
Ponies on Fire CH 1

Oct 17th, 2013
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  1. >Another evening, another dollar in Equestria...
  2. >You are Anon and once again, your mouth wrote a check you couldn't catch.
  3. >”I'll give you credit for putting up a fight, but even you should know when you're beaten.”
  4. >The mare in front looks down her muzzle at you, mouth cracked with a sadistic grin.
  5. “You're the god damn devil, woman.”
  6. >She chuckles safe in the fact she had you up against the ropes.
  7. “Resorting to petty insults, Anon? You should just go ahead and throw in the towel if that's all you have left.”
  8. >This fucking bitch and her head games.
  9. >Okay, Anon. Focus. She's just trying to throw you off.
  10. >Time to case the situation.
  11. >She has you cornered, and what support you thought you had is long past gone.
  12. >You consider a retaliatory strike, but all signs point to another counter before you could make a move.
  13. >More time passes as you desperately look for a way out.
  14. >”While we're young Anon.”
  15. >Fuck. She's right. There are no moves. But you'll be damned if you'll let her take you out with a whimper.
  16. >You bring your hand to your front, preparing for a final attempt at some dignity.
  17. >Sweat begins to roll down your forehead, as the mare begins to conjure her magic in anticipation.
  18. >...
  19. >Knight to H2. You're out of check.
  20. >Twilight slides her Queen to E3, placing you back in check, and consequently, mate.
  21. >”Ch-”
  22. “Don't say it”
  23. >You bury your head in your free hand, shamed in defeat once more.
  24. >Another chuckle erupts from Twilight.
  25. >”Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, Anon. You've gotten a lot better.”
  26. >You look at her, dead pan.
  27. >Magic whisks the pieces and board off the table at the center of the library and into a wooden box in the corner of an unused shelf.
  28. >She take a few steps toward you, leaning in close to your ear.
  29. >”But not good enough to get yourself out of doing the dishes for the rest of the week.”
  30. “Humble in victory as always, aren't you.”
  31. >She begins to make her way to the kitchen before turning to you.
  32. >”I offered to trade days, but you decided to play me for it, again. Don't get mad at me that you're on a 3 month losing streak.”
  33. “Each day you gloat will only make my victory that much sweeter.”
  34. >”The bravado is very charming, Anon. But remember that the Princess was my opponent for years before you came to Equestria.”
  35. “Yeah, yeah. I'm well aware.”
  36. >You drag yourself from the chair and make your way to the kitchen.
  37. >Before you can exit the main room of the library, you feel a tug at the back of your shirt.
  38. >Turning your attention, you notice that Twilight's magic is now gripping the back of your shirt as she makes her way toward you.
  39. >Another pull comes from the bottom of your tie, forcing you to her eye level.
  40. >Twilight leans in and plants her lips in the middle of your forehead.
  41. >”Cheer up, Anon. Maybe next time.”
  42. >You pause, before you feel a grin force it's way across your face.
  43. >You're going down, puddin'.
  44. >You reach in and tussle her hair slightly.
  45. >A scrunch of her nose shows her disapproval, but the smile let's you know she still enjoys it.
  46. >”Stahp! You know I hate that!”
  47. “It's my moral victory.”
  48. >She giggles softly as you runs your fingers through her mane, straightening out her previously frazzled hair.
  49. “So are you going off to bed? I'll be up in a little bit if you want to...”
  50. >You place the hand on the side of her face, raising suggestive eyebrows.
  51. >Twilight's grin slowly turns to a slight grimace as she pulls out of your embrace.
  52. >”I'm sorry, Anon. Not tonight. The princess sent me more research materials.”
  53. >Fuck, more?
  54. “Again? Didn't you just send her back that stuff she asked you to look into?”
  55. >”Of course, but she needs more information on alchemic practices from Zecora's country.”
  56. “Mr. Z?”
  57. >Twilight gives you an annoyed stare, recalling your explanation of the Earth celebrity and his propensity for jewelry.
  58. >”Her name is Zecora. And don't make fun of her jewelry like that. She's a good friend.”
  59. “I'm just kidding, Twi. Zecora is good people in my book. You need to go to her place tomorrow, than?”
  60. >”Yeah. I'll be gone for a couple days.”
  61. >You can almost make out the needle scratching off the record.
  62. “What now?”
  63. >”Zecora is going to take the time to teach me everything she knows about alchemy. She's doing me a huge favor by doing so.”
  64. >Well shit. Another day another strike out. Looks like you're going to have to add to that other little streak you had going than...
  65. >”I'm going to get started on work. Love you.”
  66. >She takes her leave from the library and heads into the back study.
  67. “Love you too...”
  68. >Before the door closes, she shoots you one more smile. Soft and warm enough to offer some consolation, but not much.
