addition => "days after addition ",
  647. lang_days_only => "days only ",
  648. lang_days_premium_account => "days premium account ",
  649. lang_days_without_downloads => "days without downloads",
  650. lang_default_72_hours => "default: 72 hours",
  651. lang_default_mode => "Default mode",
  652. lang_delete_file_money => "Delete file money ",
  653. lang_delete_files_after => "Delete files after",
  654. lang_delete_old_sessions_after => "Delete old sessions after",
  655. lang_delete_reported_files => "Delete reported files",
  656. lang_delete_trashed_files => "Keep files in trash",
  657. lang_desktop_uploader => "Desktop uploader",
  658. lang_disable_downloads_for_countries => "Disable downloads for countries",
  659. lang_disable_uploads_for_countries => "Disable uploads for countries",
  660. lang_domain_not_specified => "Domain not specified",
  661. lang_dont_show => "Don't show",
  662. lang_dont_show_ads_when => "Don't show ads when filename or description match one of these words",
  663. lang_download_expiry_list_as => "Download expiry list as CSV",
  664. lang_download_it_here => "Download it here",
  665. lang_download_resume => "Download resume",
  666. lang_downloads_enabled => "Downloads enabled",
  667. lang_downloads_maintenance => "Downloads Maintenance",
  668. lang_earned_money_from_each => "earned money from each his referral",
  669. lang_editable => "Editable",
  670. lang_eg => "e.g",
  671. lang_eg_345 => "e.g. 3,4,5",
  672. lang_eg_ua00000001 => "e.g. UA-000000-01",
  673. lang_eg_usd_eur_use => "e.g. USD, EUR Use symbol",
  674. lang_email_will_be_sent => "Email will be sent when any fileserver error occured",
  675. lang_embed_code => "Embed code",
  676. lang_embed_views_earnings => "Embed views earnings",
  677. lang_empty_for_current_domain => "empty for current domain ",
  678. lang_enabled => "Enabled",
  679. lang_enable_direct_downloads_in => "Enable Direct Downloads in all your Premium sites accounts if available",
  680. lang_enable_my_reports => "Enable my_reports",
  681. lang_enable_twitter_posting => "Enable Twitter posting",
  682. lang_exact_downloader_ip => "Exact downloader IP",
  683. lang_extend_existing_or_create => "Extend existing or Create new",
  684. lang_external_links => "External Links",
  685. lang_external_sites_by_just => "external sites by just having one Zevera premium account.",
  686. lang_facebook_app_id => "Facebook App ID",
  687. lang_facebook_secret => "Facebook Secret",
  688. lang_failed_loginsh => "failed logins/h",
  689. lang_fastcgi_status => "FastCGI status",
  690. lang_fetch_dmca_reports => "Fetch DMCA reports",
  691. lang_file_moderation => "File moderation",
  692. lang_files => "Files",
  693. lang_files_preapprove => "Files pre-approve",
  694. lang_file_upload_speed => "File upload speed",
  695. lang_finished => "finished ",
  696. lang_fixed_player_size => "Fixed player size",
  697. lang_fold_with_existing => "Fold with existing",
  698. lang_for_each_100mb_downloaded => "for each 100MB downloaded, ",
  699. lang_format => "Format",
  700. lang_format_domainkey => "Format: domain:key",
  701. lang_format_emailpassword => "Format: email:password",
  702. lang_format_payment_amountgbs_comma_delimited => "Format: payment_amount=GBs, comma delimited",
  703. lang_for_nonapproved_affiliates_only => "for non-approved affiliates only",
  704. lang_for_registered_users_only => "for registered users only",
  705. lang_for_transparancy_use_transparent => "For transparancy use transparent images in PNG24 format.",
  706. lang_from_same_ip_address => "from same IP address",
  707. lang_ftp_upload => "FTP upload",
