

Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2. (Gallibon) *sees (Gomora) * <(Alright, Gomora!)
  3. (Zaranga) <(Hi.)
  4. 10:18
  5. Krazar77
  6. (Gomora) *gives them a thumbs up and turns to face the three kings. Snarling*
  7. (Gomora) * waves at them before stomping forward to face the three kings, eyes narrowed*
  8. 10:19
  9. Gallibon the Destroyer
  10. (Eleking Max) *feeds energy off some buildings, making his rampage in the city*
  11. (Goromaking) <(Grrrr. Gold King! Let's take down Gomora together, shall we?)
  12. (Gold King) *snarls, gets into battle position*
  13. *Goromaking and Gold King advance towards Gomora*
  14. (Goromaking) *to (Gomora) * <(I'm gonna pwn you, ya fool!)
  15. 10:20
  16. Krazar77
  17. (Gomora) * runs towards them, only to stop and place and slam his tail into goromaking*
  18. Welcome to the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  19. 10:20
  20. Gallibon the Destroyer
  21. o/
  22. 10:20
  23. Krazar77
  24. (Gomora) * smashes his fist into gold king, following up with a knee to his ribs*
  25. 10:20
  26. Jay's Soviet Wing
  27. hi o/
  28. 10:21
  29. Gallibon the Destroyer
  30. (Goromaking) *slammed by the tail in the face* <(HEY! Ain't nobody tail slaps me in the face like that!)
  31. (Gold King) *is punched, staggers back*
  32. 10:21
  33. Jay's Soviet Wing
  34. what's goin on here?
  35. 10:21
  36. Gallibon the Destroyer
  37. Three "King" monsters are attacking Kamata
  38. (Goromaking, Gold King and Eleking Max)
  39. Gomora is coming into save the day and protect Gallibon and Zaranga from the three King monsters!
  40. 10:22
  41. Jay's Soviet Wing
  42. 3v3
  43. uhhh
  44. 10:22
  45. Krazar77
  46. (Gomora) * throws gold king into Goromaking*
  47. 10:22
  48. Jay's Soviet Wing
  49. *looks through list of characters for a king*
  50. 10:22
  51. Krazar77
  52. wrong, 1v3
  53. we can make it a 1v4 if you like
  54. also
  56. 10:23
  57. ShodaiGoro
  58. gallibon pm
  59. 10:23
  60. Gallibon the Destroyer
  61. kk
  62. aaand brb
  63. 10:23
  64. ShodaiGoro
  65. >red king
  66. wait no
  67. >king
  68. >red king
  69. 10:23
  70. Jay's Soviet Wing
  71. but is it not Gomora & Gallibon & Zaranga?
  72. 10:23
  73. ShodaiGoro
  74. >mr. bad
  75. lawl
  76. 10:24
  77. Gallibon the Destroyer
  78. back
  79. 10:24
  80. Krazar77
  81. I dont know if they will help or not
  82. as they dont fight very often
  83. 10:24
  84. Gallibon the Destroyer
  85. I was just going to have them fight Eleking Max, though
  86. 10:24
  87. ShodaiGoro
  88. Does Krazar remember Mr. Bad?
  89. 10:25
  90. Gallibon the Destroyer
  91. "They call me-- MR. BAD!"
  92. 10:25
  93. Krazar77
  94. No
  95. No I dont
  96. 10:25
  97. Gallibon the Destroyer
  98. (Gallibon) and (Zaranga) *watching Gomora fight*
  99. *The two then notice Eleking Max attacking the city of Kamata*
  100. (Gallibon) <(We should probably help Gomora out here and stop that guy.)
  101. (Zaranga) <(Alright then! Hope we don't get beaten up too hard though.)
  102. 10:27
  103. Krazar77
  104. (Gomora) * kicks them both down. Roaring*
  105. 10:27
  106. Gallibon the Destroyer
  107. (Gallibon) <(Hopefully...)