  69. >As the door snaps shut, you pick yourself up from you squat and head to the kitchen.
  70. >Stuck with the dishes once again.
  71. >If it were anyone but her...
  72. >“Oh, Hi Anon!”
  73. >A bright set of emerald eyes meet you as you make your way to the sink.
  74. “Hey Spike.”
  75. >Spike. The kid sprouted in a hurry after you came to Ponyville, and certainly started to resemble his namesake. Still acted like a total puff, though.
  76. >You take position in front of the sink, taking stock of the situation.
  77. >The stack in the sink wouldn't take you more than a couple minutes. You lather up the sponge and get cracking.
  78. >”So Twilight beat you again, huh? Well, it's only d-”
  79. >You cut him off, turning to him and pointing with a soap covered finger.
  80. “Spike, on my mother's grave, you finish the “d” word and I will end you.”
  81. >Spike's cheeks puff with laughter at the outburst.
  82. >You turn back to the work at hand.
  83. >Once it's worked out of his system, Spike continues.
  84. >”So I heard Twilight's gonna be gone for a bit. Looks like it's just gonna be us dudes for a while. I hope you're ready to party!”
  85. >This fucking kid... Probably saw you as a kindred spirit, what with you being the only other non-pony living in Ponyville.
  86. >It was a little grating how he always tries to bro it up with you when Twilight goes somewhere.
  87. >Still. It's been a little while since you spent some time with the little shit.
  88. >Fuck it.
  89. “Sure, what the hell.”
  90. >Spike starts to beam at the acknowledgement. You almost expect the spines covering his body to burst into candy with the look he's giving you.
  91. >”Awesome! So what do you want to do? Huh?”
  92. >You yank the plug from the drain, grabbing a towel to dry off as an idea comes to mind.
  93. >A real moment of serendipity. You'd get to kill some time and Spike would learn something every man should know.
  94. ”We're making a dart board.”
  95. >Spike looks at you a little confused.
  96. >”A what board?”
  97. >It'll take an eternity to explain it to him to the point that he'd be satisfied.
  98. “It's a game you need fingers to play. Popular back on Earth.”
  99. >Spike starts to beam again.
  100. >”Cool! Um... I mean. Yeah. Sounds cool.”
  101. >Who are you fooling, asshole?
  102. >Still. The kid could do with some manning up. And you could use the time to kill.
  103. >You finish of the dished for today. 6 days to go.
  104. ”Right. I'm off to bed. I'll go get some supplies tomorrow. Sound good?”
  105. >”Totally!”
  106. >Excitable bastard.
  107. “Alright. See you tomorrow. I'm packing it in.”
  108. >You toss the towel over the faucet, making your way out of the kitchen.
  109. >”Okay. See you tomorrow Anon!”
  110. >You wave Spike off, making your way back to the library and towards the stairs to the bedroom.
  111. >Before hitting the stairs, you take a second to look at the door to the study.
  112. >Might as well pop in.
  113. >You grab the handle to the door and knock twice.
  114. >No response, you decide to open the door softly.
  115. >As the door lightly squeaks open, you see the purple unicorn, slumped over her desk.
  116. >Seems she's out like a light.
  117. >You creep in, trying your best to not make a sound until you're just behind her.
  118. >The desk is strewn with papers, quills, and books. A shitload of books, actually.
  119. >Twilight, always working her ass off. Put her in the middle of a crowded room and she'll find a way to make an ass of herself, but give her something to study and she's a machine.
  120. >All the assignments from Celestia must have her spread thin for her to pass out like this.
  121. >You place a hand on her shoulder, nudging her a little.
  122. ”Twi.”
  123. >Bupkis. She's out hard.
  124. >You lift her from the place her over your shoulder, doing your best not to wake her up.
  125. >Exiting the study, you make your way up the stairs. Twilight murmurs softly as you reach the top and place her on the bed.
  126. >You pull the covers back and place her down, climbing in along side and pulling the covers back over the two of you.
  127. >As you get comfortable, you notice that one of her eyes is lazily open, staring right at you.
  128. >She grins as it closes, slipping back into her sleep.
  129. >Fuck, that was cute.
  130. >It's going to suck having her gone for a couple days, but maybe this was a blessing in disguise.
  131. >The time apart would give you some time to think of something special to do for her when she gets back. Maybe break that other streak of yours in the process.
  132. >The two of you hadn't done something together in a while thanks to Celestia's assignments...
  133. >You decide to do some recon with the gang to get some ideas in the morning.
  134. >Right now, however, sleep is coming on strong.
  135. >Your vision blurs, and she's the last thing you see before it takes you.
  137. >As morning dawns, You open your eyes.
