
Colossus By Design: Season 2 - Log 85

Jan 17th, 2016
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  1. [March 21, 2166]
  2. [Chennai, India]
  3. [Colony State - African Super Nation]
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. (Lunar Command): [COMMS] Comms station Chennai, do you read?
  9. (Chennai Communications): [COMMS] *static*
  11. (Lunar Command): [COMMS] Comms station Chennai, DO YOU READ?! INCOMING BOGEY FROM OUR END, HEADING DOWN FAST!!
  14. Gyaos. The shadow of evil. The scourge of Atlantis. For years, it was thought that they had gone extinct. But not so, it seems.
  16. Three enormous Draconian Gyaos that look to be much more fearsome than normal have descended on the coastal city of Chennai, ravaging the metropolis for the food they seek: Humans. In particular, one has begun to gorge itself on the insects within the city's communications centre, inadvertently cutting off the entire area from from the rest of the world. For the rest of the city, all hope seems lost.
  18. The local military forces are peppering the three demon monsters with all they've got, but they pay no mind to them. At the most, their attention is piqued, prompting them to merely lumber next to the militia groups and devour them.
  20. A group of civilians, unable to make it to a subway entrance nearby due to falling debris, huddles up together behind a group of soldiers whilst the other squads coordinate their fire on one of the Gyaos down the road to distract them from the civilian group's direction. However, the beast merely ignores them as it eyes the unarmed people.
  22. The Gyaos wobbles on its hind legs and wing tips to the group, ignoring the hail of plasma and explosives pelting it from behind; the creature's jaws stop just short of the people; the reason why soon makes itself abundantly clear.
  24. High above in the sky, a bright orange light grows larger and larger, catching the attention of all three monsters. They begin to take flight; they seem to consider this event a much more pressing matter. Despite their incredible flying skills, the ball of light heading towards the city from the heavens above is faster still and quickly gaining more velocity.
  26. A massive energy sphere that looks like a miniature sun erupts from the unknown flying object, completely siphoning off the glowing heat of the object's atmospheric entry. The blast hits the leading Gyaos, erupting into a sizable explosion that momentarily blinds the people down below. Upon seeing the disintegrated monster, the soldiers and civilians begin to cheer. However, they immediately stop as soon as they see the burning pieces falling back to the Earth. The one group of civvies in particular that was the original target of the now dead Gyaos is about to run, but the pieces fall too fast, crushing nearly all of them save for a young boy, perhaps no older than 7 or 8 years old.
  28. The UFO, meanwhile, has now engaged the other two Gyaos in a spectacular aerial dogfight that can barely be followed; the remaining two monsters shoot their sonic beams at the object whilst the unknown assailant itself makes huge strafing circles around the beams.
  30. Upon circling back around once again, the object, now seen to have rotary motions like a flying saucer, smashes into one of the flying demons, sending it careening down into the ravaged city down below; it's dead on impact. The downed Gyaos only just misses the young boy, whose tearful demeanor is quickly dashed by the sudden crash. Meanwhile, the object itself slows down in its descent to the ground; it now hovers one block away from the boy's position.
  32. It stops spinning, revealing itself to be a gigantic turtle shell. The creature within begins to emerge from the floating shell, landing on its two feet on the ground with such force as to send all loose debris within a hundred meter radius flying away from it. The creature bellows loudly towards the sky and starts lumbering in the boy's direction.
  34. Being quite traumatized as is, the boy tries to run away, but he stumbles due to his broken leg; the young boy curls up into the fetal position and cries loudly as he awaits his fate. However, he looks up briefly and sees the third Gyaos approaching.
  36. The flying monster fires off a sonic beam, seemingly in the boy's direction, but the blast instead strikes the turtle creature's extended left arm; it's deflected in another direction entirely, slicing through several buildings cleanly but only causing steam to come off the area of impact on the giant turtle. The flying beast seems quite angered at the failed attempt and chooses to fly straight towards its opponent. A bold move, one anticipated by the Chelonian creature, whom simply waits and holds position until its quarry is just within striking distance.
  38. With surprising maneuverability, the enormous turtle-like monster sidesteps the flying javelin that is its opponent and simultaneously chops the creature's back with a well-timed forearm, sending it crashing into the ground.
  40. As the dust cloud settles, the Gyaos looks up at its assailant after its back was broken and screeches defiantly. However, its cries are met with cold, calculating green eyes. A bright fiery glow can be made out at the back of the chelonian beast's mouth, which serves to instill what looks like fear in the Gyaos's last moments. This brief showcase of fear is short-lived, as the great turtle blasts the same miniature sun-like energy as it did before at point blank range, obliterating its target, the majority of the surrounding hundred meters around it, and the surviving people within the blast radius; the young crippled boy is nothing but ashes.
  42. From out of the tall flames, glowing green eyes can be clearly made out that are soon followed by the beast himself stepping out of the inferno, completely unharmed. He looks up towards the sky and roars in celebration of his victory; it's total for him, but Pyrrhic for the city of Chennai as it's now left in flaming shambles.
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. "Gamera (Keizer)"
  48. [Height]: 170 meters
  49. [Length]: 230 meters
  50. [Weight]: 300,000 tons
  52. [Appearance]: Identical appearance to previous original base form upon receiving "Absolute" power-up; does not change appearance when using full power
  54. [Observed Characteristics]: Greater durability, strength, and agility than previous "Absolute" form; can create miniature nuclear fusion bursts from mouth that are much more powerful than previous plasma bursts and have an appearance identical to a miniature stars; greater "flying saucer" and "leg jet" flight capabilities than previously; back-oriented shell plating can lift up to release small thruster jets similar to those of other flight forms; equally indifferent to mass destruction as before
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