  108. *Gallibon and Zaranga then leap down, heading towards the city of Kamamta*
  109. *Kamata
  110. (Gold King) and (Goromaking) *both hit, they fall over*
  111. 10:27
  112. Jay's Soviet Wing
  113. can i join?
  114. 10:27
  115. Gallibon the Destroyer
  116. SURE!
  117. *Sure!
  118. 10:28
  119. Jay's Soviet Wing
  120. i'll add a good guy and bad guy to keep it even
  121. 10:28
  122. Gallibon the Destroyer
  123. kk
  124. 10:28
  125. Krazar77
  126. (Gomora) * cracks his knuckles, and does a come at me motion*
  127. 10:28
  128. Gallibon the Destroyer
  129. (Goromaking) *gets back up first*
  130. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  131. 10:29
  132. Jay's Soviet Wing
  133. hi o/
  134. 10:30
  135. Gallibon the Destroyer
  136. (Goromaking) *to (Gomora) * <(You stupid pea-brained dirt dinosaur! I'm gonna beat your ass!) *runs towards him*
  137. (Gold King) *gets up first, blasts his radioactive beam at Gomora's area, creating some minor explosions*
  138. 10:31
  139. Jay's Soviet Wing
  140. rb
  141. brb*
  142. 10:32
  143. Krazar77
  144. (Gomora) * is hit by the explosions. Runs out and superman punches goromaking*
  145. 10:32
  146. Gallibon the Destroyer
  147. (Goromaking) *is punched in the face hard, staggers back*
  148. (Gold King) *punches at (Gomora) hard, then swings his tail against him*
  149. 10:33
  150. Krazar77
  151. (Gomora) * is hit, doesnt fall however, slams his own tail into gold kings stomach*
  152. 10:34
  153. Gallibon the Destroyer
  154. (Gold King) *is hit by the tail, staggers back*
  155. (Gold King) *then rams his head against Gomora, slashing his horns against him*
  156. (Goromaking) *shoots out hos gold chains against Gomora like whips* <(Now I'm gonna beat ya with my chains!)
  157. *Meanwhile, in Kamata, Eleking Max shoots down Electric Disc Waves from his mouth at some buildings, blowing them up*
  158. *Gallibon and Zaranga then arrive, getting ready to fight Eleking Max*
  159. (Eleking Max) *turns around, spots the two*
  160. 10:36
  161. Krazar77
  162. (Gomora) * snarls, blood running down his chest. horn glows a bright orange, smiling*
  163. 10:36
  164. ShodaiGoro
  165. gallibon pm it easy
  166. You are now away.
  167. 10:36
  168. Gallibon the Destroyer
  169. (Gallibon) *whips out his electro-ice whip*
  170. You are no longer away.
  171. 10:36
  172. Jay's Soviet Wing
  173. ok bak
  174. 10:36
  175. Gallibon the Destroyer
  176. WB
  177. (Eleking Max) *growls, heads towards the two*
  178. (Gold King) *staggers back*
  179. 10:37
  180. Krazar77
  181. (Gomora) *fires out his oscillatory wave at goramaking*
  182. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  183. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  184. 10:37
  185. Gallibon the Destroyer
  186. (Goromaking) *reels chains* <(Had eno- *then gets blasted back* <(AAAAAAAAAGH!) *flies against a dirt wall*
  187. (Goromaking) *eats some dirt, then gets back, shaking off some dirt* <(Not cool, man!)
  188. (Gold King) *leaps up and tackles Gomora by behind*
  189. 10:38
  190. Krazar77
  191. (Gomora) * roars, stabs his spiked elbow into gold kings midsection*
  192. 10:39
  193. Gallibon the Destroyer
  194. (Gold King) *roars, leaps off*
  195. (Goromaking) and (Gold King) *regroup with each other*
  196. 10:39
  197. Krazar77
  198. (Gomora) * gets in a battle pose, snarling*
  199. 10:40
  200. Gallibon the Destroyer
  201. (Eleking Max) *runs towards Gallibon and Zaranga, lashes his whip tail against them*
  202. (Gallibon) *lashes his electro-ice whip against it* <(Yaaaah!)