  138. >Twilight hasn't moved a muscle, as far as you can tell. Still fast asleep.
  139. >Now comes the game of trying to get out of bed without waking her.
  140. >Each motion is meticulous and tedious, but limb by limb, you manage to free yourself from the bed.
  141. >You hobble your way down the stair into the library before giving your body the stretch it needs.
  142. >Bones and joints pop like bubble wrap. It was as good as any cup of coffee. Not that you weren't still going to fix a cup for yourself.
  143. >You make your way back to the kitchen, where Spike seems to have gotten a similar idea.
  144. >”Ahhh... Morning, Anon...”
  145. “Morning. Let me get a cup of that, will ya?”
  146. >”Sure.”
  147. >He pours a mug, handing it to you.
  148. “Thanks.”
  149. >With a mighty swig, you pull half the cup into your stomach.
  150. >Christ this shit was weak.
  151. >Leave it to Spike to water it down. Not that anyone else in this world of jolly rancher horses could make a proper cup of mud.
  152. >Still. It'll do.
  153. >You down the rest of the mug before putting it in the sink.
  154. “So when is Twilight leaving?”
  155. >Spike takes a second from adding his 6ttg sugar pack to answer.
  156. >A little later today. Probably this afternoon.
  157. “Alright. I'm gonna go get some things for the dart board. Try not to let her leave till I get back. I should be back by noon, alright?”
  158. >”Sure..”
  159. >He goes for pack number 7.
  160. “Thanks. Later.”
  161. >You make for the door, meeting the bright sun of Ponyville.
  162. >It's another gorgeous early morning. The midsummer breeze does more to wake you up than the coffee did.
  163. >You make your way into the city proper, heading toward your errand for the day.
  164. >You're going to need a circle of wood, paint, wire, nails and some scraps to make the dartboard and darts. And at this hour, Applejack should have what you need.
  165. >You trundle through Ponyville, making the pleasantries.
  166. >Friendly faces all, but a bit much for this hour.
  167. >Thankfully, it's not long before the buildings of the town proper are replaced with Apple trees.
  168. >Eventually, the barn on the distance comes to reach as you come upon the Apple family property.
  169. >Casing the joint, you hear some commotion from the barn.
  170. >You make your way towards the barn, hoping the crunch of rocks and dirt will signal your arrival.
  171. >”Hello?”
  172. >”Justa second!”
  173. >An unmistakable southern twang. Seems Applejack was up and at 'em as you thought, not that she's known for wasting daylight.
  174. >She eventually emerges.
  175. >What can I- Oh. Well Howdy, Anon! What Brings you round these parts?”
  176. “Hey AJ. Wondering if I could help myself to some scrap wood. Got any you wouldn't mind lending me?”
  177. >”Well shucks, Sugarcube. Help yourself. We keep it over here.”
  178. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
  179. >She leads you into the barn and into a lone corner where bits of wood and supplies were apperently kept from past renovations.
  180. >”Feel free to take what ya need. Twi got you working on the library or something?”
  181. “Nah. Nothing like that. I'm gonna make something for Spike. He's getting to be about that age. Time he learned a mans game. Know what I mean?”
  182. >Applejack smirks a little, lifting the brim of her hat a little with her hoof.
  183. >”So ya'll are havin' a man thing? Well that's mighty kind of you. Spike seems ta like you plenty since you and Twi started datinn.”
  184. >You pick out a couple pieces that could work, putting spare wire and nails in a separate pile.
  185. “Yeah. About that...”
  186. >She takes a step ack, aparently taking the comment the wrong way.
  187. >”Everything alright, Anon? Y'all aint fightin', are ya?
  188. “No, nothing like that. Everything is fine.”
  189. >”Well that's good.”
  190. >She relaxes again.
  191. >”So what's on yer mind?
  192. >You pause from the pile.
  193. “Well. She's been working a lot of assignments for the princess lately. Hasn't left us much time for the intimate stuff, know what I mean?”
  194. >Applejack takes a look of surprise.
  195. >”Ohh. I see where you're going.”
  196. “She's going to Zecora's for a couple days. So I thought I'd do something special for her when she gets back. Any ideas?”
  197. >She pasues for a second as a wide grin comes across her face.
  198. >”Maybe a nice dinner er somethin'?”
  199. “I was thinking something a little bigger.”
  200. >The grin intensifies.
  201. “You alright, AJ?”
  202. >”I'm fine, Anon. Hey! What about that thing you told me about at the tavern a little while ago?”
  203. >You pause for a second, trying to recall what it is she is talking about.
  204. >If it happened at the tavern, it wont be an easy task to remember.
  205. “What do you mean?”
  206. >”You know. That thing with the costumes.”
  207. >Jesus...
  208. “Roleplaying?”
