
Billy Werthingheim

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Name: Billy Werthingheim
  3. Age: 32
  5. Magus specialization and Kind:
  6. The Werthingheim family have long since utilized the power of eye magic and in recent generations have found that by stealing the eyes of other mage families who use eye magic, they could increase their own magical capacity and therefor have grown quite powerful and successful in modern times.
  8. This being the case, Billy being the first born son of the current head of the family had not only developed his own two eye magics at a young age but had been rewarded by his father for excelling in his magic and physical training before he achieved the rest of his arsenal through his own deeds and abilities which leave him with currently having 8.
  10. Appearance:
  11. Billy happens to look a lot younger than he actually is due to one of the abilities of his eyes and because of that appears to most as a young adult.
  13. He has a pretty toned build from his years of physical training under his familie's tutelage and has been engaging in minimal to moderate exercise for the last ten years on a daily basis so he should be pretty close to the peak of his abilities if not a little under it due to the ten year break from actual exercising equipment and a more intense routine.
  15. For his features specifically, he's a good 5'11 and shouldn't stand out much in a crowd. While he's not overly handsome, he is decently looking with proportionate facial features, a strong jaw line, and almost enticing green eyes which clash with his naturally jet black hair which at this point would probably be cut short into a fade at the low sides sides while retaining the curly black tuffs around the rest of his head. He has neatly trimmed stubble all around his chin which when let loose would likely become a large bushy beard. Despite all this his face still retains that youth of a young adult and his eyes usually also add to the illusion around his age due an unusual intensity that he has when looking at people or thinking.
  17. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral?
  19. Backstory:
  20. Born as the heir to a recently expanded long-term mage family, Billy (born Bill Werthingheim) had been raised from a young age to live up to the family's constantly evolving standards which included intense physical training and development of his own personal eye magic which he took inspiration from the sun and moon when creating.
  22. Being the first born he was pushed to limits that his younger siblings, cousins, and even ancestors had not had to reach due to his father's goal of keeping their family up to par with the other more prestigious ones in the mage society. It happened to be because of this constant pressure that Billy not only showed tremendous results from his training but also a more rebellious and distant attitude towards his family's customs and the magus world itself. This became evident when he got into his teen years and dived into the mundane culture, where he absolved himself of his worries in abundant amounts of drugs, alcohol, women and gang-related activity.
  24. While his family and father frowned upon such frivolous behavior, his aptitude for fighting and utilizing the two new eyes embedded in his palms proved to quell any chance of them reprimanding him for quite a long time. Gaining knowledge that the Holy Grail Wars were coming up soon from his new upper class society mage friends, Billy's father allowed him more freedoms in hope that he would stand by the Werthingheim family when the time for him to fulfill his duty was right. It was during Billy's early 20's that he took his first eye as per family custom and desired greater power than he already had and so developed his life-force stealing ability which he put into great use the next three years of his life where he terrorized other mages whose eyes he sought after, mage hunters who responded to the bounties put out on him, and other humans as he developed an addiction to the feeling of draining their life force to boost his own.
  26. This all accumulated to him becoming quite the talented individual that he'd be today. His training along with the multitudes of eyes he stole had given him the edge that his family had desired him to have but had in adversely caused him to develop an addiction that eventually became such a threat that his father had to order him captured and cut off from mundane society to quell it before he got sloppy and got killed by either a mage-killer or members of the mage community itself for revealing their presence to normal people.
  28. And so for the past 10 years, Billy has been locked up in the basement of his family's main manor where he's spent his days studying, exercising, and being angry. It was only a day ago that his father had finally approached him with an offer for freedom. He explained the Grail War and offered Billy the chance to take part in it in return for his freedom and promising to use the grail to better their family and of course Billy wasn't going to turn that down.
  30. Place of residence at the beginning of the RP: Family Manor in NEW Y0RK NEW Y0RK
  33. If your backstory includes prior knowledge of the holy grail wars and sufficient setup time, choose a preferred class; if it also includes a relic, choose your preferred hero: SURPRIZE ME <3
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