  203. (Eleking Max) *tails gets coiled around the whip*
  204. (Eleking Max) *begins to drain energy from the whip, getting off more electricty*
  205. (Gallibon) <(Oh WHOOPS!) *reels the whip back*
  206. (Eleking Max) *roars sounds like laughter, runs towards the two*
  207. (Zaranga) <(Why did you do that?)
  208. You are now away.
  209. You are no longer away.
  210. (Gallibon) <(....I forgot it was an eel monster for a few seconds, okay?)
  211. (Gallibon) <(Errrr, let's just fight it already.)
  212. 10:42
  213. Jay's Soviet Wing
  214. blegh idk how to have them show up
  215. 10:42
  216. Krazar77
  217. (Gomora) * sees that gallibon and zaragna need help. Fires off an ocsillatory wave at eleking max side*
  218. 10:42
  219. Gallibon the Destroyer
  220. (Eleking Max) *runs up, but is then hit by the wave, sending him crashing against a building*
  221. (Goromaking) and (Gold King) *both run towards Gomora and kicks against him at the same time*
  222. You can have them show up wherever, really.
  223. 10:43
  224. TankFish2190
  225. are any of these strange concept art plant-human biollante things claimed?
  226. 10:44
  227. Gojiran
  228. that links to toho kingdom's logo
  229. 10:44
  230. TankFish2190
  231. what
  232. the link works for me
  233. hang on
  234. 10:44
  235. Krazar77
  236. (Gomora) *slides back, snarling. Refusing to fall to even a little kick*
  237. 10:44
  238. Jay's Soviet Wing
  239. *suddenly, two more kaiju enter the fray, one from a portal of light and another from the ground*
  240. 10:45
  241. TankFish2190
  242. this thing
  243. 10:45
  244. Gallibon the Destroyer
  245. (Goromaking) <(Man this guy is stubborn!)
  246. (Gold King) *snarls*
  247. 10:45
  248. Jay's Soviet Wing
  249. Disco! (Meg) <(The king of disco is here!~) *fires a Disco Beam from his horn at Zaranga*
  250. 10:45
  251. Gallibon the Destroyer
  252. (Zaranga) *leaps away from the disco bea, but barely* <(AIEEEE!) *runs a bit*
  253. (Zaranga) *shoots a fireball against him*
  254. 10:46
  255. Krazar77
  256. (Gomora) *charges forwards and slams both arms against the two*
  257. 10:46
  258. Gallibon the Destroyer
  259. (Gallibon) *turns around* <(Uh-oh...)
  260. 10:46
  261. Jay's Soviet Wing
  262. (Lucah) <(Am I late to the party?) *takes out a scimitar and slashes Gold King from behind with it*
  263. 10:46
  264. Gallibon the Destroyer
  265. (Eleking Max) *leaps out of the building and then faces off Gallibon*
  266. (Gold King) *is slashed, staggers back* <(GRAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!)
  267. (Goromaking) *turns around spots Lucah* <(Eh!? What gives? What freaking gives, man!?)
  268. 10:47
  269. Jay's Soviet Wing
  270. Disco! (Meg) <(Ahhh! You stained my suit!) *leaves an opening to be attacked as he wipes his disco suit off*
  271. 10:47
  272. Gallibon the Destroyer
  273. (Zaranga) *rushes towards Disco Megalon and belly rams against him* <(OOF!)
  274. (Gallibon) and (Eleking Max) *jump up and tackle each other*
  275. (Gold King) *roars, fires his radioactive beam at Lucah*
  276. (Goromaking) <(You creeps picked with the wrong Kings to mess with!) *charges at Gomora*
  277. 10:49
  278. Krazar77
  279. (Gomora) *Charges right back at Goromaking, only to slide under his legs*
  280. 10:49
  281. Jay's Soviet Wing
  282. (Lucah) <(Well, uh, I'm a hero and you're a bad guy, so....yeah. Kind of simp-whoa!) *barely dodges the radioactive beam, sending a beam of light at Gold King*
  283. 10:49
  284. Krazar77
  285. (Gomora) * gets up and slams his tail hard into the backside of his head*
  286. 10:49
  287. Gallibon the Destroyer
  288. (Gold King) *hit by the beam of light, staggers back* <(RAAAAAAAAAAGH!)