  708. lang_full_site_maintenance => "Full Site Maintenance",
  709. lang_gbs_of_traffic_generated => "GBs of traffic generated by file 0 = disabled",
  710. lang_generate_google_sitemap => "Generate Google Sitemap",
  711. lang_geoipdat_file_not_exist => "GeoIP.dat file not exist!",
  712. lang_get_more_mods => "Get more mods",
  713. lang_give_no_profit => "Give no profit",
  714. lang_google_analytics => "Google Analytics",
  715. lang_google_client_id => "Google Client ID",
  716. lang_google_secret => "Google Secret",
  717. lang_happy_hours => "Happy Hours",
  718. lang_hide => "Hide",
  719. lang_hide_an_actual_download => "hide an actual download link in URL bar",
  720. lang_hide_file_link => "Hide file link",
  721. lang_hotlink_original_image => "Hotlink original image",
  722. lang_hours_after_creation_by => "hours after creation by DMCA agent ",
  723. lang_hours_after_trashing => "hours after trashing ",
  724. lang_hours_of_inactivity => "hours of inactivity ",
  725. lang_httpsitecomsite_name => "|Site name",
  726. lang_iframe_breaker => "IFrame breaker",
  727. lang_image_displayed_will_be => "Image displayed will be tracked as regular download",
  728. lang_images => "Images",
  729. lang_imap_host_ssl => "IMAP host SSL",
  730. lang_imap_login => "IMAP login",
  731. lang_imap_password => "IMAP password",
  732. lang_important => "Important",
  733. lang_in_admin_files => "In Admin Files / Downloads",
  734. lang_instant => "Instant",
  735. lang_ip => "IP",
  736. lang_ip_changesh => "ip changes/h",
  737. lang_ipport_or_unix_socket => "ip:port or UNIX socket path recommended",
  738. lang_kbps => "kbps",
  739. lang_kbps_video_bitrate => "Kbps. Video bitrate",
  740. lang_kbytessec => "Kbytes/sec ",
  741. lang_keep_only_one_copy => "Keep only one copy of same files to save diskspace",
  742. lang_language_detection => "Language detection",
  743. lang_leech => "Leech",
  744. lang_mandatory => "Mandatory",
  745. lang_manual_affiliate_approve => "Manual affiliate approve",
  746. lang_manual_reseller_approve => "Manual reseller approve",
  747. lang_mask_download_link => "Mask download link",
  748. lang_max_money_last_24 => "Max money last 24 hours",
  749. lang_max_paid_downloadslast_24h => "Max paid downloads/last 24h",
  750. lang_max_url_leech_traffic => "Max URL Leech Traffic",
  751. lang_mb => "Mb ",
  752. lang_mb_per_day => "MB per day",
  753. lang_mbytes => "Mbytes ",
  754. lang_memcached_location => "Memcached location",
  755. lang_minimal_payout => "Minimal payout ",
  756. lang_mixed_plan => "Mixed plan",
  757. lang_mobile_design => "Mobile design",
  758. lang_moderator => "Moderator",
  759. lang_moderator_mod => "Moderator mod",
  760. lang_mods => "Mods",
  761. lang_money => "Money",
  762. lang_more_than_100 => "more than 100",
  763. lang_mp4_encoding_mod => "MP4 encoding mod",
  764. lang_mp4_ffmpeg_video_encoding => "MP4 ffmpeg video encoding",
  765. lang_mp4_flv_player => "MP4 / FLV player",
  766. lang_neverexpiring_extensions => "Never-expiring extensions",
  767. lang_next_download_delay => "Next download delay",
  768. lang_nginx_mod => "NGINX mod",
  769. lang_nginx_mod_required => "Nginx mod required",
  770. lang_no_adblock_earnings => "No Adblock earnings",
  771. lang_no_anonymous_payments => "No anonymous payments",
  772. lang_no_download_button => "No download button",
  773. lang_not_available_with_your => "not available with your license",
  774. lang_not_required => "Not required",
  775. lang_number_or_parallel_uploads => "Number or parallel uploads",
  776. lang_of_downloads => "of downloads, ",
  777. lang_of_files_due_to => "of files due to your Users Limits configuration. ",