  209. >”Yeah! That's it!”
  210. >You do your best not to smack your forehead at the suggestion.
  211. “AJ... This is Twilight we're talking about.”
  212. >She looks at you with a puzzled expression.
  213. >”What's the problem?”
  214. “Applejack. Twilight has a manual for the proper way to fold laundry. Do you honestly believe this girl has any ability to ad lib?”
  215. >She looks to the ground, still sporting that fucking grin, digging at the floor of barn with a hoof.
  216. >”Ah guess not...”
  217. >The fuck is her deal today?
  218. >You shrug it off, stacking what you could find useful from the pile.
  219. >”Ahh. You shouldn't stress about it so much, Anon. Just take yer time. I'm sure you'll think of somethin'.”
  220. >You let out a sigh as you pick the material up.
  221. “Yeah... You're right. I'll figure something out. I just want to make it special, you know.”
  222. >Applejackplaces a hoof into your side for reassurance.
  223. >”Don't fret, Anon. Whatever it is y'all decide, I'm sure it'll be fine.”
  224. “... Thanks AJ. And thanks for the wood and stuff.”
  225. >”Anytime, Sugarcube.”
  226. >You exit the barn, a little bummed that you couldn't get something to work on.
  227. >And what was with that fucking grin?
  228. >Fuck it. Maybe Rarity will have an idea.
  229. >You make a point to pay her a visit at the boutique later today. But for now, you decide to make your way back to the library to drop the materials off.
  230. >Also, you wanted to make sure you were there to see Twilight off.
  232. >After making the trek, you find yourself back at the library. The town itself seems to be a lot livelier than you left it as well.
  233. >You shuffle the wood and scraps to one arm, working the handle of the door.
  234. >As the door slides open, you are caught off guard at what you see. The materials fall to the floor with heavy thunks.
  235. >The library looks like the Normandy invasions.
  236. >Books are strewn all over the place.
  237. “What the fuck?...”
  238. >The situation causes you to lapse mentally as you stand there lifeless.
  239. >Reality comes rushing back, though, as you hurry into the library.
  240. ”Twilight?! Spike!?”
  241. >Nothing. The Library is dead silent. Except for some shuffling coming from one of the closets.
  242. >You bound to the door and fling it open, revealing Spike. He's been bound and gagged...
  243. “Motherfucker... Twilight!!”
  244. >You begin to tear through the library, trying to find any sign of her.
  245. >As you continue the search, with only the sound of Spike's muffled struggle coming from the main room.
  246. “You have fire breathe retard! Burn the gag and ropes!”
  247. >Back to searching.
  248. >Bedroom. Nothing. Kitchen. Nothing. Study. Nothing.
  249. >Windows are all intact. The front door wasn't broken. Who the fuck did this? And where the fuck was Twilight?
  250. >At this point, you're standing in the main room of the library, heart beating like a jackhammer.
  251. >Spike finally manages to free himself.
  252. >”Anon! They took Twilight!”
  253. “NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!” Who!?!”
  254. >”I- I don't know!” It happened so fast!”
  255. >This and two legged chairs will not fucking stand.
  256. >You pause for a second. Now isn't the time to panic.
  257. “Spike. Are you alright?”
  258. >”Yeah... I'm fine.”
  259. “Good. I need you to help me find Twilight. First things first. Send a letter to the princess. Let her know what happened to the best of your knowledge, alright?”
  260. >”Yeah... Sure.”
  261. >Okay. Now they must have left some sort of clue, whoever did this.
  262. >You case the library one more time, free of the panic from before.
  263. >The bedroom didn't have anything. The sheets were all over the place, but nothing.
  264. >The kitchen turned up didly as well. It looks like they didn't even go in.
  265. >The library was a wreck, but nothing was broken. Just books everywhere.
  266. >The study was in a similar situation. Books everywhere.
  267. >Something catches your eye though. None of the papers from the night before were on the desk.
  268. >The only thing left was a note, held in place by a white cube. A paperweight?
  269. >You pick it up off the corner of the desk.
  270. >It reads “Twilight is safe, but for how long?”
  271. >You are not a happy camper right now.
  272. >Still. It will do no good to go overboard, yet.
  273. >You pick up the paperweight. Something is off, though. It's too light... and grainy?
  274. >You apply some pressure to the cube, as it breaks apart fairly easily.
  275. >It close, you taste a small bit of it.
  276. >Sweet... Sugar.
  277. >A note with a sugarcube left on the corner of the...
  278. >Son of a bitch.
  279. >Spike bursts into the study.
  280. >”I sent the letter. What now?”
  281. ”We're gonna find Twilight. You're coming with me.”
  282. >”Wh- where are we going?”
  283. “To talk to Pinkie Pie.”
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