  289. 10:49
  290. Jay's Soviet Wing
  291. Disco! (Meg) *shrieks and flies into a building*
  292. 10:49
  293. Krazar77
  294. *sending him into the ground and making him eat dirt*
  295. 10:49
  296. Gallibon the Destroyer
  297. (Goromaking) *raises head up, spits out dirt* <(I HATE DIRT!)
  298. (Goromaking) *shoots his gold chains at Gomora's neck* <(I'll strangle you sucker!)
  299. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  300. 10:51
  301. Krazar77
  302. (Gomora) * is hit by the chains, growling*
  303. 10:51
  304. Gallibon the Destroyer
  305. (Eleking Max) *focuses power, then beings to electrocute Gallibon with his Electric Shock Surge*
  306. (Galibon) *getting shocked* <(DAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!)
  307. 10:51
  308. Krazar77
  309. (Gomora) * simply charges forward and jumps in the air, slams his fist down into goromakings knee *
  310. *an impact effect happening and a crack being heard*
  311. 10:52
  312. Gallibon the Destroyer
  313. (Goromaking) *staggers back and rolls over*
  314. 10:52
  315. Krazar77
  317. 10:52
  318. Jay's Soviet Wing
  319. Disco! (Meg) <(DISCO BOMBS!) *throws Disco Bombs at everyone*
  320. 10:52
  321. Gallibon the Destroyer
  322. (Goromaking) *knee is hit BAD* <(AAAAAAAAGH!)
  323. (Goromaking) <(That's gonna hurt in the morning! AAAAAAGH!) *turns around, then shoots his gold chains around at Gomora's arms, tightening his chains around them like tentacles* <(That's it---your going down, dirtbag!)
  324. (Zaranga) *rolls over* <(EEEE!)
  325. 10:53
  326. Krazar77
  327. (Gomora) * snorts and tries to pull his arm free*
  328. 10:54
  329. Gallibon the Destroyer
  330. (Eleking Max) *stops shocking Gallibon and then punches him in the face
  331. (Gallibon) *sent flying against a building*
  332. (Eleking Max) *laughs, but then is hit by a Disco Bomb on accident* <(RAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!)
  333. (Eleking Max) *rolls over*
  334. (Gold King) *leaps to the side, rushes to strike Lucah*
  335. 10:55
  336. Jay's Soviet Wing
  337. (Lucah) <(Hey, get off of him!) *makes a portal in front of Eleking Max and jumps through it, sending a white-flame fireball at him point-blank*
  338. whoops ninja'd
  339. 10:55
  340. Gallibon the Destroyer
  341. oops
  342. 10:55
  343. Krazar77
  344. ninja'd?
  345. 10:56
  346. Jay's Soviet Wing
  347. whatever lol
  348. 10:57
  349. Krazar77
  350. (Gomora) * continues trying to pull his arms free*
  351. 10:57
  352. Gallibon the Destroyer
  353. (Gold King) *rushes towards Lucah, preparing to strike*
  354. 10:57
  355. Krazar77
  356. (Gomora) *fires off his ocsilaltory wave right at gormakings knee*
  357. 10:57
  358. Gallibon the Destroyer
  359. (Goromaking) *is hit, blasted back, breaking the chains also*
  360. (Goromaking) <(AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!)
  361. (Eleking Max) *gets back up*
  362. 10:58
  363. Jay's Soviet Wing
  364. (Lucah) *sends a helix-shaped beam of lightning at Gold King*
  365. 10:58
  366. Gallibon the Destroyer
  367. (Gallibon) *lands down, blasts his plasma beam at Eleking Max* <(HA!)