  778. lang_of_profit_from_his => "of profit from his site links",
  779. lang_of_rebills => "of rebills",
  780. lang_of_sales => "of sales",
  781. lang_on_download1_page => "on download1 page",
  782. lang_one_coupon_per_row => "One coupon per row",
  783. lang_only_premium_users_can => "Only premium users can add sites",
  784. lang_optional => "Optional",
  785. lang_overrided_by_profit_mode => "overrided by Profit Mode mod",
  786. lang_page_with_premiumfree_download => "Page with Premium/Free Download buttons",
  787. lang_payment_settings => "Payment Settings",
  788. lang_payout_requests_policy => "Payout requests policy",
  789. lang_payouts => "Payouts",
  790. lang_payout_systems_list => "Payout systems list",
  791. lang_pay_per_download => "Pay Per Download",
  792. lang_pay_per_sale => "Pay Per Sale",
  793. lang_per_1000_downloads => "per 1000 downloads",
  794. lang_per_ip_file => "per IP / file server ",
  795. lang_pixels => "pixels",
  796. lang_pixels_to_use => "pixels 0 to use video size",
  797. lang_plans => "Plans",
  798. lang_please_confirm_thats_exactly => "Please confirm that's exactly what you would like to do. ",
  799. lang_ppd_fee_will_not => "PPD fee will not be paid out if Adblock was detected",
  800. lang_predownload_page => "Pre-download page",
  801. lang_premium_traffic_packages => "Premium traffic packages",
  802. lang_prohibit_if_pending_exists => "Prohibit if pending exists",
  803. lang_purple => "Purple",
  804. lang_recaptcha_private_key => "reCaptcha private Key",
  805. lang_recaptcha_public_key => "reCaptcha public Key",
  806. lang_red => "Red",
  807. lang_redirect => "Redirect",
  808. lang_redirect_to_original_link => "redirect to original link if opened in IFrame",
  809. lang_register_anon_users_first => "Register anon users first, then redirect to payment",
  810. lang_registration => "Registration",
  811. lang_regular_profit_rules => "Regular profit rules",
  812. lang_remote_upload_speed => "Remote upload speed",
  813. lang_remote_url_upload => "Remote URL upload",
  814. lang_replace_all_letters_except => "replace all letters except a-z0-9-. with underline",
  815. lang_require_phone_number_on => "Require phone number on registration",
  816. lang_reseller_mod => "Reseller mod",
  817. lang_resellers => "Resellers",
  818. lang_restricted_ips => "Restricted IPs",
  819. lang_rewards_mod => "Rewards mod",
  820. lang_running => "Running",
  821. lang_not_running => "Not running",
  822. lang_sample_35d1030d => "Sample: 3=5d,10=30d",
  823. lang_save_original_files => "Save original files",
  824. lang_security => "Security",
  825. lang_send_deleted_files_reports => "Send deleted files reports",
  826. lang_server_geoip_mod => "Server GeoIP mod",
  827. lang_settings => "Settings",
  828. lang_short_links => "Short links",
  829. lang_show_captcha_after => "Show captcha after",
  830. lang_show_direct_link => "Show direct link",
  831. lang_show_document_viewer => "Show document viewer",
  832. lang_show_ip_country => "Show IP Country",
  833. lang_show_last_news_in => "Show last news in header",
  834. lang_show_more_files => "Show more files",
  835. lang_show_mp3_embed_code => "Show mp3 embed code",
  836. lang_show_server_stats_on => "Show server stats on main page",
  837. lang_show_splash_screen_on => "Show splash screen on main page",
  838. lang_show_video_embed_code => "Show video embed code",
  839. lang_show_video_player_on => "Show video player on page",
  840. lang_site_maintenance => "Site Maintenance",
  841. lang_social => "Social",
  842. lang_social_mod => "Social mod",
  843. lang_specify_premium_accounts_for => "Specify Premium accounts for required sites below",