  368. (Gold King) *hit by the beam of lightning, shocked* <(AAAAGH!) *staggers backwards*
  369. (Zaranga) <(Oh my...) *heads towards Gallibon*
  370. (Goromaking) *stands back up* <(I'm hurt now...)
  371. Jay, PM
  372. (Goromaking) *staggers around, spits out some more dirt*
  373. (Eleking Max) *staggers back from the plasma beam, hit badly*
  374. 11:00
  375. Krazar77
  376. (Gomora) * puts his foot down on goromaking, it implaying he stays down or gets more punishment*
  377. 11:01
  378. Gallibon the Destroyer
  379. (Goromaking) <(......) *pants*
  380. (Goromaking) <(Okay then.....)
  381. (Goromaking) *then from out of the blue, he shoots another gold chain around Gomora's neck, intending to choke him* <(Now I got ya!) *gets back up, whips his tail against him*
  382. 11:02
  383. Krazar77
  384. (Gomora) * roars in pain. goes onto one knee snarling*
  385. 11:02
  386. Gallibon the Destroyer
  387. Krazar, PM
  388. 11:02
  389. Krazar77
  390. (Gomora) * grins however, as his horn glows a bright orange*
  391. k
  392. 11:03
  393. Gallibon the Destroyer
  394. (Goromaking) <(Yeah! Yeah! Cry for me, sucka!)
  395. You are now away.
  396. 11:03
  397. Krazar77
  398. (Gomora) * grabs the chain and breaks it
  399. You are no longer away.
  400. 11:03
  401. Jay's Soviet Wing
  402. (Lucah) *sends another Helix-Lightning beam at Gold King*
  403. 11:03
  404. Krazar77
  405. (Gomora) * smashes both of his fists hard into the sides of his head*
  406. 11:03
  407. Gallibon the Destroyer
  408. (Goromaking) <(MY CHAIN!)
  409. (Gold King) *is blasted again, sending some explosions around him*
  410. 11:04
  411. Krazar77
  412. (Gomora) *does a serious of punches and kicks. Ending his combo with a powerful tail slam*
  413. 11:04
  414. Gallibon the Destroyer
  415. (Gold King) *staggers around, then blasts his Radioactive beam to counter against Lucah*
  416. 11:04
  417. Krazar77
  418. *the cracking of rips can be heard from the impact of the tail slam*
  419. 11:05
  420. Gallibon the Destroyer
  421. (Goromaking) *is hit by all the attacks, sent flying up*
  422. (Goromaking) <( )
  423. (Goromaking) *lands down on the ground HARD*
  424. 11:05
  425. Jay's Soviet Wing
  426. (Lucah) *gets blasted back by the beam*
  427. Disco! (MEG) <(MORE DISCO BOMBS! BOMBS EVERYWHERE!) *scatters disco bombs everywhere*
  428. 11:05
  429. Gallibon the Destroyer
  430. (Goromaking) *lands face flat against the ground across the area*
  431. 11:06
  432. Krazar77
  433. (Gomora) * slams his foot down forecfully against gormakings chest. warning him to stay down one last time
  434. 11:06
  435. Gallibon the Destroyer
  436. (Goromaking) *passes out unconscious, defeating him*
  437. (Zaranga) and (Gallibon) <(AAAAH!) *run around, trying the best they can to avoid the disco bombs*
  438. (Gold King) *snarls delightfully, then rushes towards Lucah*
  439. 11:07
  440. Jay's Soviet Wing
  441. (Lucah) *grabs a Disco Bomb and drops it in front of Gold King, leaping backwards right before it detonates*
  442. 11:07
  443. Krazar77
  444. (Gomora) * snorts and turns around. Charges towards disco (Megalon) to help out gallibon and zaranga*
  445. 11:08
  446. Gallibon the Destroyer
  447. (Gold King) *is sent flying back against from the Disco Bomb's blast, sending him flying against some boulders*
  448. 11:09
  449. Krazar77
  450. (Gomora) *drop kicks Disco! (Megalon) in his sides*
  451. 11:11
  452. Jay's Soviet Wing
  453. Disco! (meg) <(Oh.) *gets dropkicked*
  454. 11:11
  455. Gallibon the Destroyer
  456. (Elekign Max) *shoots Electric Disc Waves against (Gomora) next*
  457. *Eleking Max
  458. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  459. 11:12
  460. Gallibon the Destroyer
  461. (Gold King) *gets back up, shrugging off some smoke and then charges against Lucah furiously*
  462. 11:13
  463. Krazar77
  464. (Gomora) * is hit. fires his ocsillaratory wave at eleking in retalliation*
  465. 11:13
  466. Gallibon the Destroyer
  467. (Eleking Max) *is blasted by the wave, staggers back*
  468. 11:13
  469. Jay's Soviet Wing
  470. (Lucah) *sends a helix of flames at Gold King, with the beam suddenly splitting off into two and hitting him from both sides*
  471. Disco! (Meg) *slams his drill arms into Gallibon*
  472. 11:14
  473. Gallibon the Destroyer
  474. (Gold King) *hit by the beam, explosions occurring around his area*
  475. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  476. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  477. 11:14
  478. Krazar77
  479. (Gomora) * turns back to face disco megalon. Slams his tail into the bugs back*
  480. 11:14
  481. Gallibon the Destroyer
  482. (Gold King) *shrieks as he is sent flying up by the blasts from his sides*
  483. (Gallibon) *hit by the drill arms, leaps back* <(WHOA!)
  484. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  485. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  486. 11:16
  487. Jay's Soviet Wing
  488. (Lucah) *makes a portal leading above Gold King and goes into it, hitting Gold King downwards with an overhead scimitar swing*
  489. Disco! (Meg) <(Disco fever's still here!) *jumps over the tail*
  490. Disco! (Meg) <(You can't beat-oh crap!) *trips on some rubble and stumbles into Zaranga*
  491. 11:16
  492. Krazar77
  493. (Gomora) * slams his fist into disco megalons face*
  494. 11:16
  495. Gallibon the Destroyer
  496. (Gold King) <(AAAAAAAAGH!) *hit by the scimitar swing, sent against some boulders, which then collapse on him and covering him*
  497. 11:16
  498. Krazar77
  499. *as he stumbles into zaranga*
  500. 11:17
  501. Gallibon the Destroyer
  502. *Gold King is defeated*
  503. 11:18
  504. Jay's Soviet Wing
  505. Disco! (Meg) *gets hit and runs into Gallibon*
  506. 11:18
  507. Gallibon the Destroyer
  508. (Gallibon) *is hit, then shoots his Plasma Beam at Disco! Megalon*
  509. 11:20
  510. Jay's Soviet Wing
  511. Disco! (Meg) <(No! NOT THE DISCO STO-) *gets hit and flies into a Disco Store, destroying it and knocking him out*
  512. 11:20
  513. Gallibon the Destroyer
  514. (Galibon) <(Yeah!)