  844. lang_standard => "Standard",
  845. lang_test_file_servers_in => "Test file servers in",
  846. lang_textlinkads_xml_key => "Text-link-ads XML Key",
  847. lang_theme => "Theme",
  848. lang_the_system_is_going => "The system is going to expire ",
  849. lang_thumbnail_method => "Thumbnail method",
  850. lang_thumbnail_size => "Thumbnail size",
  851. lang_tie_each_session_to => "Tie each session to a single IP",
  852. lang_tier1 => "Tier1",
  853. lang_tier2 => "Tier2",
  854. lang_tier3 => "Tier3",
  855. lang_tier4 => "Tier4",
  856. lang_tiers_filesizes => "Tiers filesizes",
  857. lang_timehires_required => "Time::HiRes required",
  858. lang_times_from_same_ip => "times from same IP address",
  859. lang_torrents_upload => "Torrents upload",
  860. lang_torrent_upload_slots => "Torrent upload slots",
  861. lang_track_downloads => "Track downloads",
  862. lang_twitter_consumer1 => "Twitter Consumer1",
  863. lang_twitter_consumer2 => "Twitter Consumer2",
  864. lang_twofactor_authentication_by_sms => "Two-factor authentication by SMS",
  865. lang_upgrade_to_rewards_mod => "Upgrade to Rewards mod",
  866. lang_uploader_receive => "Uploader receive ",
  867. lang_uploads_are_public_by => "Uploads are public by default",
  868. lang_uploads_enabled => "Uploads enabled",
  869. lang_uploads_maintenance => "Uploads Maintenance",
  870. lang_uploads_per => "Uploads per ",
  871. lang_url_leech => "URL Leech",
  872. lang_url_leech_mod => "URL Leech",
  873. lang_usage => "Usage",
  874. lang_use_imagemagick => "Use ImageMagick",
  875. lang_user_agent => "User Agent",
  876. lang_user_registration => "User Registration",
  877. lang_users_limits => "Users Limits",
  878. lang_verification_key => "Verification Key",
  879. lang_video => "Video",
  880. lang_video_quality => "Video quality",
  881. lang_video_width => "Video width",
  882. lang_vk_app_id => "Vk App ID",
  883. lang_vk_secret => "Vk Secret",
  884. lang_watermark_image_file => "Watermark image file",
  885. lang_watermark_padding => "Watermark padding",
  886. lang_watermark_position => "Watermark position",
  887. lang_webmaster => "Webmaster",
  888. lang_webmaster_get => "Webmaster get",
  889. lang_webmaster_mod => "Webmaster mod",
  890. lang_webseed_with_bittorrent_after => "Webseed with Bittorrent after",
  891. lang_white => "White",
  892. lang_will_be_replaced_with => "Will be replaced with underscore",
  893. lang_works_only_for_dlcgi => "Works only for dl.cgi and Nginx mod",
  894. lang_you_can_leech_from => "You can leech from ",
  895. lang_sibsoft_leech => "You can leech from Sibsoft-powered sites if you have an API key",
  896. lang_can_tune_text_and_background => "you can tune text and background colors ",
  897. lang_you_should_have_this => "You should have this image file on each fileserver in cgi-bin folder.",
  898. lang_zevera_logins => "Zevera logins",
  899. lang_after_addition => "after addition",
  900. lang_fetch_dmca_reports_descr => "Mails containing file links will be fetched in <a href=\"?op=admin_reports\">Abuses</a> on regular basis.<br>You can either approve them manually or setup automatic deletion in \"Files\".",
  901. lang_when_deleting_by_admin => "when deleting user files by admin",
  902. lang_to => "to",
  903. lang_no_money_match_ip => "when IP match file uploader IP",
  904. lang_no_money_match_usr_id => "when usr_id match file uploader usr_id",
  906. lang_anti_hack => "Anti-Hack center",
  907. lang_old_password => "Old password",
  908. lang_domain => "Domain",
  909. lang_add_news => "Add news",
  911. };
  913. sub getLang{return $lang;}
  915. 1;
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