  515. (Zaranga) <(WOO!) *raises up, high-fives Gallibon*
  516. (Eleking Max) *snarls, looks around him*
  517. 11:21
  518. Krazar77
  519. (Gomora) * smashes his fist into his palm, looking at eleking max*
  520. *the cracking of knuckles can be heard*
  521. 11:22
  522. Gallibon the Destroyer
  523. (Eleking Max) *hisses, blasts some Electric Wave Discs against (Gomora) , then running up towards him*
  524. 11:23
  525. Krazar77
  526. (Gomora) * Dodges the discs, slams his tail into the ground hard. Picking up dust*
  527. (Gomora) * puts all of his physical strength into his tail, waiting for the right moment*
  528. 11:24
  529. Gallibon the Destroyer
  530. (Eleking Max) *leaps forwards (Gomora) , just about to electrocute him...*
  531. 11:24
  532. Jay's Soviet Wing
  533. (Lucah) *appears next to Zaranga & Gallibon*
  534. 11:24
  535. Gallibon the Destroyer
  536. (Eleking Max) *surges with electrical energy and is about to clamp Gomora*
  537. (Gallibon) and (Zaranga) *regroup with Lucah*
  538. 11:25
  539. Krazar77
  540. (Gomora) * eyes widen and slams his tail hard into elekings face, Sending him crashing into the ground and skipping off the ground a few times*
  541. 11:25
  542. Gallibon the Destroyer
  543. (Eleking Max) *and is then hit HARD by Gomora's tail, sending him crashing into the ground and skidding back*
  544. 11:25
  545. Krazar77
  546. (Gomora) *snarls in pain, shaking his tail in pain*
  547. 11:26
  548. Gallibon the Destroyer
  549. *There is a big explosion as Eleking Max crashes*
  550. (Eleking Max) *gets back up and then runs off, retreating into the waters, beaten up badly*
  551. 11:27
  552. Krazar77
  553. (Gomora) * Roars in victory, slamming his fists together causing a shockwave*
  554. (Gomora) * stops his roar and looks at gallibon, zaranga and lucah. Gives them a thumbs up*
  555. 11:28
  556. Gallibon the Destroyer
  557. (Gallibon) <(Hurray!)
  558. (Zaranga) <(Yayz!)
  559. *Both cheer and celebrate**
  560. (Gallibon) *to Gomora* <(Thanks!)
  561. (Zaranga) *to Lucah* <(Thank you too!)
  562. You are now away.
  563. You are no longer away.
  564. 11:30
  565. Jay's Soviet Wing
  566. (Lucah) <(No problem!) *makes celebratory fireworks*
  567. 11:30
  568. Krazar77
  569. (Gomora) * pants heavily. Going on a knee as the battle did drain him a bit*
  570. 11:31
  571. Gallibon the Destroyer
  572. *End of RP*
  573. So thoughts?
  574. 11:31
  575. Krazar77
  576. I have to go
  577. 11:31
  578. Gallibon the Destroyer
  579. o/
  580. 11:31
  581. Krazar77
  582. so Ill give you my thoughts tommarow
  583. 11:31
  584. Gallibon the Destroyer
  585. kk
  586. see ya
  587. Now what to call this RP...
  588. Krazar77 couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  589. 11:33
  590. Jay's Soviet Wing
  591. fun?
  592. Gallibon the Destroyer
  593. Yee.
  594. It was fun.
  595. I mean't a title for this RP though.
  596. 11:33
  597. Jay's Soviet Wing
  598. what city was this in?
  599. 11:34
  600. Gallibon the Destroyer
  601. Kamata
  602. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  603. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  604. 11:34
  605. Jay's Soviet Wing
  606. Chaos in Kamata
  607. 11:35
  608. Gallibon the Destroyer
  609. Alrighty then.
  610. 11:35
  611. TankFish2190
  612. why not
  613. khaos in kamata
  614. because ya gotta have matching first lettles
  615. *letters
  616. 11:36
  617. Gallibon the Destroyer
  618. lol
  619. That could work.
  620. You are now away.
  621. Busy updating pages now
  622. 11:42
  623. TankFish2190
  624. i claim the concept biollante i posted earlier
  625. and this concept gamera
  626. 11:43
  627. Gallibon the Destroyer
  628. I have never seen that concept Gamera before, neat!
  629. 11:45
  630. TankFish2190
  631. actually scratch that gamera concept i'll use this one
  632. 11:45
  633. Gallibon the Destroyer
  634. kk
  635. Never seen those before.
  636. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  637. 11:46
  638. TankFish2190
  639. from what i can infer the first is concept art for gamera, guardian of the universe and the latter is for gamera 3
  640. Gojiran has just entered the core of all our madness! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  641. 11:46
  642. Gallibon the Destroyer
  643. o/
  644. Yeah
  645. Gojiran couldn't take our spark of madness. Farewell and godspeed. (just kidding, we know you're coming back.)
  646. 11:53
  647. Gallibon the Destroyer
  648. meep
  649. You are no longer away.
  650. 11:54
  651. Jay's Soviet Wing
  652. neep
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